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Experience With Applying PVA Over Simple Emulsion Paint - Properties - Nairaland

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Experience With Applying PVA Over Simple Emulsion Paint by jedisco(m): 9:25am On Aug 09, 2019
Morning house.

I have a building I want to paint with satin paint but I'm holding back because of the cost. Someone is advising me as an alternative to use simple emulsion paint and apply PVA after it has dried to give it a shinny, waterproof finish.
Has anyone tried this or expernced the outcome?

What would you advise?
Re: Experience With Applying PVA Over Simple Emulsion Paint by westliverenterp: 3:40pm On Aug 09, 2019
The walls will not be shinning as expected when you apply p.v.a to the painted wall. This is because the wall was not screeded before painting. Instead of using Satin paints in all the building why don't you use satin paints on the sitting room and the surrounding of the house. While the fence and the bedrooms should be painted with high grade emulsion. For efficient painting and screeding services call or whatsapp me 07088547073, 07051934963.
Re: Experience With Applying PVA Over Simple Emulsion Paint by jedisco(m): 7:09pm On Aug 10, 2019
The walls will not be shinning as expected when you apply p.v.a to the painted wall. This is because the wall was not screeded before painting. Instead of using Satin paints in all the building why don't you use satin paints on the sitting room and the surrounding of the house. While the fence and the bedrooms should be painted with high grade emulsion. For efficient painting and screeding services call or whatsapp me 07088547073, 07051934963.

Thank you. I was told here on NL that matte paint may be a good option between the two. Would it also need screeding?

Someone also said using satin outside on areas with much sun may make the paint peel off the wall with time
Re: Experience With Applying PVA Over Simple Emulsion Paint by westliverenterp: 8:19pm On Aug 10, 2019
Satin is better than Matt in terms of coverage and durability. Satin is washable with water when the painted wall is stained and it will still retain its quality such as it's durability. While Matt looses its lamina or durability when washing away stains. Matt is only better than satin in terms of cost. Matt is less expensive compared to satin.
A good satin does not peel off when applied
on a wall. A good Satin has antiozonant which prevents the paint from Ozone or Uv attack. If you have the finance I would suggest you go for satin because it last longer than Matt. But if your financial strength is low you can go for Matt but you will not be washing it all the time to make the paints last longer.
Re: Experience With Applying PVA Over Simple Emulsion Paint by westliverenterp: 8:22pm On Aug 10, 2019
In the aspect of screeding the wall before applying Matt is optional. You May decide to apply the Matt on the wall directly or you chose to screed before applying

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