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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed (38606 Views)
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How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by information1: 7:05pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
What is Depression? In my definition, it refers to the state of your feelings to things, the way you think and how you reacted to the situation around you. Although Its something you can treat yourself. What Causes Depression; there series of things that can leads to being depressed, Depression causes feelings of sadness and a loss of interest in something you once enjoyed. Top 7 Causes of Depression 1. Drugs 2. Stressful Life Events 3. Death or a loss Of loved ones 4. Genetics 5. Serious illnesses 6. Other personal problems 7. Lack of Mush Sex According to report; On Depression in Nigeria Nigeria is by far Africa’s most depressed country already, with 7 million people diagnosed with the condition, according to WHO. … The National Depression Report, conducted by Joy, Inc., surveyed people about their feelings of happiness and Depression across Nigeria’s 36 states. What To Do When Depressed? (READ) On almost every social media heart breaks I thought this was due to lack of financial stability, but then I saw a lecturer following the route, it dawn on me that it was never about money. Depression is a, and it has a lot to do with every area of our life…starting from the everyday decisions we make, the attitude of people around us, how often we hear the word NO, and much more. But for whatever reason, suicide should never be an option! Killing yourself means you’re a failure, a coward, an ingrate, a careless, a thoughtless, visionless, purposeless, and a very selfish person! There is always a wide range of alternatives, options, and solutions to your depression rather than killing yourself. If you think you’re poor, you’re not the poorest; if you think you’re rich, you’re not the richest; if you think you’re pretty, you’re not the most beautiful; if you feel you have problems, you will sober when you hear the problem of others. Whatever situation you are in life, there are always millions of people behind you! The fact that you don’t know or see others with the same problem doesn’t mean you’re the only one in the world who have such issues. If you ever thought of suicide, you’ve only decided to transfer your problems or depression to others; you didn’t solve the problem! 1. What about the people who are supposed to look up to you? 2. What happens to the people you suppose to help succeed in life? 3. How about the people you’re supposed to be there for? 4. What happens to all of these people when you’re dead? Before you think about suicide once again, bear it in mind that you’re only creating additional problems with the one on the ground. Be a survivor, look for solutions, seek alternatives, change location, talk to people, and stop isolating yourself! There is a gazillion of ways to solve a problem, why create more and suffer your family by committing suicide instead of solving the problem and proof to everyone you’re a winner and not a loser? You can’t win if you quit remembering? Victory is not for quitters! Wake up and bounce back! You can do it! You’re strong! You’re courageous! Don’t allow your memory to be erased and replaced with negative thoughts! There is a talent buried in you, dig it up, and show the world! We need you and your family needs you more! 16 Likes 4 Shares
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by TundeeednuT: 10:24pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Issa lie.. Anyone who's depressed has no cure expect money. 90 Likes 7 Shares
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by chibu4u2(m): 10:25pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Avoid isolation and try confiding or opening up to ur parents/loved ones. Shikina!! 45 Likes 1 Share
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Officialgarri: 10:25pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Issa big lie 2 Likes |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Built2last: 10:25pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Depression is a spirit that starts with talking to your head. Once you keep quiet, suicide is the last stage 33 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by AngelicBeing: 10:25pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
The current economic situation in Nigeria is one of the main causes of depression, millions of Nigerians have lost hope in the country due to insecurity, hunger, kidnapping, cultism, ritualism, robbery, senseless killings all over the country, unemployment, starvation etc a hungry man is an angry man, hunger > anger > frustrated > hopeless > thinking > suicidal thoughts > depression ![]() 94 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Kene1245(m): 10:26pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Beautiful writeup 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by blackjack21(m): 10:26pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Open what is mush sex? Maybe humanity need to change its general outlook on suicide. With all the uncertainty about death, It's a incredibly courageous thing to embark. The world is is giant ball of things that depressed (human excesses). Having people bombarding you about how depressed you're alone can cause you to be more depressed. Truth is humanity is lonely and depressed safe for the lots that invented stories to make themselves feel better. Once one is able to see through that delusions he's depressed and if he ends it he's a coward. 8 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by jesicajonna(m): 10:27pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
:Di totally object |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by handsomeyinka(m): 10:27pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Having a president like buhari is even a sign of depression to our economy. 64 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by bluefilm: 10:27pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
How come you didn't include sniper? Sniper solves all depression related illness once and for all. 4 Likes |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by themonk(m): 10:27pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Built2last:Stop saying trash. Depression is caused by lack or imbalance of certain neurotransmitters in the brain and can be treated or managed. 32 Likes |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by fakuta(f): 10:27pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Ok |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Nopanties: 10:27pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Wetin be Mush sex? 3 Likes |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Nobody: 10:29pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Sniper is the best way ![]() 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Pavore9: 10:29pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
TundeeednuT: Very wrong. Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade etc were people who were not struggling for the daily basics of life. 14 Likes |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by billionman: 10:29pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
I struggled to read the writeup. Please OP do well to edit and proofread your post before posting. Most Nigerians are depressed, even the rich. The good thing is that most of us adapt/readjust quickly to reality. Unfortunately, some find it difficult to adapt and opt for the easy way out. 8 Likes |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by chudez0147(m): 10:30pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Not that easy 2 Likes |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by 2blessed01(m): 10:30pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
With D Current Hardship In 9ja...Juice Drink Lyk SNIPPER Go Sure Pass! 1 Like |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by AntiWailer: 10:30pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Dnt get depressed. Don't think yourself into depression. Train your mind to see the bright side of things no matter how dark. Once u cross that stage, you will need mental evaluation and anti depressant drugs. 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Yuceeluv(f): 10:30pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Nigeria the most depressed country? Do you watch d news at all? All these countries at war nko? The ones homeless, hungry and helpless? 3 Likes |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by lonelydora: 10:31pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Any depressed person who wants to buy N500 sniper should first think of buying 2 bottles of cold beer and drink away their worries. 9 Likes |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by luminouz(m): 10:31pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Depression comes to everyone at some point in our lives. How u handle it determines how you will handle the next level that awaits you. Solutions: Watch comedy movies... Few people genuinely care about what you're passing through here,because they are going through shiit too.. Forget social media talk of giving help,most don't care. If you still have close family members,talk to them...if not,find a reason to stay alive,we all do. If you really can't find a reason not to kill yourself, do go ahead and die. Depression is a spirit that makes u forget ur successes to focus ONLY on ur failures. just remember one good thing that happened to you.if you can,life becomes liveable,not necessarily easier. 22 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Lexusgs430: 10:31pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Seek help........ |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Built2last: 10:31pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
themonk: Lol. Neurotransmitter indeed. What of NeuroTrash. Who named it Neurotransmitter? You read it in a book and chose to believe it right. But my view is trash. Believe whatever, that's the beauty of democracy 11 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by B1ak3: 10:31pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
TundeeednuT: I'm not sure I agree with you there because if that's true, then why do some rich people also commit suicide? Also, All I see in the picture you posted, are two stupid parents that are endangering the life of their child for no apparent reason. Which begs the question, how does it relate to the point you are trying to make? 14 Likes
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Michaelkings: 10:33pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
How I wish I died earlier this year,life is too boring,i wish I am dead 10 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by themonk(m): 10:33pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Built2last:Something that has been studied for many years and backed up with working evidence. Depressed people have been treated or managed without them visiting a church or knowing a pastor. 3 Likes |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by ichidodo: 10:35pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
You feel depressed? Take Anti-depressants. End of Discussion. |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Greenishland(f): 10:35pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Depression happens when you lack some B vitamins. � The good news is that it can be reversed and you become normal again when you take Vitamin B complex.⛑ Yes you heard me well. That tiny and cheap drug is the cure for depression but then, why are Doctors hiding it from us??�� Now that you know, just walk into any pharmacy and grab your own. �� Your life is too precious for suicide. You can be happy again.������ I have done my own part. Will you do your own part by forwarding this message?� *SayNoToSuicide*��� 2 Likes |
Re: How To Fight Depression In Nigeria: What To Do When Depressed by Truthsbitter: 10:37pm On Jun 22, 2019 |
Depression in Nigeria is caused by poverty . If not, at least like 99% is. 4 Likes |
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