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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by bizhop01: 7:55am On Nov 04, 2019
The story not complete
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Hotzone(m): 7:55am On Nov 04, 2019
It hurt really but you should move on, there is a point in a man's life that he wants to be alone to work on himself cus he felt he is lagging, especially if he is the only son. There was a point in my life that i tried to cut off my girl cus i needed to work on myself and my life, i felt she's a distraction but the more i try to distance myself the closer she comes. With time i was able to cope knowing fully i'm in charge of my emotion and mind. You should work on yourself too and be happy, never remain on the same page he left you cus he'll prolly come back.
If u guys can find strength in unity, u can develop with each other...a failed state is a failed state
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by TOPCRUISE(m): 7:56am On Nov 04, 2019
It only ends when he invites you to his wedding
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by pocohantas(f): 7:56am On Nov 04, 2019
You have a heart that can be broken. I envy you... grin cheesy

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by franchasng: 7:56am On Nov 04, 2019
My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.
He has been tired of you since and was looking for a way to escape and the transfer made things easy for him.

Girls should learn to love like guys. Until you are married officially, sister you are single. stop turning other guys down because of one guy you call boyfriend, whom you don't even know how many other girlfriends he has and maybe planning to marry. If he wants you to be his and his alone, let him go and pay your dowry and marry you officially.

While dating any guy, please give other guys a chance of friendship, if your so called boyfriend complains, tell him to go and pay your dowry or quit if he cannot stay.

If you have side boyfriends, it won't hurt you much when one boyfriend breaks your heart, you will just shift your attention to the next most qualified guy asking you out, that's how guys do.

Ladies grow up!! Threatening a guy for dumping you or quitting relationship with you is stupidity, move on to the next guy asap!


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Nobody: 7:56am On Nov 04, 2019
[quote author=Marvieduke post=83721344][/quote]Perhaps that's what you think cos I see no correlation of that here.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Mutemenot(m): 7:56am On Nov 04, 2019
Move on bae, he didn't relocate with your pvzzy, brain and wellbeing sad when things doesn't work out you try another, he isn't the only one to house you .....

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by LolaO(f): 7:57am On Nov 04, 2019

This is scary... Please go and check yourself for any stds or god forbid the 3 letter word...

Why would someone act like this?
What answers are you hoping to get here?

We're as shocked as you are...

I would advise you to feel the pain, stay strong enough to ride this through to the end. He's disrespected your father, and you need to take all the lessons you have from this.

You could make your own narrative if he won't offer you one, and your own decisions about this relationship... Like: If he comes back will you just take him back... Is this relationship really going anywhere past dreams and wishes?

I say go have a make over and work on you... Stop the pity party soon and all is well with you

Thank you.

I'm fine health-wise...
Plus, I've not seen him in going to 2 years, we just talk on phone before the disappearance.

Would I take him back if he comes back? No

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by bluefilm: 7:57am On Nov 04, 2019
So what do you want nairalanders to do for you now?

To start weeping or to start rejoicing with you?

Nonsense. sad


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by pocohantas(f): 7:58am On Nov 04, 2019

Lol...we bless God

How did you even date for 5 yrs?

When a grown man is ready, he is ready. If he delays for 5yrs. Sis, nigga is weighing his options.


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by LolaO(f): 7:58am On Nov 04, 2019
You have a heart that can be broken. I envy you... grin cheesy

Lol...we bless God
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Kilamiti: 7:58am On Nov 04, 2019
My stupid marriage of 7years also ended like that. The man was thinking that after moving out of the house I'd die but as soon as he put his legs out another man put his legs in sharp sharp. Why do pple wail when someone leaves? Are you aware there are 200million ppl living in Nigeria alone not to talk of the world. Why will you allow just one person make you sad because they left. Replace their ass immediately.my sist,therr are very good men out there who will treat you like egg. Forget that mumu


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by LolaO(f): 7:58am On Nov 04, 2019
So what do you want nairalanders to do for you now?

To start weeping or to start rejoicing with you?

Nonsense. sad

Rejoice, maybe.
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Martinez39(m): 7:59am On Nov 04, 2019
This is your own version.....I can't comment until I hear his version.

Women have a way of not telling us where/how they bleeped up when things go wrong...
Sharp guy!

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by TwentyOnePilots(m): 7:59am On Nov 04, 2019
see this relationship scavenger

@ Relationship Scavenger!!! grin grin grin


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Coldie: 7:59am On Nov 04, 2019
How sure are you that he was dating u.

Some times some guys just want to have sex and nothing more but to some girls they are in a relationship.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Nobody: 8:00am On Nov 04, 2019
Visit him in person don't just assume, spend atleast two days in a month with him, if you go and he gives you attitude then you can conclude but i'm sure he won't forget where you guys are coming from, 5years no be joke. That's bsc computer science plus MSc in UK
My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.

1 Like

Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by quizpaid(f): 8:01am On Nov 04, 2019
When their is life you still have hope
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by LolaO(f): 8:01am On Nov 04, 2019

Have you tried visiting him since he left lagos?

Yes, I have. Once.
My job is also very demanding, thus no time to actually go visit as often I'd have loved to. Last time he came to Lagos was last year.

So, technically the relationship has been over since last year. I just got on the train late.


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by OLAJADON: 8:02am On Nov 04, 2019
My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.
I guess maybe he doesn't love you enough, if truly he does, distance won't mean a thing. I am in a long distance relationship although things are not going well in mine also but believe me if he guy loves u he will always show it.
Actually my girl treat me like I am forcing myself on her that why I decided to distance myself, probably she has a lot of toasters. distance can be a issue at times but u will know the guy is serious if he is.


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Mikkydo(m): 8:03am On Nov 04, 2019
Listen to "Dear Anne" by Lil Wayne or "Something you forgot"

Out of sight, out of mind.

As for your relationship, I don't know how the whole shît started neither am I interested in why it ended... either ways, life continues.

Not every relationship will result to marriage, it's better a broken relationship than a broken marriage.

Life's too short to worry about who wants us and who doesn't....

My motto: "Fùck everybody exempt nobody, life's too short"

We met, we love, we laugh, we #*&*
It wen sour, we cry, we miss, we move on.
life's too short

Substantial advice from an experienced fellow. Hmmm!
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by DameB(f): 8:04am On Nov 04, 2019
I am a nice guy and i live in asaba. Can we hook up?
I mean u come across so many nice guys but i am sure u wud just throw them away.

Person dey worry about her man, u wan chook head? shocked

What are you?

No just what is you?


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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by greypencils: 8:04am On Nov 04, 2019

It's your fault. Most of you ladies like forming champion even when you love a guy, always waiting for the guy to be the one to reach out to you. Common checking on a guy you're in a relationship with, you girls can't reach out to the person you claimed you love. How many times do you reach out to him? How many times do you check on him if he is still alive? Do you know what he has been passing through? Are you aware of his worries? Do you call him to find out how life is treating him?

Relationship is two ways directions. It is reciprocal. Don't always sit on the fence waiting for your man to reach out to you before you reach out to him. Don't always wait for your man to reach out to you before finding out how life is treating him. Majority of you girls don't know how to care for a man. We men want to be shown love too.

The only thing that will make a man to stop talking to you is if you are just there contributing nothing to his life. But you want him to keep chasing you, professing unrealistic love to you while sitting right there folding your hands. No text, no call and you expect the man to waste his time with you. No way.

The only thing that will make someone you've spent 5 years with to stop talking to you is because you as a lady is not playing your role. You are not reaching out to him to check on him as often as you should for someone who truly wants to build a future with a man. He sees that you are just there always wanting him to be the one to do all the communications and building of the relationship. Don't blame the gentle man.

He must have found someone else who is doing all that you are not doing for him. What does it take to communicate with your man and always get involved in his life? It takes nothing - absolutely nothing. But you girls will be feeling like Queens of the coast putting all the work of maintaining a relationship on a man without doing nothing.

Do you truly expect such a man to choose you as a partner? What makes men choose women for wives is how supportive they are to men. Men choose women for life partner based on how supportive they can be to them.

In those days we see supportive fiancées and that makes men take such ladies for wives cuz they are supportive and not parasitics. They give good advice to their men and encourage them to attain higher feats in life. If a man do not see you as the supportive type, he will surely not take you seriously.

Brace yourself up and move on my sister. When you see the next man, learn how to fully get involved in his life. It will make make a man see you as the serious type.
You don't know this lady in question and the next thing for you is to assume she was in the wrong, she was a parasite and all that. I think you are wrong. What man can stand a parasite for 5 years? I believe most men discard parasites before two years of being together. Even if she was, the man in question owes her an explanation for leaving. That is the least he can do. He ought to tell her where she went wrong so that she can be given a chance to fix it. I believe the man is at fault. He has found someone else that is giving him what the lady hasn't been given him, possibly good sex. Whatever the reason, Madame LolaO, take heart and suck it up, the pain and all that, you just have to pick yourself together and forget about him. Many of us have experienced this kind of heartbreak. At least I have. We didnt die. I know it stings and it hurts but you have to dig deep and find the strength to bounce back. Be strong for yourself. Ok. Pele

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by crackhouse(m): 8:04am On Nov 04, 2019
Maybe you are pain in his ass.
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Obdk: 8:05am On Nov 04, 2019
Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by enoch273: 8:05am On Nov 04, 2019
My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.

I wouldn't blame her m, cause you would ve done the same, it's only a matter of WHEN? I learnt the hard way too, relationship of 5 years, for her a ring, she relocated to SA for studies and it went South, I hanged on for 3 good years, but they were all painful, one dude can't keep a

anyway you are cute, hit me up on WhatsApp let's talk, number is on my signature.

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by franchasng: 8:05am On Nov 04, 2019

It's your fault. Most of you ladies like forming champion even when you love a guy, always waiting for the guy to be the one to reach out to you. Common checking on a guy you're in a relationship with, you girls can't reach out to the person you claimed you love. How many times do you reach out to him? How many times do you check on him if he is still alive? Do you know what he has been passing through? Are you aware of his worries? Do you call him to find out how life is treating him?

Relationship is two ways directions. It is reciprocal. Don't always sit on the fence waiting for your man to reach out to you before you reach out to him. Don't always wait for your man to reach out to you before finding out how life is treating him. Majority of you girls don't know how to care for a man. We men want to be shown love too.

The only thing that will make a man to stop talking to you is if you are just there contributing nothing to his life. But you want him to keep chasing you, professing unrealistic love to you while sitting right there folding your hands. No text, no call and you expect the man to waste his time with you. No way.

The only thing that will make someone you've spent 5 years with to stop talking to you is because you as a lady is not playing your role. You are not reaching out to him to check on him as often as you should for someone who truly wants to build a future with a man. He sees that you are just there always wanting him to be the one to do all the communications and building of the relationship. Don't blame the gentle man.

He must have found someone else who is doing all that you are not doing for him. What does it take to communicate with your man and always get involved in his life? It takes nothing - absolutely nothing. But you girls will be feeling like Queens of the coast putting all the work of maintaining a relationship on a man without doing nothing.

Do you truly expect such a man to choose you as a partner? What makes men choose women for wives is how supportive they are to men. Men choose women for life partner based on how supportive they can be to them.

In those days we see supportive fiancées and that makes men take such ladies for wives cuz they are supportive and not parasitics. They give good advice to their men and encourage them to attain higher feats in life. If a man do not see you as the supportive type, he will surely not take you seriously.

Brace yourself up and move on my sister. When you see the next man, learn how to fully get involved in his life. It will make make a man see you as the serious type.
Ladies listen to this guy.

One thing guys consider when choosing a partner is: how supportive you have been to him and his life journey.

If he is a criminal, do you support him becoming the best criminal

If he is a public fund looter like Tinubu and Buhari, do you support him to loot public funds completely without any trace like Buhari

Being supportive to your man will make him consider you top among other ladies he maybe seeing or eyeing.

No matter how rich that your man is, he still needs your support emotionally, financially, morally, psychologically, spiritually and intellectually.

And if he is still coming up or struggling financially, he will be considering how supportive you have been and can be to him financially before he decides to marry you.

Gone are the days guys choose a wife based on physical beauty alone, your big bombom like my own is no longer enough quality to get you a deserving husband today.

Me I get big bombom and plenty other qualities, so you see wink kiss

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Egalitarian1: 8:06am On Nov 04, 2019

It's your fault. Most of you ladies like forming champion even when you love a guy, always waiting for the guy to be the one to reach out to you. Common checking on a guy you're in a relationship with, you girls can't reach out to the person you claimed you love. How many times do you reach out to him? How many times do you check on him if he is still alive? Do you know what he has been passing through? Are you aware of his worries? Do you call him to find out how life is treating him?

Relationship is two ways directions. It is reciprocal. Don't always sit on the fence waiting for your man to reach out to you before you reach out to him. Don't always wait for your man to reach out to you before finding out how life is treating him. Majority of you girls don't know how to care for a man. We men want to be shown love too.

The only thing that will make a man to stop talking to you is if you are just there contributing nothing to his life. But you want him to keep chasing you, professing unrealistic love to you while sitting right there folding your hands. No text, no call and you expect the man to waste his time with you. No way.

The only thing that will make someone you've spent 5 years with to stop talking to you is because you as a lady is not playing your role. You are not reaching out to him to check on him as often as you should for someone who truly wants to build a future with a man. He sees that you are just there always wanting him to be the one to do all the communications and building of the relationship. Don't blame the gentle man.

He must have found someone else who is doing all that you are not doing for him. What does it take to communicate with your man and always get involved in his life? It takes nothing - absolutely nothing. But you girls will be feeling like Queens of the coast putting all the work of maintaining a relationship on a man without doing nothing.

Do you truly expect such a man to choose you as a partner? What makes men choose women for wives is how supportive they are to men. Men choose women for life partner based on how supportive they can be to them.

In those days we see supportive fiancées and that makes men take such ladies for wives cuz they are supportive and not parasitics. They give good advice to their men and encourage them to attain higher feats in life. If a man do not see you as the supportive type, he will surely not take you seriously.

Brace yourself up and move on my sister. When you see the next man, learn how to fully get involved in his life. It will make make a man see you as the serious type.

Thank you immensely for this,and may God bless you most abundantly! I wished Celestina my ex could read this and reposition her mindset for her future relationship. Be blessed once again


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Sunnymatey(m): 8:06am On Nov 04, 2019
My dear,

To get a clearer picture of what's happening, l ll advice you arrange with his mum for a visit without him knowing you ll be coming along.

Thats when you get to know exactly what the issue is and whether it's over.
For now, you' re exagurating.

Men do go extra mile to prove their love for their ladies, its your time to show him how much you value what you both share

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Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by infogenius(m): 8:06am On Nov 04, 2019
My relationship of 5 years ended in the most heartbreaking way.

He got transferred to Asaba from Lagos and months later just stopped talking to me, no communication, no closure, nothing, just like that.
It’s been 5 months now.

This is someone I had planned my whole life around.

Distance does not make the heart go fonder.

I am so hurt, it hurts.

I just read through this thread. I am sorry about what you are going through.
However, this is the way I view this issue.

It is either.

The guy is bored stiff of his relationship with u, fortunately, a breather came for him and he has finally moved on
He is going through challenges he may not want to share at the moment.

Kindly find out.
It is either you travel to see him (but be prepared for any shock) to sort this out
or call him with another number he doesn't have and trash this out with him. Please don't accept
"i will talk to you" later from him. If he insists on that and doesn't call back. He is obviously far gone and you must
of necessity move on.

Also kindly look into the relationship and see what may have caused this, make amends and seek new adventure.
Life is not always fair my dear.


Re: My 5 Year Old Relationship Ended Just Like That by Traveln: 8:06am On Nov 04, 2019
It's your fault. Most of you ladies like forming champion even when you love a guy, always waiting for the guy to be the one to reach out to you. Common checking on a guy you're in a relationship with, you girls can't reach out to the person you claimed you love. How many times do you reach out to him? How many times do you check on him if he is still alive? Do you know what he has been passing through? Are you aware of his worries? Do you call him to find out how life is treating him?

Relationship is two ways directions. It is reciprocal. Don't always sit on the fence waiting for your man to reach out to you before you reach out to him. Don't always wait for your man to reach out to you before finding out how life is treating him. Majority of you girls don't know how to care for a man. We men want to be shown love too.

The only thing that will make a man to stop talking to you is if you are just there contributing nothing to his life. But you want him to keep chasing you, professing unrealistic love to you while sitting right there folding your hands. No text, no call and you expect the man to waste his time with you. No way.

The only thing that will make someone you've spent 5 years with to stop talking to you is because you as a lady is not playing your role. You are not reaching out to him to check on him as often as you should for someone who truly wants to build a future with a man. He sees that you are just there always wanting him to be the one to do all the communications and building of the relationship. Don't blame the gentle man.

He must have found someone else who is doing all that you are not doing for him. What does it take to communicate with your man and always get involved in his life? It takes nothing - absolutely nothing. But you girls will be feeling like Queens of the coast putting all the work of maintaining a relationship on a man without doing nothing.

Do you truly expect such a man to choose you as a partner? What makes men choose women for wives is how supportive they are to men. Men choose women for life partner based on how supportive they can be to them.

In those days we see supportive fiancées and that makes men take such ladies for wives cuz they are supportive and not parasitics. They give good advice to their men and encourage them to attain higher feats in life. If a man do not see you as the supportive type, he will surely not take you seriously.

Brace yourself up and move on my sister. When you see the next man, learn how to fully get involved in his life. It will make make a man see you as the serious type.

Good advise if only our girls will take this piece of advise but unfortunately 99% of Nigerian girls has nothing,I mean absolutely nothing to offer in a relationship other than the slack pussy.


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