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Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? - Romance (6) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? (59241 Views)

Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? / Lady Who Said "I Can't Marry Man That Earns N100k Monthly" Caught Begging N50k / I Can't Date Any Lady That Earns Less Than N200K - Nigerian Man (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Devilfriend(m): 4:35pm On Dec 30, 2019
It can happen in some remote villages in Nigeria. N100 can feed you in some villages in this country.
Isn't advisable, though...

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by praz001(m): 4:36pm On Dec 30, 2019

I responsible man will never be comfortable getting married in a 30k salary

Inheritance here does not mean houses, cars and lots of money. It might mean dignity in Labour, serving God whole heartedly....

A dry morsel is better off a ritual money oooo....

The reason why we have lots of ritual killings is because every1 is in a hurry...
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by superability(m): 4:38pm On Dec 30, 2019

man i am not living in poverty

i will use this bible passage to illustrate my condition

Proverbs 13:22: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children.
Oga don't misquote the Bible sir....
Inheritance here is not just money based young man. A good name can solve ur problems for life....
And who told u God can't improve their salary scale... Sometimes u will have to deep ur legs into the sea before it begins to part way... Case study the Israelites and the red Sea... Dem put their legs for water before the water begin separate fa...

I'm not saying any Tom Dick and Harry earning 30k or less should go and marry o...

My spiritual dad and a teacher married with less than 20k and the money the man is earning now is out of this world... No go imitate person wey take the risk o... U go just die throway...

The basic thing here is for u to know wat u want and wat God is saying, then u are good to go... The lady should have counted the cost before acceptance...

Mr. Lilwetdick, ur dad is not the man marrying the guy and neither are u... If ur sis is willing to pass through that stress, who are u to stop her? The highest u can do is advice her.... Testimonies abound about people who took that road and they see doing fine now...
To me I can't marry with the amount unless God is totally behind me though.

A lady knows a guy who has the potential to break records... Fear ladies o... They have spiritual eyes o... Just that few of them no wan suffer for sometime...


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by praz001(m): 4:38pm On Dec 30, 2019

chop knuckle
sense will not kill you
he just roped himself grin grin grin grin grin

I caught uuuuu....

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by 77up(m): 4:38pm On Dec 30, 2019
You guys should pls avoid this annoying topic in 2020, I married my wife after nysc even when there was no job talkless of #30000 but today nko?

If you like as a lady ,keep waiting for dangote or otedola , by the time agbero in garage is not even interested in you, you go know what's up.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by praz001(m): 4:41pm On Dec 30, 2019
You guys should pls avoid this annoying topic in 2020, I married my wife after nysc even when there was no job talkless of #30000 but today nko?

If you like as a lady ,keep waiting for dangote or otedola , by the time agbero in garage is not even interested in you, you go know what's up.

Some will not understand. Highest they will call you broke.... grin


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by yommen: 4:41pm On Dec 30, 2019
I now earn times 3 of what I used to earn. Then I would look at myself and ask myself questions. I however never ever looked back in my Hussle. Things will only get better. Those of you who will not allow your sisters or daughters marry a man earning quite small amount of money will also be the ones to console her when she begins to regret not marrying the man when he eventually blows.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by myke92(m): 4:41pm On Dec 30, 2019

17k with 2 kids and proper planning.. grin grin

father, mother and 2 kids = 4 mouth

17k to take care of 4 mouth monthly...

17k/30 days=567 naira daily for 4 mouth

this is impossible

Calm down bro.. You are just being overly meticulous.

When you see certain things, you'll definitely believe in the impossible.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Lighthouseman: 4:43pm On Dec 30, 2019

a man with vision and focus wont be earning 30k. i believe in spousal support, both couples should work, combine income but 30k is nothing

how will this 30k earner pay for rent before they marry, who is bringing whom to the house, the man or the woman.

Never neglect the days of humble beginnings.
Sometimes, it's not about salary. I earn 30k monthly, if I come late in a month, might end up with 28k but on this same job, I'm a landlord. I'm better than folks earning 100k.
Salary will deceive lots of ladies.
Look out for vision, resilience and the I can do spirit.
If she rejects you for sake of salary, go for Thanksgiving.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by MrBrownJay1(m): 4:43pm On Dec 30, 2019
well said, sadly many will not like to hear words like that.... especially the women who expect to be taken care of.

this is just nonsense
this what i hate to read, the pity and emotional game, the story that everything can end just in a day.
getting rich and going broke is a process, it just not start and end in a day
but how can you be earning 30k and be in marriage.
i cant allow a man earning 30k to marry my sister..simple as abc

That mumu mindset is why we have so many overaged ladies in their late thirties and forties desperate to get married while been bitter with themselves and menfolk in general. It's like saying that if a lady is earning 30k or less monthly, she has no business getting married. Thank God that as a man, even in my late thirties, i can easily marry a lady of my choice and age. The selective ladies should enjoy their choices with the risks involved.

the important question IS: is money "that" important to you in marriage that you believe it should be above everything/anything else?
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by tartarus(m): 4:44pm On Dec 30, 2019
Many NL guys want to die on top this topic cos many of them are broke cheesy grin
Abeg I can't advice my sisters, daughters, female friends etc to settle down with a man that earns 30k as salary. Suffer head undecided
Why would a man earning 30k think about starting a family?? You want your kids to suffer?! Wicked people

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by uninspired07: 4:45pm On Dec 30, 2019
You have no idea the LUCK a woman brings to her husband's house, I will tell you my story...

I was a teacher earning 40k per month, I was to get married in December 2015, n I was a bit worried about my income n whether we could actually survive on it, bt my fiancee encouraged me and said we would manage, lo and behold, November 2015 I got another job(200k+)

Never look down on a struggling(focused) man, cos its just a matter of time, my advice to ladies

You were lucky to see a good woman. How many good women do we have now?

I think we should stop bringing up threads like this as it doesn’t change the attitude of Nigerian women. Men should face their struggles squarely in the new year. No girl is ready to pity any broke man so men too should stop seeking for pity. Enough with The Whining & wailing jareee.

How many men need to be desperate for marriage sef? Marriage is the exclusive preserve of women & it’s their shield from poverty so men should free women to look for rich men.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Maghan37: 4:46pm On Dec 30, 2019

if you have a sister, will your father allow a man earning 30k to marry your sister? pls be realistic
It depends on whether he is disciplined enough and has future plans.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by tartarus(m): 4:48pm On Dec 30, 2019
na wa o, shared yard you say? Like excuse you, my parents never lived in such environment hence we didn't either. So my sister will wake up now and marry a man that is living in a face me I slap you house? Make everybody marry according to their levels na, you can't be earning 30k and planning to marry a lady earning 150k. Find someone in your level and nobody go hear noise. All these posts up and down sef
Thank you my brother cool


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by uninspired07: 4:48pm On Dec 30, 2019
Many NL guys want to die on top this topic cos many of them are broke cheesy grin
Abeg I can't advice my sisters, daughters, female friends etc to settle down with a man that earns 30k as salary. Suffer head undecided
Why would a man earning 30k think about starting a family?? Wicked people

I can’t imagine why they keep repeating this topic? Our women will never budge so why bother with them?

Is it by force for men to marry? I drink as a man & as long as I feed myself & drink my beer, I don’t care about any woman.

I think the mods should watch out for stupid threads like this which make it look like it’s men that are at disadvantage of they don’t marry. A man can wait & marry at anytime so why should threads like this proliferate on our cyberspace?

The girls that want rich guys should go out there & look for rich men. I am sure they will see.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by BluntBoy(m): 4:48pm On Dec 30, 2019

a man with vision and focus wont be earning 30k . i believe in spousal support, both couples should work, combine income but 30k is nothing

how will this 30k earner pay for rent before they marry, who is bringing whom to the house, the man or the woman.

Please, provide more explanation on the part of your post that I highlighted.

Thank you.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by banhammy: 4:48pm On Dec 30, 2019
this is just nonsense

this what i hate to read, the pity and emotional game, the story that everything can end just in a day.

getting rich and going broke is a process, it just not start and end in a day

but how can you be earning 30k and be in marriage.

i cant allow a man earning 30k to marry my sister..simple as abc

I pity you and that your sister.
My niece got married to an npower volunteer and they are living fine with a blessed baby boy.
Money is good, but it's not a yardstick to measure happiness in marriage.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Judolisco(m): 4:49pm On Dec 30, 2019

a man with vision and focus wont be earning 30k. i believe in spousal support, both couples should work, combine income but 30k is nothing

how will this 30k earner pay for rent before they marry, who is bringing whom to the house, the man or the woman.

guy u have to start from somewhere...u can't say a man earning 30k has no vision or ambition in life his fortune can change overnight... Damn


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Lastmankc(m): 4:50pm On Dec 30, 2019

if you have a sister, will your father allow a man earning 30k to marry your sister? pls be realistic
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by uninspired07: 4:51pm On Dec 30, 2019
The mods should NEVER bring threads like this to the front page again as we enter the new year.

It’s a wailing thread for poor men who want to further immerse themselves in poverty.

Why should a man be in a hurry to assume serious responsibilities anyway? This is part of the issues why this country is filled with poor people. Let’s be better in the new year oo.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Isnow: 4:52pm On Dec 30, 2019
If the man is of sound character and focused in life then the answer is yes. My sister should work to support her husband, she's not a piece of furniture in his home. I believe that's what the bible said too.

You re a wise man
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Cantonese: 4:53pm On Dec 30, 2019

a man with vision and focus wont be earning 30k. i believe in spousal support, both couples should work, combine income but 30k is nothing

how will this 30k earner pay for rent before they marry, who is bringing whom to the house, the man or the woman.

That is why we have many young men single, searching and testing all the ladies that come around them. That is why HIV is on the increase, destroying our youths. Everywhere unplanned pregnancies, rejected pregnancies, aborted pregnancies and abandoned children.

On the face value 30k would not suffice to meet the daily needs of individuals, talk more of couples with children. However realistically there are many who are willing to give it a go. There are those who are emotionally prepared for marriages. For you to get married and stay in your marriage, with the spirit of no matter what happens, you must be emotionally ready. The principal reason couples divorce is the lack of emotional readiness.

So the 30k earner and his wife, they can move ahead as long as they are happy. If the woman is happy, wetin come be your own? If na your sister or daughter no be you go live her life for her. How they live their lives become their business. Surely the focused ones do not need to go to their family members in search of crumbs. The ones with great focus, future and destiny always tell the story of how it all happened. The men with visions and focus start with next to nothing financially. Your greatest tool for wealth making in your hand is either your education or the trade you have learnt bro.

Some women became rich selling vegetables, some akara. what about that iya eleja? Some men became rich selling other peoples products, some services. It is only the lazy among the youths who hide under your 30k excuse to perpetually live with their parents, family members, friends and never grow up. That also is why you find men of 40 and above still living without wives and in the homes of other people.

In the days when civil servants were earning peanuts, they survived with their wives and children. They are the big men of today. You can verify that.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by ufotty2001: 4:53pm On Dec 30, 2019
Am earning 160k but am not even thinking of marriage because the job is not a secured job.. management may wake up one day and tell us that we should pack out


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by lozanni(m): 4:55pm On Dec 30, 2019

so why are men coming to my father's house to ask her hand in marriage with all their cheap wine grin

grin You will pass through the same process, once you spot your hearthrob

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by wristbangle: 4:55pm On Dec 30, 2019
To be honest, I can't advise my sisters to settle for a man earning 30k except he has additional income and he is diligent, focused and got a big vision.

On the other hand, I can't settle for less. I can marry a lady with astute business concept, diligent and supportive even if her account is not bogus but to marry a lazy broke/hungry lady, that's a no go area for me.

@lilwetdick, I get your point but if you have a brother, can you agree he marries an unambitious and broke lady?
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by cozy7(m): 4:55pm On Dec 30, 2019
After seeing the post https://www.nairaland.com/5456607/ladies-marry-guy-earns-n30k of a man earning 30k shouldn't consider marriage Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by ejitest1(m): 6:04pm On Oct 06 - felt I needed to post my opinion so others can learn.

If your idea of a good marraige is to get a man or woman with a good source of income from both parties and a comfortable lifestyle..

It's fine BUT>>>>

let me tell u the truth..

All those things can be wiped in days.. e.g job's good lifestyle wiped in a matter of days...

So what if he or she was a multi billionaire b4 you decided to marry them.

After few months or years, demons of parking everything appears and parks everything? Oh you forgot 1 bad loan gone south can cripple everything?

We focus on one thing, always related to money gain.. nobody talks about the spiritual aspect of marriage.. everyone always goes with - he must be working in shell or NNPC.. We have seen people who retired from those places and went back to square minus 0.

I told my sisters, never should a man bulk salary or business profits energize you to be a reason to want to marry him because if anything happens to that job or business - you will lose interests in the marriage - then divorce...

Marry a man who got a purpose, drive, vision, someone you can support to be something.. from scratch so that even if he crashed you can always advice him back to the top.

Those kinda marriages last long, majority of those men will love you till death.. even if they cheat, you will never find out... and they can never say "where were you wen I was building my wealth?"

When my uncle's friend (Now working in NNPC) a muslim was told to add another wife, I was in that room - he said in Hausa and I quote "you guys were not there when this lady (his wife) had to sell akara to sponsor his transport fares looking for jobs, so I don't want anyone competing Me with her."

If it was all about the money, you think faith Oyedepo would have married David Oyedepo? Am sure he wasn't seeing 30k monthly salary when he started Living faith church...

Btw, ladies - am not implying you should go marry a lazy broke man, rather marry a man who is starting little with dreams and strong visions, such that if everything crashed, he can pickup again and fight back.
May God bless u abundantly for this piece. I really hope ladies who read this adjust their ways.

BUT no, they prefer chasing old men with fat pockets, putting their future in danger..... Later when d guys they've been cheating on (with d old men) makes it n refuses to marry, they call him names. NONSENSE!


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Dunnigrace(m): 4:55pm On Dec 30, 2019
A man with vision won't be earning 30K? 9ja is hopelessly hard now and even guys with good degrees are teaching excessive workloads in private schools while earning 30k. We all have to start somewhere in this harsh economy. There's not enough good jobs to pass round. Many graduates are doing manual labourer jobs at construction sites. let me ask you, how much should a man earn before getting married?

Our problem in Africa is this salary stuff... Must u earn big salary b4 marriage..No

Marry if u v d fund and ability to take care of a family.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by cybriz82(m): 4:57pm On Dec 30, 2019
If the man is of sound character and focused in life then the answer is yes. My sister should work to support her husband, she's not a piece of furniture in his home. I believe that's what the bible said too.

U get time to ansa am..
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by iHart(m): 5:01pm On Dec 30, 2019

for someone like you, I don't deserve love or relationship at this time? You lack foresight honestly? 2 years from now my PhD won't be a waste and I may earn more than the BSc collecting 100k? FYI, I left an 100k job to continue on my dreams. Didn't stop my lady from believing in me.
nothing until after five years you have still not landed a lecturing job. PhD is not a guarantee for better job!

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by BluntBoy(m): 5:01pm On Dec 30, 2019
It is not every lady that will marry someone she is starting little with.

It is not every rich person that loses the wealth later (this example is becoming cliche and stale)

Some ladies will marry wealthy and already made men and enjoy their marriage(nothing wrong with this). Some won't enjoy it.

Some ladies will marry guys that they will suffer with and enjoy their marriages(their choice too). Some won't enjoy it.

It's the "not rich" ones that keep criticizing ladies for marrying a rich guy and even try to scare them with the "money will disappear" narrative.

Everyone's choice is personal and they should not be trolled for it

That is the reality.

I like to think of marriage as a gamble when it comes to finding happiness.

Some women will marry rich men who would turn them into punching bags while some will start from the scratch with guys who would turn them into punching bags.

However, I will advise ladies never to prioritize wealth over happiness. I don't have a problem with ladies having dreams such as landing a wealthy man and living a life of luxury. But they should not make it seem like landing a wealthy man is the only way they could ever get to live a life of luxury. They should develop themselves so long. Landing a wealthy man would then be a bonus.

But today, many girls can't think of other ways of escaping poverty other than by scheming to be leeches. When your whole life revolves around landing a wealthy man, you will end up failing to develop your own self.

This is one problem many wealthy people have with their children. Kids whose focus is on their parents' wealth will end up not developing themselves. And when eventually they inherit the wealth, they would ruin everything out of their incompetence and lack of discipline.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by cybriz82(m): 5:01pm On Dec 30, 2019

exactly, that is why he shouldnt be married at the first place..let him sort his life first then think about marriage

what is 30k? can 30k pay for rent even if he saves.

pls lets be realistic, it is not by force to marry...if both man and woman cant take care of themselves they shoudnt get married...simple abc

people write emotional stuff to convince men earning 30k to go take responsibilities they cant afford, after when the nagging and abuse come they start thinking about sucide or divorce.

Oga make we hear words abeg..u kip yelling what is 30k as if u get manchine wey dey produce money for u..enter market go steal 10naira n see if u ll go back home alive..
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Dunnigrace(m): 5:01pm On Dec 30, 2019
Some people are saying bla bla bla as if thier father earns 30k b4 marriage.

This mentality of earning huge salary before marriage has to stop.

Just seek for blessing in whatever u earn..some earn 200k in big industries and still couldn't build a house same goes to getting a happy home while d ones who live in peanut drink garri and save wisely

This topic doesn't worth it

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