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Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? - Romance (13) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? (59238 Views)

Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? / Lady Who Said "I Can't Marry Man That Earns N100k Monthly" Caught Begging N50k / I Can't Date Any Lady That Earns Less Than N200K - Nigerian Man (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by urchcoded(m): 8:26pm On Dec 30, 2019

If you take bike, you can walk a short distance to pay #50 or trek to school sometimes. @ #70 I believe school is trekable.

For food, a tin of local rice is #700 which can last for 2 weeks, cook it with pepe onion #50 and power oil #50, beans is #50 a cup, yam #500.
Foufou is #50, you can cook #1000 soup.

Economically you can cope.

I've tried dis stuff. But see d problem is first the distance is not trekkable. It's really far. Secondly on feeding. Trust me buying cooked food is more economical. I live with someone and if I cook I'll be cooking for him and his brother and I'm d one squatting so I can't be stingy with cooked food. So I beta eat out. And dia are oda expenses. Buying little tins like soap, paste, paying for a haircut, and all dos small small yeye tins. Plus if a kid or someone begs me for 1h dat Kain tin. I won't say no.
So 25k no fit abeg.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by marvelous000: 8:26pm On Dec 30, 2019

it better to be a famous scallywag than not to be famous at all
no publicity is bad publicity
So, this is why you're arguing like a blind bat. I thought as much

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Fxwarrior: 8:28pm On Dec 30, 2019

Oga don't misquote the Bible sir....
Inheritance here is not just money based young man. A good name can solve ur problems for life....
And who told u God can't improve their salary scale... Sometimes u will have to deep ur legs into the sea before it begins to part way... Case study the Israelites and the red Sea... Dem put their legs for water before the water begin separate fa...

I'm not saying any Tom Dick and Harry earning 30k or less should go and marry o...

My spiritual dad and a teacher married with less than 20k and the money the man is earning now is out of this world... No go imitate person wey take the risk o... U go just die throway...

The basic thing here is for u to know wat u want and wat God is saying, then u are good to go... The lady should have counted the cost before acceptance...

Mr. Lilwetdick, ur dad is not the man marrying the guy and neither are u... If ur sis is willing to pass through that stress, who are u to stop her? The highest u can do is advice her.... Testimonies abound about people who took that road and they see doing fine now...
To me I can't marry with the amount unless God is totally behind me though.

A lady knows a guy who has the potential to break records... Fear ladies o... They have spiritual eyes o... Just that few of them no wan suffer for sometime...

Exactly. Girls once they look at you and interact with you. They can draw a map to your future.

They are wonderful creatures. I don't mean the slay mamas though. shocked They belong to another planet.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Roon9(m): 8:28pm On Dec 30, 2019

if you have a sister, will your father allow a man earning 30k to marry your sister? pls be realistic

You sound like a kid

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by onadana: 8:33pm On Dec 30, 2019

you dey mind them

according to them millionaires just go broke, workers just get sacked, and someone working in nnpc will die.

just marry do not plan because oneday, you will be rich..lol

smileyno kill me with laughter abeg.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by wany(f): 8:33pm On Dec 30, 2019

for someone like you, I don't deserve love or relationship at this time? You lack foresight honestly? 2 years from now my PhD won't be a waste and I may earn more than the BSc collecting 100k? FYI, I left an 100k job to continue on my dreams. Didn't stop my lady from believing in me.
And if I may ask how are catering for your Lady, boy don't be deceive she has a side guy picking her bills,only waiting for jungle to mature so that she let go and hang on you fully ,use your brain.
Even at a PhD level you still sound dumb. undecided

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by ThefemaleKing: 8:35pm On Dec 30, 2019
Never! Can’t marry a man earning 30k. You think marriage is a joke abi? Earn more money before you jokingly marry.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by GGirll: 8:36pm On Dec 30, 2019

17k with 2 kids and proper planning.. grin grin

father, mother and 2 kids = 4 mouth

17k to take care of 4 mouth monthly...

17k/30 days=567 naira daily for 4 mouth

this is impossible

To the physical man this is impossible but with God all things are possible!

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by samtol4(m): 8:38pm On Dec 30, 2019

if you have a sister, will your father allow a man earning 30k to marry your sister? pls be realistic
my sister married a man who earn less than 30k few years ago but today they are better off. The man has sound character and hardworking! Every thing is not about money .There are men with decay character


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by mysticgal(f): 8:39pm On Dec 30, 2019
We already know the answer..lol

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W90ebtj21t4 Hello guys i'm a 17 year old producer from lagos NIGERIA chasing my dreams.It would be a huge blessing if someone checked out my beats and subscribe to channel. Comment what you think or corrections.Thanks and Godbless.
It’s cool
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Mypeople2(m): 8:40pm On Dec 30, 2019
Past few days has been funny, regarding age, financial stability and economic state a man must attain before talking marriage.

Let me tell a bit of myself. .....

I met my husband in his final year he promised me marriage after a year of service, his salary then was 10k, yes 10k. He proposed and engaged me in his mum's face me I slap you house. My family rejected him at first, because of his dressing, financial status and his house. No much property.

I saw a future with him we will build together, I saw myself as part of his vision builder. I knew my calling was to help him achieve his goals and vision thereby achieving mine.

It took 5 years of struggle, pains, mockery and frustration. But we remained together. Today to the glory of God there's a change of story. We literally feed and pay salary to many of our mockers then .

From mine experience, a good and faith woman has God given discernment to know men with future and also to know if they belong there.

30k is not too small to begin life, though many things must be taken into account. When to begin child birth, number of children, type of housing, property, savings, side hustles etc with wisdom, love, understanding and God's grace backing your efforts you will succeed just a matter of time., that's if you overcome association of village people on time. It is because of excess comfort on the side of the men before marriage that's why many men take their wives as part of their properties.

I have joint account with my husband, most of our major properties are written in both of our names. I have a say in the home, I have earned my dignity and respect. Through thick and thin, so no man can shuush me down. I paid the price in full.

I'm not saying we have achieved everything in my own marriage, I'm saying, if you see a man God fearing, with the qualities you want and with a vision that can house your own vision as a lady, it is not a bad idea. But be ready to be insulted, mocked by family and friends. Let down your guild and roll up your sleeves and work. Forget slay mama and slay queen did later in life. Pay the price...

Too much expectations has kept many unmarried for years. It is not too good to leave all the financial burdens of the home to the man. He is not God, if you are his help meet come low and help him and not expect range rover every birth day.
The amount of salary shouldn't be the only determinant factor. Leadership, management, self control and goals acccessment should be vital on both man and his wife.

Thank you very much lady .You be better wife .Na this kind wife we dey find.These presence ladies are looking for oil and gas workers and politicians to marry .They are just following money.And when yahoo boys ask them to release their pants now, they will start complaining
However OP, you can marry with 30k provided she is doing something .Ladies look for something meaningful to do to contribute to the family financially. That is why most of you are too fat after marriage .Na to born and spend all the little money the man provide una sabi .People are building houses with their 30k salary ( men with hustling wives)

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by samtol4(m): 8:40pm On Dec 30, 2019
The reason why many ladies are not married is because they are busy looking for a man who is earning very high .

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by jossytech(m): 8:46pm On Dec 30, 2019
Foolish ladies. I know a guy with 20k married n doing fine, wife support him, u think everything is money, they prefer a rich man to used dem as ritual than living in peace with low income husband while await God blessing in his work, no wonder rich guy married dem, beat em up n send em parking thru divorce in six months while d one that is contented enjoy her marriage. Oponu. Na ur choices, sell ur sister for d rich devil

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by newdawn2017(f): 8:52pm On Dec 30, 2019
Suffer go even discourage d woman, nor be small. Hmm! Inside that 30k healthcare go dey o, na clean them go dey use baff as it will be more economical. She will not even buy tissue paper to use for menses, it will Ankara pieces. All these small, small infection that affect woman due to d nature of d female genital organ, should she catch anyone, she will be a gonner. What if by mistake pregnancy enters??. My dear, some things can't be compromised, we ve to be realistic Biko. She will not be able to wear pants self, nor d man. I can't start with any man from such grassroots Biko. That is encouraging the blossoming of wretchedness Biko. undecided


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Harbeeorlar(m): 8:54pm On Dec 30, 2019
Ur calculation is based on basic salary of which many jobs av other earnings/stipend aside basic salary. Some tiimes if well utilised, those extra earnings/stipend can sustain you all thru the month that you wont touch ur salary.

Example petrol attendant. It will be rare to see petrol attendant that earns 20k as basic salary, but they may make x2 or more of their salary before the month end.

how can you spend more that what you earn, except you have additional income

you are also might be dipping into your savings

many families spend within their income except if they collecting loans or spending their saving
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by tartarus(m): 8:56pm On Dec 30, 2019
This thread shows that they're many broke guys on nairaland!. See how they are wailing and telling us about "a friend was earning 10k and got married bla bla bla" grin grin fake stories!
No wonder they're always pained and quick to call a successful woman a whor£, poverty is really bad! *Spits*
You want to marry someones daughter with 30k and bring kids to the world to suffer! Please build yourself first as a man or woman before thinking about marriage, you owe your kids quality education and a comfortable life. cry

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by BluntBoy(m): 8:57pm On Dec 30, 2019

Where are they?
They are everywhere.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Butoneday2(m): 9:03pm On Dec 30, 2019
30k ko marriage ni undecided.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by newdawn2017(f): 9:04pm On Dec 30, 2019
[quote author=Thiwalade post=85345860]

I am a young man in my mid twenties, I am a PhD student in a federal University earning 10k as stipend. Do I have enough vision yet? [/quoteMy brother, u re in course with d PhD in view, let us be seeing. Pls do update up as it is going.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by newdawn2017(f): 9:09pm On Dec 30, 2019
My colleague at the office is married, has 2children, has a bike, and is staying in a single room self contain and our salary is 17k so just mind your business.
suffer go dey troll d woman & 2 innocent children

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by newdawn2017(f): 9:11pm On Dec 30, 2019

but this is poverty.
abject wretchedness. Oluwa o! shocked

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Fredchisom(m): 9:12pm On Dec 30, 2019
Well i will advice ladies to start acquiring skills or rather have something tangible as a job.i dont wanna hear make up artist..lol,while u are waiting for rich guys,some of us doing great wont marry a lady who does nothing,yes u can be pretty,but i assure u,we will marry beauty with assets and connection cz no one has d monopoly to select better thing,i pity guys that go for unskilled ladies.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Fxwarrior: 9:13pm On Dec 30, 2019

I've tried dis stuff. But see d problem is first the distance is not trekkable. It's really far. Secondly on feeding. Trust me buying cooked food is more economical. I live with someone and if I cook I'll be cooking for him and his brother and I'm d one squatting so I can't be stingy with cooked food. So I beta eat out. And dia are oda expenses. Buying little tins like soap, paste, paying for a haircut, and all dos small small yeye tins. Plus if a kid or someone begs me for 1h dat Kain tin. I won't say no.
So 25k no fit abeg.

Buying cooked food is where the money is going.

Even if you decide to eat twice a day @ #300/plate making it #600 daily multiplied by 30 days.

That's #18 000, not counting the times you will cook food or want to eat 3X.

Check again. 1 thing is certain. Bulk of that money is spent on food and drinks assuming you drink.

I understand it might not be enough but better to work with what's a available while praying for something better.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Nobody: 9:18pm On Dec 30, 2019

Buying cooked food is where the money is going.

Even if you decide to eat twice a day @ #300/plate making it #600 daily multiplied by 30 days.

That's #18 000, not counting the times you will cook food or want to eat 3X.

Check again. 1 thing is certain. Bulk of that money is spent on food and drinks assuming you drink.

I understand it might not be enough but better to work with what's a available while praying for something better.

nigger you are confused..first you wrote he should cook at home now you are saying he should eat outside.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by newdawn2017(f): 9:23pm On Dec 30, 2019
did you read were he said he's colleagues has a bike.

Did you take into consideration the amount the bike fetch the man.
meaning he spends no single time at all with his kids as he will be out all day hustling. At nigh, he will wake his wife up for d sex.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by DCMIX(m): 9:24pm On Dec 30, 2019

a man with vision and focus wont be earning 30k. i believe in spousal support, both couples should work, combine income but 30k is nothing

how will this 30k earner pay for rent before they marry, who is bringing whom to the house, the man or the woman.

you haven't seen life.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by BluntBoy(m): 9:25pm On Dec 30, 2019
Well i will advice ladies to start acquiring skills or rather have something tangible as a job.i dont wanna hear make up artist..lol,while u are waiting for rich guys,some of us doing great wont marry a lady who does nothing,yes u can be pretty,but i assure u,we will marry beauty with assets and connection cz no one has d monopoly to select better thing,i pity guys that go for unskilled ladies.

Great advice.

I read an article sometimes back where it was written that the wealthy are now marrying among themselves. So, to land Adenuga's son, you must either be the daughter of a billionaire or a politician or a woman who has earned her place through dints of hardwork and professionalism.

Even Regina had put in some works in her career before she landed an ancestor who is loaded.

But you will find a broke girl looking down on a broke guy who probably earns higher than her own elder brother or even father. She would be expecting a richer man forgetting that the richer man probably has a woman who stood by him when he had nothing.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Johnbosco1: 9:26pm On Dec 30, 2019
No, I wouldn't marry if a 30k job was my only source of income.

Location plays a huge factor here. 100k in Lag = 65k in Aba/Onitsha = 30k in the Bauchi/Gombe.

U get the gist now?

External/Internal Support is there! Your 30k married friend might not bear all the responsibility to himself. Ask him to tell u the truth. Mother maybe supplying food stuffs. Village people maybe contributing offertory. Those are terribly important.

Side Hustle/Apriko/AkaAzu sometimes pay more than the actual salary. In my case, I would get my 1 month salarly in 2-3 days after expenses from...u get nw? Put that in consideration.

Living in family house/friend is a great deal here.

All in all...Choose wisely.

As 4 that Mr allegedly in his twenties, earning 10k monthly salary, and studying for his PHD with Zero teaching experience in our own Naija Fed Uni, and supporting the 30k marriage notion while citing himself as an example, hear this! You may think you have succeeded in deceiving the gullible but guess what, you failed!


This is the kind of person that tells u I married my wife when I was earning 10k salary (but I had 10million in my back account)


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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Fxwarrior: 9:27pm On Dec 30, 2019
Nonsense! An average wedding cost nothing less than #500k unto manage manage, so when ur #30 k go reach that amount. If u gat to eat, cloth, transport, data etc from the #30k, Bros wetin go remain Let alone save for marriage. Conclusively, it is tantamount to suicide to contemplate marriage on a salary of #30k.

Do lowkey wedding. Finish wedding and share rice and pure water if you want or dash Pastor wine to do church blessing. That's the cheapest.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by koyyess: 9:28pm On Dec 30, 2019
Just look at them...Useless set of dumb negroes barking up and down in frustration and penury.

When you are all done crying on this thread, you will face reality, cry on your bed bug infested mattress and w@nk to sleep.

Even those clueless females that cry at Shiloh are not praying for your stupid type.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by newdawn2017(f): 9:32pm On Dec 30, 2019
If you are earning 30k in some slowest or northern state..then you have can manage 30.

but not in Lagos or abuja
forgot Port Harcourt.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Nobody: 9:34pm On Dec 30, 2019
you haven't seen life.

i have seen life, people marrying anyhow and giving birth to kids that will be future armed robbers and prostitutes

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