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Rain Soul Supplement - Health - Nairaland

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Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 7:58am On Sep 14, 2018
Are you or your loved ones sick and tired of that chronic disease that is draining your life, energy and resources?
Are your medications now just for maintenance and not improving your condition?
Then, you need Rain Soul.

What is that?

Rain Soul is a health Supplement made from seeds. It is made by Rain International, Salt Lake City, Utah. First produced in 2011 and introduced into Nigeria in February 2016. It just got Nafdac approval two months ago.

The ingredients that make up RAIN SOUL are:

1. Black Raspberry Seed

2. Black Cumin Seed

3. Chardonnay Grape Seed

4. D-Ribose.

Why should I try it?

In a nutshell Soul fights the 6 main types of damage done to the body via the onslaught of toxins, which are, Low oxygen, High acidity, Inflammation, Suppressed immune, Oxidative damage and nutritional deficiencies. This is why we see testimonies for such a massive range of things, because it is dealing with root causes. It also lowers blood sugars which is more important than most people realise. It helps fight Candida, it is very powerful reducing pain, it feeds the brain and is anti aging. As you understand more you will begin to understand why we are so passionate about seed nutrition.
Let's passionately help those we love with RAIN
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Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 11:41am On Jul 24, 2019
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Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 11:48am On Jul 24, 2019

My Personal experience with "RAIN SOUL AND RAIN CORE"
(1) 3 stroke patients were healed with these products within 2 weeks under my watch...
(2) my friend of mine had a serious heart problem that would have taken his life around 12'oclock mid night. He managed to call me on that night, and told me that he was not breathing well and he asked me if I can bring that product I told him of in the morning... And I said okay. Lo, and behold he came that morning and collect altogether 6 satchets of Rain Soul and Rain Core products : 3 satchets of Rain Soul and 3 satchets of Rain Core for three days... 1 sachet of Rain Soul in the morning on empty stomach , while he took 1 satchet of Core at night after dinner for three days, and the young man became normal till date. All the food he does not eat before as a result of this "Heart Problem", he started eating them all. Just three days of taking Rain Soul and Rain Core products, this young man was healed of Heart problem till date...Honestly, I really thank God for Rain Intl. Of their products that Heals everything except Death. To God be the glory.
(3) A woman with Backache was healed instantly with Rain Core; all the whole pains she was crying of dissappeared till date, and that Woman is my WIFE.
(4) A friend of mine with poor vision and he was Diabetic. Just after 3 days of taking Rain Soul and Rain Core, the young man began to read books well again, and he told me that "all his body systems now is calm", that he is feeling ok unlike before...What kind of products is this? where did this product come from? Most of them were asking me these questions.
Honestly, I have not seen this kind of products that Heals everything except Death in my life before, and I have never even imagine it before.
In fact, all I have to say is: God bless Rain International, God bless America/USA as well where it came from. To God be the glory...I have a lot of testimonies but I can not mention all here.... My advice to you that is reading this "my Personal experience with Rain Soul, and Rain Core" is that what ever issue you have just go for RAIN SOUL - MOST POWERFUL FORM OF NUTRITION IN THE WORLD TODAY. ���
Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 9:05am On Aug 25, 2019
Call/WhatsApp to order for yours now
Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 9:10am On Aug 25, 2019
Are you or someone you know tired to being confined to a spot because of Stroke? Are you tried of swallowing pills that have no healing effect? Are you tired of not being able to move freely? Are you tired of spending money on pills that suppress rather than proffer total solution? Do you want to get rid of Stroke totally and have your normal life back? Use rain International's black cumin seeds supplement; rain soul made from black cumin seed and other synergistic seeds now and become parts of our global clients community who have used rain soul to effectively treat and get rid of Stroke.
Product comes with 30days money back guarantee
Call/WhatsApp to order for yours

Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 9:11am On Aug 25, 2019
Waiting for your orders 08098851481/080882633

Re: Rain Soul Supplement by BuyACar(f): 2:23pm On Sep 23, 2019
Good job op!

Increase the volume!

Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 5:26pm On Sep 24, 2019
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Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 5:29pm On Sep 24, 2019
In the hopes that my story may help you or someone you love, I have decided to share a very personal and detailed testimony of my new life since being blessed by the power of Rain's amazing product Soul! My story really starts over 30 years ago but my journey began a few years later after the birth of our first child, I was finally diagnosed with something, Fibromyalgia. The past 26 years I have tried countless medications and endured many many atrocious side effects, which led to IBS, Osteoarthritis , Degenerative disc disease, 2 frozen shoulders, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Non restorative sleep, Brain fog ,Hiatal hernia, Arthritis in every joint, Sinusitis, Ankylosing spondylitis (AS), Meniere's Disease and Exocrine pancreatic Insufficiency, to name a few.
In the hopes of finding some relief I also tried multiple therapy programs and even tried the holistic approach to no avail. As the years progressed so did my symptoms and the list of diagnoses. Eventually there was no breaks in the flare ups and my pain and limitations just increased.
Fast forward, two years ago I finally gave in and accepted I was disabled. My husband and I decided to sell our beautiful home in Nova Scotia and we moved to Prince Edward Island. By the time we arrived I was in severe pain, could barely walk, holding a cup of coffee was a challenge, even breathing was painful. I never left the house without my cane and pain killers.
We found a lovely senior living style home that wasn't in a senior living community. I was only 46 at the time plus I was so flared up and in so much pain that walking trails and other amenities in a senior living community were irrelevant, I would never use them. Our new home is all one level, walk in shower and open concept that could eventually accommodate a walker or wheel chair that I would need.
Last summer a dear best friend called to tell me about a friend of hers who was in his 70's, who had broken his back and was on tons of medication and painkillers. He tried a product called Soul and he is now pain free, off all medications AND lost over 60lbs!! She also was using it and feeling great! She was so excited she couldn't send me the samples fast enough!! We both worried about all the damage the medications were doing to me. After taking the FIRST packet I could notice a difference and wondered is this really happening? I had more energy! I was beyond thrilled I had been so desperate!
Well I am happy to say the story doesn't end there. Each day was better than the day before! I was SO excited! I not only ordered my own box of Soul, I became a Distributor! I then increased to two Soul a day and that's when I noticed the BIG difference! I was able to cut back some of my medications since last summer. My migraines, Vertigo and headaches are now rare, brain fog is almost gone and my mobility is MUCH better. I LOVE not having to use a cane to walk any more !!!
So now I have a senior living home I don't really need and a handicap parking pass I rarely use. What is most exciting is knowing the BEST is yet to come! Without your health you really have nothing and as I always say to my Mom, "Your quality of life is everything!" When you hear people say "It changed my life" it's not just a saying. Soul has not only changed my life but also the lives of those I love! I'm excited to share phase one of my ongoing journey! I love being in charge of my life again and it's my mission to help others do the same! I can't wait to benefit from trying other Rain products such as Core and Pure!
These products are a MUST for Everyone! I went from taking a cocktail of toxic pharmaceuticals to the healing power of Nature’s own SEED NUTRITION !!! Seed Nutrition WORKS . Thank you RAIN International !! “ ~ Tammy Hubley ~ PEI ��️

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Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 5:32pm On Sep 24, 2019

" I almost gave up finding relief for my severe chronic pain due to arthritis and a bulging disc in my spine. I hadn’t found any relief with prescriptions or over the counter pain medications.

Then I found a product called SOUL. I’ve been taking 2 packets of SOUL a day for about 8 weeks now, and my pain level has dropped from a level of 8 or 9 down to 1 or under.

As a bonus, I am a Type 2 diabetic, my blood sugar levels have been steadily dropping since taking SOUL. My average blood sugar level before SOUL was 150. Eight weeks later my blood sugar average level is 101 and I have lost a whopping 17 pounds and my waist has reduced by 2 inches.

I also suffer from Crohn’s Disease and had severe symptoms. My Crohn’s symptoms have decreased from 5 to 6 bowel movements a day down to 1 or 2 like normal people, since I have been taking SOUL.

Thank You SOUL for giving me control of my life back

Chat me up to order for yours

Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 5:34pm On Sep 24, 2019

After being diagnosed in September of 2014 (at age 50) with an aggressive Stage 2 Breast Cancer and undergoing 13 months of chemotherapy, radiation treatments, multiple surgeries and complications, my health was in decline and I was miserable!! I was in constant extreme pain, overweight, with little to no energy, unable to think clearly or concentrate because of brain fog, and unable to work or do the things I loved to do or live the lifestyle I had prior to Cancer. I couldn't even go up and down the stairs without falling because my legs were so heavy and my joints were so stiff and sore! I had neuropathy in my arms, hands, legs, and feet. I was unable to use either of my arms or hands because of SEVERE pain! I could not even hold a pen to sign my name! I had to have an angioplasty procedure because the chemotherapy drugs were so strong that they caused scar tissue to form in my port vein which caused the vein to close up. My doctors told me that I should just get use to feeling this way, that some of the side effects may never get better. There was no mention of nutrition...only more pharmaceutical drugs, more tests and procedures! Two months after my final Chemo treatment I was introduced to Seed Nutrition by my good friend Marie Beecham. It completely changed my life! All of my pain and symptoms/side effects were gone!!! I have tons of energy, I lost the extra weight, and I was able to go back to doing the things I loved! I completely eliminated all medications (both over the counter and pharmaceutical). I am never sick...NO Colds, NO Flu (never a Flu shot), No Allergies. I wake up EVERY DAY with ZERO pain and with TONS of energy!! I can honestly say that I feel better than I have in over 25 years!! ❤️


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Re: Rain Soul Supplement by BuyACar(f): 12:14am On Sep 25, 2019

Any u can not create your own advert
Please do not chat him up if u do u are on your own

Oh really sorry about that, didn't know you'd feel offended.

My sincere apologies, I won't try it again.

I can delete it if you want. The universe is so large, there is enough space for everyone.
Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 11:13am On Sep 26, 2019

Oh really sorry about that, didn't know you'd feel offended.

My sincere apologies, I won't try it again.

I can delete it if you want. The universe is so large, there is enough space for everyone.

Then u better do
Delete it
Re: Rain Soul Supplement by BuyACar(f): 12:53pm On Sep 26, 2019

Then u better do
Delete it

Lol...I would & you still have it in your quote
Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 7:50pm On Sep 28, 2019
Call/WhatsApp to order for yours
Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 10:53am On Oct 01, 2019

In 2014, I had my second son JASON. His birth weight was 2.5kg and at 6 weeks it remained the same!� Of course this is not normal for a 6weeks old baby, so when I took him for his immunization I was told to have an HIV test done on him. Of course, the result came back negative since both parents never had it.

Then at 8weeks he was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease called PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosis). He was admitted to the hospital and was placed on oxgen and antibiotics to manage the situation. And then boom! Doctors told us that the child must be taken abroad for a Heart Surgery! So, in 2015 my son was taken to India for Surgery.

Unfortunately, after the surgery, we discovered through a host of specialists who examined him that the damage had already been done � Because oxygenated blood was not flowing through his body as a result of the heart failure, the muscles had become stiff leading to a host of health problems (Stiff muscles, low cognition, impaired vision, lungs tightness, painful abdominal cramps/spasms, hernia and deafness, just to mention a few��)
All hope seemed lost and for 2 years we kept battling with his health - from fever, viral cough to viral stooling because the immune system is very low.

Then in January 2017 a friend introduced SOUL to me and after careful research I got a box in June 2017 and started giving it to him. After 3 days he started experiencing what is later known as healing responses/crisis. Even after his heart surgery, there was only a little difference in his condition (at least after the surgery his breathing was better), but the damage had been done!! My son could only take liquid food e.g. light pap, Custard, milk and juice. No solids. But just two weeks on Rain soul OMG!! he was able to eat all kinds of food even Rice and other solids! (Soul has stimulated the cells to start correcting and healing the body �i.e the lungs that were underdeveloped) Muscle tone had improved - his stiff muscles became supple, to the amazement of his doctors/therapists @LASUTH,who then asked me what i was doing right, what is it that i am using? Infact a case study was later carry out there on the products with positive results!
�He can now ride his bicycle beautifully, improved vision, but best of all is what soul does to his brain!

After surgery, the neurologist that examined him in India told us the protein in his brain was not enough and that his developmental milestones would be greatly delayed and we thought he would prescribe medications, but to our surprise he said there's no drug for it. That only good nutrition could improve the condition and to continue occupational therapy for him. But within 2 weeks Soul improved his cognition and serve as the good nutrition his brain needs to develop and perform its functions such as stimulating developmental milestones! That was when he started growing.

Fastforward to June 2019. Its been 2 years now since Jason has been taking this amazing seed nutrition! All health issues gone except speech and that too is a work in progress;
�he's starting to call mummy ��
�can walk by himself unassisted
�has been enrolled in school since last year!

Thank you to Rain int'l and the brain behind the PRODUCTS. And the greatest thanks go to our heavenly Father Jehovah, the source of Life and life sustaining seeds�
Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 10:55am On Oct 01, 2019
This is my story update
My name is Mieke Galiart from the Netherlands and on May 28, 2017 I broke my Radius head in my elbow. This is a very complicated fracture that normally takes 6-8 months to heal. One day after this happened I started using Soul because I thought it was time to use it. After two weeks in the plaster, I had to have surgery, they had to use a plate with screws. In the operating room I heard the specialist say that he thought bone tissue had already formed. So that was a good sign. That's why I didn't have to rest in the plaster, but start by gently moving my arm. After two weeks I went back to remove the stitches and my mobility was already far above average. I must also say that I had a double inflammation in the hospital in the operating room. We discovered this by taking pictures of my lungs. Because I was so terribly short of breath. And 5 days later again. In about 5 days I was cured of pneumonia, and this only because of the Soul. After 6 weeks I was fully mobile again, I could use my arm again, so driving a car and everything you have to do all day. The physiotherapist was completely surprised that my healing went so fast. The curvature was completely back and strength was reasonable, nothing stood in my way and I could cycle again.

What I also want to tell you is that I had thyroid cancer surgery in 1998. They took them out with three quarters. And 2 parathyroid glands.

This was very difficult afterwards because I had to take 75 mg of euthyrox but also 25 mg of paroxetine because I didn't make serotonin and became depressed.

But I was always positive and became a totally different person with ups and downs.

I was not happy with myself always in battle.

Since I started using the soul I went from 25 mg to 0 with the paroxitne and have my life completely back.

No more eruptions and no more vibrations of my hand.

But the very best I am happy and again. And I have more energy.

You understand that I will never stop the product again. I now also swallow the Bend and that has given me even more mobility. And no more cracking of my knees. Soul is the best thing that has happened to me.

Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 10:57am On Oct 01, 2019
I’m translating this testimony of my friend, hoping it helps many of people make right decision.���

Hi, my name is Mariana and I want to share my joy with you. For already many years my 10 year old son each spring has been suffering from obstructive bronchitis, in other words, allergic bronchitis. Last year the bronchitis lasted for 8 months, obstruction did not want to leave us. Therefore, for these 8 months we were using inhaler and some medications. Allergists said it will be forever. Besides that, two of my children are suffering from migraine. Son has ordinary, and daughter’s migraine is with aura. This is when one part of the body grows numb, stiffens, one part of the head hurts, a tongue is stiffenting too, child is losing one part of sight and is in state of losing consciousness. By that time I was in despair. I could not quietly let my children go to school or for a walk. I was worried when the phone called, I was afraid that I could be school teacher with bad news. Those seconds that I went to the phone seemed to be eternity.

In February 2018 my friend Yulia Kalytchuk called me and told me about Rain. I asked to send me several packages of Soul and Core at once. By that time it looked like salvation from heaven, because none of the doctors could tell me anything specific.

As a result of using Rain, for the first time in the last years, we breathe freely without obstruction, without bronchitis. A spirogram shows that any violations from the respiratory function of the lungs have not been detected. Although the allergy to the flowering is still existing, but it is isolated and is observed very rarely in the form of sneezing and tearing. Migraines are not so frequent and not so intense. After the last migraine attack my daughter, who was skeptical about the product, told me: “ Mom, I’m not feeling like a plant this time! It is very pleasant. I hope that in the future everything comes to norm. Now I am not afraid to let my children go to school of for a walk, without pills and ampoules in their pockets. I do not worry that they did not eat on time, because I know that they got everything they needed with them.

What does Rain give me, my children? Freedom...Freedom to be in that place where we want to stay in that day. And I don’t have to think where they are and if everything is ok. I have the freedom not to put an ear to the back of my son each time he has coughing, so that it may be obstructive syndrome. I’m not having chaos in my thoughts, in my mind , in my home.����

Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 11:00am On Oct 01, 2019
Rain Soul's Testimonial and chronic diabetes

Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 11:11am On Oct 01, 2019
Distributors are also wanted

Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 11:13am On Oct 01, 2019
Distubutors are also wanted

Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 8:45am On Oct 04, 2019
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Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 9:10pm On Oct 04, 2019
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Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 9:58am On Oct 07, 2019
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Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 2:05pm On Oct 08, 2019
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Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 9:07am On Oct 10, 2019
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Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 1:59pm On Oct 21, 2019
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Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 9:14am On Oct 24, 2019
My name is Mieke Galiart , and this is also a beautiful solution from the product Soul.

Nails, they're a business card when you meet someone. For years I had a problem with my nails. Crumbling and some kind of fungus under a nail. Look how they look now beautiful � Sturdy and hard and especially she looks so good healthy! This is also the effect of good nutrition and this nutrition is in a sachet. It can be that easy.
Do you suffer from bad nails or lime nails Soul is a solution!
Call/WhatsApp to order for yours

Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 1:11pm On Oct 27, 2019
Waiting for your orders
Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 2:29pm On Oct 30, 2019
Waiting for yours orders
Re: Rain Soul Supplement by nawtibownie: 12:24pm On Dec 29, 2019
Hello. How much is a pack? Does it work for diabetes?
Re: Rain Soul Supplement by obiageri5(f): 9:55am On Jan 22, 2020
Hello. How much is a pack? Does it work for diabetes?
Yes chat me up on WhatsApp let talk

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