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10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 6:16am On Oct 13, 2019
Exactly and that was why I mentioned real Christians but people here were attacking me. If you realize that some Christians and even Muslims break out of their religion to become atheists. Many people who claim religion today don't really have that strong belief. Some are born into religion and the moment they begin to experience the harsh realities of life, they blame God.

They start questioning the existence of God since they feel he couldn't help them in their situation. However there are those who have that conviction that no matter the situation God is with them and will see them all the way.

You see when people suffer from intense depression, they shut everyone down. Most times they listen to the thoughts playing around their mind. As a Christian, you know you can't create life, you know you don't even know where you're going after death, you also battle with the fact that your God will not be happy if you take your life.

You will hear some pastors even commit suicide, you will also hear pastors in rape situations, ritual and the rest. Will you now classify them as Christians? Like I said religion is not about what you say but how your life defines you.

When they listed the top 50 spiritual countries in the world, Nigeria was not even on the list. Many people today are not practicing Christianity and their faith wavers that's why you end up see people not believing in anything.

This is the same nonsense that pastors and dumbass Christians use to justify the rubbish healing prayers.

They believe that no true Christian can fall sick

They also believe that if their prayers dont heal someone's sickness or problems, the person did not have enough faith.

There is no such thing as a true Christian. There are Catholics, baptists, Pentecostals, Jehovah's witnesses, non alcoholic Christians, alcoholic Christians etc.


Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 7:12am On Oct 13, 2019
stop been deluded.

what has this got to do with the truity of Christianity? There are fake mdical doctors, does that make medical profession untrue?

Atheism means disbelief in God right? But why do you spend so much of your time discrediting what you dont believe in? No Atheist are not humans like me, they product of accident and I am a product of an intelligent design with a purpose. Who told you I do not believe there is sango, thor or hercules? People who worship these things are under the influence of real Spirit. There is always a reason for every action.
Atheism believes this world exist by accident, that is the greatest stupidity ever invented or concieved.

First, there is no such thing as true Christians or christianity. There are good and bad Christians.

And who told you that atheists believe that this world is by accident?

Get your story straight
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Nobody: 10:43am On Oct 13, 2019
I don't remember using the word mocking but obviously you have a problem with English. If you don't understand what compare means.

You obviously skipped a lot of church, prayers, tithes, pilgrimage etc in the ops comment before coming for me.

Last time I checked Christians preach salvation when they want to convince people to come to church. They don't compare their religion with Muslims or traditional worshippers. Please read before commenting. Thank you

Or rather it's crytal clear you are an illiterate.
I looked for possible reasons why you may be offended by the Op post which includes mocking(sure it's enough to offend anyone),so I saying that he didn't mock Christianity was not implying that you claimed Christianity was mocked. But your bigoted mind can't fathom it.

Did he say church,tithes,prayers were bad or he gave a better option?

WTF! Christian's do give you reasons why idols can't save you and why Allah can't save you but Christ alone. Atheism isn't a religion, atheists are unbelievers, everytime a clergy talks about unbelievers going to hell,they refer to us...and atheists are not obliged to do things your style.

You hardly offer a rebuttal to threads of atheism but just come to cry foul or accuse us of believing in science and logic...which is derailing.
Whatever your problem is,fix it,or save yourself heartache by ignoring our threads...

I will not ask you to read before commenting because even if you do,your mind is too bigoted to comprehend what you read....cheers!

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Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Nobody: 10:57am On Oct 13, 2019
Exactly and that was why I mentioned real Christians but people here were attacking me. If you realize that some Christians and even Muslims break out of their religion to become atheists. Many people who claim religion today don't really have that strong belief. Some are born into religion and the moment they begin to experience the harsh realities of life, they blame God.

They start questioning the existence of God since they feel he couldn't help them in their situation. However there are those who have that conviction that no matter the situation God is with them and will see them all the way.

You see when people suffer from intense depression, they shut everyone down. Most times they listen to the thoughts playing around their mind. As a Christian, you know you can't create life, you know you don't even know where you're going after death, you also battle with the fact that your God will not be happy if you take your life.

You will hear some pastors even commit suicide, you will also hear pastors in rape situations, ritual and the rest. Will you now classify them as Christians? Like I said religion is not about what you say but how your life defines you.

When they listed the top 50 spiritual countries in the world, Nigeria was not even on the list. Many people today are not practicing Christianity and their faith wavers that's why you end up see people not believing in anything.

Atheism isn't referring to "true" or "false" Christian's but people who believe in the existence of God. Theism is an umbrella for all those who believe in the existence of God,not just for true heaven born theists but even pastors that rape....

Quite exclusive that when a Christian does a noble action like philanthropy,you guys don't draw margins of true or fake Christians, you call the person a Christian but if a Christian is caught in attrocities that is when you start talking of him being fake and not true....



Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by peggywebbs(f): 12:29pm On Oct 13, 2019
Ok again I will say that you have misrepresented me. The post clearly mentions 10 reasons to be an atheist and each of the reasons are not independent of their own. The church practices are being mentioned which is my point.

What do athiest do? Other than talk against the existence of God, talk about the fallacy of Christianity.?

Again Christians preach the word of God. I have never attended a church service where a pastor talks about athiests.

In all of this you still haven't told me the essence of being an athiest. What do I benefit from being an athiest, what is the whole essence of being an athiest?

There is nothing you people offer other than talk about other people's religion?


Or rather it's crytal clear you are an illiterate.
I looked for possible reasons why you may be offended by the Op post which includes mocking(sure it's enough to offend anyone),so I saying that he didn't mock Christianity was not implying that you claimed Christianity was mocked. But your bigoted mind can't fathom it.

Did he say church,tithes,prayers were bad or he gave a better option?

WTF! Christian's do give you reasons why idols can't save you and why Allah can't save you but Christ alone. Atheism isn't a religion, atheists are unbelievers, everytime a clergy talks about unbelievers going to hell,they refer to us...and atheists are not obliged to do things your style.

You hardly offer a rebuttal to threads of atheism but just come to cry foul or accuse us of believing in science and logic...which is derailing.
Whatever your problem is,fix it,or save yourself heartache by ignoring our threads...

I will not ask you to read before commenting because even if you do,your mind is too bigoted to comprehend what you read....cheers!
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by peggywebbs(f): 12:41pm On Oct 13, 2019
When it comes to true or fake Christians. Nobody will point fingers at the next person calling them fake Christians. Only religious fanatics do that. That's where you then have to consider people with mental illness that hide under religion. Some people hide their anger issues, and psychological problems in the name of Christians.

The term christians are used loosely today because it is believed that everybody that calls God, Jesus, goes to church or even preaches the word of God is a Christian.

The truth is even the bible acknowledges the existence of false Christians. Their aim is to mislead, deceive and commit all forms of attrocities.

These are the majority of people we meet today in the world and that is why many people do not accept God. Why? Because they see the worst in those people who term themselves as Christians.

I have met people who point hands at me and say they are better Christians, some have even called me Devil. No true Christian will do that. Why? The bible preaches love and even when you correct the next person, it should be with love. How many people practice that today, but yet everyone calls themselves Christians. There are even some churches or groups (I won't mention names) that will come out and say only their members are Christians and others will perish. They threaten people with the idea of religion but in truth, they themselves are lost.

When these false Christians experience little problems like failures, sicknesses or even loss, they completely lose their faith and then start hating God.

Many of them will convert to athiest in a twinkle of an eye and start questioning everything they knew. So again there are true Christians and those who are just church goers without strong belief. Even a pastor you think should be a solid Christian, many of them get into it as a business venture to make money, will you still call them Christians? Anyone not practicing what they preach or believe in is not a Christian


Atheism isn't referring to "true" or "false" Christian's but people who believe in the existence of God. Theism is an umbrella for all those who believe in the existence of God,not just for true heaven born theists but even pastors that rape....

Quite exclusive that when a Christian does a noble action like philanthropy,you guys don't draw margins of true or fake Christians, you call the person a Christian but if a Christian is caught in attrocities that is when you start talking of him being fake and not true....

Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by LordReed(m): 3:38pm On Oct 13, 2019

Atheism isn't referring to "true" or "false" Christian's but people who believe in the existence of God. Theism is an umbrella for all those who believe in the existence of God,not just for true heaven born theists but even pastors that rape....

Quite exclusive that when a Christian does a noble action like philanthropy,you guys don't draw margins of true or fake Christians, you call the person a Christian but if a Christian is caught in attrocities that is when you start talking of him being fake and not true....


Don't mind them, anything that confirms their belief is embraced even if it is fake news.

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Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Nobody: 4:02pm On Oct 13, 2019
Ok again I will say that you have misrepresented me. The post clearly mentions 10 reasons to be an atheist and each of the reasons are not independent of their own. The church practices are being mentioned which is my point.

What do athiest do? Other than talk against the existence of God, talk about the fallacy of Christianity.?

Again Christians preach the word of God. I have never attended a church service where a pastor talks about athiests.

In all of this you still haven't told me the essence of being an athiest. What do I benefit from being an athiest, what is the whole essence of being an athiest?

There is nothing you people offer other than talk about other people's religion?

I explained when you theists talk about unbelievers that we are included in that. So a pastor must not use the term atheist before he refers to us,each time he talks of non born again, he refers to us,Muslims,pagans etc

What we talk of is not your business! We mostly talk of fallacies of Christianity because we have them as oppositions online. But in a place where is strictly atheists or majority are atheists,we will regard your religion as unworthy of our discussion! An atheist disbeliefs in God thus most of his/her posts as regards to spirituality/religion should be based on his "disbelief"...I owe no one an explanation for talking of my "disbelief" since you owe no one an explanation of talking of your "beliefs"

People have different reasons for being an atheist,and find different benefits to it. Atheism doesn't promise you heaven after death,rapture etc. We ain't a religion,so they is no specific reason and there is no specific aim or objective of being an atheist... It is simply someone who disbelief in God's existence. Atheism is not bebased on promises. ..

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Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by frank317: 5:30pm On Oct 13, 2019
Very funny to say I'm denying Christians. Well I'm not surprised about your ignorance. Obviously you have been so wrapped up in your hatred that you forget to seperate the wickedness of man from your hatred of God.

We have cultists in Nigeria that guise as Christians to deceive people. I'm sure you would not accept it since you have clouded your mind to compare the nature of God to man. We are responsible for our actions and we should be ready to bear the consequences.

A Christian is not defined by going to church or reading the bible, even atheists read bible and have been to church. It is about your life. It is how your belief shapes your life. When you go out people should be able to acknowledge that you are not only a reasonable person but also good in every sense.

Contrary to what you athiest believe, if you meet true Christians which are very rare I must add, you will have a change of opinion. We have a lot of people who claim to be Christians but are more wicked than unbelievers.

A true Christian, embraces love, peaceful coexistence, charity, patience and other good attributes. They are good not just because of religion but because they have adopted good in their lifestyle. Christianity is not defined by the agressive noise makers you encounter who claim that if you don't believe God you will die and they will live. Then move on to be agressively resentful about others. It is about showing people why it pays to be good and live a righteous life.

When I says Christians I mean people who live by the word of God and set examples with their lives. Even Jesus says not everyone who calls me Lord, will enter the kingdom of God. This shows that there are pretenders.

And again I say true Christians will never commit suicide. Only unbelievers do. A Christian has cultured their mind to the existence of heaven and hell. They know that killing themselves will lead them to a fate worse than their earthly situation. A fake Christian and unbelievers will be consumed by the fear of their problem and think ending their life will put a stop to it.

Contrary to some people I am not insensitive about suicide but if religion can caution you to face your situation headstrong, then I believe it is better than not believing in anything.

So are u one of the true Christians... I don't see anything to emulate just from ur first response on how u laugh when an atheist commits suicide.

Finally no one is even a Christian, what's all the hypocrisy all about then?
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 9:10am On Nov 24, 2019
Peggywebbs, how far?

Are you an atheist now?
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 5:58pm On Nov 25, 2019
Budaatum, how far?

Do you agree with the reasons to be an atheist?
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by budaatum: 6:23pm On Nov 25, 2019
Budaatum, how far?

Do you agree with the reasons to be an atheist?
If you believe what you posted is what worshipping God means, then yes, atheism is far much better.

Thankfully, the below is not what most do in their religion so can not be reasons to turn from theism.

1. In this era of Buhari and suffering, you are free from any duty to tithe. You will save 10% of your salary for yourself

2. Since there is no need to go to church as an atheist, no pastor will force you to;
*remove panties
*eat grass
*inhale insecticides

3. No need to travel to Mecca for pilgrimage (or Jerusalem) since government no longer pays for it.

4. All those hours wasted praying for Nigeria to be better will now be used for something better

5. No more money spent on transport fare to church. Imagine going from lagos to otta or lagos to ibadan expressway and spending 3 hrs on the road

6. You won't miss your favourite sunday shows because of church eg premier league matches, telemundo full series etc

7. You will now be able to laugh whenever Lalasticlala pushes a thread about crazy pastors and ridiculous things in religion to the frontpage

8. You can now feel free blocking all those boring religious channels on DSTV

9. No more running on from office to mosque on Fridays for prayers

10. No more hunger games aka Fasting

I hope you guys will see the light and become atheists. Ramen!

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Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 7:06pm On Nov 25, 2019

If you believe what you posted is what worshipping God means, then yes, atheism is far much better.

Thankfully, the below is not what most do in their religion so can not be reasons to turn from theism.

It is what they do. Stop living in denial.

Prosperity preaching, mind control, discrimination etc
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by budaatum: 1:35am On Nov 26, 2019

It is what they do. Stop living in denial.

Prosperity preaching, mind control, discrimination etc
If you insist. Though, since you aren't religious, I assume, I wonder how you know what religious people do. Did you get your "what they do" from your personal experience perhaps?

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Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 5:17am On Nov 26, 2019

If you insist. Though, since you aren't religious, I assume, I wonder how you know what religious people do. Did you get your "what they do" from your personal experience perhaps?

I was religious before......
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by budaatum: 3:12pm On Nov 26, 2019

I was religious before......

And you did those things you claim religious people did?
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by wirinet(m): 3:21pm On Nov 26, 2019
Yes I believe and I know that it is those who don't believe in God that commit suicide. A real Christian and I don't mean those who use the word loosely, knows to trust in God. Every Christian mantra is no condition is permanent. That is why when they have problems they go to God.

I had to bring up suicide just the same way you brought up the problems of some of the churches. It shouldn't hurt you because I made a point ,that whether you believe in God or not, problems will still come. It is life. But again as an atheist I'm not surprised about your limited thinking.

No true Scotsman fallacy.
I have never heard of an atheists commuting or even attempting suicide. Over 99% of Nigerians attempting suicide in nigeria either professional Islam or Christianity.
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 5:21pm On Nov 26, 2019

And you did those things you claim religious people did?

Yes, some of them
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by budaatum: 6:21pm On Nov 26, 2019

Yes, some of them
Did you read in the Book to do the things you did or were they things you were told to do?
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 7:10pm On Nov 26, 2019

Did you read in the Book to do the things you did or were they things you were told to do?

Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by budaatum: 7:14pm On Nov 26, 2019

Yes you were told to do those things or yes, you read in a book that that's what you should do?

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Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by SMBH: 7:35pm On Nov 26, 2019
Your ass is

Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by SMBH: 7:36pm On Nov 26, 2019
They reasons you stated are kind of flimsy
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 7:50pm On Nov 26, 2019

Yes you were told to do those things or yes, you read in a book that that's what you should do?

It's in the bible. Following the shepherd sheepishly. Discriminating against others etc.
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 7:50pm On Nov 26, 2019
They reasons you stated are kind of flimsy

As flimsy as your attention to ass.
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by budaatum: 8:37pm On Nov 26, 2019

It's in the bible. Following the shepherd sheepishly. Discriminating against others etc.
Show me where please and I will return to atheism.
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 10:59am On Nov 27, 2019

Show me where please and I will return to atheism.

Doubting Thomas.

Jesus is referred to as the shepherd.
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by budaatum: 4:50pm On Nov 27, 2019

Doubting Thomas.

Jesus is referred to as the shepherd.
And you then added "sheepishly"?

I bet you Jesus was not your shepherd and you aren't Thomas. If you'd actually read the book and Jesus were your shepherd, you'd love even your enemies instead of discriminating, and you definitely would understand that Jesus being your shepherd may actually make you a bold lion.
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by SMBH: 4:56pm On Nov 27, 2019

As flimsy as your attention to ass.

Good... Thank God you know your points are weak
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by aadoiza: 5:07pm On Nov 27, 2019
1. In this era of Buhari and suffering, you are free from any duty to tithe. You will save 10% of your salary for yourself

2. Since there is no need to go to church as an atheist, no pastor will force you to;
*remove panties
*eat grass
*inhale insecticides

3. No need to travel to Mecca for pilgrimage (or Jerusalem) since government no longer pays for it.

4. All those hours wasted praying for Nigeria to be better will now be used for something better

5. No more money spent on transport fare to church. Imagine going from lagos to otta or lagos to ibadan expressway and spending 3 hrs on the road

6. You won't miss your favourite sunday shows because of church eg premier league matches, telemundo full series etc

7. You will now be able to laugh whenever Lalasticlala pushes a thread about crazy pastors and ridiculous things in religion to the frontpage

8. You can now feel free blocking all those boring religious channels on DSTV

9. No more running on from office to mosque on Fridays for prayers

10. No more hunger games aka Fasting

I hope you guys will see the light and become atheists. Ramen!
Another nonsense from someone who believes they magicKally evolved.
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 5:08pm On Nov 27, 2019

Another nonsense from someone who believes they magicKally evolved.


If you have problems with evolution, I suggest you read a biology book
Re: 10 GREAT Reasons Why You Should Be An Atheist Now In 2019 by Born2Freak(f): 5:08pm On Nov 27, 2019

Good... Thank God you know your points are weak


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