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Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Godhatesodomy: 6:16pm On Dec 14, 2019
Ogboni Fraternity: The Oyo perspective

Oduduwa founded the Ogboni cult to protect the ancient customs and institutions of his people. The History of Aborigine Ogboni, could be traced to that era of primordial civilization of ‘MAN’ sometimes around 4500BC in Ife-Oodaye. That period of antiquity and a geological era, very long ever before the arrival of the legendary Oduduwa himself to lle-ife aroung around 4th – 5th centuries A.D. In the beginning, there was ife-Oodaye, as earlier mentioned. The language spoken was ‘Ife’ and not ‘Yoruba’.

Who then are the yorubas? the answer to this, is a different issue and perhaps which some past issues of ‘Aborigine’ has answered among its previous inferences, that had explained among others, that the calling of all descendants of Oduduwa generally as YORUBA today, was the making of the Colonial British Authority in their desire to have unique identities for the colonised Nigerian people during the early part of the century.

While no one could precisely say what motivate ‘ogboni’ cult or confraternity, to come into being in Ife-Oodaye, but postulations in Yoruba mythology, shed light on the pre-Oduduwa era in the IIe-Ife, when ‘Obatala’ and Oreluere were the ruling chieftains of the Aborigine Ife-speaking community. ‘Awo’ ogboni, among so many other ‘Awos'(i.e cults) in Ife then, became so prominent and relevant, more as a pressure group to protest the unceremonious arrival of the great colonial master in history, (i.e.) Oduduwa, just as certian people of today’s Nigeria, first resisted the coming of the British imperialism, so also, the aboriginal Ife people and their particularly leader, Obatala; vehemently resisted the unexpected arrival of Oduduwa and his followers into Ile-ife. But when they could not withstand the might and high political network of Oduduwa, these ancient Ife people, resorted to cover activities, by making use of their ogboni group to determine oduduwa’s authority. And in most cases, against oduduwa’s people themselves, who were not their members. Most of these terrorist acts take place during the life time of Queen MOREMI, an Ofa indigene, married to ORANMIYAN, one of the Ife prince at that time. A paragon of beauty she was. Moremi used this as a leverage to entice their enemy’s leader, so as to decode the antics of these marauders, which was, possibly a faction of the ‘omo Iya’ (later referred to ogboni today), who used Igbomokun, one of the riverine settlement areas, ‘Ondo state’ of today as their base, from where they regularly launched their offensive attacks against their ‘colonial maters’ in Ife land. But with the eventual penetration of the setters(i.e oduduwa and his people), into these aboriginals ‘secret cult’, who perhaps were using this secret society as a weapon of resistance, this Egbe Omo Iya, or Ogboni, as popularly know, eventually became a cult synonymous with oduduwa.

‘N’mesi awo Oodua, later became a popular cliche for the ogboni people. But what Awo Ogboni was, in Ile-Ife in the beginning, was not what it later looked like, in other parts of yoruba land, as at the time it started to spread. For examples, in place like Egba, Ijebu, Remo etc., Ogboni was more or less the SENATE and dispensers of justice in the communities. The power of the ogboni otherwise called OSUGBO, among the Ijebu people, was so enormous and very deadly. Among so many of their strict injunction in the early time, was the restriction of any stranger from entering their domain; not even to dream of ever coming to live in any part of the ijebu at that time.

The secret of the Ogboni, which has been closely guarded from other, uninitiated Yoruba as well as from outside inquiry, is that they worship and control the sanctions of the Earth as a spirit. Earth, they hold, existed before the gods, and the Ogboni cult before the kingship. Earth is the mother to whom the dead return. Earth and the ancestors, not the gods (ovifa), are the sources of the moral law. The Ogboni is thought of by the Yoruba generally as supporting the power of the Alafin. The Apena, one of the leading officials of the cult there, once said to me, ‘Every Oba must have Ogboni so that people may fear him.’ While the Basorun is celebrating the Orun festival in Oyo, the Alafin in the secrecy of the Ogboni lodge makes his yearly rite to Ile, the Earth, and divines to verify that the Earth still sup- ports his rule. The cult shrine is in a lodge (iledi-lit. ‘ tied house ‘) in the forecourt of the palace, at a place called Tapa Ogboni.The association is known as Ogboni Oba,

The King’s Ogboni’. It is said to have this name because of the Alafin’s perpetual right to own the whole land of the Yoruba, a right acquired by the founder of the Oyo dynasty from his ancestor, Odudua, king of Ife. But the Alafin only hears what is transacted at Ogboni meetings from the reports of a certain woman of the palace whose duty is to attend all meetings of the Ogboni on his behalf. He does not take part in the meetings, but the Oyo mesi do. Like other cult groups, the Ogboni has its titled officials, the priests of the cult. Each title is the property of a lineage; the successor to a title is proposed by his fellow lineage members. The choice has to be submitted to the cult members, who put the selection, if it is in other respects acceptable to them, to the sanction of the Ifa oracle; and finally the Alafin must accept the appointment. When there is no suitable candidate for the title, in which case the duties of the office are carried out by a deputy, the lineage retains the right to propose a successor to the title in due course. The two leading officials of Ogboni are the Oluwo (Lord of the Mystery) and the Apena (Maker of the Way) who is in charge of the cult’s judicial functions.

There are two grades of membership of Ogboni, the ‘ children’, and Ologboni or Alawo (Owners of the Mystery or the Secret), which includes the titled officials. Members of the junior grade do not take part in the rites of the cult, though they may eat sacrificial meat. They are not, in Oyo admitted to assemblies in the cult house. They are bound to secrecy over anything they may hear of the activities of senior members. Each of the Oyo Mesi must be admitted to the senior grade, but he cannot hold titled office in the cult; which means he cannot officiate at any of the Ogboni rites or conduct its judicial inquiries.

He must attend the full assemblies of the cult, which take place at sixteen-day intervals, on the day (Jakuta) sacred to the worship of the Alafin’s deified ancestor, Sango. The Oyo mesi meet every morning in the house of the Basorun, and then go together to pay homage to the Alafin and advise him on the affairs of the day. On the sixteenth day they then take their seats in the iledi (lodge), in company with all other initiates of the senior grade. The meeting opens with a libation of gin to the Earth and to the spirits of the dead within it, but ordinarily no sacrificial rites take place. At the end of the meeting, kola nuts are split and eaten, an act reminding the members of their bond of secrecy. During these meetings, anyone may raise for discussion any issue of general concern whatever. Usually the discussion is informal -the exchange of views and gossip about events in the town, carried on over glasses of gin and during the eating of a meal.

It is important nevertheless for the formation of a body of opinion and because this is the one place where they could meet and talk freely, without fear of being reported on, or having to conform to the prejudices of their supporters.

Not only do these meetings bring the Oyo mesi face to face with what, so the Yoruba assert, are the wisest people in the community, and under conditions where their policy can be discussed; the fact of their attendance necessarily means that the Oyo mesi are constrained by certain sanctions. They must from time to time share in the Ogboni ritual on equal terms with other initiates, unattended by their usual following. The strength of these sanctions will become obvious when we discuss the religious side of Ogboni. Their social effects are these:

(a) The secrecy of the meetings at which doubts and disagreements may have been urged makes it hard for a minority of the chiefs to appeal to faction without breaking the condition of secrecy and inviting ritual sanction.

(b) Ogboni priests in Oyo and elsewhere have made it quite clear to me that sanctions are imposed not only to guard secrets but also to protect agreements reached at Ogboni meetings. Attempts are made to reach unanimity, and sanctions come into force if it is afterwards broken. If unanimity cannot be reached, members bind themselves ritually to accept and uphold the majority decision. This must reduce the likelihood of an open split developing within the Oyo mesi

(c) Just when a man acquires political power and is confirmed in a position of leadership through the achievement of a high town title, a new obedience is imposed upon him.

The judicial functions of Ogboni are concerned with the shedding of blood. To shed human blood upon the ground, whether the wound is slight or grave, except in sacrifice is to profane the Earth. If blood is spilled in a fight, word will reach the Apena. The report may be passed on to him by the Alafin, or it may come to him directly. Immediately, he sends his messenger to carry a sacred object, the edan,and lay it beside the shed blood. This puts the parties under a complete religious ban, and requires them to go at once to the place where the edanare lying, and announce themselves to the messenger. The Apena summons other Ogboni officials and elders to a meeting in the iledi, where the fighters are brought by the messenger. The Apena hears the dispute and makes a judgement intended to reconcile the parties. They both pay a fine and provide animals for sacrifice, the blood of which is poured over the fdan.If it is obvious that one of the parties must be lying and, because he is pressing false claims, the quarrel cannot be satisfactorily mended, an ordeal is imposed. The fdan are placed in a bowl of water. In some towns a little earth is sprinkled in, too.

The disputants are required to drink. It is confidently expected that the one who put his case falsely will die within two days. ‘Earth has cast him aside’, the Ogboni say, and once the ordeal has been administered, nothing can be done about it-it is irreversible. Yoruba quarrels are far less likely to entail bloodshed than those in many parts of Africa-among their neighbours the Bini, for a conspicuous example -and the force of the Ogboni sanction may well explain this. Someone may seriously offend another in the town, and the other may not wish to be involved in a fight or in a long-drawn-out dispute involving many people and perhaps sorcery as well. He may appeal to the Ogboni. The Apena sends out his edan, summoning both parties to the iledi. The wrong-doer must pay heavily in money and animals to be sacrificed over the edanwhich have been brought out. If the matter is trivial the edanare not to be sent out, they are too important and powerful. Disputants will instead be told to refer to their ward chiefs or lineage heads.

While some people are of the opinion that the Ogboni society is a social club, others have argued that it is a cult because of their secrecy. But while the argument rages on, the incontrovertible fact is that during the nineteenth century, the society acted as check on the Oba in the Yoruba society. Just as like the legislature, executive and judiciary check on one another, it was the duty of the Ogboni society to check the excesses of the Oba whenever he was becoming despotic or misusing his powers. Based on this vital role, every Yoruba town or village had one form of Ogboni society or the other to check on the Baale or village head whenever he was wielding his power arbitrarily.

Of course I would make sacrifice to the Alaafin the living son of Sango. All the spiritual believe life is eternal and such sacrifices are the ultimate test of faith. Children are to be in the priesthood of the Irunmule.

He who fears death is in denial and easily made a slave.

Wake up out your slumber


Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by IMRAAN33(m): 6:16pm On Dec 14, 2019

Don’t be ridiculous. Because that up there is not true. Can you mention few you know that scarified their firstborn?
Most of these things are hearsay.
Brother Ogbeni is beyond hearsay OOOO!

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Godhatesodomy: 6:18pm On Dec 14, 2019
Truth is powerful and indisputable

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Lonelypacifist6: 6:18pm On Dec 14, 2019

u'r aware they sacrifice their child, esp first son
Lie total lie, My dad is an ogboni member, my Mothers Foster mum is an ogboni, Obasanjo, Deji Doherty's mother, Esther Doherty, And lots of judges in Lagos are members and they don't sacrifice anything please stop misinforming people.


Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by IMRAAN33(m): 6:19pm On Dec 14, 2019

Don’t be ridiculous. Because that up there is not true. Can you mention few you know that scarified their firstborn?
Most of these things are hearsay.
Brother Ogboni is beyond hearsay OOOO!

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Iykolysis: 6:23pm On Dec 14, 2019
There is a mixture somewhere. Being set up by a Christian is not the same as being set up to promote Christian values.

Yes you are right, bcoz the so-called founder of ROF could be a church member with a big title but NOT in Christ.

So I'm not surprised that people who toe his footsteps think they can serve God and Mammon. God cannot be mocked.


Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Lonelypacifist6: 6:27pm On Dec 14, 2019
The same way wole Soyinka founded Pirate Confraternity to promote similar values, but today those lofty ideals and objectives have changed. The initial objectives are always good.
Except Ogboni has been around long before these suckling Frats came up spoiling everything.
Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by kevoh(m): 6:31pm On Dec 14, 2019
[s][/s] Ogboni is a cult.. it is Darkness! It's not of GOD.. There is Nothing to Modify
Time and time again, I see you people make this same error on Nairaland. The term I presume you want to use is Occultic.

Christianity is a religious cult. Islam is a religious cult. Same with Judaism. Messi, Ronaldo, Beyonce all have cult following. As long as you are part of a group with devotion towards a figure/object e.g Jesus Christ, then you are part of a cult. This is different from Occultism.

Now for people that dabble into ''mysterious stuffs'' . I.e metaphysical, supernatural things that are often secretive. These are people into occultism.

Here is where it gets tricky, people of a cult can practice Occultism. We have seen Christians and Muslims go into fetish stuffs. Occultic people can form their own cult too grin Both can overlap but both terms exist independent of the other.


Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by jaxxy(m): 6:31pm On Dec 14, 2019
Every fraternity has a dark side it doesn’t matter whether it emanated from the church or mosque.


Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by TemmyT002(m): 6:31pm On Dec 14, 2019
And here I was thinking Ogboni is the name of a god
Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Irore: 6:33pm On Dec 14, 2019
[quote author=axglide post=84909420][/quote]

But turned out to be devil's values.

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by ikorodureporta: 6:35pm On Dec 14, 2019
Lie total lie, My dad is an ogboni member, my Mothers Foster mum is an ogboni, Obasanjo, Deji Doherty's mother, Esther Doherty, And lots of judges in Lagos are members and they don't sacrifice anything please stop misinforming people.

how do you know if they sacrificed @ birth

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by MisterKings(m): 6:38pm On Dec 14, 2019
I'd rather join the free masons
Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by ikorodureporta: 6:39pm On Dec 14, 2019

Don’t be ridiculous. Because that up there is not true. Can you mention few you know that scarified their firstborn?
Most of these things are hearsay.

What they do there is also what Freemasons/ illuminatist do. Some of yr so-called Christian leaders like house on the rock are part of it..

did you see their motto?
it was quoted from Psalm 133.
There are some other verses they quote to justify their evil without some members' consent..


Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Irore: 6:39pm On Dec 14, 2019
Lie total lie, My dad is an ogboni member, my Mothers Foster mum is an ogboni, Obasanjo, Deji Doherty's mother, Esther Doherty, And lots of judges in Lagos are members and they don't sacrifice anything please stop misinforming people.

Ok but you have not told us their lossess. Leave with eternity in mind abeg.
Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Lonelypacifist6: 6:39pm On Dec 14, 2019

how do you know if they sacrificed @ birth
They didn't sacrifice anything it's a society that helps people up the social ladder members or not, Just be in their good books.

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Lonelypacifist6: 6:41pm On Dec 14, 2019

Ok but you have not told us their lossess. Leave with eternity in mind abeg.
What loss? A brother hood with altruistic intentions!!! become a member and see if they wouldn't help you, just be honest.

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Chicastle: 6:51pm On Dec 14, 2019

I’m not interested.
However, Ogboni is not as bad as people are painting it.
Ogboni = Man/Men in Egba dialect. Ogboni Society literally means Men Society.
And truly it has a lot of roots in the early Orthodox Christian setup. Anglican , Methodist , Baptist etc
Infact there was a time they had almost the same chieftainship both in the ROF and these Churches
Example : Balogun Ijo, Otun & Osi Ijo , Araba etc
It was when the churches noticed their overbearing influences that they had to stop these Chieftaincies, disassociate from them and curtail their activities.
Up till today, most top echelon of these churches and others in both religions [Christians and Muslims] are still covert members.

Edited: To all of you ignorant adults and indomie children, quoting me to yarn jargons, you know nothing. Read and learn.

The Reformed Ogboni Fraternity (Inc.) was instituted on 18 December 1914 by a Clergyman, the late Hon. Archdeacon T.A.J. Ogunbiyi, CBE, L. Th. of the Anglican Mission. It was later incorporated under the land (Perpetual Successions) Ordinance 1942 of the laws of the Federation of Nigeria on 17th day of June 1943.

Can you briefly explain why all the chiefs and clergy's in this cult all cane from Yoruba land?

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by ikorodureporta: 6:53pm On Dec 14, 2019
They didn't sacrifice anything it's a society that helps people up the social ladder members or not, Just be in their good books.

u'r v.funny.
I grew up with an ogboni member/ neighbor

There's nothing holy about them.
I even saw one picture/ frame in their house of human standing by a casket which I believe all members have..

Abeg, no let me over talk here...

They ain't different from some of your fake churches like house on the rock...

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by RichDad1(m): 7:11pm On Dec 14, 2019

Can you briefly explain why all the chiefs and clergy's in this cult all cane from Yoruba land?
Because it’s a Yoruba fraternity.


Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Homers123(m): 7:12pm On Dec 14, 2019
Ogboni is an open society with load of secrets just like Freemason.
Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Vicmareal: 7:17pm On Dec 14, 2019
Wole Soyinka was also a precursor of cultism; does that make it right?
That a Deacon established a caucus, does that make it acceptable?
Even the angel of darkness does appears as an angel of light.
Please beware , if it is not panadol, it is not the same thing as panadol


Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by kenchop: 7:19pm On Dec 14, 2019
Most Christian leaders are Ogboni members.

Also, you dont have to be a member to get assistance from the society. (Omo agbo) u will be observed, if u are the cool headed type and u humble yourself and loyal to the members of the society......hmmmmmm you will be surprised that God in heaven gave SOME SOCIETY supernatural spiritual power.

Where do u think most of those your so called pastor get their power from

My brother talk abeg make I learn too.

I laugh at ignorant people

They are enjoy the spiritual influence of ogboni society.

Why do u think most the miracle performing churches are located around southwest?

Celestial church of christ and CHERUBUIM AND SERAPHIM have many pastors that are ogboni members and the church members are aware.

All the black soap, ring , spiritual water your pastors gave u, where do u think they get it from? Israel or where Lol..

Wake up...dont dare fool yourself.

If I talk ehn...hmmmm

Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by mrphysics(m): 7:23pm On Dec 14, 2019
What loss? A brother hood with altruistic intentions!!! become a member and see if they wouldn't help you, just be honest.

Except you are a member, you shouldn't say with certainty what they do and what they do not do.

My grandfather is a member of ROF, he has been there for a long time, more than 35 years. He's called Oluwo Iledi by his colleagues when I was small. He is still alive today. Because he was a member, and like your mum, my grandmother joined him.

Each time, like every 3 months or so, they would go for a meeting, and come back with a lot of foods, drinks, etc, and my mum and brothers would be enjoying and praying for the next meeting time. When my mother realized they were in Ogboni, she frequently urged my grandmother to come out and the rest.
My grandmother never believed they do evil but trust me, I strongly doubt it. At last, she was convinced and she handed over ROF, their properties and became a real woman of God until her death.

My grandfather is still alive and kicking. He reads his bible frequently and will never say evil of ROF.

However, they are evil things about them I strongly believe.

What people don't know is that most pastors especially the White garment churches are members of ROF. A lot of things to say.

However, I urge you most earnestly to always pressure your mum to come out, as for your dad, he will never come out. You know why?

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by cocolacec(m): 7:25pm On Dec 14, 2019

Because it’s a Yoruba fraternity.
It is not a Yoruba fraternity ,Nnamdi AZikwe,Rochas okorocha are ibos but belong to the group.Members come from all walks of life in Nigeria.

Some of the prominent Nigerians he listed as members of the Ogboni fraternity are Archdeacon T.A J. Ogunbiyi, Sir Adeyemo Alakija, Sir Adetokunbo Ademola, Chief Oladeinde Lawson, the late Archbishop Vining, Reverend David Mellor, Nnamdi Azikiwe, the Sardauna, Ahmadu Bello, and Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola.

Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Dagrace01(m): 7:26pm On Dec 14, 2019
Seriously u are not lying, that may be the foundation, but everything have changed sir! Wole Soyinka and his friends also established the Pirate confraternity in order to promote good values in the campus, but in subsequent years things changed, Pirate gave birth to Buccaneer, after Dr Bolaji Carew and caucus rebelled against what he tagged as bad values in Pirates.. Supreme Eiye confraternity too was created to promote traditional values. too was created to negate the oppression of blacks and societal injustice. And many more, but if u look at the menace this fraternities are causing in the society for the past 3 decades, you join me to say they've lost their vision and true values. The same thing is applied to Ogboni, many do rituals, blood money and so on. And we all know it, only if we wanna turn blind eyes and deaf ears to it nikan lokun.


Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Dagrace01(m): 7:26pm On Dec 14, 2019
Seriously u are not lying, that may be the foundation, but everything have changed sir! Prof Wole Soyinka and his friends also established the Pirate confraternity in order to promote good values in the campus, but in subsequent years things changed, Pirate gave birth to Buccaneer, after Dr Bolaji Carew and caucus rebelled against what he tagged as bad values in Pirates.. Supreme Eiye confraternity too was created to promote traditional values. Aiye too was created to negate the oppression of blacks and societal injustice. And many more, but if u look at the menace this fraternities are causing in the society for the past 3 decades, you join me to say they've lost their vision and true values. The same thing is applied to Ogboni, many do rituals, blood money and so on. And we all know it, only if we wanna turn blind eyes and deaf ears to it nikan lokun.
Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by hopefulLandlord: 7:27pm On Dec 14, 2019
[s][/s] Ogboni is a cult..it is Darkness! It's not of GOD.. There is Nothing to Modify
Cult definitiin: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.

Christianity fits the definition of a cult


Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by Charly68: 7:48pm On Dec 14, 2019
Imagine these bunch of confused elements, how does a sect promotes Christian values

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Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by thundafire: 8:00pm On Dec 14, 2019
Ogboni dat was created b4 my great-great grand father was born which kind Christianity


Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by madapcmod: 8:08pm On Dec 14, 2019
Passing and singing.. ogboni power.. powerless power....
Re: Francis Meshioye: Ogboni Fraternity Was Created To Promote Christian Values by mastermaestro(m): 8:35pm On Dec 14, 2019

And where did I link it with God in my post?
Stop convulsing about what you know nothing about.

You did so implicitly. Ogboni is Satan's net. Don't paint darkness as light. Ogboni is darkness!

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