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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta (34257 Views)
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Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by Rossikk(m): 10:23pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
lexy2014: Do you even know the difference between past, present and future? You seem to jump between all dimensions in one endless sweep of pessimistic disgruntlement. No, I did not say Nigeria ''is better'' than UAE. I said Eko Atlantic was ''slowly rising to challenge Dubai's glory''. Aren't you intelligent? That is a projection for the future. It is not to say we are currently ''better than them''. I really thought I wrote in simple to understand grammar. 4 Likes |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by Simplyleo: 10:28pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
fasa1touch:Ogede, stop this. Begging, on or offline is the lowest a man can go and I'm sure you aren't that poor. |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 10:31pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
Rossikk: U said my comment is ignorant and I challenged u to explain why u said its ignorant. Instead of doing so, u are asking me if I no d meaning of past, present and future. So far, u can't even defend what u saying thereby showing that u actually d one who is disgruntled and ignorant. Let me answer your question. I don't no d difference between past, present and future. Pls explain d difference to me. If u aren't contesting d fact that "Nigeria isn't better than d UAE", that means u agree with my "pessimistic disgruntlement". U can see that u have contradicted urself and shot yourself in d foot. Since u are more intelligent than I am, pls explain your use of d word "challenge" in your sentence? |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by Rossikk(m): 10:34pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
lexy2014: I said Eko Atlantic is ''slowly rising to challenge Dubai's glory'', inferring clearly that it's a work in progress. Why do you need a definition of 'challenge'? 1 Like |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 10:38pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
Rossikk: I thought u implied in ur post that am not intelligent? That means u are intelligent. Do u mean u can't explain "challenge"? Also u are avoiding answering my questions. U said my comment is ignorant. Pls explain y you said it is ignorant. U also asked if I no d difference between past, present and future. I said I don't. Pls explain d difference |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by middlebelter(m): 10:38pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
Why is this not ei g located in Kogi state near the Ajaokuta Iron and Steel? |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by Nobody: 10:56pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
The optimistic and pessimistic.... We have seen it all. Since Development in Nigeria is one sided there will always be argument like this.... One thing I know is this country needs to purge itself of tribal superiority and open nepotism unless argument like this will continue. If u ask me in a clear response I believe the optimistic are yoroubas and Apc hausas... Nothing is happening in the east and don't expect me to be happy. |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by samorobo: 10:58pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
lexy2014: You are the one praising kegame's mediocrity.....They are so many thing we can use media to hype in this country but we the citizen will still be the ones to bad mouth it ...and a foreigner will gladly deride it as his)her perception will instantly change. Do you think citizens of Rwanda are not awAre of the media trick and silly story their president is telling whilst they are soaked in abject poverty,(check their per capita)and backwardness...No citizens of that country dare speaks against him..he is a dictator... If you respect yourself people will always respect you...The fact that he build a 2km road today and calls media from around the globe to hype it whilst forcefully oppressing the people from speaking about the numerous ills he is concealing to make the country look like it has emerged is appalling to say the least...if the citizens are stopped from speaking their minds and the president is busy telling the world Rwanda has changed since the 2000 genocidal incident to become an enviable African country surely you will believe cos no one is coming out to say otherwise..but here in NIGERIA, at least to an extent there is freedom of speech...A govt can build a 125km road today and you will have citizens run out to criticize the country to make the leaders not to feel relaxed..during this process harsh and hateful words are released and a foreigner reading this instantly changes his perception of the country despite the amazing thing he must have seen in the media.... I tell you outside the city centre of Kigali which I doubt is even up to 10kmsq the rest of Kigali and Rwanda at large is very primitive, poor and underdeveloped village with so many rural settlement (the inhabitants)made to never see what a bituminous tarred road look like..... I ask you the Rwanda you want to compare with Nigeria, do you know she does not have a middle class... Myopic ignorant Nigerian.. 2 Likes |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by samorobo: 11:00pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
lexy2014: I do have the strength to start typing today, if not I would have educated you and cure you off your ignorance.. today is xmas enjoy it peacefully.. |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by middlebelter(m): 11:01pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
Why is this not being located in Kogi state near the Ajaokuta Iron and Steel? |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 11:06pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
samorobo: Its not strength u don't have. U have strength but u have absolutely nothing to say to debunk what I say. Theres nothing upstairs. If u say am ignorant and u can't debunk my ignorance, that means ignorance is far better than any knowledge u have. U can't give what u don't have. Its a general principle |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by samorobo: 11:28pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
lexy2014: Lol I will try my best to write the little I can......I will write as regards to the original guy you quoted if which I later quoted you pertaining what your reply to him was Economies in the developed world have hit a climax. There are no opportunities and barely no sector to grow or develop...it is only normal that a sane investor will look at Africa "an emerging economy with vast opportunities and sector to grow...The purpose of any investment is to grow and make profit right...will you rather invest in an highly competitive over saturated economy like Europe or Japan than invest in competitive less, easy to grow and dominate economy like that of Africa...Even if you are an house hold name in the developed world and you are looking to expand, Africa is the right place and to narrow it down more, Nigeria is the right place because of her huge population which in turn brings a quick return in investment and let's not forget are extremely young population which makes up more than 60% of her entire population.... Countries with old aged population has no room for any serious growth but declination ..that is why you see the Economies of Europe and US going into recession...The most things sustaining their Economy is the influence and access to Africa:s resources and power..wonder no more why macron has been so angry with the francophone countries wanting to remove their reserved from France's central bank and introduce the new "ECO " CURRENCY..TheY are leeches and are living off Africa...Do you think they can survive without having any silent neo colonialist control over Africa's wealth..... Old ages does not boost the economy neither does it boost productivity nor reduce unemployment...it does not bring innovations...it is simply a dormant economy ..and it is whatever you've built for the future generations that will sustain you at this point whilst you await a new era of population boom which in most cases might be a century..the best time to build a country is now when you are experiencing a young population boom which can drive industrialization, innovation, technology,trade ,commerce and largely the economy....with the brexit deal, US-china trade..they are so many thing that can gradually bring the downfall of those nations...I think this was what he was trying to tell you. 4 Likes |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 11:33pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
samorobo: According to u: "They are so many thing we can use media to hype in this country but we the citizen will still be the ones to bad mouth it". Y would u need to "hype" something if it exists? If u hyping then u are saying something more than d truth. So if u are accusing kagame of hyping which is lying, u are now blaming Nigerian citizens for exposing govt for hyping. If d govt of Nigeria is serious, y would it need to hype? U see how u have contradicted urself. All u are doing is complaining. With all u have said that is wrong with kagame and his country, its surprising that u can't explain how this guy gets more attention than a sitting Nigerian president. U accuse d man of playing "media trick". How's it possible 4 him to trick every media organization both within Rwanda and outside Rwanda? When did u see kagame invite d world media for a 2km road? According to u again: "A govt can build a 125km road today and you will have citizens run out to criticize the country to make the leaders not to feel relaxed" Is it criticism of Nigerians that has prevented d leaders of Nigeria from doing their job? Ur argument is so escapist as u are blaming d citizens of Nigeria for d failings of those in govt. Are Nigerians responsible 4d "relaxation" of our political leaders? Were they elected to come and relax? If a 125km road is built, I don't see y the people will criticise d govt for building d road. That's a very big lie u have told. If citizens criticise d govt, it is for a reason and if d govt is serious, it will use d criticism to improve on its service delivery to d citizens. So ur comment about nigerians criticising govt is baseless and unfounded 1 Like |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by googi: 11:35pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
Rossikk and Lexy2014 must stop demonizing each other. Both of you are fine Patriots. One is optimistic and the other pessimistic. After so many failed starts in 60 years, many of us are wondering what is next. But we cannot give up. I salute both of you. Respect. |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by samorobo: 11:44pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
googi: Lexy is simply ignorant and barbaric...There is nothing upstairs....Abuja had phase 1 of her light rail completed last year and the second just got completed or almost completed...how many Nigerians have you seen praise this even if it is in their minds...but if they travel to a neighbouring African country to see the same infastructure and it is absent in Nigeria , they still be the first people to criticize the govt for not putting such infastructures in places whilst a small African country have such.... Funny enough in sub Saharan Africa only three African countries has a light rail which is Nigeria, south Africa, Ethiopia and aside thus countries no other African country is even dreaming of building one... |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 11:45pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
samorobo: Stories that touch. Ur postulation is d typical reactionary mindset that Africans have, waiting for Europe and US to fall b4 Africa rises. Its only an echo of ur friends post to which I responded thus: lexy2014: U guys can sit there and be blaming d west for Africa's backwardness and still be expecting that with such a mindset Africa will suddenly catch up with Europe and d US |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by NASTYNASOSO: 11:46pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by samorobo: 11:52pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
lexy2014: Lexy to media hype is not such a difficult job...infact it is very easy...let Nigerian govt take our freedom of speech today a d control every news that comes out if this country and you would see the world think of Nigeria as something more than great ...if only you would get a glimpse of rwandans situation you will know kegame is not the man you thought him to be...His corrupt practices revolves round nepotism making it easy for him to conceal .. The same Rwanda you are hyping has been exposed numerously by IMF/world bank for magically reducing their poverty rates and tampering with their economics stats.. such as GDP, GDP per capita.... It is possible less than 6% of Rwandan road is paved since their supposed east African giant "Kenya" has just 10% of her road paved after 56 years of independence.. 1 Like |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 11:52pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
samorobo: U haven't been able to prove how I am ignorant and barbaric. I also don't see d relationship between barbarism and d discussion. I would very love for u to show proof of d so-called barbarism. If u can't then it just confirms my theory that u don't have anything to say. There's nothing personal in d discussion but u have taken it personal. If u using foul language even though u weren't provoked, that's u displaying barbarism. |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by samorobo: 11:57pm On Dec 25, 2019 |
lexy2014: I never said I am waiting for Europe and US economy to fall so that of Africa can rise....what I gave is a point and fact that every sane mind with healthy knowledge on basic economies knows about... The west are a reason for Africa's backwardness...Any one with a working brain knows that..... IMF and World bank are not nation builder but racist , demonic white supremacist organisation meant to control the world and cease power from the black race globally...We all know the countries that controls this wicked organisation (EU, US)....They want to remain at the top of the food chain.. |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 12:03am On Dec 26, 2019 |
samorobo: U are missing d point. U are accusing kagame of media hype and media tricks at d same time u were criticising Nigerians for bursting d Nigerian govt when they engage in media hype. U are accusing kagame of media hype and media tricks. According to u: "Lexy to media hype is not such a difficult job...infact it is very easy...let Nigerian govt take our freedom of speech today a d control every news that comes out if this country and you would see the world think of Nigeria as something more than great" This shows how u are being highly economical with d truth or u didn't no what happened during d abacha days and buharis military era. Did d world see Nigeria as a great nation or as a pariah nation? When Gaddafi was president of Libya, was there freedom of speech? Is there freedom of speech in north Korea? Was there freedom of speech in Iraq under Sadam? Did d world see these countries as more than great? Your postulation doesn't carry any weight. Its a baseless theory. According to u: "The same Rwanda you are hyping has been exposed numerously by IMF/world bank for magically reducing their poverty rates and tampering with their economics stats.. such as GDP, GDP per capita...." Who exposed Rwanda? Was it d same media who u said he invited to Rwanda because he built just 2km of road? |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by samorobo: 12:03am On Dec 26, 2019 |
lexy2014: You've shoved my major point under the carpet and covered it with this "barbarism thingy"...yes you are barbaric..you just like a market woman without anything upstairs but come out in the middle of the market to make noise and spread her illiteracy..... Go back and locate my point in what I said earlier and stop using this "barbarism thingy" to hide your face and dodge my point.. 1 Like |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by samorobo: 12:12am On Dec 26, 2019 |
lexy2014: Lexy Rwanda is very underdeveloped...kegame built a rural village with less than 80-100 homes and made sure every African country had a out it as though that is suppose to be a big deal...smaller states in Nigeria has better road network than the whole of Rwanda..... .I think I am going too far, I should be asking you what makes you consider Rwanda as a great nation and even greater than Nigeria...?... When I say mevia I am sure your brain can differentiate media from a global organisation like IMF/world bank 1 Like |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 12:13am On Dec 26, 2019 |
samorobo: What u are denying is what u asserting. If u aren't waiting 4d for "Europe and US economy to fall so that of Africa can rise", then y did u say this?": "they are so many thing that can gradually bring the downfall of those nations"? Why are u so interested in their downfall? How does their downfall affect d progress and prosperity of African nations? Based on all u have said above, u are still corroborating all I said: "U guys can sit there and be blaming d west for Africa's backwardness and still be expecting that with such a mindset Africa will suddenly catch up with Europe and d US". Every advanced country in d world today had one thing or d other it could have used as an excuse not to develop. But they didn't sit on those excuses, crying and blaming as u doing. Africans like u have been crying and blaming d west for decades. Where has it taken Africa to? Keep it up and then expect Africa to advance. That's y I laugh at all what u are saying and u call it economics |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 12:29am On Dec 26, 2019 |
samorobo: Is it only IMF/world bank that can detect discrepancies in GDP figures? because all d time u say d man was engaged in media tricks and inviting foreign media to hype him, did d foreign media not try to verify d mans claims or they just decided to hype? Rwanda is much more organised than Nigeria with better accountability from govt institutions. Rwanda is a country with less corruption than Nigeria. Nigeria may have a higher GDP than Rwanda but this is obviously because of oil. Take oil out of Nigeria, what else does Nigeria have? |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by samorobo: 12:29am On Dec 26, 2019 |
lexy2014: Again I call you ignorant...Stop putting words in my mouth because you are out of words and you have no knowledgeable input to debunk what I have said...I know you want to save your face hence the constant clinging to the delusions you keep making about me attesting to your insinuations ...I call this "grasping at straws"...you've been caught, just accept and move on... I elucidated basic economics to you in simple terms that even a logical thinking 10 year old would easily grasp within 15 seconds..I am not repeating my self again...when you are ready to get out of that hole and leave that straw behind I would gladly be here to teach you more so long as you are ready to listen and learn rather than putting words in my mouth in order to run away and cos a slight witticism in our discussion whilst you take the focus away from your inability to reason deeply before embarking on a write up . 2 Likes |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 12:37am On Dec 26, 2019 |
samorobo: Which "major point" did u make? U made no point. I can't search for a point that doesn't exist. Except d meaning of d word barbarism has changed, I believe u are d one who is exhibiting traits of barbarism because b4 u say anything u use foul language and insults which I haven't done. A market woman doesn't "make noise" without throwing insults. So ur description of me as a market woman tends to fit u more. In my little interaction with people, I discovered that those who insult others in d middle of a discussion without provocation are d ones who have nothing to say which is a display of ignorance. Cos if u have things to say, u will put forth ur points with utmost civility. Insulting others without provocation is a sign of frustration that u arent having ur way and that u have demonstrated on several occasions |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 12:48am On Dec 26, 2019 |
samorobo: U haven't debunked anything so far and u can't teach me what u don't even know. Take a look at this (I hope u won't say u aren't d one that said it): "when you are ready to get out of that hole and leave that straw behind" Funny enough, u are d one holding unto d past. U are d one who is glued to Africa's past and blaming other countries for Africa's failure. U are d one who is well housed and buried in d hole of bitterness against d west and yet still living in d fantasy that Africa will be better than d west. U haven't come out of your hole, how do u now know that am in a hole? U have been grabbing unto d aprons of d west as d excuse for Africa's backwardness yet u talking of "reasoning deeply" when u can't move beyond ur past as an African. U can't even see an Africa that can be prosperous except d west falls and u say u are a guru in economics. U have a funny way of contradicting urself |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by samorobo: 12:54am On Dec 26, 2019 |
lexy2014: Be done with this duplicitous attitude of yours and start learning to pay scrupulous attention to every words I use...if my memory serves me right I am very sure I didn't use the word "invite" media ... From your write up I can tell your knowledge is very limited and shallow and this can only be fuelled by absolute ignorance..you are one of those that come on NL to comment on things you know nothing about just so you can appear intelligent and rack up likes from your fellow sadistic colleagues....I am sorry I hyped your knowledge and explained things that you might not even heard before... GDP don't matter what actually matters as regard to what you are trying to say ..it is the GDP per capita, purchasing power, middle class...No one would expect Rwanda to have a bigger GDP than Nigeria except if it is very developed and by developed I mean it should rolling among first world nation like Sweden, Norway while that of Nigeria will be dwindling or stagnant e.t.c...the fact that you said this shows there is nothing in your brain and that narrow how I viewed your thinking..that is like you saying America might have a higher GDP Than Norway or Sweden...how does that sound to your ears.. Nigeria may have a higher GDP than Rwanda but this is obviously because of oil. Rwanda is normally not suppose to have a higher GDP than Nigeria...that is highly preposterous to say the least...Rwanda is a smaller nation by population and Nigeria on the other hand is a bigger nation by this same population... Oil alone does not fuel our GDP ...the population amongst all other factors also does that..if you know what GDP per capita means you wouldn't have mentioned your bolded remark and perhaps you might easily ended this conversation seeing that Nigeria still surpassed Rwanda in per capita income which is a fair and just way to compare countries irrespective of larger economy and larger population.. 1 Like |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by lexy2014: 1:00am On Dec 26, 2019 |
samorobo: Do u no why I like your write up? I like it because u didn't debunk what I said. With everything u wrote, with all d plenty grammar, there's no where u provided info that debunked what I said. All u did was to corroborate d point i made. So am not really concerned with d personal connotations in ur post. Like I said u have run out of things to say |
Re: $600m Steel Plant Will Be Nigeria’s Highest Non-oil FDI – Gupta by samorobo: 1:01am On Dec 26, 2019 |
lexy2014: Insulting others without provocation is not a sign of frustration, at least not to me...it is more like me identifying an empty noise maker who has nothing upstairs but felt like talking because he sees other people talk and get replied instantly on NL...funny enough you have no idea and in depth understanding of the derisive comparism you made.... You felt like bringing up Rwanda for comparism because you've seen other ignorant entity like yourself on NL do the same.... Free advice don't copy otherside..what Suits A might not suit B. 1 Like |
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