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Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by Ceegar01: 7:17am On Nov 22, 2019 |
marshman293:I think the so called cabals you're talking about are bitter opposition minds like you who don't want anything good from Obiano's administration. |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by somalianprince: 7:40am On Nov 22, 2019 |
Focus on your useless and backward Imo state. We are Anambrans and that's why we are different from the rest of the Igbos. Anambra international airport will be the busiest airport in Nigeria after lagos and Abuja. Anything Anambra people touches turns to gold. History is replete with that. [s] marshman293:[/s] 2 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by somalianprince: 7:43am On Nov 22, 2019 |
Ceegar01: No mind the clown, he is an inferior Igbo from Imo state. He is only jittery and bitter that the airport project construction has taken off. |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by asha80(m): 10:36am On Nov 22, 2019 |
somalianprince:nonsense talk though 5 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by somalianprince: 10:39am On Nov 22, 2019 |
[s] asha80:[/s] Shut up your dirty mouth this Obowo clown. Did I lie about my comment? 1 Like |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by asha80(m): 11:30am On Nov 22, 2019 |
somalianprince:nonsense talk still 2 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by somalianprince: 11:33am On Nov 22, 2019 |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by globemoney: 6:06pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
UmuEri:Junk absolute nonsense. Stella Oduah stopped being minister over 7 or more years ago, so why didn't obiano move it back to Aguleri after her tenure or now he has close access to presidency. What has Land grabbing with this issue? Does the airport belong to obiano? And If you are asking what the economic implications of the airport will be to umueri people then you must be an illiterate. Stop talking nonsense all over the place and support the government to begin this project 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by UmuEri(m): 6:16pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
globemoney:It is either you are senseless or you have issues with reading comprehension. Senator Stella Odua being the senator representing Anambra North in the Senate was one of those who stopped Obiano's evill plan. it was further compounded by the clear message that Aguleri neither has the land needed nor the capacity to host an Airport judging from their swampy land. I understand your pains, but I can assure you that this pain will continue. whether you and Obiano likes it or not, the Airport must be built in Umueri because that's the only viable place, the more reason it was moved from Oba to Umueri by Peter Obi. and let me tell you straight. we are not begging Obiano to build it. if he doesn't, the next Governor will. meanwhile, while you are here crying, your Aguleri brothers has failed in their bid to take over our lands. the government has decided to heed to advice and maintain the original land given to them and stop the plans for land grabbing. you can then cry me a river. 6 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by globemoney: 6:36pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
UmuEri:Umueri should be ashamed of having a dull person like you as one of its own. What concerns stella oduah with Anambra airport in the senate? You are just dumb. Provide where you saw Oduah make any comment about Anambra airport in the senate or where Anambra airport came up in the senate. Aguleri people failed in the bid to take over your lands because the airport belong to Aguleri people? Onuku Why not ask government not to build the airport at all in Umueri instead of wanting the airport and still crying over govt using your land to build the airport? Dumbass 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by UmuEri(m): 6:52pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
globemoney: cry me a river. Aguleri land is swampy and cannot host an Airport. whether Willie likes it or not, the Airport must be in Umueri. you can go and drink poison. and I don't have to provide you any evidence about Stella Odua. I have already told you what you have never heard and that's enough for Okogbo like you. I don't really have time for Anumpama like you. as at today, government has succumb to pressure of trying to take over Unueri land and share it among Aguleri politicians in the name of building airport. so continue crying, your plans didn't work. if Obiano also waste time, we will take back the second 528 hecters we gave and he will be left with the previous 729 hecters (the original land acquired by Peter Obi). if not for land grabbing, tell me where an Airport takes 729 hecters, 528 hecters, plus 600 hecters? even Murtala Airport Lagos has not taken that much. but Obiano and your Aguleri brothers want to acquire Umueri lands by tricks. we know better. continue crying Ewu atulu 4 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by marshman293: 7:36pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
so Anambra is now different from other Igbos.Still some Bastards from your state will be talking of Biafra. For your Information the Sam Mbakwe international cargo airport is the 6th busiest airport in Nigeria and the busiest in the southeast. IMO state is the 5th richest state in Nigeria by GDP growth. Boosting in the euphoria of tourism, licensing of more oil well prospects,Education and health. You are not even ashamed that sokoto generated more IGR than Anambra since January this year despite the lousy and so called rabble rousing of Being a commercial state. check out the top ten most beautiful cities in Nigeria your so called heaven called Anambra isn't even in top 15. 3 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by somalianprince: 7:46pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
Anambra is a different monolithic state, let that stick ok Imo state is the poorest and most useless state in SE. The economy of just Nnewi is bigger than that of Imo state. Number of banks in Nnewi alone not to talk of Awka or Onitsha, are by far bigger than the ones in the whole of Imo state IGR of just Ekwulobia and Ihiala is by far larger than that of whole Imo state. Forget the fake report okoroawusa was dishing out then. Imo airport is a typical motor park , which means Imo state is yet to have an airport. Anambra is building real airport for SE region. In education Anambra leads Imo state in all the external and internal exams and all the international academic competitions. The cities of Awka and Onitsha are by far more beautiful and more developed than your dirty and dilapidated Owerri that is struggling position with ABA. Even in the next 1000yrs Imo state will not be able to produce the likes of Zik, Achebe, Ojukwu, Ekwueme, Soludo, Chimamanda etc. Anambra leads Imo state in all positive endeavors, be it health, industrialisation, commerce, education, infrastructure, agriculture, etc. The only place Imo leads Anambra is commercial sex hawking and brothels. There are millions of Imolites resident in Anambra, but there is no single Anambran resident anywhere near Imo state. Think about it. Imo state is a cursed backward state [s] marshman293:[/s] 4 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by EasternActivist: 7:48pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
[s] marshman293:[/s] Is this necessary, abi you just Wan show yourself? � ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by somalianprince: 7:50pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
] EasternActivist: Leave him for me to treat his fvck up. Na me fit these bastards 1 Like |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by Kingsley10000: 7:58pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
UmuEri: I have been getting a negative report about obiano of recent... hope the man is still working 6 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by Nobody: 8:09pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
marshman293: Just leave it the way it is and move back to Imo closed. You not needed here. 2 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by Nobody: 8:12pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
I just don't understand why someone will just swoop into a thread and start causing issues. Obiano said he wants to build an airport...allow him to do so... Why losing sleep on such. This is his administration and he can do whatever he likes....habaaaaaaa 2 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by somalianprince: 8:13pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
I don't know why some of you always call for peace. If you want peace prepare for war. Give him back triple hits of whatever he brings forth. Don't beg anyone, just hit them back to know that you are ready for them in anyway they want it. That is why I am begging you guys to always leave these bastards for me to deal with, because I don't take prisoners. MelesZenawi: 1 Like |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by globemoney: 8:44pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
UmuEri:hehe see coackroach feeling funky. Government has not succumbed to any pressure, no going back on the entire land earmarked for the airport. Do Your worst, You community can only reject the airport entirely which is what we are waiting for them to do! You started by lieing that Stella Oduah stopped the airport from moving to Aguleri. Now you are continuing in your lies that govt has succumbed to your empty pressure. lol |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by UmuEri(m): 10:07pm On Nov 22, 2019 |
globemoney:Haahahahah mark this space, I don't need to argue with you. your land criminal brothers wanted to hide under airport to steal land from Umueri and we resisted it. as at today, Obiano and your criminal brothers has resorted back to the 729 hecters and 526 hecters already given. the last 600 hecters which protested has been abandoned showing that your intension was to steal lands. and stop dreaming, I have told you countless time that Aguleri is swampy and can not host an Airport. so even is we reject it, it will rather go back to Oba or no other place. sorry bro, it's not our fault that obiano is handicap in moving it to Aguleri. cry me a river more 6 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by globemoney: 12:49am On Nov 23, 2019 |
UmuEri:lol so this is how you want to console yourself? Noone has resorted back to anything. No land that was earmarked for the airport has been abandoned. All the lands earmarked for it will be used for the project. No one is forcing the govt to do the project anyway so either you give out all the lands required for the project or the project will be moved to another location. That is the only option you have..,. Stop deceiving yourself with fake news 3 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by UmuEri(m): 7:01am On Nov 23, 2019 |
globemoney: if you like change your Monika 10 times to masturbate on Umueri land. come down to Odinyi, Oda, aguegbo, ikpogwa and Ogolo lands and see that your caward brothers who wanted to steal lands have ran away back to the original one given to government. because your lands are swampy and you ate in desperate need for stable lands you now think you can hide under airport constitution to steal lands. your plans failed 5 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by onexile: 7:14am On Nov 23, 2019 |
globemoney:I have been watching the responses and you people are only confirming the allegation that Obiano is out there to steal lands. my question to you is, do you know the size of an average airport? what is Obiano doing with all those hecters of land he is acquiring? I may not be from that community, but I can imagine what is happening there now. everybody knows that governments are criminals. if you allow them they will end up taking over the whole community lands and share among political friends. 7 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by dtruth3(m): 7:22am On Nov 23, 2019 |
globemoney: you are not addressing the issues. the point is why is Willie not developing the 729 and 528 hecters as mentioned? why is he trying to take another 600 hecters? for what? and where will the indegens now farm? I think this is land grabbing as alleged 6 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by dtruth3(m): 7:30am On Nov 23, 2019 |
globemoney:Do you think Airport is something you can just wake up one day and start building anywhere you like? even if Obiano wants to take it to Aguleri, does Aguleri have the land, is Aguleri viable? you should be adressing the issue of trying to size the whole community lands.If Peter Obi in his wisdom acquired only 728 hecters, why is Obiano treppling it? for what purpose? 6 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by nka2: 7:37am On Nov 23, 2019 |
maiunguwar:it is even more than that. he wants to sack the whole village in outer to build airport he abandoned 6 years ago. imagin acquiring the whole viallge in the name of stupid airport.i think his Awka politicians and Aguleri brothers wants to start land business. Willie is no longer working, he is now into land stealing 5 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by Lvlink(f): 7:56am On Nov 23, 2019 |
globemoney: just hear yourself. they should allow government to take over the whole community because benefit will come from the airport? I dont think you're in Nigeria because if you are you will not be talking like this. let me ask you, have you ever seen government keeping to there own side of agreement and have you ever seen any government in Nigeria obeying MOU they signed? you want them to allow Obiano take over the whole of the community to build airport and after government will start telling them stories abi? To even think that Obiano has not develop the once Peter Obi acquired and he is looking for more raises a lot of suspicion. he actually has ulterior motive in that land. 5 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by UmuEri(m): 8:08am On Nov 23, 2019 |
dtruth3:don't mind the Ewu hausa from Igala After Peter Obi had acquired the 729 hecters needed for the Airport which Unueri gave out willingly and singned the MoU. Obiano came in and started land grabbing without developing the 729 hecters Peter Obi acquired. he trickishly came and said he needed another 528 hecters which the community also gave. the next thing we saw again was that he started clearing and forcefully trying to take over another 600 hecters. imagine the stealing trying to happen? anyway the community is ready for him. but the truth is that as at today, the commissioner of works who happens to also be from Aguleri, Mr. Marcel Ejiofor is calling the community for meeting and has decided to go back to the original once given to government. but we are still watching them because these people are notorious in land grabbing. 2 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by Nobody: 8:15am On Nov 23, 2019 |
UmuEri: Nwayo....nwayo...Lol.. |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by marshman293: 8:26am On Nov 23, 2019 |
where is that fanatic called Somalian Prince.make an investigation to see if what I posted is false. I asked u a question that how come a state like sokoto with the highest poverty rate in a country generated more IGR in 2019 than your heaven called Anambra.Isn't it shameful that a state like anambra doesn't have an airport. U called IMO airport a motor park airport but 7 different airlines are flying to it.Thousands of your brothers and sisters lands on that airport especially during the Christmas and new year eve.Your people are naturally filled with pride,arrogance, desperation, greed and selfishness.Under your state, a seating gov was kidnapped, schools were shut for three years,most of your towns looked like where is being ravaged by nuclear bomb despite the mouth touted richest people. remove what is in your eyes before removing from others. 2 Likes |
Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by Nobody: 8:57am On Nov 23, 2019 |
marshman293:Most of these guys you think are causing disunity are trolls that are probably paid. Let all igbos join hands in fighting against electing bad leaders and investing home. 1 Like |
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