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As Above So Below - Religion - Nairaland

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As Above So Below by Billy0naire(m): 5:59pm On May 30, 2019
As above, So Below -Mystical Quote.

The Prophecy

What is it really a prophecy?

Or, Was it a Smart way of dropping hints on the Timelines and Checklists of Events that MUST and WILL occur leading down the New World while Phasing out the old?

That was smart of us. And we must begin to 'believe' that these are just Predictions but not Prophecies. So what has this got to do with 'As Above, So Below'?

I do not know how many of you have been following up with the latest technologies to date. We thought the Future we hoped for was in the future, but it is already here and we are living in it, except those who are pre-occupied with consumerisms, who have not yet realized that Food is Fuel, a fuel to power the Walking, Talking Robotic Bionic Drones in humanoid shape powered by Automated AI overlay and locked on a Specific Frequency Band of the Universe within 3rd Dimension Physics. So there is no excuse for one to say he is too hungry and remain ignorant and you can't say your religions ban you from following the latest trends in molecular biology, projects on Genomics, Epigenetics, Cloning, and Life Code.

What we call Life, is a dimensional experience in an immersive hologram, it is real. We as humanity have become that, which we once worshipped, the Elohim also known Annunakis, the Plaedians, etc potentially, potentially because I reserve the right to be conservative with the facts. How does this have anything to do with 'As Above, So Below?'

My latest research on BioTechnology - Genomics, Epigenetics, Genetics Engineering has answered the Questions that Worshippers and all religous people have been searching for, yet it raises another question to the religious people, yet proof that I was always right all along.

We have succeed in printing Genes, Self-replicated molecular organisms, we have been able to clone and not only that, we have perfected gene editing via CRISPER CAS9, so we can treat all diseases, and not only that, we have achieved Immortality. As of today, I am glad that we have achieved these things. We can make organs like hands grow back. Our legs can grow back following the Genetic blueprint. I now have a new mission, to buy these machines. We can design babies, design animals and as soon as we perfect the neural lace, we will transfer consciousness to our clones or to different looking avatars. The most amazing of all is that the new bodies can live longer, which means you can design the digestive system to survive on the specific nutrient menu.

As above, in the far distant pass;

But we must be careful, because we can not predict, what these New Humans that we are designing will turn out to be, so for that reason, we must limit the vision of our Avatars to a specific band of frequency, which means they can not see us, also lets ensure that they do not see us, so they can not attack us. Let us design an Educational Habitat for them for their Experience, in their own world, though we can see them, they can not see us, and they can stay a bit far from our living space.

We must also limit the sequences of DNA that must be activated, so they can be controlled, because if you activate all DNA strands, they will be like us, cos more DNA activated means they will see beyond the dedicated spectrum of light assigned to them. Also means less brain power, and easy to manipulate.

We will design Religions and Dogma, Traditions and etc, to enable them stay engaged, let's keep them busy, so they do not have time for research.

That is what happened in the Distant Past. Humans are Designed Bionic Humanoid Robotic Drone, designed and groomed by other Humanoid Entities (Let us make man in our own image'. US and OUR means the designers of humans were many, so it was a team of Micro Biologists, Epigenetics, Astronauts, Horticultures etc who mastered Biotechnology and needed a place to create our specie and test-run. And it worked.

Now, the Gods you worship are really Humans like us, an older version of us. Now the religeons are decoy programs, with garnishing of truth here and there. The Age of Information avails us the opportunity to get these Gnosis, entire downloads of information.

None of my Postulates have been wrong, so I know I want you all to do your researches, because this is where the money is. Now we know the Areas that will be HOT in the next few years to invest into. The build up your families, design templates for your blood line, clean up your imprint and delete DNA to a more resistant Genome and have your stem cells near you to growing your body parts and organs and prepare for immortality, cos I know it will be foolish to say there are no immortal humans on Earth now and they will live young as long as they want. With all the technologies available, I believe silent billionaires are already on it.

Congrats, Humans of Earth. You have now become that, which you worshipped. No doubts, the Bible wrote; 'Ye Are Gods', and Children of the The Most High God, but where is the Most High God, cos obviosuly, we were designed by thousands of Humanoid Gods. 'Let US make Man in OUR image. Your creators were advanced Human Specie, an older version of us. And at Singularity, we will integrate Robotics, AI, Deep Mind, Epigenetics, Genomics, Simulated Computer Games Avatars to Robotic new Humans and assign them their frequency, so they dont see us but we see them, just like the robots of today, but at Singaularity will gain sentience. We have come along way, we have played God.

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Re: As Above So Below by Nobody: 8:53pm On May 30, 2019
Welcome back from sabbatical leave
Re: As Above So Below by budaatum: 10:09pm On May 30, 2019
One day, a university graduate of Philosophy asked what he knew about [url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niccol%C3%B2_Machiavelli?wprov=sfla1]Machiavelli[/url] responded, "Tupac Shakur na di beast!"

And for that reason, and because the title of a [url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/As_Above%2C_So_Below_%28film%29?wprov=sfla1]movie[/url] tops Google rankings,

“As above; so below. As within; so without. As with the universe; so with the soul.” Hermes Trismegistus

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Re: As Above So Below by Qpetz: 11:47pm On May 30, 2019
I admonish Humanity to stop this Machine madness, lest History repeats itself. cry cry

Well it's a choice. Enjoy your Freewill. smiley
Re: As Above So Below by Nobody: 7:23am On May 31, 2019
I admonish Humanity to stop this Machine madness, lest History repeats itself. cry cry

Well it's a choice. Enjoy your Freewill. smiley
What do you mean by "this Machine madness"?
Re: As Above So Below by Nobody: 7:28am On May 31, 2019

“As above; so below. As within; so without. As with the universe; so with the soul.” Hermes Trismegistus
There is discussion as to what Hermes really said. Indeed the sentence is mostly rendered as quoted above " as above so below" or what is above is similar to what is below.

STILL, just like in the case of 666, the first translation which is not always the best, takes the upperhand and is seen as THE ONLY translation. Some indeed argue that a more correct translation should be:

What is above comes from what is below.

And that my friend opens a new world of possibilities.

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Re: As Above So Below by Nobody: 7:34am On May 31, 2019

There is discussion as to what Hermes really said. Indeed the sentence is mostly rendered as quoted above " as above so below" or what is above is similar to what is below.

STILL, just like in the case of 666, the first translation which is not always the best, takes the upperhand and is seen as THE ONLY translation. Some indeed argue that a more correct translation should be:

What is above comes from what is below.

And that my friend opens a new world of possibilities.
How does this make sense, please?
Re: As Above So Below by OpenYourEyes1: 8:06am On May 31, 2019
Earth resources is finite. Resources for creating these beautiful technologies will one day be exhausted.

The Universe won't last forever. It is not our home

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Re: As Above So Below by Nobody: 9:14am On May 31, 2019

How does this make sense, please?
As above so below is a static description of the planes of existence. It tells you that the Astral and the material planes for instance or the man and the woman have a mirror image. This does not mean that they are similar as people wrongly assume, but rather that they are identical opposite, just like your image in a mirror is your complete opposite.

This description although very effective creates a problem. It is static. How do you change your world? With this saying you can only describe it.

The second translation goes beyond that and tells you how to foster a desired change in your reality.

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Re: As Above So Below by Nobody: 9:16am On May 31, 2019
Earth resources is finite. Resources for creating these beautiful technologies will one day be exhausted.

The Universe won't last forever. It is not our home
Resources are actually infinite. It is our abilities to tap into them that is limited as we are blinded by greed and ego.

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Re: As Above So Below by OpenYourEyes1: 6:54am On Jun 01, 2019

Resources are actually infinite. It is our abilities to tap into them that is limited as we are blinded by greed and ego.

"Resources are actually infinite"

Is that what they teach in Nigerian schools my friend? smiley
Re: As Above So Below by Nobody: 8:50am On Jun 01, 2019

"Resources are actually infinite"

Is that what they teach in Nigerian schools my friend? smiley
Who told you I'm nigerian? undecided

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Re: As Above So Below by Nobody: 8:51am On Jun 01, 2019

"Resources are actually infinite"

Is that what they teach in Nigerian schools my friend? smiley
Nigerian schools with their outdated teaching curricula and methods.

Say something else.
Re: As Above So Below by Shepherd00: 1:49pm On Jun 01, 2019
As above, So Below -Mystical Quote.

The Prophecy

What is it really a prophecy?

Or, Was it a Smart way of dropping hints on the Timelines and Checklists of Events that MUST and WILL occur leading down the New World while Phasing out the old?

That was smart of us. And we must begin to 'believe' that these are just Predictions but not Prophecies. So what has this got to do with 'As Above, So Below'?

I do not know how many of you have been following up with the latest technologies to date. We thought the Future we hoped for was in the future, but it is already here and we are living in it, except those who are pre-occupied with consumerisms, who have not yet realized that Food is Fuel, a fuel to power the Walking, Talking Robotic Bionic Drones in humanoid shape powered by Automated AI overlay and locked on a Specific Frequency Band of the Universe within 3rd Dimension Physics. So there is no excuse for one to say he is too hungry and remain ignorant and you can't say your religions ban you from following the latest trends in molecular biology, projects on Genomics, Epigenetics, Cloning, and Life Code.

What we call Life, is a dimensional experience in an immersive hologram, it is real. We as humanity have become that, which we once worshipped, the Elohim also known Annunakis, the Plaedians, etc potentially, potentially because I reserve the right to be conservative with the facts. How does this have anything to do with 'As Above, So Below?'

My latest research on BioTechnology - Genomics, Epigenetics, Genetics Engineering has answered the Questions that Worshippers and all religous people have been searching for, yet it raises another question to the religious people, yet proof that I was always right all along.

We have succeed in printing Genes, Self-replicated molecular organisms, we have been able to clone and not only that, we have perfected gene editing via CRISPER CAS9, so we can treat all diseases, and not only that, we have achieved Immortality. As of today, I am glad that we have achieved these things. We can make organs like hands grow back. Our legs can grow back following the Genetic blueprint. I now have a new mission, to buy these machines. We can design babies, design animals and as soon as we perfect the neural lace, we will transfer consciousness to our clones or to different looking avatars. The most amazing of all is that the new bodies can live longer, which means you can design the digestive system to survive on the specific nutrient menu.

As above, in the far distant pass;

But we must be careful, because we can not predict, what these New Humans that we are designing will turn out to be, so for that reason, we must limit the vision of our Avatars to a specific band of frequency, which means they can not see us, also lets ensure that they do not see us, so they can not attack us. Let us design an Educational Habitat for them for their Experience, in their own world, though we can see them, they can not see us, and they can stay a bit far from our living space.

We must also limit the sequences of DNA that must be activated, so they can be controlled, because if you activate all DNA strands, they will be like us, cos more DNA activated means they will see beyond the dedicated spectrum of light assigned to them. Also means less brain power, and easy to manipulate.

We will design Religions and Dogma, Traditions and etc, to enable them stay engaged, let's keep them busy, so they do not have time for research.

That is what happened in the Distant Past. Humans are Designed Bionic Humanoid Robotic Drone, designed and groomed by other Humanoid Entities (Let us make man in our own image'. US and OUR means the designers of humans were many, so it was a team of Micro Biologists, Epigenetics, Astronauts, Horticultures etc who mastered Biotechnology and needed a place to create our specie and test-run. And it worked.

Now, the Gods you worship are really Humans like us, an older version of us. Now the religeons are decoy programs, with garnishing of truth here and there. The Age of Information avails us the opportunity to get these Gnosis, entire downloads of information.

None of my Postulates have been wrong, so I know I want you all to do your researches, because this is where the money is. Now we know the Areas that will be HOT in the next few years to invest into. The build up your families, design templates for your blood line, clean up your imprint and delete DNA to a more resistant Genome and have your stem cells near you to growing your body parts and organs and prepare for immortality, cos I know it will be foolish to say there are no immortal humans on Earth now and they will live young as long as they want. With all the technologies available, I believe silent billionaires are already on it.

Congrats, Humans of Earth. You have now become that, which you worshipped. No doubts, the Bible wrote; 'Ye Are Gods', and Children of the The Most High God, but where is the Most High God, cos obviosuly, we were designed by thousands of Humanoid Gods. 'Let US make Man in OUR image. Your creators were advanced Human Specie, an older version of us. And at Singularity, we will integrate Robotics, AI, Deep Mind, Epigenetics, Genomics, Simulated Computer Games Avatars to Robotic new Humans and assign them their frequency, so they dont see us but we see them, just like the robots of today, but at Singaularity will gain sentience. We have come along way, we have played God.

How does this person live with himself? Billy, when you are all alone with your thoughts, how do you manage?

You talk a lot of trash.
Re: As Above So Below by Nobody: 4:35pm On Jun 01, 2019

Nigerian schools with their outdated teaching curricula and methods.

Say something else.
I actually get his point, but he fail(ed) to get mine. He is talking from the economic perspective of scarcity. In economic terms, scarcity describe the fact that all (economic) resources (Human, natural or capital) are limited and therefore societies have to make choices as pertain to their allocation. The said allocation of resources in sometimes pictured with a curve we call the Product possibility curve, whose frontiers describe those limits.

This is likely what he was trying to hint at. What he failed to understand is that, i was referring to the mother of all resources, sometimes called aether, and which is unlimited.

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Re: As Above So Below by Nobody: 4:50pm On Jun 01, 2019

I actually get his point, but he fail(ed) to get mine. He is talking from the economic perspective of scarcity. In economic terms, scarcity describe the fact that all (economic) resources (Human, natural or capital) are limited and therefore societies have to make choice in their allocation, which describe a curve we call the Product possibility curve, whose frontiers describe those limits.

This is likely what he was trying to hint at. What he failed to understand is that, i was referring to the mother of all resources, sometimes called aether, and which is unlimited.
Re: As Above So Below by Billy0naire(m): 8:18pm On Jun 01, 2019

How does this person live with himself? Billy, when you are all alone with your thoughts, how do you manage?

You talk a lot of trash.

A whole lot of trash, you are right. That is why no one offline knows this aspect of me. How is the new baby doll your mother bought for you to play with in school?

Take care of it, you hear grin

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Re: As Above So Below by ThothHermes: 12:02pm On Jun 09, 2019

I actually get his point, but he fail(ed) to get mine. He is talking from the economic perspective of scarcity. In economic terms, scarcity describe the fact that all (economic) resources (Human, natural or capital) are limited and therefore societies have to make choices as pertain to their allocation. The said allocation of resources in sometimes pictured with a curve we call the Product possibility curve, whose frontiers describe those limits.

This is likely what he was trying to hint at. What he failed to understand is that, i was referring to the mother of all resources, sometimes called aether, and which is unlimited.
What is the aether? Is it space? What in your opinion is the easiest way to access it?
Re: As Above So Below by Nobody: 5:11pm On Jun 09, 2019
What is the aether? Is it space? What in your opinion is the easiest way to access it?
Aether is sometimes described as empty space, something close to what astro physicians call dark matter.

I personally do not agree. I believe aether surrounds empty space without being the space indeed.

Aether in my perspective is a continuous flow of pure energy from the original singularity to the vast cosmos. In a way very similar to the continous flow of light and heat from the sun to the whole solar system which makes life possible, or the continuous flow of blood /air in the human body via the blood / breathing circuits. As above so below, as within so without.

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Re: As Above So Below by budaatum: 7:56pm On Jun 09, 2019

Aether is sometimes described as empty space, something close to what astro physicians call dark matter.

I personally do not agree. I believe aether surrounds empty space without being the space indeed.

Aether in my perspective is a continuous flow of pure energy from the original singularity to the vast cosmos. In a way very similar to the continous flow of light and heat from the sun to the whole solar system which makes life possible, or the continuous flow of blood /air in the human body via the blood / breathing circuits. As above so below, as within so without.

I found the following to do with space while researching for this thread.

Here's something about Ancient Isis, Osiris, and Horus.

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Re: As Above So Below by budaatum: 2:46pm On Jun 12, 2019
The Principle of Correspondence

"As above, so below; as below, so above."
The Kybalion

This Principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life. The old Hermetic axiom ran in these words: "As above, so below; as below, so above." And the grasping of this Principle gives one the means of solving many a dark paradox, and hidden secret of Nature. There are planes beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them we are able to understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us. This Principle is of universal application and manifestation, on the various planes of the material, mental, and spiritual universe—it is an Universal Law. The ancient Hermetists considered this Principle as one of the most important mental instruments by which man was able to pry aside the obstacles which hid from view the Unknown. Its use even tore aside the Veil of Isis to the extent that a glimpse of the face of the goddess might be caught. Just as a knowledge of the Principles of Geometry enables man to measure distant suns and their movements, while seated in his observatory, so a knowledge of the Principle of Correspondence enables Man to reason intelligently from the Known to the Unknown. Studying the monad, he understands the archangel.
Re: As Above So Below by kkins25(m): 10:59pm On Jun 12, 2019

Aether is sometimes described as empty space, something close to what astro physicians call dark matter.

I personally do not agree. I believe aether surrounds empty space without being the space indeed.

Aether in my perspective is a continuous flow of pure energy from the original singularity to the vast cosmos. In a way very similar to the continous flow of light and heat from the sun to the whole solar system which makes life possible, or the continuous flow of blood /air in the human body via the blood / breathing circuits. As above so below, as within so without.
are you saying aether is "something" in space? For all I know space is "nothing".
Re: As Above So Below by Billy0naire(m): 4:15pm On Jun 13, 2019
are you saying aether is "something" in space? For all I know space is "nothing".

Ether, Plasma, Sound current, etc is the fluid dynamics that connects all as a whole. What is called space is not vacuum, there is no vacuum, it is a field of different energy forms, ether, plasma, sound current, portals and etc etc. This is a sentient simulated reality which means everything is sentient. So 'space' is sentient energy field literally.

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Re: As Above So Below by Billy0naire(m): 4:25pm On Jun 13, 2019
The Principle of Correspondence

"As above, so below; as below, so above."
The Kybalion

This Principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life. The old Hermetic axiom ran in these words: "As above, so below; as below, so above." And the grasping of this Principle gives one the means of solving many a dark paradox, and hidden secret of Nature. There are planes beyond our knowing, but when we apply the Principle of Correspondence to them we are able to understand much that would otherwise be unknowable to us. This Principle is of universal application and manifestation, on the various planes of the material, mental, and spiritual universe—it is an Universal Law. The ancient Hermetists considered this Principle as one of the most important mental instruments by which man was able to pry aside the obstacles which hid from view the Unknown. Its use even tore aside the Veil of Isis to the extent that a glimpse of the face of the goddess might be caught. Just as a knowledge of the Principles of Geometry enables man to measure distant suns and their movements, while seated in his observatory, so a knowledge of the Principle of Correspondence enables Man to reason intelligently from the Known to the Unknown. Studying the monad, he understands the archangel.

I love the fables that our early ones utilized to explain the phenomena they could not really have words for, but today we have gone beyond these and Science of Consciousness has actually explained our experiences of the nature of our reality.

This world is a hosted reality and we are consciousness participating in an inversive interactive reality that we are co-creating at this level. There are other simulations and we have inbuilt capabilities to move into other simulations and realities. This is not the only world that we can access, and we do not have to wait for death to experience other simulations.

Quantum Physics and Consciousness Technologies are now offering us tools to access these other worlds while we hybernate the physical vehicle and project our consciousness as individuated units of consciousness into the larger Consciousness systems.

Please I advise you guys to really study more and have a wholesome life because there are more simulations and we are bringing some of those technologies there to to this very reality. We are not really our physical meat, the physical body is part of this simulation and we can drop it and take up another form that we can use to access the other realities. That body is our real core nature.

Most importantly, your present body is not your real body. This simulation is hosted in a more Real World, and our real self, the Higher Self or the Player is the Real us holding the console and directing this physical body.

I have had a peak of my Real Self, and he is fuccking more handsome that the me, the Avatar physically typing this to you.

This life is just like a Game board. This is the Ultimate Truth.

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Re: As Above So Below by Femiwilli: 4:28pm On Jun 13, 2019
Re: As Above So Below by Billy0naire(m): 9:08pm On Jun 13, 2019

Devil didnt destroy with world with flood. Devil didnt kill the first sons of Israelite, didnt command the mass murder of the philistines and gentiles.

Devil is not the one who threatens to burn everyone in hell for eternity for breaking silly irresponsible commandments.

So, I think the conspiracy against the Devil is only true because 'believers' are zombies who do not think.

I know you are not timid, you are only pretending to be one.

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Re: As Above So Below by elated177: 10:59pm On Jun 13, 2019

Devil didnt destroy with world with flood. Devil didnt kill the first sons of Israelite, didnt command the mass murder of the philistines and gentiles.

Devil is not the one who threatens to burn everyone in hell for eternity for breaking silly irresponsible commandments.

So, I think the conspiracy against the Devil is only true because 'believers' are zombies who do not think.

I know you are not timid, you are only pretending to be one.

I guess you are referring to YHVH Almighty, the Creator of the ends of the earth.

Yeah! He is a consuming fire. He is a jealous Elohim. He punishes the children for the sins of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate him, but shows love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. If you love him, he will love you. If you hate and despise him, he will repay you to your face.

What silly and irresponsible commandments would that be?

Satan, the devil, is deceitful and his footprint and signature abound in the things you are expounding on this thread. To the kingdom of wickedness, it does not matter what he sells, so long as it steers people away from following and believing in their Creator.

Medley of real science and science fiction with Satanic undertone.

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Re: As Above So Below by elated177: 11:20pm On Jun 13, 2019
As above, So Below -Mystical Quote.

The Prophecy

What is it really a prophecy?

Or, Was it a Smart way of dropping hints on the Timelines and Checklists of Events that MUST and WILL occur leading down the New World while Phasing out the old?

That was smart of us. And we must begin to 'believe' that these are just Predictions but not Prophecies. So what has this got to do with 'As Above, So Below'?

I do not know how many of you have been following up with the latest technologies to date. We thought the Future we hoped for was in the future, but it is already here and we are living in it, except those who are pre-occupied with consumerisms, who have not yet realized that Food is Fuel, a fuel to power the Walking, Talking Robotic Bionic Drones in humanoid shape powered by Automated AI overlay and locked on a Specific Frequency Band of the Universe within 3rd Dimension Physics. So there is no excuse for one to say he is too hungry and remain ignorant and you can't say your religions ban you from following the latest trends in molecular biology, projects on Genomics, Epigenetics, Cloning, and Life Code.

What we call Life, is a dimensional experience in an immersive hologram, it is real. We as humanity have become that, which we once worshipped, the Elohim also known Annunakis, the Plaedians, etc potentially, potentially because I reserve the right to be conservative with the facts. How does this have anything to do with 'As Above, So Below?'

My latest research on BioTechnology - Genomics, Epigenetics, Genetics Engineering has answered the Questions that Worshippers and all religous people have been searching for, yet it raises another question to the religious people, yet proof that I was always right all along.

We have succeed in printing Genes, Self-replicated molecular organisms, we have been able to clone and not only that, we have perfected gene editing via CRISPER CAS9, so we can treat all diseases, and not only that, we have achieved Immortality. As of today, I am glad that we have achieved these things. We can make organs like hands grow back. Our legs can grow back following the Genetic blueprint. I now have a new mission, to buy these machines. We can design babies, design animals and as soon as we perfect the neural lace, we will transfer consciousness to our clones or to different looking avatars. The most amazing of all is that the new bodies can live longer, which means you can design the digestive system to survive on the specific nutrient menu.

As above, in the far distant pass;

But we must be careful, because we can not predict, what these New Humans that we are designing will turn out to be, so for that reason, we must limit the vision of our Avatars to a specific band of frequency, which means they can not see us, also lets ensure that they do not see us, so they can not attack us. Let us design an Educational Habitat for them for their Experience, in their own world, though we can see them, they can not see us, and they can stay a bit far from our living space.

We must also limit the sequences of DNA that must be activated, so they can be controlled, because if you activate all DNA strands, they will be like us, cos more DNA activated means they will see beyond the dedicated spectrum of light assigned to them. Also means less brain power, and easy to manipulate.

We will design Religions and Dogma, Traditions and etc, to enable them stay engaged, let's keep them busy, so they do not have time for research.

That is what happened in the Distant Past. Humans are Designed Bionic Humanoid Robotic Drone, designed and groomed by other Humanoid Entities (Let us make man in our own image'. US and OUR means the designers of humans were many, so it was a team of Micro Biologists, Epigenetics, Astronauts, Horticultures etc who mastered Biotechnology and needed a place to create our specie and test-run. And it worked.

Now, the Gods you worship are really Humans like us, an older version of us. Now the religeons are decoy programs, with garnishing of truth here and there. The Age of Information avails us the opportunity to get these Gnosis, entire downloads of information.

None of my Postulates have been wrong, so I know I want you all to do your researches, because this is where the money is. Now we know the Areas that will be HOT in the next few years to invest into. The build up your families, design templates for your blood line, clean up your imprint and delete DNA to a more resistant Genome and have your stem cells near you to growing your body parts and organs and prepare for immortality, cos I know it will be foolish to say there are no immortal humans on Earth now and they will live young as long as they want. With all the technologies available, I believe silent billionaires are already on it.

Congrats, Humans of Earth. You have now become that, which you worshipped. No doubts, the Bible wrote; 'Ye Are Gods', and Children of the The Most High God, but where is the Most High God, cos obviosuly, we were designed by thousands of Humanoid Gods. 'Let US make Man in OUR image. Your creators were advanced Human Specie, an older version of us. And at Singularity, we will integrate Robotics, AI, Deep Mind, Epigenetics, Genomics, Simulated Computer Games Avatars to Robotic new Humans and assign them their frequency, so they dont see us but we see them, just like the robots of today, but at Singaularity will gain sentience. We have come along way, we have played God.

Man is intelligent and can achieve a lot of great things - within the limit the Creator has placed him, because he cannot go beyond it - if he puts his mind to fruitful use.

What is fertilization? The life of the flesh is in the blood? How long do you, billyonaire, think you will survive without even a drop of blood in your body?

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Re: As Above So Below by kkins25(m): 11:46pm On Jun 13, 2019

How does this person live with himself? Billy, when you are all alone with your thoughts, how do you manage?

You talk a lot of trash.
Says someone who believes the light of the solar System's sun comes from the chest of God...
Re: As Above So Below by kkins25(m): 11:50pm On Jun 13, 2019

Man is intelligent and can achieve a lot of great things - within the limit the Creator has placed him, because he cannot go beyond it - if he puts his mind to fruitful use.

What is fertilization? The life of the flesh is in the blood? How long do you, billyonaire, think you will survive without even a drop of blood in your body?
Please enlighten me more about this 'life of the flesh is in the blood.'
The question you should also ask yourself is WHAT CREATOR?
The mind is limitless in its capabilities my friend. Do know that achievements of mankind were all birthed from the womb of the mind. In other words, achievements of mankind will know no boundaries.


Re: As Above So Below by Billy0naire(m): 11:56pm On Jun 13, 2019

Man is intelligent and can achieve a lot of great things - within the limit the Creator has placed him, because he cannot go beyond it - if he puts his mind to fruitful use.

What is fertilization? The life of the flesh is in the blood? How long do you, billyonaire, think you will survive without even a drop of blood in your body?

Man is the creator in disguise. Tuned down to a mere spirit in a lump of meat ignorant of what he is. So there is no limit to what man can achieve.

Invariable man does not live in the body, but is piloted outside of the reality he calls life.
Re: As Above So Below by kkins25(m): 12:09am On Jun 14, 2019
Earth resources is finite. Resources for creating these beautiful technologies will one day be exhausted.

The Universe won't last forever. It is not our home
Yes, absolutely right. But it depends on what resources you speak of.. Water supply can not run dry. Unless it leaks into space(which is unlikely) or gets pulled away by some other planet(which is also unlikely). From an economic stand point, oh freaking yes. Resources are very much limited.
However this limitation arises due to our inability to make use of, earness, or manipulate the ultimate source of these resources. Afterall the energy that existed before the universe expanded into itself is still the same amount of energy available today.
What's energy got to do with resources you might ask. The food you eat is energy, every industrial activity of mankind simply involves transforming one form, shape, structure, composition of this energy into another. All that is, is all there ever will be. If humanity can bridge the gap between biotic and abiotic forms of energy, then consciousness would have achieved the greatest feat I. E. AN AWAKENED GOD.

I don't understand what you mean by "it's not our home"

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