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Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency - Foreign Affairs (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Boyooosa(m): 9:51pm On Mar 13, 2020
Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by TreasureTayo(m): 9:51pm On Mar 13, 2020
lol. I know that cow grin grin grin grin

Unlike one cow dung sniffing fella

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by worworbabe: 9:51pm On Mar 13, 2020
I hope pride will not kill him. So he won't take the test early enough or self isolate like others are doing?

Where are all the foolish people insulting Iran and saying God's own Country would be spared?

Kudos to our Government for acting fast from the beginning. The Americans and Europeans didn't think it could affect them. They took it with levity and see where it got them.

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by leksite120(m): 9:52pm On Mar 13, 2020
that's good
Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Nairalandmonika: 9:52pm On Mar 13, 2020

some retards still compare it to common flu

Trump actually did compare it to common flu.


Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by iammo(m): 9:52pm On Mar 13, 2020
Like or Hate him,the welfare of US citizens has always been his priority since inauguration

I bet you don't know him


Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by happney65: 9:52pm On Mar 13, 2020
Trumpsters are just like Buharists here..From saying it isnt nothing and saying it will go away and saying it is a hoax by the democrats just some weeks ago to now accepting the fact that it is what it is..We can now see that he is as stupid as his supporters who follow him like sheep

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Onlyonebuhari: 9:52pm On Mar 13, 2020
When you have a God fearing leader God protect you. Nigeria has one case and Obj started crying and what us can't handle, Nigeria has done perfectly.well in it. Proud nof my land. NIGERIA

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Kolping: 9:53pm On Mar 13, 2020

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by morikee: 9:53pm On Mar 13, 2020
Ass-licker over to you guys

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by iammo(m): 9:53pm On Mar 13, 2020

Trump actually did compare it to common flu.

he went further to say it would be over by april by itself, but now that he is likely exposed to it, he is now making effort

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by modsfucker: 9:54pm On Mar 13, 2020

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Nairalandmonika: 9:55pm On Mar 13, 2020
I thought him and his supporters have been comparing it to influenza and that "the Deep State fake news media" are causing panic
Don't mind the idiot, am sure he's positive now that's why he's taking all this measures. America had two months to prepare but what did Trump do. He said it was a hoax, then he said it's a flu that will go when the flu season is over. He waited until more than 1000 thousand people are infected and 40 persons dead b4 taking any action.
Anything Trump does now is a little to late, the virus is already spreading like wide fire in the US.

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Nairalandmonika: 9:56pm On Mar 13, 2020

he went further to say it would be over by april by itself, but now that he is likely exposed to it, he is now making effort
Am telling you, am sure Trump is positive that's why he's acting up now.

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by dacherish(m): 9:57pm On Mar 13, 2020
See Don happen. Any fowl spirit, coronavirus, convic 19 or Lexus virus. that will cause a state of emergency in my dear country Nigeria Holy Ghost a Fire 200 times

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Sonnobax15(m): 9:58pm On Mar 13, 2020

Unlike one cow dung sniffing fella
And it takes only a lowly-minded cow spewing all kinda hate speech to be under the leadership of a bigger cow....don't u think so??

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by ghettochild4u(m): 9:59pm On Mar 13, 2020
This is evidence that no country travel reach Italians in the whole world... Or I can say Italy na d world's best stop over destination for tourist

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Nairalandmonika: 9:59pm On Mar 13, 2020
I hope pride will not kill him. So he won't take the test early enough or self isolate like others are doing?

Where are all the foolish people insulting Iran and saying God's own Country would be spared?

Kudos to our Government for acting fast from the beginning. The Americans and Europeans didn't think it could affect them. They took it with levity and see where it got them.
Don't mind them, they said Nigeria was the worst prepared country and US was the best prepared country, but how he be Las Las, US became the worst prepared country while WHO is using Nigeria as example of how to control the virus.

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Lordjb: 10:00pm On Mar 13, 2020
Okay, hope the helps
Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Nobody: 10:00pm On Mar 13, 2020
Soon Europeans and Americans will be queueing for our Visa. Coro dey fear us


Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by StPete: 10:00pm On Mar 13, 2020
Can we advise our President to travel out now cos this is the time we need him outta the country the most


Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Brownie333(m): 10:00pm On Mar 13, 2020
However, I was unreliably informed today that the vaccine has been found...
Maurice Iwu are you the one doing well
Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Osidazz19: 10:00pm On Mar 13, 2020
I don't know but I do not live in America, neither am I an American, but I call this man MY PRESIDENT because I dont know what to call the one I have here. God bless Donald John Trump.

Make America Great Again 2016
Keep America Great 2020.

Just look at the pic below and see security leaders that mean business.. Mark Milley's face though grin grin grin



Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by sapientia(m): 10:01pm On Mar 13, 2020

That's a President.

Ours have not told us anything.

Maybe he is not aware.
Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by Osidazz19: 10:02pm On Mar 13, 2020
Dotard TRAMP is too acting too late .

I guess it's no longer a HOAX now.

Dumb mofo

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by SweetCunt97(f): 10:02pm On Mar 13, 2020
Those In the USA should contact me for Rice, Beans and other foodstuffs o... Things about to get real for you all. What's the essence of the dollar bills in your pocket if you can't eat good food?


Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by mvem(m): 10:03pm On Mar 13, 2020
while our own leaders are doing comedy skits...
You want Nigeria Gov to declare State of Emergency on Covid 19 when we don't have the cases of that of USA or other European countries ?...funny enough you Guyz praising the US for preparedness were wrong. WHO found out that US wasn't even prepared that's why the virus spread so fast. We berate our country and praise other foreign countries but WHO will still come and congratulate Nigeria on the way epidemics are managed. If US and other European countries were so special as many claim why couldn't they prevent the spread even when they were warned before time

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by voltron14: 10:08pm On Mar 13, 2020

That's a President.

Ours have not told us anything.

Maybe he is not aware.

This one thinks this is how to get US visa.



Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by alezzy13: 10:09pm On Mar 13, 2020
I [s]don't know but I do not live in America, neither am I an American, but I call this man MY PRESIDENT because I dont know what to call the one I have here. God bless Donald John Trump.

Make America Great Again 2016
Keep America Great 2020.

Just look at the pic below and see security leaders that mean business.. Mark Milley's face though grin grin grin[/s]

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by kutashi: 10:09pm On Mar 13, 2020
The wisest of them all.

U meant the dumbest of all! When there was outbreak in china, he was busy pointing finger and doing baby politics with china! No single preparation, no testing kit, no reaearch on the virus not to talk of vaccine! He went on TV to say American is more than prepared but 2 days after, they recorded first death from the Virus! He addressed the press again at their white house that they are not expecting any new case again but the following day they recorded fresh 70 confirmed cases, the next day, fresh 400 new cases!

A whole president of US of A making mess of himself before the whole world! Even himself now is on quarantine on coded level, they will only announce if he tested positive!

If PMB should do all those nonsense, our yeastern brother locked away somewhere in europe will not let us sleep! Including the MUMUs in Nigeria too! They will shouting lai, lie 'upandan'

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Re: Coronavirus: Trump Declares National Emergency by sapientia(m): 10:09pm On Mar 13, 2020

This one thinks this is how to get US visa.


And you think being stupid is same as being funny

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