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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. (9270 Views)
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Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by nlPoster: 5:19pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
Separation anxiety in children. 1 Like |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by ZIMDRILL(m): 5:47pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
Logobenz2: picture this you say "if was'nt for your mum and countless resources" who do you think was meant to do it? besides your mum and daddy african parents they emotionally blind us by sounding as if it was someone's job to look after their own kids why would one say i sacrificed for you when its your job to do not anyone else your kids your job nothing to sacrifice for but am not saying we should take care of our parents 1 Like |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by CanadianNaija: 6:42pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
eni4real: Stories. |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by xavuv: 7:38pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
I don't joke with my family (wife and kids). I always admonish her to always behave herself appropriately. We do little interaction with parents and siblings. So little room for nonsense |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by ZIMDRILL(m): 8:14pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
xavuv: people realise what you just said years after the damage has been done what they dont realise is that their own parents did have much interference from those own respective family as they also wanted their own freedom and space |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by Nobody: 8:40pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
CanadianNaija:I can write many pages. Sweet mum!! |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by bukatyne(f): 9:18pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
eni4real: What about your dad? |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by armyofone(m): 9:19pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
Reason many kids in Nigeria don't have stable home life...madam spends her time fighting extra girlfriends or iya! Time their fathers would have used creating a great home environment, they will be using for "loving my mom more than my wife" so glaringly thereby creating a toxic home life for their kids. You have a wife and children and your mom is your priority? To the extent your wife would need to drag position? Africans! Your father should be doing this job. She has raised you well by putting energies, resources, youth and time on you- now is time for you to pass it on so that your wife will do the same thing for your children by creating a non dysfunctional and toxic home. Married men, don't underestimate undivided attention! Yes we should help our mother but should not make them priority to the extent wifey has to "drag" for attention. eni4real: 4 Likes |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by Nobody: 10:22pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
armyofone:Become a mother of a grown adult first, then we can talk!!! The Mother's love for a son is the purest ever... When you get to that level you will understand. You can ask your mum... She will enlighten you better. She will not be biased... Love for one's wife is a romantic love that must be taken seriously with loyalty and responsibility... But it become complicated when the wife is trying to compare who her husband love more.... It make no sense because there is no basis for comparison. The love is different.... When my wife become a mother of a grown adult, she will understand better. Words cannot describe the love I have for my mother for her selflessness and dedication to my progress in life... Any responsible lady should have the same love for her mother too.. My wife should wait for her time. .. It is not by being an XX being.. It is by hardwork... May all mothers eat the fruit of their labour (Amin)!! 3 Likes |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by armyofone(m): 11:00pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
I will marry someone who loves me and someone I strongly love too so that my kids won't make me the center of their universe when they are old enough to be independent. Thank Goodness for the beautiful individualistic/independent climes here. Carry on bro ![]() eni4real: 4 Likes |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by ZIMDRILL(m): 11:10pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
eni4real: you are misguided both wife and mum offer different kind of love you are putting all into one instead of separating the kind of love they both give to you, a wife has her own kind of love, which is she give you from the day you start dating, as men you should be mature enough to understand the different love they give neither can replace each other so dont compare the two 3 Likes |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by Ishilove: 11:30pm On Aug 08, 2019 |
freecocoa:Tbe person you're quoting is not married. |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by Nobody: 12:40am On Aug 09, 2019 |
ZIMDRILL:Exactly But wives love to compare.. There is no basis for comparison.. They should focus on their motherhood career!! Hope you noticed that a young lady created this thread just to compare??.. 1 Like |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by Nobody: 12:46am On Aug 09, 2019 |
armyofone:Family is everything tho ![]() |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by ZIMDRILL(m): 5:35am On Aug 09, 2019 |
eni4real: wives might compare but i think the main problem would be the husband why ? do you know that as men we dont how to transform from a bachelor to husband, we compare our wifes cooking with our mums instead teaching our wives ourself how the our favourite dish is done we dont take time to learning, new recipes from our wives, instead we want our wives to do the exact recipe our mother does without knowing that, our wives were brought up in a different home and environment also our mums prepare us to be not like our wives cooking, why because they never teach us to cook ourself those favourite dishes we like, teaching your own wive how to cook your favourite dish can bring a couple to understand each other better and also help in being a romantic etc rought 95% dont know how to cook their favourite food, therefore comparing your wife's cooking to mums bring in the feeling of not being a good cook and unwanted therefore wife might not like your mother simply because she is being told that she is not a good cook no woman would want to be called a bad cook especially when it comes to cooking for her own husband so mothers play part in seeding the not liked feeling by daughter in laws the best thing move away from parents and relatives, if you live in the same town, go to a new place whereby you learn to establish yourself and new couple and stop reporting every mistake your other half do learn to sort out your misunderstanding without calling relatives usually both side relatives in the 1st years are never interested about the marriage but protecting one of their own, only years later thats when they start to support both of your as couple due the fact that they have now learn over time that your nolonger individuals but a couple parents and relatives should let you be able to sort out your problems on your own without them interfering whether through invitation or being nosy the word my family means wife and kids thats why you find that when one asks how is your family they mean your wife/husband and kids then if one want to ask about your mum/daddy they dont use the same phrase as how is your family but they say how is your mum and daddy there are family but once you are married, family is your wife/husband and kids, then the rest is the extended family mum daddy uncles aunties nephew and nieces this idea of putting your parents 1st before your wife is the reason why sometimes, kids suffer when parent dies especially the father because you would have gave your parents the idea that the parents are important that your wife and kids therefore they dont feel pity for your kids when die they kick the wife out from the house and divide the assets among themselves without thinking about the future of your wife and kids simply because your taught them that they come 1st before wife and kids 6 Likes |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by babyfaceafrica: 7:30am On Aug 09, 2019 |
ZIMDRILL:too many generalizations and you don't have to embellish situations to prove a into know how to transform from bachelor to been married abi?..but women can transform from spinsterhood to ufe easily?.. yinmu..marriage if for matured people..if a matured man married an immature Lady, there will be problem, if a mature Lady, marries an immatures/mummy boy_problem dey...if two matured people have inconsiderate mothers,they have issues.....nothing is certain.. |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by Nobody: 10:29am On Aug 09, 2019 |
ZIMDRILL:I don't mean it this way.. The husband should not start the comparison through cooking, conduct etc I am focused on the scenario whereby the wife is obsessed with the comparison.. . Some wives compare for no tangible reason... Yes, no tangible reason! 1 Like |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by GRACEGLORY: 11:26am On Aug 09, 2019 |
freecocoa: Marriage is not an object, not a state, a technology, nor fantasy. It’s another reality that we must realize. Anything whatsoever that man puts his hand to do without concrete knowledge that will provoke his understanding of the subject matter will have hiccups and eventually fail. Our society is as a result of this great institution (marriage), and the failure resulting from that institution is what is causing pains in the society. The man is angry, the woman is angry, the children are angry, due to neglect and abandonment, lack and all. So, they get mentally derailed, and it’s the society that suffers their pains. You bash me, I bash you, we bash all. And the results... look at the environment. Psychopaths!!! There are standards for marriage, it won’t work if these standards are not met. For instance, you can’t be living with your parents and your wife and kids, are you crazy? You can’t be running to your parents, or siblings to report your wife or your husband or to seek advise, is something lost in your brain? For Christ sake, the moment you get married, your father, mother, sister, and brother, becomes your relatives, and your spouse automatically becomes your family, your next of kin, and vise-versa. For heavens sake, your husband, or wife comes first, not your parents or siblings. Ephesians 5:31 "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." Isn’t that deep than it appears? It doesn’t mean you should abandon your parents, but must be separated to your wife or your husband. The most important institution on the face of the earth is the marriage. And this institution has been under attack since the days of Adam and Eve, because every marriage that won’t work produces bad seeds. Many reading this are pained, children without father or mother, abandoned! Neglected! Many are results of marriages that won’t work. The boys are pained, as they had to grow up to learn how to be a man by themselves, and it’s painful having to be a man without a father, having to be a woman without a mother. Op, you and your husband needs knowledge in the area of marriage. Seek it. You won’t find it on Nairaland. Buy books that addresses the issue, get your husband to read, and do same. 2 Likes |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by xavuv: 12:05pm On Aug 09, 2019 |
ZIMDRILL: Im not getting you sir |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by ZIMDRILL(m): 12:50pm On Aug 09, 2019 |
eni4real: i was giving an example how our wives end up disliking our mothers due to us comparing her cooking |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by ZIMDRILL(m): 12:53pm On Aug 09, 2019 |
babyfaceafrica: i was just giving an example and i didnt not say women are better in the transition the focus here was and is on men, yes women have their own mistake too but that would be another thread |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by ZIMDRILL(m): 12:56pm On Aug 09, 2019 |
xavuv: i was just agreeing to your point and expanding more that people tend to see the point you said after the damage has been done in the relationship between wife and relatives |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by frozen70(f): 4:11am On Aug 10, 2019 |
Once such a situation has been established, fight alone, don't even give him the chance to go further, face him aloneyamd continue your solo protest with him Even if he tells the family that you are giving him headache, they won't believe him because you a dealing with him alone, let him alone feel the heat of choosing his family over you and then concentrate on the children. The children will always be in the mother's side so draw your children closer But if no kids in the marriage yet, just keep quiet and play the fool |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by freecocoa(f): 2:18pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
nairalandposter:I find this funny ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by freecocoa(f): 2:30pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
nairalandposter:You get it. I really don’t understand how people can’t be reasonable simply because their family is involved, ofcourse I understand the love and special sentiment you have for them, but that doesn’t mean you won’t use common sense when dealing with issues. I know how much I love my siblings, however, that doesn’t mean I can’t call them out when they in the wrong, especially concerning someone I love, who is now also a member of said family, by virtue of marriage. Me I just tire o. I get crazy when I see a man team up with his siblings and mother, to harasses his wife, this has got to be the highest form of weakness/cowardice ever. 2 Likes |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by freecocoa(f): 2:43pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
bukatyne:Odiegwu o! The thing no tire you? Is it that the men aren’t listening or that the mothers just won’t let go? Cos quite frankly, thinking about it, I begin to wonder, why do these mothers even allow such nonsense continue? Why want to play the role of a wife to your son? Are you well at all? Then the man, you can’t man up to your mum to tell her what’s real, yet you want someone else’s daughter to worship, adore and treat you like the lord of the whole world, yet simple “mama please stop” you can’t say, you are a very stupid and weak man that shouldn’t be taken seriously. ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by freecocoa(f): 2:57pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
bukatyne:I don’t even like how it’s made to seem like one has to choose, ofcourse if it came down to having to make a choice, a spouse must put his/her partner first, for me, this should just be something everyone knows but don’t have to mention or talk about. A mother should know that if she wants to (for instance)have her hair done(most basic example) and her DIL needs to do same and the man can only provide for one person, the man should know the money is automatically his wife’s, mama sef should know this if she’s sensible, any reasonable person should know this. I’ll only leave room for special occasions where mama can be put first in times like this, a reasonable wife should know that as well. But alas! Just look at what these men here are saying, I sorry for the ones that will marry these men walai! 1 Like |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by freecocoa(f): 3:00pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
project4OO:Why do you have to assume the woman is the one fighting the family? I think my post even made it clear that it’s the man’s family, fighting the woman. Or are you saying the woman should take whatever’s thrown at her? ![]() |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by freecocoa(f): 3:05pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
sassysure:The same thing I think. These women are just annoying bitchy control freaks, you even see some young women exhibiting these sign. They are the sisters in-law you are probably even older than, who wants you to serve/worship them because you married their brother. Tell me how such a person won’t turn into a sadistic MIL tomorrow? People are just really crazy in this world. ![]() 3 Likes |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by freecocoa(f): 3:10pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
Logobenz2:What exactly does or will this idiotic man do, as regards his wife and mom, to be termed idiotic? If mama is insulting his wife and he tells mama not to do that, that makes him idiotic? 2 Likes |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by freecocoa(f): 3:12pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
GboyegaD:What makes you think my perspective is biased? I’m a woman who hopes to have a son someoday and also be a MIL, so how exactly am I biased? ![]() |
Re: When Your Man Always Sides With His Family. by DeeMain(m): 4:01pm On Aug 10, 2019 |
ogawisdom: Did you read where she said she is a mum and her first son is 24 or are you plain idiotic? Are you okay? Don't you have respect? |
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