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President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates - Foreign Affairs (10) - Nairaland

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Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Blindersoff: 7:15pm On Dec 18, 2019
Fox polls indicate that 55% of Americans want Trump Impeached


Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by wirinet(m): 7:16pm On Dec 18, 2019

He was impeached for Perjury. Lying under oath.
Lying that he did not receive blòwjòb from Monica lewinski.
Why do you think trump has refused to testify under oath to both Mueller and the house investigations. Once he says good morning/afternoon/evening, he would have already commited perjury, as Trump is incapable of telling the truth.


Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by rottennaija(m): 7:16pm On Dec 18, 2019

Bro, CNN is fake news. It won't give you the correct State of things. Very partial news Network. Watch Fox News instead bro. Thanks

You mean this fox news?

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Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Frankiss44(m): 7:16pm On Dec 18, 2019

Dullard, this is not Senate. A simple majority is all that is needed to impeach. Dullarian

But everything will still get to the senate where they will need two third
Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Beautyaddy: 7:16pm On Dec 18, 2019
Donald Trump has committed serious crimes against the US State that when he goes to trial for it, he will rot in Jail.
American Legislators were initially caught in a cross roads as to whether to investigate and push for impeachment OR overlook allegations and save the sanctity of American Presidency .
But evidences emanating against Trumps are too enormous to be overlooked. And Trump is not even helping matters with his untouchable ego .
He has fired almost 70% of his key staff.
And these are people who knows him completely and did dirty jobs for him.
You can't keep firing your inner cabinet and think you won't be hurt.
He would be shocked the people that will testify against him.
He should know when to keep his silly mouth shut



Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Johans1991: 7:16pm On Dec 18, 2019
Mark my words. Trump cant and wont be impeached!!!
hahahaha.are you watching the proceeding at all?

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Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by echelons(m): 7:17pm On Dec 18, 2019

The fact that you actually thought that majority of Americans voted for Donald Trump shows you probably was not old enough in 2016 to follow the election.

The fact that you actually understood what I wrote to mean 2016 election results shows you're actually lack comprehension capacity.

But to clear you, America's constitution only recognises Electoral College, not on absolute votes for electoral victory for the President, and on that Trump beat Clinton hands down; 306 to 232.

I can school you on America's elections and democracy since 1999.

It's clear you find it difficult to comprehend written items, so I will do you service by explaining what I meant earlier.
It is with 2020 elections that we will know how much the American people support the president.

I still wonder why you found it so difficult to comprehend at first instance.


Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by cromele: 7:17pm On Dec 18, 2019
i give up on u for this

na fox news be real news

Bro, a day will come you'll appreciate what I just said. CNN is worse than NTA.



Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Nobody: 7:17pm On Dec 18, 2019
Look at the way Nigerians are behaving. Gossiping together about the US president instead of talking about there own problems.
What has talking about our problems all this while done for us as a nation? eh... at least we are discussing about a nation willing to go beyond talking to the next level of taking requisite action
Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by wirinet(m): 7:17pm On Dec 18, 2019

That impeachment was overturned by the Senate
Impeachment was never overturned as it's in his record forever. He was never convicted by the senate.


Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by iamJ(m): 7:17pm On Dec 18, 2019

it wasnt proven that russians helped Trump

it was

all intelligence agencies have confirmed that russia were in support of trump

even putin himself said he wanted trump to win

russia hacked dnc email server and leaked private mails to wikileaks

i can keep typing
Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Bigval5: 7:17pm On Dec 18, 2019
Abeg when is our dear countries turn ?? cheesy

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Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by padyt007(m): 7:17pm On Dec 18, 2019
It difficult to remove trump


Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Hwy95: 7:18pm On Dec 18, 2019
Obama won the POPULAR & ELECTORAL Votes Twice for 2 terms.
trump ONLY WON THE Electoral Vote Simply because of interference by russia and the number of democratic voters were low.
But we will see what happens in the Next elextion.

My learned bloggers
Please explain why all of trumps businesses were all failures,
why he had to file so many chapter 11, why he was fined by the courts, why everyone who did business with him detest him, why he keeps firing everyone in his cabinet, why he is hiding his taxes, why he chopped all the money from so many fake charities he set up and got fined by the courts if he is so rich ? why has Mexico not paid and built the wall ? If he loves America so much why did he have factories in China making all his and Ivana's clothing, etc and not factories in the USA , also why not marry an American wife twice ? A lot more but money dey call me......

So many NAIVE people dey this site and world but this is the way of the World.
We have billionaires like Bloomberg, Koch Bros, etc with nothing to hide.

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Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Shaprara: 7:19pm On Dec 18, 2019
Well Congress is made up of the house and the senate and in this case the house acted as the prosecutor , jury and the judge. So I think Gerald Ford got it wrong as the constitution stated the basis on what a president can be impeached which is bribery and extortion.
The founding fathers of the Constitution said they fear impeachment will be used as a tool of congress to remove a president they don’t like. The truth is on trump side and the dems are going to pay for it at the ballot next year, if they haven’t learnt anything they should have at least learn from the impeachment of Clinton. He was impeached in a bipartisan fashion for high crimes and misdemeanors. But the republicans lost a lot of sit at the next election. Well he’s gonna be exonerated by the senate and we will see a lot come to light at the senate, everything hidden by the house. I stand with Trump


No one knows what an impeachable offence is tbh. Gerald ford once said an impeachable offence is whatever majority of Congress considers it to be at a given moment in history. Congress is Prosecutor, Judge and Jury, they decide if the president has commited an impeachable offence. Trump's trial is not a normal trial, it is a Political trial. The Democrats are just Hypocritical lots. They've been angry since he won the election and have been looloking for ways to fry him since..


Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by hermesprogidy(m): 7:19pm On Dec 18, 2019

But everything will still get to the senate where they will need two third
Then we are talking removal, not impeachment.
Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by realoscar84(m): 7:19pm On Dec 18, 2019
OK thanks, I'm about getting married, I don't want to quarrel with anyone. Lol


you need the insult because you know nothing

if you have an high iq , you would have know how the impeachment process works


Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by themonk(m): 7:19pm On Dec 18, 2019

it wasnt proven that russians helped Trump

This is from FBI website, I hope you are not one of those brainwashed by Trump and republicans.


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Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by LordReed(m): 7:19pm On Dec 18, 2019

Question: Is he currently on Forbe's list of billionaires. Please check and answer that.

What do I admire about him? I love gutsy people with 'steel balls' who stick to their words irrespective of what it is, popular opinion or not. He's been who he is since 1986 and stuck to it. Why wouldn't I admire a man like that?

Don't forget I mentioned I support the democrats.

Oh sure he is on the Forbes list (no 788) but his net worth is in doubt. Read this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_of_Donald_Trump

No one outside of Trump and his insiders know how much debt he really has. He has at least $1.5billion in debts and that's just what is on record. What is not on record is how much he owes Deutsche bank and other Russian banks.

Trump a man of his words? LoL you are funny. Trump is as fickle as they come, he talks a big game and knows how to play the system but integrity is not a trait Trump holds at all. Did you not hear how he was asking the president of Mexico to not make him look bad over the Mexico will pay for the wall rhetoric? Trump only cares about the optics, his real skill is to find the grift in whatever situation he finds himself in. That's why he spends so much time at his properties because the US government is obliged to pay for everything.


Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Frankiss44(m): 7:20pm On Dec 18, 2019

Then we are talking removal, not impeachment.

Yeah.. that's true ... but of what use is impeachment without removal?

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Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Boss13: 7:20pm On Dec 18, 2019

Lying that he did not receive blòwjòb from Monica lewinski.
Why do you think trump has refused to testify under oath to both Mueller and the house investigations. Once he says good morning/afternoon/evening, he would have already commited perjury, as Trump is incapable of telling the truth.

Recall the Muller report did not indict Trump. Also, the Inspector General Report has indicated the FBI involved in a lot of lies, misrepresentation, and falsification of evidence, so they could get a warrant from FISA court to spy on Trump. From day one, they wanted Trump impeached because he is uncontrollable. I never liked Trump, but he is delivering on his electoral promises.
Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Bejusttoall: 7:21pm On Dec 18, 2019

But everything will still get to the senate where they will need two third

You are absolutely right. When it gets to the senate, Trump will surely win

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Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by echelons(m): 7:21pm On Dec 18, 2019

Be like say you chop ogbono

O boy go sit down for gutter

It's obvious you have said as much as your faculty can carry, and I fully respect your right to limited reasoning.
All the best.
Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by hermesprogidy(m): 7:21pm On Dec 18, 2019
Obama won the POPULAR & ELECTORAL Votes Twice for 2 terms.
trump ONLY WON THE Electoral Vote Simply because of interference by russia and the number of democratic voters were low.
But we will see what happens in the Next elextion.

My learned bloggers
Please explain why all of trumps businesses were all failures,
why he had to file so many chapter 11, why he was fined by the courts, why everyone who did business with him detest him, why he keeps firing everyone in his cabinet, why he is hiding his taxes, why he chopped all the money from so many fake charities he set up and got fined by the courts if he is so rich ? why has Mexico not paid and built the wall ? If he loves America so much why did he have factories in China making all his and Ivana's clothing, etc and not factories in the USA , also why not marry an American wife twice ? A lot more but money dey call me......

So many NAIVE people dey this site and world but this is the way of the World.
We have billionaires like Bloomberg, Koch Bros, etc with nothing to hide.
Spot on. Trump supporters are certified dullards.

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Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by salford: 7:22pm On Dec 18, 2019
But wait a minute, how does it affect the average Nigerian if he is impeached... Someone clarify me
that is what I am trying to understand to grin

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Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by themonk(m): 7:22pm On Dec 18, 2019
Well Congress is made up of the house and the senate and in this case the house acted as the prosecutor , jury and the judge. So I think Gerald Ford got it wrong as the constitution stated the basis on what a president can be impeached which is bribery and extortion.
The founding fathers of the Constitution said they fear impeachment will be used as a tool of congress to remove a president they don’t like. The truth is on trump side and the dems are going to pay for it at the ballot next year, if they haven’t learnt anything they should have at least learn from the impeachment of Clinton. He was impeached in a bipartisan fashion for high crimes and misdemeanors. But the republicans lost a lot of sit at the next election. Well he’s gonna be exonerated by the senate and we will see a lot come to light at the senate, everything hidden by the house. I stand with Trump

What kind of logic made you to arrive that if a certain party impeachs a president they lose seats in the next election? That it happened once does not make it a logical line of event, is there even any causation or correlation?
Re: President Donald Trump Impeachment Updates by Caseless: 7:22pm On Dec 18, 2019
I said this in 2016.

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