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Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? - Romance (14) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? (59242 Views)

Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? / Lady Who Said "I Can't Marry Man That Earns N100k Monthly" Caught Begging N50k / I Can't Date Any Lady That Earns Less Than N200K - Nigerian Man (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Nobody: 9:35pm On Dec 30, 2019

i agree with you, their is nothing bad being ambitious..nothing bad

but sometimes lets forget emotions and do what is right, what will benefit you

see, as a young guy, it is the time to enjoy your life, and know more about yourself, you will meet girls, their is no right girl for you, girls come and go,
enjoy your life, improve your income and get stability and i promise you when you are married you wont have some of those stupid issues many couples have

the main issue most couple have is money issue, you dont have to be a millionaire, but a reasonable stable source of income and career growth, will help a lot.

So you are advising a man earning 30k to forget about marriage for now, and that he should be wasting his life meeting girls? Exkiss me sir, you are not feeling fine.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Nobody: 9:35pm On Dec 30, 2019
Just look at them...Useless set of dumb negroes barking up and down in frustration and penury.

When you are all done crying on this thread, you will face reality, cry on your bed bug infested mattress and w@nk to sleep.

Even those clueless females that cry at Shiloh are not praying for your stupid type.

ahahahahahahahahaa. grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Nobody: 9:36pm On Dec 30, 2019

So you are advising a man earning 30k to forget about marriage for now, and that he should be wasting his life meeting girls? Exkiss me sir, you are not feeling fine.

so he should go and marry and give birth to kids that will also breed poverty


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Nobody: 9:37pm On Dec 30, 2019

Are you the one to choose for your sister? If you keep on with this mindset she might get old at home and you will have no choice but to marry her by force. Rome was not built in a day Mr. I won't allow my sister ...

she is not at home, i wont choose for her but i know that men earning 30k cant meet her, they will be intimidated
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by urchcoded(m): 9:38pm On Dec 30, 2019

Buying cooked food is where the money is going.

Even if you decide to eat twice a day @ #300/plate making it #600 daily multiplied by 30 days.

That's #18 000, not counting the times you will cook food or want to eat 3X.

Check again. 1 thing is certain. Bulk of that money is spent on food and drinks assuming you drink.

I understand it might not be enough but better to work with what's a available while praying for something better.
no I don't drink at all. Except coke once in a while
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Fxwarrior: 9:40pm On Dec 30, 2019

nigger you are confused..first you wrote he should cook at home now you are saying he should eat outside.

You are the one confused jumping up and down quoting without allowing your brain to boot.
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Joecristiano7(m): 9:41pm On Dec 30, 2019
hmm.the pichur below says it all

Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Nobody: 9:43pm On Dec 30, 2019
Past few days has been funny, regarding age, financial stability and economic state a man must attain before talking marriage.

Let me tell a bit of myself. .....

I met my husband in his final year he promised me marriage after a year of service, his salary then was 10k, yes 10k. He proposed and engaged me in his mum's face me I slap you house. My family rejected him at first, because of his dressing, financial status and his house. No much property.

I saw a future with him we will build together, I saw myself as part of his vision builder. I knew my calling was to help him achieve his goals and vision thereby achieving mine.

It took 5 years of struggle, pains, mockery and frustration. But we remained together. Today to the glory of God there's a change of story. We literally feed and pay salary to many of our mockers then .

From mine experience, a good and faith woman has God given discernment to know men with future and also to know if they belong there.

30k is not too small to begin life, though many things must be taken into account. When to begin child birth, number of children, type of housing, property, savings, side hustles etc with wisdom, love, understanding and God's grace backing your efforts you will succeed just a matter of time., that's if you overcome association of village people on time. It is because of excess comfort on the side of the men before marriage that's why many men take their wives as part of their properties.

I have joint account with my husband, most of our major properties are written in both of our names. I have a say in the home, I have earned my dignity and respect. Through thick and thin, so no man can shuush me down. I paid the price in full.

I'm not saying we have achieved everything in my own marriage, I'm saying, if you see a man God fearing, with the qualities you want and with a vision that can house your own vision as a lady, it is not a bad idea. But be ready to be insulted, mocked by family and friends. Let down your guild and roll up your sleeves and work. Forget slay mama and slay queen did later in life. Pay the price...

Too much expectations has kept many unmarried for years. It is not too good to leave all the financial burdens of the home to the man. He is not God, if you are his help meet come low and help him and not expect range rover every birth day.
The amount of salary shouldn't be the only determinant factor. Leadership, management, self control and goals acccessment should be vital on both man and his wife.


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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by JustAPhase(m): 9:43pm On Dec 30, 2019
Thats like almost 4times of my salary.
I will think about it thrice. shocked shocked

Did I just say 4times?
Five times!!!!
The thing is that everyone knows their levels.

Nenye, ma.
I earn below 30k.
Any job available?
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Khalidase83(m): 9:45pm On Dec 30, 2019
The wedding is not even the issue here boss. How do you, after wedding, feed yourself, ur wife, pay rent, plan for incoming baby, send money to both parents,etc on a salary of #30k ?

Do lowkey wedding. Finish wedding and share rice and pure water if you want or dash Pastor wine to do church blessing. That's the cheapest.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by nanaman(m): 9:45pm On Dec 30, 2019
I wonder what this generation has turned to. We We so much put emphasis on "big" money than anything. It's evident at the rate of rituals, fraud and lots of bad stuffs in the society.

Op, how much does a state civil servant on Level 8 step 2 earns.? 46K in some states and less in other. Yet, lots of these folks build houses and have good homes at the end.

You know what, we are running faster than our shadow. We compare ourselves to others forgetting we have different exit points which would be at different pace and race.

Earning 30K is no biggie. You will get married, have a home even have a good future. It all depends on the individual. Planning is what matters. 30K might be small but if you see people living on 30k per month, you would marvel. I always say, to live like a big man solely depends on you. You buy things gradually, you set the home gradually, you save little.

If you earn 30K and you do contribution of 10K monthly and in 5 months you collect 50K. If you plan well, that 50K can start a side biz.

Savings, contributions and side business have always been the way out for the low salary earners. They have made headway.

Bottom line, don't rush in life. Don't compare. Plan ahead. Mind your business. Save and be safe.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by worldwide71: 9:46pm On Dec 30, 2019
Just very few girls of nowadays can take the risk but come to think of it who was Obasanjo when he married his first wife? Soup wey don cook wella be the thing wey girls of nowadays are looking for and that's why divorces are so much out there.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Nobody: 9:48pm On Dec 30, 2019

You are the one confused jumping up and down quoting without allowing your brain to boot.

Proverbs 14:7

Leave the presence of a fool, Or you will not discern words of knowledge.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by engrlarex(m): 9:49pm On Dec 30, 2019
If the man is of sound character and focused in life then the answer is yes. My sister should work to support her husband, she's not a piece of furniture in his home. I believe that's what the bible said too.

My immediate younger sister With her MSc married her husband unemployed, They were both unemployed with their Mscs. Today the husband is a lecturer in federal universities. The point is there is no straight manual to marriage. They were able to cope with little supports from both families. They both went into teaching in secondary/primary schools. Note. They both have their Msc before marriage.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Nobody: 9:49pm On Dec 30, 2019
Just very few girls of nowadays can take the risk but come to think of it who was Obasanjo when he married his first wife? Soup wey don cook wella be the thing wey girls of nowadays are looking for and that's why divorces are so much out there.

he was a lieutenant when he got married, he had a stable income, he was hot cake

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by nanaman(m): 9:50pm On Dec 30, 2019
Past few days has been funny, regarding age, financial stability and economic state a man must attain before talking marriage.

Let me tell a bit of myself. .....

I met my husband in his final year he promised me marriage after a year of service, his salary then was 10k, yes 10k. He proposed and engaged me in his mum's face me I slap you house. My family rejected him at first, because of his dressing, financial status and his house. No much property.

I saw a future with him we will build together, I saw myself as part of his vision builder. I knew my calling was to help him achieve his goals and vision thereby achieving mine.

It took 5 years of struggle, pains, mockery and frustration. But we remained together. Today to the glory of God there's a change of story. We literally feed and pay salary to many of our mockers then .

From mine experience, a good and faith woman has God given discernment to know men with future and also to know if they belong there.

30k is not too small to begin life, though many things must be taken into account. When to begin child birth, number of children, type of housing, property, savings, side hustles etc with wisdom, love, understanding and God's grace backing your efforts you will succeed just a matter of time., that's if you overcome association of village people on time. It is because of excess comfort on the side of the men before marriage that's why many men take their wives as part of their properties.

I have joint account with my husband, most of our major properties are written in both of our names. I have a say in the home, I have earned my dignity and respect. Through thick and thin, so no man can shuush me down. I paid the price in full.

I'm not saying we have achieved everything in my own marriage, I'm saying, if you see a man God fearing, with the qualities you want and with a vision that can house your own vision as a lady, it is not a bad idea. But be ready to be insulted, mocked by family and friends. Let down your guild and roll up your sleeves and work. Forget slay mama and slay queen did later in life. Pay the price...

Too much expectations has kept many unmarried for years. It is not too good to leave all the financial burdens of the home to the man. He is not God, if you are his help meet come low and help him and not expect range rover every birth day.
The amount of salary shouldn't be the only determinant factor. Leadership, management, self control and goals acccessment should be vital on both man and his wife.

God bless you, Ma

Forget slay mama and slay queen did later in life. Pay the price...

You said all with the above.

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Fxwarrior: 9:52pm On Dec 30, 2019
The wedding is not even the issue here boss. How do you, after wedding, feed yourself, ur wife, pay rent, plan for incoming baby, send money to both parents,etc on a salary of #30k ?

I am happy you agreed that the wedding issue has been settled.

That means these other points can equally be settled.

Once there's a will, there's a way!
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Johnbosco1: 9:53pm On Dec 30, 2019
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Khalidase83(m): 10:09pm On Dec 30, 2019
U are funny. Well the marriage part will only work if you come up North to marry.
At least, the bride's father will furnish ur house and even pay rent for you smiley

I am happy you agreed that the wedding issue has been settled.

That means these other points can equally be settled.

Once there's a will, there's a way!

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Splendidsolo(m): 10:17pm On Dec 30, 2019

if you have a sister, will your father allow a man earning 30k to marry your sister? pls be realistic
that means you or your father will rather marry her..
.come to think of it if the lady earns 70k that means it will be 30+70...what do you think?
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Savagethe21st(m): 10:24pm On Dec 30, 2019

new to this forum...how
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by MOVIC6: 10:32pm On Dec 30, 2019

a man with vision and focus wont be earning 30k. i believe in spousal support, both couples should work, combine income but 30k is nothing

how will this 30k earner pay for rent before they marry, who is bringing whom to the house, the man or the woman.

if u feel so much why don't you start paying some people salary and let's see how your pocket feels in the next few months mak4 sure UA paying More than 30. atim3s people like u jus feel like talking to know what others will say, here in Nigeria is rubbish and u know that unless ur family is already made so don't use yourself as yardstick for others, many that have billions are a disgrace to marriage. it remains sacrosanct and not a market or poverty alleviation program
Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by BreconHills(m): 10:33pm On Dec 30, 2019

there are many phd holders from the developing world driving taxi in canada

seriously speaking 30k cant do nothing in present day nigeria

for educated young guys, they should improve their income

University and specialisation are key for PhD holders.

A PhD in data analysis or financial algorithm is not going to drive cabs, a PhD from a top 100 University is not going to drive cabs. I get the point you are making and I tried to address it. My point was that statistically speaking most young men will be earning 42,300 over 100000 plus. Some of them are in the 30's.

Re educated young guys - sure everyone should improve their ability to take care of a family. This is a given. But if for some reason they are unable improve their income and they want to get married - they can. They dont have to marry graduates or anyone who will looks down on them. They should pick someone who loves and believes in them irrespective of her education or social standing. They can still be happy. A know a young man who married his neigbours househelp. They are both doing well in the UK today.

Some of us started our married life with a mattress on the floor and no furniture but we had great fun and succeeded together. Let's not rule that route out.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous decade ahead.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Jidebabs88(m): 10:36pm On Dec 30, 2019
Got married earning 30k, no unnecessary ceremony, did trad rights & court, no reception. Saved up to have a room & parlour self contained here in Lagos b4 marriage. Use party reception money to set up my wife's fashion designing skill, we live good, living within our means for now, we ain't begging anyone. Yet, tides are turning good for us now.
The truth is, wen it's time, God's time 4u, big sum of money isn't a determinant, things will argur well. I know how God made all things easy 4us. I advice u make ur 'little' money with a clear conscience & not go fraudulent in order to please someone who doesn't define ur life. If u av a knowing in ur hrt dat it's time, be bold & take steps. Ur diligence with God would pay off someday! Thanks.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by FuckAllTheMODs: 10:39pm On Dec 30, 2019

ok,you can join the 15k gang and marry....do what works for you.

Be reasonable, read and understand before replying.

What I mean is some wealthy men out there started their hustle with income less than 30k.
Did you see anything like marry in the response you quoted?.
I criticized you because of your comment about those people earning 30k as if they are not humans and they are not men because they earn that amount.
Next time be reasonable

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Hairdo666(f): 10:43pm On Dec 30, 2019

Nobody is forcing no one on anyone but by the time cobwebs... lipsrsealed
Take your broke, retarded self somewhere else. You're too desperate

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Pwettyella(f): 10:59pm On Dec 30, 2019
so, do you talk about visions and goals at least one of the countless times when broke-ass women without jobs (not even a 10k job) get married?
It's the duty of a husband to take care of his wife

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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by DECENCY3: 11:02pm On Dec 30, 2019
Past few days has been funny, regarding age, financial stability and economic state a man must attain before talking marriage.

Let me tell a bit of myself. .....

I met my husband in his final year he promised me marriage after a year of service, his salary then was 10k, yes 10k. He proposed and engaged me in his mum's face me I slap you house. My family rejected him at first, because of his dressing, financial status and his house. No much property.

I saw a future with him we will build together, I saw myself as part of his vision builder. I knew my calling was to help him achieve his goals and vision thereby achieving mine.

It took 5 years of struggle, pains, mockery and frustration. But we remained together. Today to the glory of God there's a change of story. We literally feed and pay salary to many of our mockers then .

From mine experience, a good and faith woman has God given discernment to know men with future and also to know if they belong there.

30k is not too small to begin life, though many things must be taken into account. When to begin child birth, number of children, type of housing, property, savings, side hustles etc with wisdom, love, understanding and God's grace backing your efforts you will succeed just a matter of time., that's if you overcome association of village people on time. It is because of excess comfort on the side of the men before marriage that's why many men take their wives as part of their properties.

I have joint account with my husband, most of our major properties are written in both of our names. I have a say in the home, I have earned my dignity and respect. Through thick and thin, so no man can shuush me down. I paid the price in full.

I'm not saying we have achieved everything in my own marriage, I'm saying, if you see a man God fearing, with the qualities you want and with a vision that can house your own vision as a lady, it is not a bad idea. But be ready to be insulted, mocked by family and friends. Let down your guild and roll up your sleeves and work. Forget slay mama and slay queen did later in life. Pay the price...

Too much expectations has kept many unmarried for years. It is not too good to leave all the financial burdens of the home to the man. He is not God, if you are his help meet come low and help him and not expect range rover every birth day.
The amount of salary shouldn't be the only determinant factor. Leadership, management, self control and goals acccessment should be vital on both man and his wife.

In my case I married a man who was earning 8k as salary(2008) I saw a future in him before marrying him. I became an emergency manager. Few years later God open doors his take home all joined together was up to a #100k .

His true colours came forth: nagging, verbally abusive, nagging, etc even said the 3rd pregnancy isn't his own. I nearly aborted but kept encouraging myself only for me to deliver a boy(the only boy and last baby). He womanised with impunity and refused my and my 3 children entry into the house.

I tried everything possible to save the Marriage but no way. I involved his people who rebuked him but he kept them malice saying I stab him, poisoned him now I have charmed his ppl to back me up. I reduced to times two but time healed the wound.

I cursed him with every fiber in me, cursed him while naked with tears, etc and finally moved on taking care if my kids. His life shattered, he is shamelessly back using the children as cover up. Paying their fees and other things. But I am done and dusted with him. I am trying to secure my future first before I will know whether to consider him or not.

Some men can be so mean


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Okoroawusa: 11:14pm On Dec 30, 2019

exactly, that is why he shouldnt be married at the first place..let him sort his life first then think about marriage

what is 30k? can 30k pay for rent even if he saves.

pls lets be realistic, it is not by force to marry...if both man and woman cant take care of themselves they shoudnt get married...simple abc

people write emotional stuff to convince men earning 30k to go take responsibilities they cant afford, after when the nagging and abuse come they start thinking about sucide or divorce.
Can I tell you just one thing?


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Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Okoroawusa: 11:17pm On Dec 30, 2019

In my case I married a man who was earning 8k as salary(2008) I saw a future in him before marrying him. I became an emergency manager. Few years later God open doors his take home all joined together was up to a #100k .

His true colours came forth: nagging, verbally abusive, nagging, etc even said the 3rd pregnancy isn't his own. I nearly aborted but kept encouraging myself only for me to deliver a boy(the only boy and last baby). He womanised with impunity and refused my and my 3 children entry into the house.

I tried everything possible to save the Marriage but no way. I involved his people who rebuked him but he kept them malice saying I stab him, poisoned him now I have charmed his ppl to back me up. I reduced to times two but time healed the wound.

I cursed him with every fiber in me, cursed him while naked with tears, etc and finally moved on taking care if my kids. His life shattered, he is shamelessly back using the children as cover up. Paying their fees and other things. But I am done and dusted with him. I am trying to secure my future first before I will know whether to consider him or not.

Some men can be so mean
Sorry for what happened to you, my dear. My heart really goes out to you.

But seriously what happened with that man was an exception. You can't use it to measure all men.


Re: Re: Ladies, Can You Marry A Guy That Earns N30k? by Cory1: 11:25pm On Dec 30, 2019
this is just nonsense

this what i hate to read, the pity and emotional game, the story that everything can end just in a day.

getting rich and going broke is a process, it just not start and end in a day

but how can you be earning 30k and be in marriage.

i cant allow a man earning 30k to marry my sister..simple as abc
what's wrong son marry your sister then

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