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Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You - Romance - Nairaland

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Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Nobody: 3:22pm On Jun 26, 2019
Nigerian men are amongst the sexiest men in the world, wonderfully created by the Creator and blessed in all departments. The average Nigerian man is well built, chiselled body like that of Kratos, blessed with the biggest Phallus in the world and always ready to put in the work when called to the other room.

As you might have known by now, the population ratio of women to men in the world is higher hence the battle for women to secure a man to marry is an uphill task especially in the Nigerian economy that is not favourable. Even though many men are willing to marry, most do not have the financial capability to see through this monumental task. On the other hand, Nigerian men are randy and most prefer sleeping with so many women instead of settling down with one. As a woman or lady, what are the signs a Nigerian man wants to marry you? This is a tough question, to be honest, but there are always strong indications.

He Respects You: Respect is key. As a lady, if you are in a relationship with any guy and he doesn’t respect you, he can never marry you. If he doesn’t respect you, he has no regard for you and you are just like the average girl to him.

Love comes with respect, a man that truly loves you will respect you. This a big sign if any man is going to get married to you.

He is Concerned About Your Growth and Development: There are men that just want sex every time in a relationship, they never demand from you anything else, they don’t care about your goals or aspirations as long as you satisfy them in the other room, it’s hard to see this type of relationship heading anywhere except the man is just a low-life person.

One of the key signs a Nigerian man wants to marry is he getting worried about your growth and development.

Introduces You to His Family: There is a saying – Family is all. Family has gone beyond those that are birthed by the same bloodline, someone who has been there for you all your life is equally a family.
A man introducing you to his family means he likes so much and his probably thinking long term for the both of you. This doesn’t guarantee 100% certainty of getting married to him but it’s a very big sign.

He Plans His Life with You: This is a no brainer, if any guy is getting married to a lady, he will have to plan his life with the lady included in it. Talks like how his job affects both of you, if he moves apartment, he wants to travel, talk of moving elsewhere and many more sensitive plans are obvious signs a Nigerian man wants to marry you.

So, ladies, if your intending husband to be in your mind does not share his goals and plans with you, just know he is using you to pass away the time temporarily.

He Misses You and Is Concerned about Your Well Being: A marriage without love will eventually hit the rocks. If a man is truly in love with you as a lady, he will be willing to marry you. When he truly loves you, he misses you and is concerned about your wellbeing wherever you are.

My sister, if a Nigerian man is going to get married to you, you will know from this explanation.

He’s Always There for You: If anything happens to you, he is not himself. Whenever you need him, he makes the effort to be there and he at least follows up with you if he couldn’t be there.

One of the biggest signs a Nigerian man that wants to marry you is he putting you first and making sure you navigate problems together.

He Talks About Marriage-Related Issues: There are lots of players and time-wasting Nigerian men, men like this do not care about any marriage talk, they always shun you when you bring this matter up. If a man sees his future with you, he talks about marriage issues and sometimes he lets slip by saying he is actually going to get married to you.

He Has No Problem Meeting Your Family: As a lady, you love a guy so much and you want him to meet your family, if your man is always dodging this request, he sees no point in doing it coz he doesn’t see a future with you. He’s only with you for his selfish gains and sexual pleasure.

No matter how busy your man is, if he loves you and is willing to marry you, he will create the time to know your family if you request such from him.

He Reassures You of His Love: See, relationships are not always smooth and plain-sailing, there will always be ups and downs. If a man constantly reassures you of his love in difficult times, he sees the future with you.

We all need reassurances, one of the biggest signs a Nigerian man wants to marry you is him always reminding you how he loves you.

He Apologizes and Wants to Settle Differences: When your man picks up on trivial issues and gets angry at all times without trying to apologize or settle differences, he is surely wasting your time.

A man who loves you and wants to be with you will always want to settle differences and see both of you happy, it’s just simple as that.

Wrapping Up: Getting married is a big decision and requires commitment from both the man and the woman. Nothing is always cast in stone and the points listed here are strong signs a Nigerian man wants to marry you. At the end of the day, the signs are always there for you to see. As a lady, do not be blinded when the signs are obvious.

Source: https://punchyinfo.com/signs-a-nigerian-man-wants-to-marry-you/

43 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Nobody: 3:43pm On Jun 26, 2019

They are coming to scatter all your points.

231 Likes 10 Shares

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by agbonkamen(f): 4:21pm On Jun 26, 2019
Most Nigerian guys are rugged the sensible ones are rare....... grin grin

78 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by ebonyggurl(f): 4:23pm On Jun 26, 2019
Marry a nigerian man at your own peril lipsrsealed

84 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Fountainofyouth(f): 4:34pm On Jun 26, 2019
Some guys are like that but still won't marry you.

145 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Altern8(m): 4:35pm On Jun 26, 2019
Most Nigerian guys are rugged the sensible ones are rare....... grin grin
Marry a nigerian man at your own peril lipsrsealed
Some guys are like that but still won't marry you.

They just want to disagree for the sake of argument. And someone will end up with these as wives o. Everyday, junior debate. Smh.

236 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Freestainworld(m): 4:38pm On Jun 26, 2019
;Dthis essay sweet but guyman na guyman, he will follow you to your parents , say sweet things about you without you knowing you are even number 40 in his life, i did it, sorry my friend did it ;Dthis essay sweet but guyman na guyman, he will follow you to your parents , say sweet things about you without you knowing you are even number 40 in his life, i did it, sorry my friend did it


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by ebonyggurl(f): 4:40pm On Jun 26, 2019

They just want to disagree for the sake of argument. And someone will end up with these as wives o. Everyday, junior debate. Smh.

Hopefully not a Nigerian man tongue

16 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Altern8(m): 4:50pm On Jun 26, 2019

Hopefully not a Nigerian man tongue

Wetin do Nigerian man? Oya come let us be dating. Let me disabuse you. Sha don’t finish me with argument because I can’t argue at work and still come home to argue with babygirl. How will someone last long in this life? grin

Come let me finish you with enjoyment. (Enjoying my company o. Not my money or possessions, cos I know women today don’t need men to enjoy life) grin

49 Likes 1 Share

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by SageMK: 4:50pm On Jun 26, 2019
I still and I've always respected all my exes.

My concern for their growth & development drove me to introduce them to my family. At some point, I planned my life with some, and when ever I misses them or got a little concerned about their well being, I do visit them. In short, I am always there for them.

We do talk about marriage related issues and I've never had a problem visting their family. Whenever there's a misunderstanding, I always reassured them of my love, apologize and we settle our differences... yet I never planned to marry any of those bìtches.

227 Likes 19 Shares

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by ebonyggurl(f): 4:54pm On Jun 26, 2019

Wetin do Nigerian man? Oya come let us be dating. Let me disabuse you. Sha don’t finish me with argument because I can’t argue at work and still come home to argue with babygirl. How will someone last long in this life? grin

Come let me finish you with enjoyment. (Enjoying my company o. Not my money or possessions, cos I know women today don’t need men to enjoy life) grin

Thanks...but I already enjoy my life


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Altern8(m): 5:00pm On Jun 26, 2019

Thanks...but I already enjoy my life

Well, I never said you didn’t. Hope the humour was not lost on you though.

Why are you hoping for a spouse who’s not Nigerian?


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Nobody: 5:02pm On Jun 26, 2019
I still and I've always respected all my exes.

My concern for their growth & development drove me to introduce them to my family. At some point, I planned my life with some, and when ever I misses them or got a little concerned about their well being, I do visit them. In short, I am always there for them.

We do talk about marriage related issues and I've never had a problem visting their family. Whenever there's a misunderstanding, I always reassured them of my love, apologize and we settle our differences... yet I never planned to married any of those bìtches.



Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by ebonyggurl(f): 5:04pm On Jun 26, 2019

Well, I never said you didn’t. Hope the humour was not lost on you though.

Why are you hoping for a spouse who’s not Nigerian?

Different reasons. The main one being that I don't like their polygamous mentality


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by SageMK: 5:07pm On Jun 26, 2019


Lol. Just joking.
But you guys are masters at this game anyway.


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Altern8(m): 5:21pm On Jun 26, 2019

Different reasons. The main one being that I don't like their polygamous mentality

What if I told you we generally do not have that mentality? I don’t fancy being the husband of two or more women at once! What!! That’s original wahala, regardless of my wealth. I believe a great number of Nigerian men (Muslims also) share my opinion on this.

But again, I doubt if you’d believe me.

Anyway, would I be correct if I assumed you meant polygamy as in marriage (legal/traditional) and not just extramarital affairs? You mean Nigerian men aren’t just looking to play a little game on the side once in a while, but seek to to marry multiple women?

If you meant affairs, then we are certainly not alone in this boat. The propensity for multiple partners is a human thing.


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by ebonyggurl(f): 5:41pm On Jun 26, 2019

What if I told you we generally do not have that mentality? I don’t fancy being the husband of two or more women at once! What!! That’s original wahala, regardless of my wealth. I believe a great number of Nigerian men (Muslims also) share my opinion on this.

But again, I doubt if you’d believe me.

Anyway, would I be correct if I assumed you meant polygamy as in marriage (legal/traditional) and not just extramarital affairs? You mean Nigerian men aren’t just looking to play a little game on the side once in a while, but seek to to marry multiple women?

If you meant affairs, then we are certainly not alone in this boat. The propensity for multiple partners is a human thing.

I understand what you mean. Thing is, most nigerian men don't take their marriages seriously. We seem to be in the era of 'using what we have to get what we want'. Its understandable, we're in a third world country afterall. People get married here simply for the sake of having a woman to take care of their 'homes' while they go around doing all sorts of nonsense and society is forcing women to accept this as normal. I know people cheat all over the world, but atleast they don't take it as a normal way of life. The typical nigerian man would say "ehen, ordinary cheating?" undecided

27 Likes 1 Share

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Altern8(m): 6:00pm On Jun 26, 2019

I understand what you mean. Thing is, most nigerian men don't take their marriages seriously. We seem to be in the era of 'using what we have to get what we want'. Its understandable, we're in a third world country afterall. People get married here simply for the sake of having a woman to take care of their 'homes' while they go around doing all sorts of nonsense and society is forcing women to accept this as normal. I know people cheat all over the world, but atleast they don't take it as a normal way of life. The typical nigerian man would say "ehen, ordinary cheating?" undecided

grin Ordinary cheating, but when the woman does it to the man, his family would come out and devour her and chase her out of the home.

I understand our society’s bias against women in this regard. Your concerns are 100% valid. Interestingly, men are hardly the only ones seeking to downplay the gravity of the situation. We have come across videos of women boldly advocating for “understanding” from wives when their husbands cheat on them, saying it rains everywhere. They are the ones calling it a masculine “privilege” of sorts. Agreed, it is sad that some people want to normalise it.

However, it rains everywhere and I don’t want to believe it’s a patriarchal construct. Cheating is a human thing so don’t put the load on Nigerian men alone. Carry your own share too. tongue

28 Likes 1 Share

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by ebonyggurl(f): 6:06pm On Jun 26, 2019

grin Ordinary cheating, but when the woman does it to the man, his family would come out and devour her and chase her out of the home.

I understand our society’s bias against women in this regard. Your concerns are 100% valid. Interestingly, men are hardly the only ones seeking to downplay the gravity of the situation. We have come across videos of women boldly advocating for “understanding” from wives when their husbands cheat on them, saying it rains everywhere. They are the ones calling it a masculine “privilege” of sorts. Agreed, it is sad that some people want to normalise it.

However, it rains everywhere and I don’t want to believe it’s a patriarchal construct. Cheating is a human thing so don’t put the load on Nigerian men alone. Carry your own share too. tongue

Lolz. Like I said, I know it happens everywhere...I just want someone who doesn't see it as a normal way of life.
Besides, una nor know say women dey catch Konji too. Everyone simply needs to learn self control.


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Altern8(m): 6:15pm On Jun 26, 2019

Lolz. Like I said, I know it happens everywhere...I just want someone who doesn't see it as a normal way of life.
Besides, una nor know say women dey catch Konji too. Everyone simply needs to learn self control.


Now we are in agreement.

So, with these few points of mine, I hope Nigerian (Yoruba) men are still in the running for your heart. grin

You can see that it’s the work of devil and the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

PS: I (like some naija men) don’t see cheating as a normal way of life.


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Fountainofyouth(f): 7:17pm On Jun 26, 2019
I still and I've always respected all my exes.

My concern for their growth & development drove me to introduce them to my family. At some point, I planned my life with some, and when ever I misses them or got a little concerned about their well being, I do visit them. In short, I am always there for them.

We do talk about marriage related issues and I've never had a problem visting their family. Whenever there's a misunderstanding, I always reassured them of my love, apologize and we settle our differences... yet I never planned to married any of those bìtches.

Evil personified angry

27 Likes 1 Share

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Fountainofyouth(f): 7:18pm On Jun 26, 2019

They just want to disagree for the sake of argument. And someone will end up with these as wives o. Everyday, junior debate. Smh.

What is wrong with what I said undecided


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Tajbol4splend(m): 7:37pm On Jun 26, 2019
He doesn't want you to ever find out about his side chick

1 Like

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Hotworta1: 8:23pm On Jun 26, 2019
;Dthis essay sweet but guyman na guyman, he will follow you to your parents , say sweet things about you without you knowing you are even number 40 in his life, i did it, sorry my friend did it ;Dthis essay sweet but guyman na guyman, he will follow you to your parents , say sweet things about you without you knowing you are even number 40 in his life, i did it, sorry my friend did it

You that did it and including your friend(s) that did it are all very stupid in life.

17 Likes 1 Share

Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Nobody: 8:34pm On Jun 26, 2019
...he slows down the rate and pressure he has sexx with the lady. No man wants to destroy what he will eat for the rest of his life in one day.

A man never fvcks his fiancee/wife as hard as he fvcks his sidechick. wink


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by lennsmart(m): 11:39pm On Jun 26, 2019
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by liberalchick(f): 1:54am On Jun 27, 2019
Nigerian men are amongst the sexiest men in the world, wonderfully created by the Creator and blessed in all departments. The average Nigerian man is well built, chiselled body like that of Kratos, blessed with the biggest Phallus in the world and always ready to put in the work when called to the other room.

As you might have known by now, the population ratio of women to men in the world is higher hence the battle for women to secure a man to marry is an uphill task especially in the Nigerian economy that is not favourable. Even though many men are willing to marry, most do not have the financial capability to see through this monumental task. On the other hand, Nigerian men are randy and most prefer sleeping with so many women instead of settling down with one. As a woman or lady, what are the signs a Nigerian man wants to marry you? This is a tough question, to be honest, but there are always strong indications.

He Respects You: Respect is key. As a lady, if you are in a relationship with any guy and he doesn’t respect you, he can never marry you. If he doesn’t respect you, he has no regard for you and you are just like the average girl to him.

Love comes with respect, a man that truly loves you will respect you. This a big sign if any man is going to get married to you.

He is Concerned About Your Growth and Development: There are men that just want sex every time in a relationship, they never demand from you anything else, they don’t care about your goals or aspirations as long as you satisfy them in the other room, it’s hard to see this type of relationship heading anywhere except the man is just a low-life person.

One of the key signs a Nigerian man wants to marry is he getting worried about your growth and development.

Introduces You to His Family: [s]There is a saying – Family is all. Family has gone beyond those that are birthed by the same bloodline, someone who has been there for you all your life is equally a family.
A man introducing you to his family means he likes so much and his probably thinking long term for the both of you. This doesn’t guarantee 100% certainty of getting married to him but it’s a very big sign.[/s]

He Plans His Life with You: This is a no brainer, if any guy is getting married to a lady, he will have to plan his life with the lady included in it. Talks like how his job affects both of you, if he moves apartment, he wants to travel, talk of moving elsewhere and many more sensitive plans are obvious signs a Nigerian man wants to marry you.

So, ladies, if your intending husband to be in your mind does not share his goals and plans with you, just know he is using you to pass away the time temporarily.

He Misses You and Is Concerned about Your Well Being: A marriage without love will eventually hit the rocks. If a man is truly in love with you as a lady, he will be willing to marry you. When he truly loves you, he misses you and is concerned about your wellbeing wherever you are.

My sister, if a Nigerian man is going to get married to you, you will know from this explanation.

He’s Always There for You: If anything happens to you, he is not himself. Whenever you need him, he makes the effort to be there and he at least follows up with you if he couldn’t be there.

One of the biggest signs a Nigerian man that wants to marry you is he putting you first and making sure you navigate problems together.

He Talks About Marriage-Related Issues: There are lots of players and time-wasting Nigerian men, men like this do not care about any marriage talk, they always shun you when you bring this matter up. If a man sees his future with you, he talks about marriage issues and sometimes he lets slip by saying he is actually going to get married to you.

He Has No Problem Meeting Your Family: As a lady, you love a guy so much and you want him to meet your family, if your man is always dodging this request, he sees no point in doing it coz he doesn’t see a future with you. He’s only with you for his selfish gains and sexual pleasure.

No matter how busy your man is, if he loves you and is willing to marry you, he will create the time to know your family if you request such from him.

He Reassures You of His Love: See, relationships are not always smooth and plain-sailing, there will always be ups and downs. If a man constantly reassures you of his love in difficult times, he sees the future with you.

We all need reassurances, one of the biggest signs a Nigerian man wants to marry you is him always reminding you how he loves you.

He Apologizes and Wants to Settle Differences: When your man picks up on trivial issues and gets angry at all times without trying to apologize or settle differences, he is surely wasting your time.

A man who loves you and wants to be with you will always want to settle differences and see both of you happy, it’s just simple as that.

Wrapping Up: Getting married is a big decision and requires commitment from both the man and the woman. Nothing is always cast in stone and the points listed here are strong signs a Nigerian man wants to marry you. At the end of the day, the signs are always there for you to see. As a lady, do not be blinded when the signs are obvious.

Source: https://punchyinfo.com/signs-a-nigerian-man-wants-to-marry-you/

That one does not work with most Yoruba men, that’s NO sign at all. Most Nigerian men know that most Nigerian girls start a relationship in the hopes that it leads to marriage. So all these points is what they use to give the girl hope. I have heard of guys going though the motions of buying a house together with their girlfriends, going house hunting lol of course they know there will be a breakup before he has to purchase one with her. lol fear Nigerian men!!!


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by khiaa(f): 2:36am On Jun 27, 2019
This whole write-up is nothing but a fantasy/fairytale created in the mind of the op. "Nigerian men are the sexiest men in the world", "are well built" (with those big fat tummies)? grin Thanks for the laugh.. grin grin You guys are overbearing, controlling, possessive, oppressive, insecure when it comes to your woman and just all out exhausting. Oh, I can't forget unfaithful. All of you are like this, yes I mean ALL of you, except Alezy. Who agrees with with me? grin grin


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Freestainworld(m): 3:28am On Jun 27, 2019

You that did it and including your friend(s) that did it are all very stupid in life.
mumu I didn't say I did it.
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by femi4: 5:44am On Jun 27, 2019
They will do all these and still not marry you. You ll be their lord of the ring


Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by TanyLoe(f): 10:38am On Jun 27, 2019
This is zeeworld

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Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by SweetBuns(f): 10:40am On Jun 27, 2019

They are coming to scatter all your points.


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