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Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN - Politics (6) - Nairaland

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Nathaniel Samuel: How I Got The Bomb I Took To Winners Chapel Church In Kaduna / Nate Sam (MC Focus): Kaduna Winners Chapel Suicide Bomber's Facebook Name / Mohammed Nasiru Sani Is Winners Chapel Suicide Bomber's Name, Not Nathaniel- FFK (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Sergioaguero: 12:30pm On Feb 04, 2020
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Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Izor: 12:30pm On Feb 04, 2020
Why are we nigerians acting as illetrate? This guy is suppose to be inturogated well,first were did he come frm? Who are his family members,who sent him(even if he is a christian he is a jihadist in christian clothing

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Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by frowland(m): 12:30pm On Feb 04, 2020
The fact that the Police were quick to state the purported name and Christian identity of the would be suicide bomber points to the fact that this was meant to douse the sectarian conflict being orchestrated by Nigerian muslins on Christians.

All of a sudden the Jewish controlled MSMs are now narrowing on the ethno religious killings of Nigerian christian population - something they've refused to broadcast since their annionted Buhari became President. Make no mistakes, the western Jewish controlled media was very instrumental in ridiculing Jonathan out of office and for also ushering Buhari into office.

Why are the Jews suddenly reporting on the plight of Nigerian Christians? Also, almost every article I have read from the Wall Street Journal to the New Jew York Times, have been subtly pointing accusing fingers to Turkey in arming and training both Fulani lunatics and their brethren in Boko Haram.

This may not be unconnected to Turkey's foray into Libya and sea grabbing in the Mediterranean that has pissed off Greece, Egypt , Cyprus and Israel.

I am not making excuses for Turkey under the control of the wannabe Sultan, Erdogan who like our own dear Dan Fodio wannabe (Buhari) has great delusions of reestablishing the Turkish Ottoman and Sokoto Caliphates respectively .

What I am driving at is that the Jews are exposing Turkey's terrorist links even though same Jews alongside Turkey and Saudi Arabia propped up and supported ISIS in Syria. And if we also consider that the Jewish media once praised ISIS and other Sunni lunatics as freedom fighters and also refused to report on the genocide, enslavement and serial rape of Christian and Yazidi populations just as they did with Fulani menace we must consider the Jewish Medias newfound need to report on the plight of Christians with every atom of caution.

This brings us to the Winners church attempted bombing or rather a bombing attempt that was meant never to happen so as that the Nigerian police will arrest a purported Christian so as to diffuse the fact that Muslims are attacking and killing Christians at will.

Why? Because, it provides the Buhari govt a sense of neutrality in their responsibility to protect all Nigerians irrespective of tribe or creed thereby absolving themselves from the complicity of aiding and abetting their Fulani lunatics. It also serves as taqiyya to absolve Muslims from the killings on hapless christian population.

In summary, do not assume the Jewish controlled Western media has suddenly developed a conscience to report on the plight of Christians in Nigeria facing a slow genocide at the hands of state sponsored and backed actors like the Fuani herdsmen, Miyetti and co. The Jewish media has a penchant for Muslim victim hood. We saw it in C.A.R. with the antiBalaka movement that rightly ousted the marauding Fulanis. The Jews never reported what led to the anti Fulani conflict but rather latched on the narrative that African Christians were wantonly killing Muslims. Same thing happened in Myanmar with the indigenous Buddhist population expelling the Rhoyingha Muslims back to Bangladesh. The Jewish media went all out to condemn the attacks without one moment telling the world what led to the Rhoyingha being expelled. The Jewish media is latching on the plight of Christians in Nigeria towards exposing Turkey's role in co-sponsoring the Fulani jihad over territorial disputes in the Mediterranean with Turkey.

As for the Buhari govt, this false flag was to douse and deflect from the real perpetrators of the senseless killings just as the APC did with CAN during the era of GEJ.

Do not fall for their lies.
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by AIIyIic(f): 12:31pm On Feb 04, 2020
His name is Nathaniel.

He said so himself in public glare.

We've seen documents from your own ministry in which he was awarded a certificate in the name of Nathaniel.

Provide evidence his name is Mohammed.

Even his accent bears no northern trait to further the fact that he isn't some northern agent

Guy, are u kidding me. The part in bold is where i have issues with. I served in the north and i have seen some northerners speak good English without accent.

Na only God wey sabi d tin wey happen exactly
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by kong200: 12:31pm On Feb 04, 2020
there is a difference between Jews and Christians

Are jews the killer of your god supposed to the "gods favourite"?
Is the god of jews different from the god of Christians?

Your stupidity knows no bound


You guys are bunch of shameless bigots and hypocrites. You pray with psalms, deuteronomy, etc defend tithe with malachi but old testament isnt valid.
You call on god of jacob, abraham and isaac to answer your prayers and even ask for their blessings yet they are old testament characters.
The god of old testament is the god of new testament who jesus worshipped

But when old testament verses that justifies terrorism, greed, violence etc are quoted, you are pretty quick to label it old testament. You are bunch of retards
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by naija1stnigar(m): 12:32pm On Feb 04, 2020
His name is Nathaniel.

He said so himself in public glare.

Even his accent bears no northern trait to further the fact that he isn't somseen documents from your own ministry in which he was awarded a certificate in the name of Nathaniel.

Provide evidence his name is Mohammed.
e northern agent.
post copies of what you saw concerning the criminal before you start running your mouth like razor blade.
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Positivepoint(m): 12:32pm On Feb 04, 2020
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Scholarnwadimma(f): 12:32pm On Feb 04, 2020
Am I the only one that noticed that there is no signature on that certificate.They should show us the signature to confirm whether it is that of the school rector.
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Nobody: 12:32pm On Feb 04, 2020

Is it appropriate for God to tell any one be it Jews or xtains to commit genocide..let's see the word of Jesus himself

Jesus said, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34)

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one(Luke22:36-38)

Luke 22:36,37
He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. 37 It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’ ; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”
verse 37 should confirm to that the sword was meant to fulfill a prophecy about him not attack humans. that is why Jesus condemned a disciple few moments later when that same very sword he ask for was use to remove someone ear.
Luke 22: 49-51
When Jesus’ followers saw what was going to happen, they said, “Lord, should we strike with our swords?”
50 And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. 51 But Jesus answered, “No more of this!” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.
Mathew 26: 51,52
51 With that, one of Jesus’ companions reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.
52 “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

Matthew 10:34-38 King James Version (KJV)
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
read and understand the kind of peace this passage is talking about

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Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by ABCthings: 12:32pm On Feb 04, 2020

Is it appropriate for God to tell any one be it Jews or xtains to commit genocide?..let's see the word of Jesus himself

said, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34)

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one(Luke22:36-38)
1) Your Quoting Jesus is completly out of context.

2) Since you're so wiser than God why don't you lecture Him on how to rule.
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by ballerboy: 12:33pm On Feb 04, 2020
Documents could be picked or forged. As long as there's no pics attached to it, all na wash..... Show us Nathaniel's real family let's confirm. I'm sure he's a bloody Muslim.
am sure you're one of his family members. Na isakaba go machete you and your Christian followers.
You don't want to accept the real truth lolz.
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by ballerboy: 12:34pm On Feb 04, 2020
1) Your Quoting Jesus is completly out of context.
2) Since you're so wiser than God why don't you lecture Him on how to rule.

am the referee oya start........
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Sholaco: 12:36pm On Feb 04, 2020
But he is not dead.....he is alive and have family too.....they should trace him to his family whether he is Mohammad or Nathaniel
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Theboss100(m): 12:38pm On Feb 04, 2020
Nathaniel Samuel is a core Christian who was motivated to commit terrorism by the bible,he was motivated by the following verses of the bible both old and new testament

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass (1 Samuel 15:2-3)

Jesus said, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34)

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one(Luke22:36-38)
All terrorism are linked with islam. Isis bh etc. Without islam, the world would go a week or month without any report of death. Repent while u can
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Ojiofor: 12:39pm On Feb 04, 2020

You guys are bunch of shameless bigots and hypocrites. You pray with psalms, deuteronomy, etc defend tithe with malachi but old testament isnt valid.
You call on god of jacob, abraham and isaac to answer your prayers and even ask for their blessings yet they are old testament characters.
The god of old testament is the god of new testament who jesus worshipped

But when old testament verses that justifies terrorism, greed, violence etc are quoted, you are pretty quick to label it old testament. You are bunch of retards

You are bunch of terrorist that finds little things to justify your terrorist behaviour. Why can't you head slammer be proud of your murderous actions rather playing scripts to justify a bloody ideology?
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by kong200: 12:40pm On Feb 04, 2020
which people dont steal or kill this planet?we are talking about religion that that asked its followers to commit suicide bombing in other to inherit 72 virgins in their orgy paradise,we are talking about religion that that kills their own once you leave Islam,we are talking about religion that encourages his followers to buy Yazidi and Christian girls in slave market,we are talking about religion that produces Osama shekau al baghdadi al shabab ,the religion that destroyed this countries Iraq Yemen Pakistan Afghanistan Chad Yemen Somalia Sudan Syria Lebanon Mali Niger republic ,look at what religion of peace ve done to northern Nigeria that's what we are talking about not forcing someone to claim to be a Christian, we can see how northern Nigeria is peaceful with their peaceful religion


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Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by HunWI: 12:40pm On Feb 04, 2020
Anybody can forge those documents.
His name is Nathaniel.

He said so himself in public glare.

We've seen documents from your own ministry in which he was awarded a certificate in the name of Nathaniel.

Provide evidence his name is Mohammed.

Even his accent bears no northern trait to further the fact that he isn't some northern agent.
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by fortran12: 12:41pm On Feb 04, 2020
These CHRISTIAN FANATICS should stop denying their TERRORIST BROTHER.
First embrace your terrorist prophet then we MAY consider
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by totalhouse(m): 12:41pm On Feb 04, 2020
His name is Nathaniel.

He said so himself in public glare.

We've seen documents from your own ministry in which he was awarded a certificate in the name of Nathaniel.

Provide evidence his name is Mohammed.

Even his accent bears no northern trait to further the fact that he isn't some northern agent.

Oga you are justifying crime by name. What has name got to do with crime. Crime is crime, either perpetrated by Southerner or Northerner, Christian or Muslims. The truth is act of terrorism is an exclusive act of some sect and they are not hiding it. Was the can president killed recently being murdered by a Christian? What about the jos student schooling in borno? Have you forgotten the deeper life pastor being killed by book haram? Are they denying that..you all are playing religion with lives...we easily forget that terrorists are not our friends on whatever form they appear...terrorism should be 'killed' completely in this Nation and it can only happen when we all face the truth and not shy away from it. Book haram is our enemy. We all know the religion they stand for. The leaders of this religion should do something about it and help 'kill' terrorism in this Nation. Let's call a spade a spade. There is more to the Kaduna attempted suicide bombing than we are seeing. It was orchestrated to divert the attention of the world away from the truth. The world knows the truth. We all know the truth.
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by HunWI: 12:42pm On Feb 04, 2020
Let Living Faith deny this document comes from them.
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by kong200: 12:43pm On Feb 04, 2020

You are bunch of terrorist that finds little things to justify your terrorist behaviour. Why can't you head slammer be proud of your murderous actions rather playing scripts to justify a bloody ideology?

You are crying like a neonates that lost her milk. Simple questions yall cant answer, your terorrist brother was gonna blow up his own church to satisfy your bloodthirsty, murderous, violent, terrorist god.

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Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by NOETHNICITY(m): 12:43pm On Feb 04, 2020
Are you surprised ?

If there's any Christian left in this country who is yet to understand the war going on against the Christian faith then, that person needs to be checked mentally.

I believe this is a well calculated attempt from this demonic government and its jihadi groups, to give a new narrative to the insecurity and Islamic terrorism in Nigeria.

The church apprehended this young man, definitely, they have access to "first hand information" and this is not what we heard his name was initially.

How did the narrative change ?

Who gave the first name and why the sudden change of name ?

And, why that very day when Nigerian christians were doing the prayer walk against insecurity in Nigeria that a Christian will now attempt to bomb a church?

What does he have against the church that could have made him wanting to bomb and kill many in the church ?

All these questions are not yet answered, but a sudden change of names. I can tell you this is a pure lie and a poorly scripted one for that matter.

And with this event, this government has been able to confirm our fear about the subtle role it's playing regarding the ongoing killing of christians in Nigeria.
You are trying to deny the obvious

The guy was sent to blow up the church so as to further ignite the anti Islam campaign.

This is not the first time a Christian is being arrested for trying to bomb a church because they know that dumb Nigerian christians will jump to blame it on Muslims

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Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Champneys: 12:44pm On Feb 04, 2020
for those of you getting ready to support the divisive and devious bastar...d running Kaduna State, in his presidential bid, think again!
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by klax(m): 12:45pm On Feb 04, 2020


CAN should not nother theirselves i will say it till eternity christain dont do suicide bombing this guy was being told to lied as per his identity to cause distraction and blame game ground shifting to cover their blood thirst.

One goat came here and was given me dates in 2011 where christain did suicide bombing in Nigeria I just laughed the fool because i knew the game then was to tarmished Gej reputation.

I repeat no christain do suicide bombing any christain in suicide bombing must be one of those once upon a time I was a christain idiots but converted to blood sucking religion that take pleasure in killings.

I have asking these blood sucking muslims to provide me audio, video, picture and location where God stood or was and told their prophet their religion is the right religion. Pls

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Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by omotoniwa(f): 12:48pm On Feb 04, 2020
Nathaniel Samuel is a core Christian who was motivated to commit terrorism by the bible,he was motivated by the following verses of the bible both old and new testament

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass (1 Samuel 15:2-3)

Jesus said, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34)

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one(Luke22:36-38)
u are hear quoting nonsense. What do u know about the holy bible, or do u think we christian are blood sucking people like.
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Otis7(m): 12:48pm On Feb 04, 2020
CAN beer and Mumuric... Make Una continue playing Politicis with peoples life..

Kwantinu ooo

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̶K̶w̶a̶n̶t̶i̶n̶u̶ ̶o̶o̶o̶
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Giant777(m): 12:50pm On Feb 04, 2020
Your foolishness amazes me.
Nathaniel Samuel is a core Christian who was motivated to commit terrorism by the bible,he was motivated by the following verses of the bible both old and new testament

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass (1 Samuel 15:2-3)

Jesus said, “I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34)

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one(Luke22:36-38)
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Bgetto: 12:50pm On Feb 04, 2020
No comment

Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by Ojiofor: 12:51pm On Feb 04, 2020

You are crying like a neonates that lost her milk. Simple questions yall cant answer, your terorrist brother was gonna blow up his own church to satisfy your bloodthirsty, murderous, violent, terrorist god.

He is not my brother and should be treated like a terrorist that he is.
I will take you raggheads seriously when I see the so called Christian wannabe bomber prosecuted and sentence to death or will you lot continue the media trial, trying to convince us that his name is Nathaniel and not Mohammed?
Have the police found out who his accomplices are and what motivated him to bomb that particular church, rather they are more interested in his name than his crime. Continue fooling around.
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by vicfajeze: 12:55pm On Feb 04, 2020
Nigeria is heading to the worst times daily, first dividing hausa from others now it'll dividing Christian from Muslim. well-done leaders
good talk bros
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by fk002: 12:56pm On Feb 04, 2020
So the man is Nathaniel Samuel, he doesn't have a native name?

What certificate was he awarded in the ministry? The guy is stranger in that church

Normally i dont comment on this but some
Northern Christians don't have native names.

Nigerians are so stewpid instead of them to interogate him they are busy arguing about his religion.

Nigerians carry religion for head like gala
Re: Kaduna Winners Chapel Bomber Told Us His Name Was Mohammed, Not Samuel – CAN by yahmohy27: 12:59pm On Feb 04, 2020
There's more to dis whole bomb plot saga...
Analysis: How the Nigerian media underreported Nathaniel Samuel’s attempt to bomb a Church

▪︎ Case study of top seven newspapers in Nigeria

There is a near zero reportage of the botched suicide attack on Sunday at the Living Faith Church, also known as Winners Chapel, Sabon Tasha in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State. The situation was almost same in virtually all the major newspapers in Nigeria today, Monday, February 3, 2020.

For a country facing a perennial insurgency, it is sad to have a print media industry that relishes the generous mention of concocted anti-Muslim terror-related attacks under the guise of a phantom ‘Islamisation agenda’ (whatever that contraption means to its claimants and promoters).

It is indeed most unfortunate to witness a phenomenon that smacks of criminal conspiracy and silence, with virtually all the major newspapers in Nigeria, choosing to ignore probably the biggest news story of the day – “Police arrests Suicide Bomber, Nathaniel Samuel in failed attempt to blow-up Living Faith Church”, as reported by this medium few minutes after the News broke yesterday.

The Coverage

Four out of the top seven Nigerian newspapers that didn’t give the news any mention on their respective cover pages are The Nation, Vanguard, ThisDay, and Daily Sun (though Daily Sun buried it as a rider with ‘just bomb scare’). While two – The Punch and The Guardian barely mentioned it on top and below their nameplate/masthead respectively without revealing the identity of the suicide bomber who was identified as Nathaniel Samuel by the Kaduna State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Yakubu Sabo.

Rather than expose his criminality with a massive cover mention as done by Daily Trust – the last of the ‘top 7′ newspapers, who flaunted the wicked face of the Christian bomber on its cover page, the remaining media outfit chose to give generous mention to other news which might be based on their personal or paymasters’ interest.

Those who flaunted the pictures of Pastor Adeboye and other Christian leaders on their covers (The Punch, Guardian, The Nation, Vanguard, Daily Sun) for protesting the ‘killing of Christians’ by the Boko Haram and the state of insecurity in the country should have found it interesting and newsworthy that a fellow Christian was apprehended while attempting to bomb a church in a Muslim majority state.

In fact, many journalists and media owners truly believe in the narratives that Christians are the victims. Igbo Akeregha, a member of the Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE) and Abuja Bureau Chief of The Guardian Newspaper said this morning on AIT’s Kakaaki Newspaper Review that, “As we speak, Christians in this country have been pushed to the wall. Whether we like it or not, that is the position…and the killing of Christians isn’t a religious war. When you say a religious war, it means both Muslims and Christians are fighting but as it is, it is one side against the other. There is a clear agenda to wipe out Christians from this country.”

One can only but imagine what the nature of the headlines would have been on the front pages of the aforementioned Nigerian newspapers today had the suicide bomber, Nathaniel Samuel succeeded in his terrorist activity. For us at Muslim News, it is another testament of the culpability of a section of the mainstream media in the security challenges facing the country.

These newspapers and their gullible but equally sentimental readers with jaundiced notion have *wittingly or wittingly* lent themselves as a divisive instrument in the hands of those who see the existence of one united Nigeria as an existential threat to their hidden agenda, and to those who are surreptitiously working to put an end to our existence as a nation.

Perhaps, this is why a public commentator and a social media influencer, Adejare Ibrahim wrote:


“Now, some religious bigots have found their voice. The suicide bomber, according to their warped thoughts, is Nasiru, not Natha

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