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How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria - Career - Nairaland

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How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by nochyemish(m): 9:51pm On Aug 14, 2015
Please How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria. I know that everybody will love to read this, but what do you think that brings about unemployment in today generation?

please reply let us hear from you all!
Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by dunsman(f): 9:53pm On Aug 14, 2015
Impeach buhari grin grin lobatan

This is to rubbish claims on a particular thread
www.nairaland.com/2526407/confessions...ive-seen-light-pmb that
says that have detected from d opposition party (pdp) to apc
I am using dis opportunity to tell you that my account was logged into
by a desperate masturbator and wrote an article I didn't.
my fellow wailers am strongly in d party am am going nowhere
barcanista, mogidi, fire fire, truck pusher e.tc. dunsman remain loyal
and forever will be.
propaganda runs in d party, propaganda runs in their blood
Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by cccxxiii: 10:02pm On Aug 14, 2015
1. Looking inwards for potentials. We are all gifted in one area or the other.

2. Learning a Skill: Formal Education is not for everyone. Vocations such as Tailoring, Carpentry, Bricklaying, Technicians etc can be learnt. This will enable youths setup private business after some years of apprenticeship

3. Availability of Loans for Entrepreneurs : This goes with my first point, Loans availability will encourage entrepreneurs.

4. Introduction of entrepreneurship courses into every departmental curriculum in the university

5. Volunteering: its not all about getting paid. Youths seeking employment should learn to volunteer. Its all part of experience building.
Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by nochyemish(m): 10:18pm On Aug 14, 2015
But i think university has there own fault too... Please agree with me!

Okay, let see it in this way...

1. Fresh student that want to enter into a university have it in mind that he want to study Engineering course (Civil engineering), but when the list comes out university offer him geology... you know they have change his or her plan.

2. I know that most you know the issue that polytechnic graduate face in the labor market now it is university graduate that are enjoying while the polytechnic graduate are suffering.

3. All our leaders are using the opportunities that they are in power now to auto-fix there children in some of the companies weather they go to school or not....

Now tell me what are we now doing as graduates that has no job now? Naijabet, Nairabet and so on...that is what most of the graduate are doing now....wasting the resources....
Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by tck2000(m): 7:58pm On Jun 01, 2019
Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by jefy(m): 9:49am On Jun 02, 2019
1. Looking inwards for potentials. We are all gifted in one area or the other.

2. Learning a Skill: Formal Education is not for everyone. Vocations such as Tailoring, Carpentry, Bricklaying, Technicians etc can be learnt. This will enable youths setup private business after some years of apprenticeship

3. Availability of Loans for Entrepreneurs : This goes with my first point, Loans availability will encourage entrepreneurs.

4. Introduction of entrepreneurship courses into every departmental curriculum in the university

5. Volunteering: its not all about getting paid. Youths seeking employment should learn to volunteer. Its all part of experience building.
my thoughts exactly. Well said.. We have to all look inward,develop our passions link them towards a skill or trade, learn the business aspect of our proposed passion,graduate,start small with hope of expansion,gradually build customer base,save save save,improve on assets... We have to join hands to constantly educate ourselves on the wayforward. 9ja and it's policies towards labour and employment have failed us,especially those who spent time in school. Masters degree holders are now truck,keke ,bike and bus drivers.

Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by apananoni: 12:07pm On Jun 03, 2019
Please How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria. I know that everybody will love to read this, but what do you think that brings about unemployment in today generation?

please reply let us hear from you all!

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Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by nochyemish(m): 10:15am On Jun 25, 2019
Hmm, I think you people didn't see what am seeing.
Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by dailynaijanews(m): 2:45pm On Jun 25, 2019
And for the carpenters, this could be a useful article: https://www.fontation.com/reviews/best-concrete-saw/
Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by MrAlert(m): 6:23pm On Jun 25, 2019
There is money online. If Nigerians will put in the work they put in looking for a job into learning how to make money online, in a matter of weeks, they will be gainfully employed!

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Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by nochyemish(m): 4:00pm On Jul 07, 2019
There is money online. If Nigerians will put in the work they put in looking for a job into learning how to make money online, in a matter of weeks, they will be gainfully employed!

I want to agree with you. There is money online. But people are running away from it.

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Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by MrAlert(m): 9:23am On Jul 08, 2019

I want to agree with you. There is money online. But people are running away from it.
Unfortunately. Most people think that people don't want to earn money online because of scam, but I think that its because people fear what they don't understand.

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Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by nochyemish(m): 5:21pm On Jul 08, 2019
Unfortunately. Most people think that people don't want to earn money online because of scam, but I think that its because people fear what they don't understand.

People are free to look for the right person to take advice from them and to help them to get 100% true information.

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Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by Amujale(m): 12:16am On Jul 12, 2019
A Nigerian puts an end to internet fraud. Another Emeagwali...

Philip Emeagwali wins the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize. The Gordon Bell Prize is an award partaining to super computers.

Philip Emeagwali is never a fraud you slowpoke.

If not for Philip, you wouldnt be making use of his invention on a daily bases. His inventions paved way to the internet as we now know it.

Philip Emeagwali invented the worlds fastest computer which has the capability of performing computations at 3.1 billion calculations per second.

Stop hating on Philip.

Who invented the "telephone"?

Who invented the "light bulb"?
Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by Amujale(m): 12:37am On Jul 12, 2019
Lets assume three major Nigerian Languages: Hausa, Ibo and Yoruba.

(a)All Hausa speaking areas and the hinterlands are to create into their education system the enviroment whereby from elementary to tertiary institution, the Hausa language is compulsory and is used to teach all subjects. Ibo & Yoruba are elective subjects, students are to pick one.

(b) All Ibo speaking areas and the hinterlands are to create into their education system the enviroment whereby from elementary to to tertiary institution, the Ibo language is compulsory and is used to teach all subjects. Hausa & Yoruba are elective subjects, students are to pick one.

(c) All Yoruba speaking areas and the hinterlands are to create into their education system the enviroment whereby from elementary to tertiary institution, the Yoruba language is compulsory and is used to teach all subjects. Hausa & Ibo are elective subjects, students are to pick one.

Apart from the fact that the enviroment that allows for these type of conditions to hold will sustain numerous breakthroughs often in all our daily lives, especially in the Arts, Commerce, Science and Technology sectors.

Will further improve our correlation and communicational skills.

At a certain point in time after the implementation of these policies into the current education system, every Nigerian that passes through the new and improved version will be versed in at the least two Nigerian Languages.

Leading to a good solution in the question posed by Op and further boosting the Nations overall productivity.
Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by Amujale(m): 12:42am On Jul 12, 2019
Manufactured religions. As long as we continue to assign ourselves to these foreign manufactured religions, then, that problem is hard to overcome.

Creating the false assumption and complete illusion that white is the literal opposite of black.

And then force the identification model that they are "white" and their grandfathers are "black".

That is said to be directly connected to our source of language and the religious sect that we belong.

Therefore, since we continue to educate ourselves using languages foreign to us, plus practising foreign religions, then, that problem is hard to overcome.

Creating the conditions whereby they retain military dominance.

Since most Africans educate ourselves using foreign languages, then, that problem is hard to overcome.

Conclusion, only once we all come together as one and dispatch away with all and every foreign religious, academic and sociological concepts can we expect to completely solve these triple-threat artificial problems. As did China, India, Japan, Pakistan e.t.c

Once we solve these identified artificial problems, then, the enviroment that allows for true progress will definately present itself to us.
Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by nochyemish(m): 10:24am On Nov 09, 2019
But i believe something be done.

One opportunity here... https://www.nairaland.com/5516732/propreneurs-world-sponsor-member-dubai
Re: How Can We Solve The Problem Of Unemployment In Nigeria by nochyemish(m): 10:25am On Nov 09, 2019

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