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ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 - Education (10) - Nairaland

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Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by nicedayontop: 1:43pm On Dec 20, 2019
Do you now see your mindset?If a Northerner should have a high score in jamb, you quickly believe the exam is written for him or her.But you and I know that the champions of examination malpractices are mostly Southerners. The hatred and stereotype against the north would definitely cause this country more harm than good.I have taught various tribes in Nigeria and I can testify to you that northerners are not as dumb as many of you. I am a christian from the South West. The girl should rather be encouraged to take up the alternative offer or put in for another jamb. Even UI or IFE will not give her admission based on merit because there are many from her state who have more than 302 and are seeking for MBBS admission. We should not allow sentiment to make us look stupid.

Six girls who wrote the exams themselves? Is that what you mean? And you want to tell me that the only thing you went about doing in a citadel of Learning is looking for girls from the north who scored above 320 for research purpose abi? And what was there course of study or didnt you bother to ask them? Mr researcher!!!

I wont want to banter words with you. We all know the essence for the introduction of THE EDUCATIONAL LESS PRIVILEGED STATE and FEDERAL CHARACTER.
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Nobody: 1:46pm On Dec 20, 2019

I understand your point but School Matters sometimes. You can't compare Medicine in First Generation Universities to Others.

It doesn't when it comes to employment. Though personally one might be well groomed than the other.
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by sokkatua: 1:59pm On Dec 20, 2019
Hello Nairalanders,how about we appeal to private universities to give this young woman a chance
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by TruthinAction: 1:59pm On Dec 20, 2019
State government or well meaning individuals or organization should please give scholarship to students with such performance rather than frustrate them by the kind of flimsy excuses given by ABU ZARIA. Don't be surprised that students with less than 200 are admitted in that same department because of quota system. Where are all the billionaires in Nigeria? They should invest their monies in students like this. What is our Senators doing with all the millions they get on the monthly basis? Those who amass wealth and neglect the needy will all rot in hell like the rich man who despised Lazarus.
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by bnovative(m): 2:14pm On Dec 20, 2019
at least u acknowledge Abu is cosmopolitan which is good from you... I quite agree process of admission and criteria should be made open for all to see... but some information are confidential and can be brought out if need be... which is why transcripts are not given to students by hand... back then in Unical I was fortunate to see d admission list and it was casted in merit catchment less educationally developed states format... my point still stands we need more schools... medicine is competitive esp for a schools like Abu unilag ui unn... initially many were responding with ethnic jibes not knowing d girl is from North Central.... my cousin applied to uniben chemical engineering later got chemistry he is from edo State... the lady got anatomy and she is young meaning she can always read medicine tomoro self...
Are you a malabite?
That's by the way.
The Op told so many lies in his write up and I feel the public deserve to know the truth.
As competitive as we think medicine is, facts results from jamb had shown little percent made above 300, and not all who made above 300 applied for mbbs.
Also, northern states present the least number of students for mbbs and most southerners who studied medicine didn't study in the core north. Reason? Insecurity.
How did I arrive at this?
Check the booklets of nysc that had all the corpers passing out in a batch, especially doctors and the institution they attended and tell me how many doctors did their mbbs up north. Collect as many booklets as possible, from friends, different batches and state ; then you will have a glue of my point.
I served in Kano state in 2006 and I know the north don't post the few medical officers of northern extraction, out of the north. But even at that, my batch had 15 medical officers and 1 was from the north.
There's no way this girl should be denied admission except on religious grounds. If not on merit, Niger state is among the elds, and could still made it on that ground.
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Hillchild88(m): 2:26pm On Dec 20, 2019

Look at another insincere approach!

It's either you are insincere or you are ignorant of the whole thing

First of all, I'm not supporting what the school did. my message was directed to those who attributed what they did to Islam in the previous post that went on front page.

If you didn't see that post, go and check front page.

So my message is directed to those that attacked Islam because of it.

And secondly, the school has already explained the reason why they did what they did. did you not read the post?

So what is your claim of "assassination of hsrdwork,
diligence and meritocracy" based on and why would you go to the extent of calling me "not qualified to complain about bla bla bla"?

again, it's either you are sincere and just wanted to attack me like the rest of your people or you are ignorant of the whole thing.

By the way, Imes is coming grin
What do you mean Imes is coming, who is the imes self
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Nobody: 2:37pm On Dec 20, 2019
Honestly *the person who wrote this piece “Injustice to one is injustice to all” is completely ignorant of the process of admission in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria,*

For those of us that wrote Jamb 3 times passed all and failed to secure admission whom also are from the catchment area of the University felt the same way but later got to understand the process & how it works!

There are some unique facts about ABU that we must appreciate which includes among so many others; ABU is the most cosmopolitan University in the whole of Africa not even Nigeria �� it’s no news that ABU Zr has students from each and every of the 774 local governments in �� which makes it a mini ��.

When it comes to teaching staff, ABU is the only record holder of having atleast 1 senior staff from each and every of the 36 states in Nigeria and it has remained so till date. So in essence not even the University of Abuja that is in the heart of Nigeria can boast of having students from all the 774 local governments or a staff from each of the 36 states in the Country. Then we should be proud of ABU Zr.

I can personally attest to the fact that in each and every Departmental admission guideline clearly spells out three criteria’s and is religiously adhered to which includes: 1. Merrit list 45% of the total students admitted to the dept (Atleast 2 to 3 students with the highest score from each state). 2. Catchment area list 35% (like any other university in Nigeria ABU considers students from its selected States as it catchment area). & 3. Less Educationally developed states list 20% (in other to give candidates in some selected states that are not as educationally developed as the others a chance to be in ABU as they are at a disadvantage and cannot stand their colleagues from the opposite side) which makes 100% for each department and in doing this no state is left out. Please tell me which other University in Nigeria can say same of their institution? I’ll tell U the answer for free “NONE”.

As regards the case of one *Goodness Thomas, she would have made it for the MBBS Merit list from her state but unfortunately she was number 7 on the list in terms of jamb score from Niger state* and only the first two were picked as it is in d case with all other 36 states and the FCT, she also wouldn’t have made it for the 2nd & 3rd criteria for admission as the number from the Medical and Dental Board limits ABU MBBS to only 120students per session so please do the maths how would U have admitted Goodness into MBBS and justify it even if U are on the admissions committee?

It is also important that I call the attention of the writer of this mischievous piece, that Goodness Thomas was quick to change her 1st choice to ‘Anatomy’ from MBBS seeing she didn’t make the 1st list and she was admitted in the 2nd list of admission which she accepted gladly and quickly, so why are people been mischievous and sharing very wrong information on social media?

I have seen the list of about 25 candidates this year alone from Kwara, Benue and Kogi states who scored above 300 and didn’t make the list for MBBS but unfortunately their representatives don’t have social media handles to speak out on their behalf.

This year alone ABU received more than 40,000 qualified candidates which is the largest number of applicants for any university in Nigeria and Jamb gave ABU the clearance to take in 11,000 candidates which is also the highest number any university is taking in this year, so who will speak for the over 29,000 qualified candidates? Even ASUU is crying that accademic staff are over stretched due to the number of lecturer to student at the moment.

As it stands, ABU is among the 1st generation of universities in Nigeria and there has been plans from the management under the leadership of Prof. Ibrahim Garba with support from the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) and the Ministry of Education for ABU Zr to Migrate into a fully pledged Post-Graduate University and that can only happen if the number of undergraduates intake is cut by more than half the number its currently taking in.

So please let’s call all mischief makers to order and if anyone has any issue on admission of a candidate to write to the University rather than embarking on campaign of calmuny on social media to dent the reputation of a University we all hold Dear.

Abubakar A Rafindadi.

Abubakar Ranfidadi is actually very myopic, going by the recurrent use of, "Only in ABU Zr...." in most of his references!
Well, until you have visited someone's else's father's farm, you would think your father's farm is the best!
The analysis of the admission policy you have laboured to credit to ABU Zr, is the template for admission into all federal universities in Nigeria.
Meanwhile, in northern universities, they sometimes reduced it to a mere paper policy. They, another time, use it to their own advantage.
Whereas most federal universities in the south are not comfortable with the 180 cut-off, the northern universities quickly adopted it to gain advantage over the southern students.

From your analysis, there's obviously no merit cut-off in ABU Zr. You only pick the best 2 or 3 from each state. That's ridiculous!
In the South, there's a merit cut off. And if 10 candidates from the same state make the cut off they will be admitted. That's how to reward excellence.
It occurs to me, from your analysis, that ABU celebrates mediocrity! So, if the highest scorers from Kano state had 210 and 205 over 400 ; you would now put them on merit list with candidates with 350 and 345 over 400 from Anambra state as merit list? That's balderdash!
It's a known fact that northern universities tailor their programs to accommodate their people. Some of them might not even have the mandatory 5 credits in WAEC!.
I remember the case of Dino Melaye, from all we saw , on the media, while the case lasted he had almost graduated from ABU Zr before he even passed WAEC. So, what are you talking about? No universities in the South would allow that.
So, Mr Abubakar, stop formatting the mindset of the gullible ones on this forum!


Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Odumanudo: 3:03pm On Dec 20, 2019
I laughed when I saw that news.

302/400 and he was shouting foul play. Maybe he thought Mbbs is equally sorted after like Education Management.

I am a medical student in UI, UI doesn't have catchment area, 100% admission slot is by merit.

However, there are almost 400 candidates that score 300+ in utme every year, and the carrying capacity for Mbbs in UI is just 180.

That means, several candidates with 320+ won't end up getting Mbbs in the end, by the time aggregate score is determined.

There is no foul play in this matter, only ignorant people who is not in the system will type such gibberish.

am a medical student in UI, UI doesn't have catchment area, 100% admission slot is by merit.
Can't ABU adopt same procedure for medicine? 100% admission slot should be by merit without all those extraneous considerations like catchment area and what have you.

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Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by DonMekino(m): 3:10pm On Dec 20, 2019
since these northern states have started scoring high in jamb too, it means the educational gap between north and South is closing, can we now go back to unity schools where cut off for them is below 10 while above 130 for southern states? and yet they still deceive us with educationally less developed states.... I swear these people sabi politics, they know how to manipulate policies to favour them

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Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Nobody: 3:11pm On Dec 20, 2019

am a medical student in UI, UI doesn't have catchment area, 100% admission slot is by merit.
Can't ABU adopt same procedure for medicine? 100% admission slot should be by merit without all those extraneous considerations like catchment area and what have you.

Quota system is necessary so as to carry every state along in Nigeria
Same way political parties' flag bearers for presidency is zoned in Nigeria, if not, all Nigeria's president would be northerners going by their voter population
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Topmaike007(m): 4:15pm On Dec 20, 2019

This is not even about religion and tribalism. That's too petty. But by supporting what happened in that school, you've supported the assassination of hardwork, diligence and meritocracy and thus, you are not qualified at all to complain about the failure in Nigeria's system anymore.
God bless you ten million times

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Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by FeedbackNG: 5:07pm On Dec 20, 2019
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Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Legendguru: 5:08pm On Dec 20, 2019
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by laka2016: 5:38pm On Dec 20, 2019
[quote author=MoIbrahim post=85057661]Honestly *the person who wrote this piece “Injustice to one is injustice to all” is completely ignorant of the process of admission in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria,*

For those of us that wrote Jamb 3 times passed all and failed to secure admission whom also are from the catchment area of the University felt the same way but later got to understand the process & how it works!

There are some unique facts about ABU that we must appreciate which includes among so many others; ABU is the most cosmopolitan University in the whole of Africa not even Nigeria �� it’s no news that ABU Zr has students from each and every of the 774 local governments in �� which makes it a mini ��.

When it comes to teaching staff, ABU is the only record holder of having atleast 1 senior staff from each and every of the 36 states in Nigeria and it has remained so till date. So in essence not even the University of Abuja that is in the heart of Nigeria can boast of having students from all the 774 local governments or a staff from each of the 36 states in the Country. Then we should be proud of ABU Zr.

I can personally attest to the fact that in each and every Departmental admission guideline clearly spells out three criteria’s and is religiously adhered to which includes: 1. Merrit list 45% of the total students admitted to the dept (Atleast 2 to 3 students with the highest score from each state). 2. Catchment area list 35% (like any other university in Nigeria ABU considers students from its selected States as it catchment area). & 3. Less Educationally developed states list 20% (in other to give candidates in some selected states that are not as educationally developed as the others a chance to be in ABU as they are at a disadvantage and cannot stand their colleagues from the opposite side) which makes 100% for each department and in doing this no state is left out. Please tell me which other University in Nigeria can say same of their institution? I’ll tell U the answer for free “NONE”.

As regards the case of one *Goodness Thomas, she would have made it for the MBBS Merit list from her state but unfortunately she was number 7 on the list in terms of jamb score from Niger state* and only the first two were picked as it is in d case with all other 36 states and the FCT, she also wouldn’t have made it for the 2nd & 3rd criteria for admission as the number from the Medical and Dental Board limits ABU MBBS to only 120students per session so please do the maths how would U have admitted Goodness into MBBS and justify it even if U are on the admissions committee?

It is also important that I call the attention of the writer of this mischievous piece, that Goodness Thomas was quick to change her 1st choice to ‘Anatomy’ from MBBS seeing she didn’t make the 1st list and she was admitted in the 2nd list of admission which she accepted gladly and quickly, so why are people been mischievous and sharing very wrong information on social media?

I have seen the list of about 25 candidates this year alone from Kwara, Benue and Kogi states who scored above 300 and didn’t make the list for MBBS but unfortunately their representatives don’t have social media handles to speak out on their behalf.

This year alone ABU received more than 40,000 qualified candidates which is the largest number of applicants for any university in Nigeria and Jamb gave ABU the clearance to take in 11,000 candidates which is also the highest number any university is taking in this year, so who will speak for the over 29,000 qualified candidates? Even ASUU is crying that accademic staff are over stretched due to the number of lecturer to student at the moment.

As it stands, ABU is among the 1st generation of universities in Nigeria and there has been plans from the management under the leadership of Prof. Ibrahim Garba with support from the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) and the Ministry of Education for ABU Zr to Migrate into a fully pledged Post-Graduate University and that can only happen if the number of undergraduates intake is cut by more than half the number its currently taking in.

So please let’s call all mischief makers to order and if anyone has any issue on admission of a candidate to write to the University rather than embarking on campaign of calmuny on social media to dent the reputation of a University we all hold Dear.

Abubakar A Rafindadi.

The writer if these piece would have scored more points if all the argument put forward for the girls denial if admission is backed up by evidence to proof the fact.He should have shown us the list and qualification of the 120 candidates given the admission. Instead he spoke characteristically like Nigerians after they have denied you your right. And we can't trust these people in charge of admission in schools. Are they not the same people selling admission to the highest bidders and they'll deny qualified candidates placement after they have finished selling all the admission.
It would surely very easy to believe his argument if we see enough proof that the poor girl was not cheated because she didn't know anybody in the society.
And whatever system that denies some one who score above 300 in jamb and gives admission to someone who score 200 in the same jamb is trash system.
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Hassan05(m): 6:17pm On Dec 20, 2019
More than 20 applicants from her state that applied for MBBS have average points of 330+ compared to her 287.

She is from Kogi State and had been offered admission in Department of Human Anatomy. It is just propaganda to tarnish the image of ABU Zaria.

Prof. U. A. Danbatta, Deputy Director Academic Planning.

Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Kei144(m): 7:34pm On Dec 20, 2019
Honestly *the person who wrote this piece “Injustice to one is injustice to all” is completely ignorant of the process of admission in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria,*

For those of us that wrote Jamb 3 times passed all and failed to secure admission whom also are from the catchment area of the University felt the same way but later got to understand the process & how it works!

There are some unique facts about ABU that we must appreciate which includes among so many others; ABU is the most cosmopolitan University in the whole of Africa not even Nigeria �� it’s no news that ABU Zr has students from each and every of the 774 local governments in �� which makes it a mini ��.

When it comes to teaching staff, ABU is the only record holder of having atleast 1 senior staff from each and every of the 36 states in Nigeria and it has remained so till date. So in essence not even the University of Abuja that is in the heart of Nigeria can boast of having students from all the 774 local governments or a staff from each of the 36 states in the Country. Then we should be proud of ABU Zr.

I can personally attest to the fact that in each and every Departmental admission guideline clearly spells out three criteria’s and is religiously adhered to which includes: 1. Merrit list 45% of the total students admitted to the dept (Atleast 2 to 3 students with the highest score from each state). 2. Catchment area list 35% (like any other university in Nigeria ABU considers students from its selected States as it catchment area). & 3. Less Educationally developed states list 20% (in other to give candidates in some selected states that are not as educationally developed as the others a chance to be in ABU as they are at a disadvantage and cannot stand their colleagues from the opposite side) which makes 100% for each department and in doing this no state is left out. Please tell me which other University in Nigeria can say same of their institution? I’ll tell U the answer for free “NONE”.

As regards the case of one *Goodness Thomas, she would have made it for the MBBS Merit list from her state but unfortunately she was number 7 on the list in terms of jamb score from Niger state* and only the first two were picked as it is in d case with all other 36 states and the FCT, she also wouldn’t have made it for the 2nd & 3rd criteria for admission as the number from the Medical and Dental Board limits ABU MBBS to only 120students per session so please do the maths how would U have admitted Goodness into MBBS and justify it even if U are on the admissions committee?

It is also important that I call the attention of the writer of this mischievous piece, that Goodness Thomas was quick to change her 1st choice to ‘Anatomy’ from MBBS seeing she didn’t make the 1st list and she was admitted in the 2nd list of admission which she accepted gladly and quickly, so why are people been mischievous and sharing very wrong information on social media?

I have seen the list of about 25 candidates this year alone from Kwara, Benue and Kogi states who scored above 300 and didn’t make the list for MBBS but unfortunately their representatives don’t have social media handles to speak out on their behalf.

This year alone ABU received more than 40,000 qualified candidates which is the largest number of applicants for any university in Nigeria and Jamb gave ABU the clearance to take in 11,000 candidates which is also the highest number any university is taking in this year, so who will speak for the over 29,000 qualified candidates? Even ASUU is crying that accademic staff are over stretched due to the number of lecturer to student at the moment.

As it stands, ABU is among the 1st generation of universities in Nigeria and there has been plans from the management under the leadership of Prof. Ibrahim Garba with support from the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) and the Ministry of Education for ABU Zr to Migrate into a fully pledged Post-Graduate University and that can only happen if the number of undergraduates intake is cut by more than half the number its currently taking in.

So please let’s call all mischief makers to order and if anyone has any issue on admission of a candidate to write to the University rather than embarking on campaign of calmuny on social media to dent the reputation of a University we all hold Dear.

Abubakar A Rafindadi.

This way of determining the merit list is faulty. If ABU is meant to admit 300 students into their MBBS programme, 45% merit list should mean the best 0.45 * 300 = 135 applicants, irrespective of where they come from. Consideration of states of origin should be done in the locality quota. I was a HOD in UNN years ago and I headed the admission process in my department.

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Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by ofonimi: 7:56pm On Dec 20, 2019
Going by this explanation, it means a candidate who scores less than 300 can be admitted to study medicine because of his or her state of origin peculiarity. Then what is the essence of hard work?
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by GreyLaw(m): 8:23pm On Dec 20, 2019
and u had to call ur ipob mods on me?
2019 has already ended on a bad note with Trump sack soon to be finalized at the upper house.
I wonder where ipob will run to now that their oga kpatakpata will be bundled out.
don't quote me, you better go pack sand and fill it in ur hair and remove them one by one since you don't have any meaningful thing to do.

Trump to be sent out of office by the US Senate, a Senate his party controls and has majority?

Abeg you no know this one. Stick to Nigerian politics!
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by GreyLaw(m): 8:27pm On Dec 20, 2019

This way of determining the merit list is faulty. If ABU is meant to admit 300 students into their MBBS programme, 45% merit list should mean the best 0.45 * 300 = 135 applicants, irrespective of where they come from. Consideration of states of origin should be done in the locality quota. I was a HOD in UNN years ago and I headed the admission process in my department.

This forum still has respectable people. Props to you, sir.
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by OGHENAOGIE(m): 9:02pm On Dec 20, 2019

Are you a malabite?
That's by the way.
The Op told so many lies in his write up and I feel the public deserve to know the truth.
As competitive as we think medicine is, facts results from jamb had shown little percent made above 300, and not all who made above 300 applied for mbbs.
Also, northern states present the least number of students for mbbs and most southerners who studied medicine didn't study in the core north. Reason? Insecurity.
How did I arrive at this?
Check the booklets of nysc that had all the corpers passing out in a batch, especially doctors and the institution they attended and tell me how many doctors did their mbbs up north. Collect as many booklets as possible, from friends, different batches and state ; then you will have a glue of my point.
I served in Kano state in 2006 and I know the north don't post the few medical officers of northern extraction, out of the north. But even at that, my batch had 15 medical officers and 1 was from the north.
There's no way this girl should be denied admission except on religious grounds. If not on merit, Niger state is among the elds, and could still made it on that ground.
am a Malabite political science... don't assume things sir... u are looking at her Jamb score her aggregate plus post ume is 288... these days pple score 300 plus in jamb... Abu is a top school and most guys in North all want to go to Abu as ist choice... see if dis lady can try Unical or else where she might get it... then I knew how taraba benue guys get admission in Unical medicine... this is what u get when everyone wants to read medicine and law like they are d only course on planet earth... sadly our society don't give value to other courses so I don't blame those going for it... nobody deny her admission on religious grounds... kaduna has a decent Christian population...
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by IfecksJIN: 9:22pm On Dec 20, 2019
Eya UNN for give am sha... Dem admit reach 400 med surg students all dem need na ur school fee lolz

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Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by mank1234(m): 9:41pm On Dec 20, 2019

So you for exposing the charade called catchment catchment area in admission process in our schools.
You mean all the nineteen northern states are educationally disadvantaged?
Where were the southerners when that law was made? Was it ever debated?
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by mank1234(m): 9:46pm On Dec 20, 2019

This way of determining the merit list is faulty. If ABU is meant to admit 300 students into their MBBS programme, 45% merit list should mean the best 0.45 * 300 = 135 applicants, irrespective of where they come from. Consideration of states of origin should be done in the locality quota. I was a HOD in UNN years ago and I headed the admission process in my department.

This is the best post I've seen. It's no more merit list but equality list

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Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Emmiekeyz(m): 10:18pm On Dec 20, 2019
[quote author=Bedwyr post=85066775]Matters arising

1.I beleive the OP's post, and I beleive he is telling the truth.

2.The truth is, there are a lot of people struggling to enter public universites...because they are cheap and because they are cheap.

3.ABU Medical school is oversubscribed....from time inmemmorial. (Infact, unless your parents worked for ABU , your chances of getting into ABU are low.).

4.Actually, ABU has been taking in more northern students of recent....tribalist, yes, but then again, the North has an acute doctor shortage relative to the South. So, understandable (even if I don't agree).

Please Sir, can i still train to become a medical doctor after i graduate as a medical laboratory scientist?
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by damoobaba: 12:03am On Dec 21, 2019
And some people were attributing it to Islam, calling it Islamic agenda.

Many began to spite the school, calling it all sorts of derogatory names, with Islam in the picture.

WaLlohi, the minds of many of these people are dark and evil, the Muslims have just become too weak to expose them.

Indeed, it's the truth what Allaah said:

“Never will the Jews nor the Christians be
pleased with you (O Muhammad) till you follow their religion"

It's Islamophobia that will kill some people.

Did a story not come up one time of Covenant university rejecting admission to one Muslim guy in a similar fashion like this?

Did anyone shout Christianization?

When a Muslim does something, they attribute it to Islam. If it's the other way round, you won't hear such a thing coming from us.

Why are you all so deeply obsessed with Islam if you do not fear for its greatness and try to talk it down or criticize it at any given chance?

The reality is that many of these people are just insincere, sick-minded hypocrites!

Imes is coming! Imes is coming! The world should prepare. angry

The reality of your true selves, how evil your hearts are actually and how foolish your arguments and philosophies are will soon be exposed to the world when Imes comes.

All of you should continue! angry Imes will be making you all famous; yes, the whole will know you all for your evil and hypocritical ways.

By the time Imes will come, humiliation will be your companion. humiliation will be your nick names. You will all wine and dine with humiliation unless you repent and turn towards truth.

When Imes comes, it will be the end of your era and the beginning of a new one.

When Imes comes, it will be game over for many of you hypocritical lots

Imes is coming, You should all get prepared! angry

And you are free to wail and attack me on mention. grin That's your way and it will only make your humiliation more interesting when Imes eventually shows up. grin

Imes, we await your coming grin cheesy

Christianization is NOT A BAD THING Sir, its peace and development all the way and that's why people don't talk about christianization. Jesus never talked about cutting peoples neck when they don't accept Him. Just dust off your feet and go somewhere else.
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Nobody: 12:17am On Dec 21, 2019

Christianization is NOT A BAD THING Sir, its peace and development all the way and that's why people don't talk about christianization. Jesus never talked about cutting peoples neck when they don't accept Him. Just dust off your feet and go somewhere else.

First of all, what you claimed is not of true Islam. I don't want to start explaining the whole thing here and how those terrorists have deviated.

But since you seem to know so much, kindly explain these verses in the "peaceful bible"

Kill everyone except virgin girls who you should keep for yourselves:

Numbers: 31. 17. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. - Bible Offline

Kill women, children, suckling and animals:

1 Samuel: 15. 3. Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. 4. And Saul gathered the people together, and numbered them in Telaim, two hundred thousand footmen, and ten thousand men of Judah. - Bible Offline

I though you said no killing if they don't accept, what's this?:

2 Chronicles: 15. 13. That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. - Bible Offline

But you may say it's in the Old Testament, but was it not God that commanded it? and since you believe Jesus is God, then you must believe Jesus did so grin

Kindly explain those three, then I will bring more. Then if you can explain everything, I will now go and sit down somewhere grin

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Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Nobody: 3:23am On Dec 21, 2019

Good morning. I don't know if one can train as a doctor after finishing medical laboratory science. Sorry.
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by almarthins(m): 5:24am On Dec 21, 2019

This is not even about religion and tribalism. That's too petty. But by supporting what happened in that school, you've supported the assassination of hardwork, diligence and meritocracy and thus, you are not qualified at all to complain about the failure in Nigeria's system anymore.

D guy just dey talk nonsense
E b like say make i call thunder, fire and brimstone for am.

Immagine this :

Never will the Jews nor the Christians be
pleased with you (O Muhammad) till you follow their religion"--- terrorist
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by Caseless: 6:44am On Dec 21, 2019
That's a very silly excuse, so silly not only because cut-off mark for university is 180, the candidate had over 300 even though ABU would still admits students scoring less than 200 for the same exam. How then do we battle exam malpractices when individuals like the said candidate will diligently prepare for an exam, come out in flying colours and still be denied admission? Meanwhile, some on the alter of unprogressive and outdated sentiments be given the same admission. For how long is Nigeria going to drag herself underdevelopment?
You write like you didn't attend any school. She was admitted into another department or should I say she was given anatomy as a course to study.

ABU has medicine as its most precious course and admission into that faculty is extremely difficult and strict. If she comes 7 in her state, then the first 2 were picked and there's nothing religious jingoist like you can do about that.

The most important thing is that she's now a student in that prestigious university.
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by gaskiyamagana: 7:14am On Dec 21, 2019
I am not even understanding all these jargons. Did the said girl met all the academic requirements to study medicine? If she does, she should be granted her choice. And I even thought all these catchment area nonsense has stopped in federal universities.
Musa is finally tired jare
Catchment area is the only reason for denying our intelligent daughter. I don't why we afraid dividing Nigeria to catchment areas and let them continue to admit their Olodooos and we too continue to admit our intelligent students like that girl.

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Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by gaskiyamagana: 7:18am On Dec 21, 2019
You write like you didn't attend any school. She was admitted into another department or should I say she was given anatomy as a course to study.

ABU has medicine as its most precious course and admission into that faculty is extremely difficult and strict. If she comes 7 in her state, then the first 2 were picked and there's nothing religious jingoist like you can do about that.

The most important thing is that she's now a student in that prestigious university.
Oga, ABU's Ranking among Nigerian Universities is what? I know it is 1000 + in world Universities Ranking.
Re: ABU Didn't Admit Goodness Thomas Into MBBS Cos In Niger Alone She Ranked No. 7 by traihit: 8:11am On Dec 21, 2019
You write like you didn't attend any school. She was admitted into another department or should I say she was given anatomy as a course to study.

ABU has medicine as its most precious course and admission into that faculty is extremely difficult and strict. If she comes 7 in her state, then the first 2 were picked and there's nothing religious jingoist like you can do about that.

The most important thing is that she's now a student in that prestigious university.

Thank you for making your point.

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