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Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You - Romance (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by toprealman: 5:04am On Jun 28, 2019
Lol funny enough I have not had such experience.
Why accuse them fasely
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by bdchange(m): 5:07am On Jun 28, 2019
How does that translate to them having a polygamous mentality?

No one says they don't cheat. They don't just feel it's their right and when caught they apologize to their wives and feel remorseful. Infact do you know they usually whenever they meet someone they know they have fallen I'm love with they serve their wives divorce papers and go be the other person but a Nigerian man will cheat and blame you for cheating.
Habra! Cheating is cheating and it doesn't matter if you serve your wife a divorce paper or not. You are trying to justify one cheat against the other. This is not right.
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by agbonkamen(f): 5:10am On Jun 28, 2019

Na de gals are wat
una just quote person without seeing my post in different angles. I said "some" meaning not all the guys. There are good girls and guys but they are rare, and many good girls have gone bad as a result of your fellow guys wickedness.....

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Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by nickolas12jeo: 5:13am On Jun 28, 2019
ladies please take note of this signs
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by agbonkamen(f): 5:14am On Jun 28, 2019
Why accuse them fasely
i am not accusing them, that is the truth my brother, There good and bad girls too. If you one of them bad guys Amend your ways....peace
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by bdchange(m): 5:18am On Jun 28, 2019
una just quote person without seeing my post in different angles. I said "some" meaning not all the guys. There are good girls and guys but they are rare, and many good girls have gone bad as a result of your fellow guys wickedness.....
Put it this way.. You are searching for an apple in a basket full with fruits and someone asked you if you have seen the apple? Your answer should be not yet but I will soon. This means you believe there is an apple there waiting for you. My point is don't center your mind on believing there are many bad guys out there, just believe the good one is around the corner for you. Be optimistic not persimistic.
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by agbonkamen(f): 5:23am On Jun 28, 2019

Put it this way.. You are searching for an apple in a basket full with fruits and someone asked you if you have seen the apple? Your answer should be not yet but I will soon. This means you believe there is an apple there waiting for you. My point is don't center your mind on believing there are many bad guys out there, just believe the good one is around the corner for you. Be optimistic not persimistic.
Prof. Ahabue I have heard you Sir......no quote me abeg
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by vicardino(m): 5:23am On Jun 28, 2019
This whole write-up is nothing but a fantasy/fairytale created in the mind of the op. "Nigerian men are the sexiest men in the world", "are well built" (with those big fat tummies)? grin Thanks for the laugh.. grin grin You guys are overbearing, controlling, possessive, oppressive, insecure when it comes to your woman and just all out exhausting. Oh, I can't forget unfaithful. All of you are like this, yes I mean ALL of you, except Alezy. Who agrees with with me? grin grin

Dunno why you pointed out the "big fat tummies" knowing fully well that they constitute an infinitesimal percentage. A perfect sex doesn't exist in this world and what you find demeaning in a man are all another lady somewhere needs. I'm not in any way exonerating guys but just pointing out that you ain't perfect yourself, nobody is.
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Stan232: 5:31am On Jun 28, 2019
Up and ready for business. Wechat wallet and china accounts are available. Call or message on watsapp 08168152166.thanls
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by uthlaw: 5:36am On Jun 28, 2019
Sometime i wonder why someone will marry a nijaierian girl.
Apart from to do abortion,cook different trash,pretend,liar and mess(fart).
What else can an average girl in the zoo offer.
beg for money and have sex...

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Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by uthlaw: 5:47am On Jun 28, 2019
Lol. I just know a few Ghanaian couples and see how they treat their wives like Queens. They help cook, clean, do other chores, great providers for their families, super hardworking men, etc.
the major reason Nigeria men don't do all this is because apart from cooking,clean and sex, Nigeria ladies has nothing else to offer.so why will someone marry you and still do all this, because I came to this world to worship yeye queen while I'm not a king!
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by uthlaw: 5:54am On Jun 28, 2019
This trash no longer holds water. This is what y'all use in pressuring young women into wrong marriages and only daft men think in this pattern nowadays. Tiwa is 39 and Don Jazzy is 36 yet Don Jazzy looks like he is her Uncle. Simi is 31 and Olamide is 30, yet Olamide looks much older. Jennifer Lopez is fvcking 49. I mean 49. Would you have guessed that in a million years? Yet she looks like a woman in her 20s. Keep deluding yourself.
that not what he means,what is trying to say is that for don jazzy at 50 will still get married to 20years old lady even you but for tiwa at 39 na story she go tell till death!
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Nobody: 6:04am On Jun 28, 2019

I understand what you mean. Thing is, most nigerian men don't take their marriages seriously. We seem to be in the era of 'using what we have to get what we want'. Its understandable, we're in a third world country afterall. People get married here simply for the sake of having a woman to take care of their 'homes' while they go around doing all sorts of nonsense and society is forcing women to accept this as normal. I know people cheat all over the world, but atleast they don't take it as a normal way of life. The typical nigerian man would say "ehen, ordinary cheating?" undecided

Abeg make u private chat with him na... Rather give him your number.. he is a good guy
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by boxypane(m): 6:11am On Jun 28, 2019
Marry a nigerian man at your own peril lipsrsealed
Better marry one. I know lots of good ones o.
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by AreaFada2: 6:26am On Jun 28, 2019
How does that translate to them having a polygamous mentality?

No one says they don't cheat. They don't just feel it's their right and[b] when caught they apologize to their wives and feel remorseful[/b]. Infact do you know they usually whenever they meet someone they know they have fallen I'm love with they serve their wives divorce papers and go be the other person but a Nigerian man will cheat and blame you for cheating.

Key here is "when caught". If not caught nko? Dem go just dey ball dey go. cheesy cheesy grin grin grin

They "feel remorseful" because of the consequences in the West. It's "officially" a culture of monogamy largely because it developed from Christian tradition. However biology always trumps man-made rules. Religion after all is man's interpretation of what they think God or some deity wants. When the wife files for divorce the man has a lot to lose min the West. Because it is legally and CULTURALLY backed up.

But most of Africa is culturally polygamous. Same way men traditionally provide economically. A tradition African girls have kept and expect men to foot their bills. Anyone who insists on doing it the Western way is called "stingy" or "wretched".

Evens the billionaire kidnapper was remorseful when caught too. But he was enjoying the goodies when not yet caught.

In the same 9ja you think men have a "polygamous mindset" several male relatives are/were not polygamous. Out of choice. Very back then. Like 100 to 40 years ago. While work colleagues and others around them had/have several wives.

If culture has to change, it has to involve everyone, male and female. Roles have become different. A woman has to now be comfortable providing for the family without using nagging to cut her hubby's life short. He should be able to become house-husband too.

Regardless of country, men's desire for a new conquest is high. Individuals have to show discipline and consider their priorities properly.

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Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by bluefilm: 6:31am On Jun 28, 2019

Any opinion that doesn't align with yours is senseless? undecided
Okay o. its a public forum...anyone can share their views. Stop trying so hard to look smart, you're doing a really bad job

The fact that it is a public forum doesn't give you that right to be polluting this place with your obnoxious views.

By the way, thanks for recognizing smartness when you see it.

Ahem... how did it go last night?

Hope those men paid you well this time or is it the same usual story of dem-never-pay-us-salary?

My dear sister, no worry. E go betta one day, you hear?

The God I serve will not allow you to do ashawo work forever, say Amen. shocked
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by oksmart1992(m): 6:36am On Jun 28, 2019
Come and see if I won't marry you
Some guys are like that but still won't marry you.
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by MrFly(m): 6:41am On Jun 28, 2019
And so?
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Nobody: 6:47am On Jun 28, 2019
Marry a nigerian man at your own peril lipsrsealed

Aunty-Madam Do you have a choice ??
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by lexy2014: 7:00am On Jun 28, 2019
American men, European men etc.

So European men, American men etc don't cheat on their wives?
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by lexy2014: 7:04am On Jun 28, 2019
Lol. I just know a few Ghanaian couples and see how they treat their wives like Queens. They help cook, clean, do other chores, great providers for their families, super hardworking men, etc.

Its even just a few Ghanaians u no not even all. Are u saying that these things ur just a few Ghanaian men do for their wives, no Nigerian man among d 90,000,000 do those things?
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Hoodbilonia: 7:08am On Jun 28, 2019
Im marrying no bich from nigeria
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by HitSong: 7:18am On Jun 28, 2019
I still and I've always respected all my exes.

My concern for their growth & development drove me to introduce them to my family. At some point, I planned my life with some, and when ever I misses them or got a little concerned about their well being, I do visit them. In short, I am always there for them.

We do talk about marriage related issues and I've never had a problem visting their family. Whenever there's a misunderstanding, I always reassured them of my love, apologize and we settle our differences... yet I never planned to married any of those bìtches.
I never planned to MARRIED...
They'll accept you when you polish your English cheesy

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Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Nobody: 7:35am On Jun 28, 2019
Marry a nigerian man at your own peril lipsrsealed
you took this out of my mouth! Them go hear word!

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Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by letitrainnow(m): 7:41am On Jun 28, 2019
Good points
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by djbamx(m): 7:48am On Jun 28, 2019
Most Nigerian guys are rugged the sensible ones are rare....... grin grin
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by victorian(f): 7:51am On Jun 28, 2019
This whole write-up is nothing but a fantasy/fairytale created in the mind of the op. "Nigerian men are the sexiest men in the world", "are well built" (with those big fat tummies)? grin Thanks for the laugh.. grin grin You guys are overbearing, controlling, possessive, oppressive, insecure when it comes to your woman and just all out exhausting. Oh, I can't forget unfaithful. All of you are like this, yes I mean ALL of you, except Alezy. Who agrees with with me? grin grin

You are so right.

Except a lady is not dating the man, that's where she can have breath of fresh air.

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Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by kense88: 7:51am On Jun 28, 2019
Marry a nigerian man at your own peril lipsrsealed
Na american husband sure for you
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by djbamx(m): 7:51am On Jun 28, 2019
hmmm........where are you from?
Marry a nigerian man at your own peril lipsrsealed
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Skmoda360(m): 7:52am On Jun 28, 2019
This whole write-up is nothing but a fantasy/fairytale created in the mind of the op. "Nigerian men are the sexiest men in the world", "are well built" (with those big fat tummies)? grin Thanks for the laugh.. grin grin You guys are overbearing, controlling, possessive, oppressive, insecure when it comes to your woman and just all out exhausting. Oh, I can't forget unfaithful. All of you are like this, yes I mean ALL of you, except Alezy. Who agrees with with me? grin grin
this one will just come and plant land miles and waiting for who to step on it.....winch!!!......thank God you have brothers, uncles and your big tummy daddy...crap
Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by khiaa(f): 7:54am On Jun 28, 2019

this one will just come and plant land miles and waiting for who to step on it.....winch!!!......thank God you have brothers, uncles and your big tummy daddy...crap

It doesn't apply to the men in my family, they aren't Nigerian. grin grin

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Re: Top 10 Signs A Nigerian Man Wants To Marry You by Skmoda360(m): 7:55am On Jun 28, 2019

It doesn't apply to the men in my family, they aren't Nigerian. grin grin
they are from which planet? Saturn or Necromongronesia in Mars.......? lol

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