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My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 7:33pm On Jan 25, 2020


Re: My Experience! by Ladylite: 8:07pm On Jan 25, 2020
Why not go fully to a porn site and register. You come here just to boast lies.

Abeg shift


Re: My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 8:12pm On Jan 25, 2020
Why not go fully to a porn site and register. You come here just to boast lies.

Abeg shift
Wetin deh pain you? undecided Are you feeling alright. As e be lie give you oya come confirm for yourself na.
Re: My Experience! by Sanquine(m): 8:14pm On Jan 25, 2020
Why not go fully to a porn site and register. You come here just to boast lies.

Abeg shift
I don't even know how people have the mind to be posting on how they had sexual intercourse. Something that was designed for husband and wife in their private place. African culture is dead!!! No more morals


Re: My Experience! by Ladylite: 8:21pm On Jan 25, 2020

Wetin deh pain you? undecided Are you feeling alright. As e be lie give you oya come confirm for yourself na.

You have been used na. I don't cheapen myself. Who sexual performance help. My house help is even richer than you.

Okpo oshi


Re: My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 8:23pm On Jan 25, 2020

I don't even know how people have the mind to be posting on how they had sexual intercourse. Something that was designed for husband and wife in their private place. African culture is dead!!! No more morals
Oga pastor. Lemme believe you've never bleeped a pussy if you're still single or that you never bleeped one while you were single, if you're married now. Don't bring your holier than thou nonsense here please. Swerve sad

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Re: My Experience! by cappucino925(m): 8:26pm On Jan 25, 2020
you Bleep the lady for 2hrs?chai who exchanged your destiny for second hand condom?

pls help your life and stop beign useless to Nigeria

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Re: My Experience! by Ladylite: 8:27pm On Jan 25, 2020

I don't even know how people have the mind to be posting on how they had sexual intercourse. Something that was designed for husband and wife in their private place. African culture is dead!!! No more morals

Yes sir, help me tell them o, later they may come and be abusing me.

Africa is trying to westernize instead of teaching the western world good morals.
Re: My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 8:27pm On Jan 25, 2020

You have been used na. I don't cheapen myself. Who sexual performance help. My house help is even richer than you.

Okpo oshi
Lol...mammi is pained. Hope your house help is not being abused by you. Efulefu oshi forming funky. Sexually frustrated ancient of days. Who sexual performance help indeed. Like your prayer point every night is not to be bleeped senseless for once in your life.

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Re: My Experience! by nlPoster: 8:29pm On Jan 25, 2020
Which part of put sex threads in sexuality section do nlers not understand?
Re: My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 8:31pm On Jan 25, 2020
you Bleep the lady for 2hrs?chai who exchanged your destiny for second hand condom?

pls help your life and stop beign useless to Nigeria
Bro at least I have destiny unlike yourself that is alive just to occupy space. grin
Re: My Experience! by nlPoster: 8:32pm On Jan 25, 2020

Bro at least I have destiny unlike yourself that is alive just to occupy space. grin

You are mistaken because posting on nairaland does not mean your so called destiny is anything worthwhile.

See the thread you're even defending, shows you are valueless.
Re: My Experience! by Sanquine(m): 8:36pm On Jan 25, 2020

Oga pastor. Lemme believe you've never bleeped a pussy if you're still single or that you never bleeped one while you were single, if you're married now. Don't bring your holier than thou nonsense here please. Swerve sad
Don't call me a pastor (I hate that word). . I'm still a student if that's what you want to know. Even if you can't control your urge to have sex and you went on to do that, what prompted you to be posting about it all round the internet. Are you that shameless? (No apologies). You guys are the major problems we have in this country. Ndi ara.
Re: My Experience! by Sanquine(m): 8:39pm On Jan 25, 2020

Yes sir, help me tell them o, later they may come and be abusing me.

Africa is trying to westernize instead of teaching the western world good morals.
Re: My Experience! by cappucino925(m): 8:39pm On Jan 25, 2020

Bro at least I have destiny unlike yourself that is alive just to occupy space. grin
you are an incompetent retard who is seeking attention So Bleep off you wasted soul

that is if this is not 9inchdopedick behind this moniker
Re: My Experience! by nlPoster: 8:39pm On Jan 25, 2020

Oga pastor

Pastors have now turned to you people's mate because of your wanton sex habits?
Re: My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 8:42pm On Jan 25, 2020

Don't call me a pastor (I hate that word). . I'm still a student if that's what you want to know. Even if you can't control your urge to have sex and you went on to do that, what prompted you to be posting about it all round the internet. Are you that shameless? (No apologies). You guys are the major problems we have in this country. Ndi ara.
Ara chagbuogi there ezi waawa. What is there in my post that you haven't seen a thounsand fold worse everywhere on the internet. Who are you that strangers should justify what they decide to put out on the internet to you? Who you be Who you epp Fucking pandejo grin grin


Re: My Experience! by Nobody: 8:44pm On Jan 25, 2020

I don't even know how people have the mind to be posting on how they had sexual intercourse. Something that was designed for husband and wife in their private place. African culture is dead!!! No more morals

Bro if you're good, you're good. Wtf does it have to do with the African culture.


Re: My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 8:44pm On Jan 25, 2020

You are mistaken because posting on nairaland does not mean your so called destiny is anything worthwhile.

See the thread you're even defending, shows you are valueless.
Oga valuer. What have you contributed to you immediate community. Abeg shift jare.


Re: My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 8:49pm On Jan 25, 2020

Pastors have now turned to you people's mate because of your wanton sex habits?
This walking talking moral fiber may turn out to be a useless peadophile or even a messed up homo undecided


Re: My Experience! by Nobody: 8:50pm On Jan 25, 2020

Yes sir, help me tell them o, later they may come and be abusing me.

Africa is trying to westernize instead of teaching the western world good morals.

And whoever said Africa was the home of "good morals". We Africans always claim to better than everyone when it comes to morals.

Or do you think morals can only be justified by what you see online?

Someone once said " who we are is what we do, when no one else is watching ".


Re: My Experience! by Sanquine(m): 8:50pm On Jan 25, 2020

Ara chagbuogi there ezi waawa. What is there in my post that you haven't seen a thounsand fold worse everywhere on the internet. Who are you that strangers should justify what they decide to put out on the internet to you? Who you be Who you epp Fucking pandejo grin grin
Even if I want to introduce myself to a stranger, not to a satyr like you. . I'm not asking you not to have sex but you guys in your senselessness make it looks like sex is for everyone which is too bad. Children now surf the internet without parental guard, what if they saw this useless thread Hun? Oniranu. Leader of tomorrow my foot. Otondo, always thinking with his deek. .

Re: My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 8:52pm On Jan 25, 2020
you are an incompetent retard who is seeking attention So Bleep off you wasted soul

that is if this is not 9inchdopedick behind this moniker
Lol...how easy it is to sit in your hut typing gibberish because you can access the internet. Bitchass nigga grin grin

1 Like

Re: My Experience! by Nobody: 8:53pm On Jan 25, 2020

Pastors have now turned to you people's mate because of your wanton sex habits?

Even your "savior" Jesus never claimed to be more superior than the people he allegedly came to save.

1 Like

Re: My Experience! by Sanquine(m): 8:54pm On Jan 25, 2020

Bro if you're good, you're good. Wtf does it have to do with the African culture.
Bro, if you're good, you're good. No doubt! But why would you come to the internet to post this kind of thread that can pollute an innocent mind? Please rethink. Does the post makes any sense to you?
Re: My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 8:56pm On Jan 25, 2020

Even if I want to introduce myself to a stranger, not to a satyr like you. . I'm not asking you not to have sex but you guys in your senselessness make it looks like sex is for everyone which is too bad. Children now surf the internet without parental guard, what if they saw this useless thread Hun? Oniranu. Leader of tomorrow my foot. Otondo, always thinking with his deek. .
This deluded fool actually believes anyone cares to know who he is Frustrated He-goat go get yourself a woman and Bleep your frustrations away please. Stop masturbating please...it doesn't help your frustration grin grin
Re: My Experience! by Nobody: 8:56pm On Jan 25, 2020

Bro, if you're good, you're good. No doubt! But why would you come to the internet to post this kind of thread that can pollute an innocent mind? Please rethink. Does the post makes any sense to you?

This is a "Romance" section. What did you expect to see?

The ten commandments?

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Re: My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 8:58pm On Jan 25, 2020

Bro, if you're good, you're good. No doubt! But why would you come to the internet to post this kind of thread that can pollute an innocent mind? Please rethink. Does the post makes any sense to you?
If your feeble mind can be polluted by this thread then you're even a weaker fool than I thought. grin

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Re: My Experience! by Sanquine(m): 9:01pm On Jan 25, 2020

This is a "Romance" section. What did you expect to see?

The ten commandments?
I didn't browse through the romance section before coming across this post. I went to "new" and I saw this. It is apparent that this post is a lie and the purpose was to promote immorality. .
Re: My Experience! by Prymestrr(m): 9:05pm On Jan 25, 2020

I didn't browse through the romance section before coming across this post. I went to "new" and I saw this. It is apparent that this post is a lie and the purpose was to promote immorality. .
Human lie detector machine oya please go ahead and confirm how much of a lie the post is please.

1 Like

Re: My Experience! by Nobody: 9:06pm On Jan 25, 2020

I didn't browse through the romance section before coming across this post. I went to "new" and I saw this. It is apparent that this post is a lie and the purpose was to promote immorality. .


Alright man, whatever you say.
Re: My Experience! by nlPoster: 9:08pm On Jan 25, 2020

Oga valuer. What have I contributed to my immediate community. Abeg make I shift jare.

So contributing STDs to your locality counts as value for you?

You have lost your way.

Some of you overrate yourselves because I dont see why you are so jacked up over your immorality and genitals.

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