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Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? - Health (22) - Nairaland

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Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by jacy346(f): 10:38am On Oct 29, 2019
[quote author=Makuos19 post=83557244] She is not right. That is the consequence of living in sin. Run away from sin!!![/quote} let God be the judge of it.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by adedehinbo(m): 10:39am On Oct 29, 2019

Sounds like early symptom of HIV/AIDS
U got HIV/AIDS before?for u to know all this

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Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Sheerwill96: 10:46am On Oct 29, 2019
Beloved, don't waste your time on doctors who can't cure you because your sickness can't be cured by any drug. As a matter of fact your sickness came as a result of your sin against God. So if you must be cured then you need to ask God for mercy. Only then will you be healed. Please note that when God heals you, you shouldn't go about committing the same sin or worse could befall you. Have a nice day and remember that you are loved and cherished by God.


Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by olat86(m): 10:47am On Oct 29, 2019
I will advice you to go for another test in a different lab. And let me know the outcome. You can do that within two days na. Whatsap
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Makuos19: 10:48am On Oct 29, 2019
[quote author=jacy346 post=83557455][/quote]Then you have to read Gods word(the Bible) to know His judgment concerning sin...and He said "What you sow you will reap"!!!
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by walteriyke: 10:50am On Oct 29, 2019
HIV on da beat
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by aoshi: 10:58am On Oct 29, 2019
@ op
check for Herpes
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Pearl1996: 10:59am On Oct 29, 2019
I will advice you to go for another test in a different lab. And let me know the outcome. You can do that within two days na. Whatsap
I have done several HIv test. Even did HIv in federal hospital. I am not scared of HIV. Have you heard of the saying that says its better to know what's wrong with you than not knowing. At this point I will Gladly start treatment with out complains if its HIV.
And for all those calling me names. I pray you are all virgins and never made a mistake in your life. The guys a banker and we broke up due to me relocating. We have been together for years.

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Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by terabyte002: 11:01am On Oct 29, 2019
I will advice you to try herbal concoction as far as Capsule medication has not been helpful. If the condition is still not improving maybe you need to talk to ur ex , he probably must have used something for you or possibly having a certain disease he was hiding from you.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Makuos19: 11:01am On Oct 29, 2019
I have done several HIv test. Even did HIv in federal hospital. I am not scared of HIV. Have you heard of the saying that says its better to know what's wrong with you than not knowing. At this point I will Gladly start treatment with out complains if its HIV.
And for all those calling me names. I pray you are all virgins and never made a mistake in your life. The guys a banker and we broke up due to me relocating. We have been together for years.
First and foremost, you a confirm Harlot for having sex with someone that is not your husband. The solution to your problem will only start if you genuinely repent from your Fornication, ask God to have mercy on you and cleanse you. And promise Him that you will not go back into it until you are rightfully married and desist from going into Boy friendship!!!
Then you can pray to Him for healing and you will be healed!!!
You cant remain in your sin and be looking for solution!!!
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Afolakunle: 11:02am On Oct 29, 2019
BELOVED, curse causeless cannot come. you may have trespassed, or broke an edge, with your explanation is only God who can help you, since Doctors have tried their known professional exploits, I suggest you ask God for mercy by repenting from all known sins then pray for healing. Jesus the healer He'll be there for you.

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Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Lilfire(m): 11:04am On Oct 29, 2019
Sister to me dis is spiritual, ur ex have a spiritual wife ND she is d one tormenting u so pls I advise u sick for spiritual help, don't mind all those guys saying HIV and stuff go spiritual trust me, u will be fine soon, ND keep fighting be strong God will see u through
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by PENIEL2018(m): 11:06am On Oct 29, 2019
Nairaland famiy I need help.

Somethings been eating me up. I had sex with my boyfriend some weeks later i started falling so sick I will try to point out all I can remember
*Came down with what I felt was fever was burning hot so hot you just need to come close to feel the heat

*at night I sweat. Not just the usual sweat but one I have to change my clothes two times a nigbt(this happened for like a week)

* I started feeling so cold especially in the morning. Doctor said it was pneumonia + a cough that lasted for three weeks plus.

*and the rashes I ve never have in my whole life spreaded all over my arms and back as well as my breast region.

* I also had serious muscle ache. Serious that my mom had to help me massage it. My neck did hurt too it felt like someone hit me with a blank on my neck

* nodes on my neck, groin, as well as ear.
* I started having blurred vision and sores on my lips like fever blisters

* and then injuries in my mouth, weird ones
* I have oral trush at least thats what I thought them to be. White tongue I have had this before but this onr is different. With slimy white things in my mouth every time

*I also experienced dehydration and dry mouth.
* also had a delayed flow

The symptoms are so much I can't even mention it all. Most of these lasted for about a month +. I still have cold till this day. I shiver most times and its my major fear. And the rashes are still there.

This Is the major problem. The nurse who was handling me said it might be an STD maybe HIV I took plethora of test including HIV after 3 months all came back negative, I was told to wait 6montgs to check for HIv again it was still negativr. During this month I have seen so many doctors, private and government all they do is givr me drugs but I still experience the pneumonia cold( no cough) and occasional mouth sores as well as the rash. My boyfriend now my ex took HIV too it was negative.
Please doctors in the house what can this be. I have read so many threads here on naira land of people who had same experience but some later turned + they might be lying though.

I heard after 6 months and test is still negative then its not it. My question now is. What is wrong with me. I have spent so much on drugs and test. And no doctor is able to say what my problem is. Its making me crazy as I am even scared to shower because of the cold and I can't let people see my body due to rash.

I need help.

Hello Pearl. I know what you are going through, forget about all those who are mocking and making jest of your situation,those are human beings for you to know. Since you have done all medical tests with no result pinpointing to a particular disease; go to a known prayer house for prayers.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by jacy346(f): 11:06am On Oct 29, 2019
Then you have to read Gods word(the Bible) to know His judgment concerning sin...and He said "What you sow you will reap"!!!
mmmmm, but try to show little kindness my dear.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by otabuko(m): 11:06am On Oct 29, 2019
Some HIV strains can take like 2 years before showing positive, its HIV and no doubt about it but ur immune system is so strong that it doesnt want to accept the virus but its already in it with time it will supress the system and become worse, I studied microbiology and I did virology in my year 3, some virus can hide for years in ur body at the Latent phase and they will b replicating (produce) like crazy.
shut up.

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Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Makuos19: 11:07am On Oct 29, 2019
mmmmm, but try to show little kindness my dear.
How dear
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Zukky123(m): 11:15am On Oct 29, 2019
Even though the signs you are experiencing resembles that of early hiv infection, but you are negative to the tests done for hiv. So I advice you test for syphilis, because some of the signs you mentioned are similar to that of secondary stage of syphilis.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by jacy346(f): 11:15am On Oct 29, 2019
How dear
by mourning with those who morn, consoling the heartbroken and showing mercies those going through the pains of life without judging them like the biblical mr Job's sympathisers.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by moski5(m): 11:16am On Oct 29, 2019
I have done several HIv test. Even did HIv in federal hospital. I am not scared of HIV. Have you heard of the saying that says its better to know what's wrong with you than not knowing. At this point I will Gladly start treatment with out complains if its HIV.
And for all those calling me names. I pray you are all virgins and never made a mistake in your life. The guys a banker and we broke up due to me relocating. We have been together for years.

its a mind thing treat for pneumonia and attend to your mind and spirit .... love and light to you
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by 08064978510(m): 11:18am On Oct 29, 2019
hope ur boy friend is not a yahoo boy, just pray say e never use u
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Makuos19: 11:21am On Oct 29, 2019
by mourning with those who morn, consoling the heartbroken and showing mercies those going through the pains of life without judging them like the biblical mr Job's sympathisers.
This is not mourning, or judging. Besides, you don't console those who committed sin. You only tell them the truth which is for them to repent and come out from sin and seek God for mercy!!! Job situation is different because his suffering was not as a result if his sin but trials of life which satan brought in his way to see if he can curse God or sin against God!!!

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Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Smithwilliams826: 11:23am On Oct 29, 2019
My friend you don't have std. Its just HIV/AIDS that is doing you now.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by SURElee(f): 11:23am On Oct 29, 2019
If you love yourself go to a teaching hospital where thorough medical exams will be done taking your blood sample, oral fluids etc to rule out cases and narrow it down and treat you properly.

Then let me ask you, how much is a pack of condom? See all you are going through now? Abstinence or use of protection has been adviced all jingles or media in English, pidgin and various languages.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Pearl1996: 11:23am On Oct 29, 2019

its a mind thing treat for pneumonia and attend to your mind and spirit .... love and light to you
I am fit now, I just get cold once in a while like an absurd one. And then the rash that comes and goes. And the mouth sores. Well thanks a lot. I will deactivate soon. Some of the comments here made me cry.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Ade24682: 11:25am On Oct 29, 2019
If you love yourself go to a teaching hospital where thorough medical exams will be done taking your blood sample, oral fluids etc to rule out cases and narrow it down and treat you properly.

Then let me ask you, how much is a pack of condom? See all you are going through now? Abstinence or use of protection has been adviced all jingles or media in English, pidgin and various languages.
lol swear you have never had raw sex in your life. we go dey do holy holy because she's unlucky

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Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by makeitijn: 11:25am On Oct 29, 2019
Bankers are more prone to STDs. They spread the virus a lot
I have done several HIv test. Even did HIv in federal hospital. I am not scared of HIV. Have you heard of the saying that says its better to know what's wrong with you than not knowing. At this point I will Gladly start treatment with out complains if its HIV.
And for all those calling me names. I pray you are all virgins and never made a mistake in your life. The guys a banker and we broke up due to me relocating. We have been together for years.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by jacy346(f): 11:26am On Oct 29, 2019
This is not mourning, or judging. Besides, you don't console those who committed sin. You only tell them the truth which is for them to repent and come out from sin and seek God for mercy!!! Job situation is different because his suffering was not as a result if his sin but trials of life which satan brought in his way to see if he can curse God or sin against God!!!
well, you might be right. The one million dollar question is.....who will cast the first stone to her now?
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Adekunlesamlet(m): 11:31am On Oct 29, 2019
I have some silly questions to ask...1... Is your boyfriend a yahoo boy?...2... What symptoms did you notice in your boyfriend?... I mean does he feel thesame as you feel... If no, i will advice you to go to the government hospital, for check up.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by Makuos19: 11:32am On Oct 29, 2019
well, you might be right. The one million dollar question is.....who will cast the first stone to her now?
No body might cast the first stone on her or strike her to death because she committed fornication. But that does not change the fact we should not say the truth when we see one. And the truth is, she might currently be reaping the consequences of her sin and the only way out is for her to repent from it now that she is still alive and seek God for mercy because even if she gets cure from her sickness without genuinely repenting from her sin and she dies in that condition, hell fire awaits her!!! That is the bible truth!!!

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Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by theDEVILisHERE: 11:33am On Oct 29, 2019
Nairaland famiy I need help.

Somethings been eating me up. I had sex with my boyfriend some weeks later i started falling so sick I will try to point out all I can remember
*Came down with what I felt was fever was burning hot so hot you just need to come close to feel the heat

*at night I sweat. Not just the usual sweat but one I have to change my clothes two times a nigbt(this happened for like a week)

* I started feeling so cold especially in the morning. Doctor said it was pneumonia + a cough that lasted for three weeks plus.

*and the rashes I ve never have in my whole life spreaded all over my arms and back as well as my breast region.

* I also had serious muscle ache. Serious that my mom had to help me massage it. My neck did hurt too it felt like someone hit me with a blank on my neck

* nodes on my neck, groin, as well as ear.
* I started having blurred vision and sores on my lips like fever blisters

* and then injuries in my mouth, weird ones
* I have oral trush at least thats what I thought them to be. White tongue I have had this before but this onr is different. With slimy white things in my mouth every time

*I also experienced dehydration and dry mouth.
* also had a delayed flow

The symptoms are so much I can't even mention it all. Most of these lasted for about a month +. I still have cold till this day. I shiver most times and its my major fear. And the rashes are still there.

This Is the major problem. The nurse who was handling me said it might be an STD maybe HIV I took plethora of test including HIV after 3 months all came back negative, I was told to wait 6montgs to check for HIv again it was still negativr. During this month I have seen so many doctors, private and government all they do is givr me drugs but I still experience the pneumonia cold( no cough) and occasional mouth sores as well as the rash. My boyfriend now my ex took HIV too it was negative.
Please doctors in the house what can this be. I have read so many threads here on naira land of people who had same experience but some later turned + they might be lying though.

I heard after 6 months and test is still negative then its not it. My question now is. What is wrong with me. I have spent so much on drugs and test. And no doctor is able to say what my problem is. Its making me crazy as I am even scared to shower because of the cold and I can't let people see my body due to rash.

I need help.

There's definitely a problem and u know it
Now listen and listen good

Like many posters have said including the idiots making fun of your situation, this could be Std or some spiritual attack due to rituals

Whatever the case is the basic foundation for deterioration in the body is food
Weither it's sickness, disease or spiritual, they all need the poisons from food to cause the required damage
All foods contain poisons, some more than others
It is this poisons aka toxins deposited in the body that are the fuel for the fire/trigger (Std, spiritual) to erupt (sickness etc)

The less poisons in your system the less the damage and the higher ur chances of eradicating what ever the problem is

The true Natural way of treatment is eradicating the roots cause
And the root cause of all sicknesses is food

so first things first
Stop all processed foods and drinks IMMEDIATELY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your food should be only Natural foods such as grains, legumes (Beans esp), less sugary fruits (sugary fruits raise body acidity and acidity is the bedrock for sickness/disease), and vegetables
No meat/fish or animal product or very very little if u can't do without it

Then proceed to reduce ur feeding
If eating 3 times a day as an adult u can't live long
Reduce it to 2ce immediately! with a one day fast (24 hrs) 1ce or 2ce every week

After couple of weeks/months depending on how your body has adjusted reduce it to 1ce a day and maintain than for as long as possible
Only after your symptoms has gone can you eat 2ce but not 3ce
3times a day is for only growing kids (21 below) not for adult except u wanna have a sickness

If u are talking medication try and align it with this feed format
This format applies to all sicknesses and diseases, ALL

With this format your body would flush out all poisons and disease causing agent in no time and your cells would rebuild themselves

Any adult who is capable of maintaining 1ce a day feeding would hardly ever be sick
1ce in 2 days or better still 1ce in 3 days u'll never ever be sick and live up to 500+yrs
And this is as long as you eat the right foods and not those poisons (processed food&drinks)

The medical system would only thrive on your sickness so they sell u drugs
They don't give proper permanent solution cause that puts them out of business

So First thing like I said Stop all processed/chemical/bottled/canned whatever foods and drinks IMMIDIATELY. They are direct poison and quicken u journey to the grave
Ignore this at your own peril

As for your lifestyle
U know what is right and not right
U know what u are supposed to do, do it
It's not about being holy
It's about doing the right thing cause doing what is not right would bring u problems

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Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by ChrisAC: 11:37am On Oct 29, 2019
Plz run another test, nairaland will just compound the problem for you.

How well do you know ur guy? Just asking cos some of the symptoms you mention occur when you have unprotected sex with someone who engages sex with dead bodies and animals.
#my opinion and research.
Re: Could This Be STD Or Bad Immune System? by sojfaith243: 11:37am On Oct 29, 2019
Visit a good hospital. Doctors will tell you the laboratory to go and carry out tests. Most likely, you are having Tuberculosis and if it's not attended to on time, it may cause you terrible symptoms.

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