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Guys Reason This Matter With Me - Romance (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by ubunja(m): 9:33pm On Mar 21, 2020

Keep shifting the goal post dude.

I'm damn sure you follow a couple of them too. So stop acting like a smelly hypocrite.

You can do yourself a favour by quoting where I attacked him.

Ubunja, you're officially my bitch cos I made you go through my profile and every post just to dig up something so irrelevant just so you can keep your erection from these people worshipping you.
don't be so hard on yourself. This is the very first message I sent you here: no goals shifted. Just you confused

If your girl cheats on you. it's your fault. Simple

The moment you apologized when she tried to manipulate you with her crocodile tears, I knew you're a Beta male.

You got caught up in the love game and gave in to her exesses. In doing that she saw you as weak and moved on to look for a man with backbones.

Check out "alpha male strategy" channel on YouTube.

And also the33secrets & Donovan sharpe

You'll understand where you got it wrong and improve your game.

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Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Mstick: 9:33pm On Mar 21, 2020
Damage?! Says the guy that spends 100% of his time talking about women.

But hey if you think I am damaged then so are majority of Nigerians because there's NOTHING NEW in what or how my father behaved, that's the story of majority people born in during my time even till today men abuse their wives so PLEASE say something else.

Isn't it on this same forum men are encouraged to treat women poorly

The dog of red pill association had to go dig up my old posts to use a weapon.
grin grin

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Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by ityP(m): 9:34pm On Mar 21, 2020

What makes me happy is calling out your bullshit and pointing out how stupid you and your fellow incels are

Lmao. You're angry over something. It will sort itself out
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Jaqenhghar: 9:34pm On Mar 21, 2020
He's dead, the kids are everyone's problem now.

Sometimes I purposely just divert my calls to 131 whenever it's getting to school fees session.


I've been married for 10 years now and believe me, there's NO formula for marriage.

You may get married to the most pretty,rich, hardworking, virgin and the marriage wouldn't work.

10 years. Wow. Congrats Sir. I wish you many more years together in love peace and progress. You are right sir. There was this our family friend. The man married a woman who was "wayward". She already had 2 children from 2 different men. He knew everything about her, people thought he was mad. They have 4 children, have been married for over 20 yrs and are still happy. The thing is not science true

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Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Nobody: 9:36pm On Mar 21, 2020

I'm from the same part of the earth as Caster Semenya undecided

You were just opportuned to be from the same geographical location like her. Unfortunately, You're nothing like her.
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by ityP(m): 9:37pm On Mar 21, 2020
My uncle that thought he was a Don concerning everything women married a 17 year old virgin girl when he was 46!

Guess what? They're both dead! She contacted HIV from *drum roll* her pastor!

That's the way the two idióts died and left 5 kids behind!

And my own uncle that doesn't care about whether a lady na prostitute, he married one olosho like that, thinking she had changed. But she was collecting knacks from a dude like that, unknown to my uncle. Na so my uncle die from AIDS o. She still dey alive dey take her drugs. I drank beer in his burial sha. Even one tear, I no shed grin grin grin

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Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by ubunja(m): 9:37pm On Mar 21, 2020
Damage?! Says the guy that spends 100% of his time talking about women.

But hey if you think I am damaged then so are majority of Nigerians because there's NOTHING NEW in what or how my father behaved, that's the story of majority people born in during my time even till today men abuse their wives so PLEASE say something else.

Isn't it on this same forum men are encouraged to treat women poorly

The dog of red pill association had to go dig up my old posts to use a weapon.
grin grin
I dig up EVERYTHING. you can fool another. Not me.

So watch what you say to me.


Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Jaqenhghar: 9:37pm On Mar 21, 2020

Lmao. I will worry about past o. I don't want wahala in my home. Marriage no be 'TEST AND SEE', na for life
LOL. My guy to each man his own.Everybody 's path is different. If it works for you, go for it
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Nobody: 9:38pm On Mar 21, 2020

I don't need to read Miseducations. Period. Not because I'm a woman, but because I have a highly functional 6th sense (which you should too if you weren't such a re-re grin) & a natural understanding of how people work (this one I consider a special talent cheesy ). No Miseducations formed against me will ever prosper because I'm a natural psychologist smiley
you can figure out almost everything in life with your so-called 6th Sense but you still read books
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Jaqenhghar: 9:39pm On Mar 21, 2020

Lmao. You're angry over something. It will sort itself out
No mind me. Dem don too disturb person for this forum. Virgin this virgin that. As if its anyone's business
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by ityP(m): 9:40pm On Mar 21, 2020

Im sorry my bad.. How sad. He must have been full of regrets. I have 2 friends who married virgins. None of those marriages lasted.

I know 90 friends who married virgins. All their marriages dey intact. One just celebrated 10th year anniversary yesterday. All his kids resemble him

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Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Mstick: 9:40pm On Mar 21, 2020
Question, how can you fool a fool?

He said he digs up "EVERYTHING" as if he did some ground breaking detective work.

Ok Sherlock! Keep digging then dog.
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by genq(m): 9:40pm On Mar 21, 2020
Damage?! Says the guy that spends 100% of his time talking about women.

But hey if you think I am damaged then so are majority of Nigerians because there's NOTHING NEW in what or how my father behaved, that's the story of majority people born in during my time even till today men abuse their wives so PLEASE say something else.

Isn't it on this same forum men are encouraged to treat women poorly

The dog of red pill association had to go dig up my old posts to use a weapon.
grin grin

You will die miserable if you don't get over what your father did 20something years ago - never seen such a big baby like you in my life "my father this, my father that"
Move the fvck on!


Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Mstick: 9:41pm On Mar 21, 2020
Question, how can you fool a fool?

He said he digs up "EVERYTHING" as if he did some ground breaking detective work.

Ok Sherlock! Keep digging then dog.

grin grin

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Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Jaqenhghar: 9:42pm On Mar 21, 2020
if we were desperate for sex we would go to the prostitutes. Your dream girls. And for a price of a loaf of bread get sex. The same sex you'll pay bride price to get. Lmfao.
You are desperate for sex. Your posts show a man who is desperate for sex and desperate for a woman's love but for some reason you are here. Single and frustrated. Virgin kee you there
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by StandUpGuy247: 9:43pm On Mar 21, 2020
don't be so hard on yourself. This is the very first message I sent you here: no goals shifted. Just you confused

My bitch.
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by ubunja(m): 9:43pm On Mar 21, 2020

You are desperate for sex. Your posts show a man who is desperate for sex and desperate for a woman's love but for some reason you are here. Single and frustrated. Virgin kee you there
and why are you here yourself?

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Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Jaqenhghar: 9:43pm On Mar 21, 2020

I know 90 friends who married virgins. All their marriages dey intact. One just celebrated 10th year anniversary yesterday. All his kids resemble him
You for add 10 make e be 100 nah. LOL
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Jaqenhghar: 9:45pm On Mar 21, 2020
and why are you here yourself?
Many reasons but I am certainly not here for the reasons you are here
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by ubunja(m): 9:45pm On Mar 21, 2020

My bitch.
go listen to AMS and stop hurting yourself going against people who listen to the Miseducations. We all say the same thing.


Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by ubunja(m): 9:46pm On Mar 21, 2020
Many reasons but I am certainly not here for the reasons you are here
Says who when we are on the same thread.


Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Nobody: 9:47pm On Mar 21, 2020

I'm from the same part of the earth as Caster Semenya undecided
Ok yeah buh ya nothing like her. Evening newspaper.
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Mstick: 9:47pm On Mar 21, 2020
Ok the rest of the rat pack are coming out from there holes.

Really? How can a person sharing a story about his/her experience make them miserable?!

Do you people even think before you type or you just come online waiting to pick a fight?!

I am not ashamed of that post you know why? Because I was a child and that was my reality, if I was not ready to share I would have edited it or even deleted my moniker, but guess what I wouldn't.


Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Nobody: 9:49pm On Mar 21, 2020

What makes me happy is calling out your bullshit and pointing out how stupid you and your fellow incels are
this is the only thing you do with your life?
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by StandUpGuy247: 9:50pm On Mar 21, 2020
don't be so hard on yourself. This is the very first message I sent you here: no goals shifted. Just you confused

I was expecting you to quote where I attacked him. But hey, you're Ubunja the great so you never do anything wrong.

Still my bitch tho.

What you gonna dig up next? Oya, run to my profile like a little bitch and dig up more irrelevant posts
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by ityP(m): 9:50pm On Mar 21, 2020
this is the only thing you do with your life?

Lol. Na corona virus cause all this things o grin grin grin
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by ubunja(m): 9:51pm On Mar 21, 2020
Ok the rest of the rat pack are coming out from there holes.

Really? How can a person sharing a story about his/her experience make them miserable?!

Do you people even think before you type or you just come online waiting to pick a fight?!

I am not ashamed of that post you know why? Because I was a child and that was my reality, if I was not ready to share I would have edited it or even deleted my moniker, but guess what I wouldn't.

no one is saying be ashamed. But just know, we are raising better men than your father.


Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by ubunja(m): 9:52pm On Mar 21, 2020

I was expecting you to quote where I attacked him. But hey, you're Ubunja the great so you never do anything wrong.

Still my bitch tho.

What you gonna dig up next? Oya, run to my profile like a little bitch and dig up more irrelevant posts
me little bitch? Nope. That was YOU. before reading my posts:


No darling, I used to be a Beta male (Mr nice guy), and got burned, disrespected and used by women.

Since reading from ubunja, I've reprogrammed my mindset. I now chase the money and tell the bitches to go fvck themselves.

Believe it or not, it has gotten me more respect and girls especially in my street I no longer send are the ones now looking for my attention.

My current babe wanted to play the prank of "no sex before marriage" when we first started. I stood my ground and gave her reasons why it's bulpsh1t especially when you're not a virgin, yet want me to stay loyal.

Guess what, we fvcking steady and although I like her, I'm not letting myself down ever again.

She's even scared I'll leave her cos of how women now spy me grin

I have a married student that compalined of me being strong headed (not easily controlled). That men generally are "mumu" for women. (In her own words).

I understand ya'll now and I say to myself "Never Again".


Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by Nobody: 9:53pm On Mar 21, 2020
Yeah but at least my father is still alive.
What do they say again about a living dog being better than a dead lion?!

Oh and my father was the ORIGINAL RED PILLER!
today he's suffering for it. grin grin
I see you were abused as a child
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by StandUpGuy247: 9:55pm On Mar 21, 2020
go listen to AMS and stop hurting yourself going against people who listen to the Miseducations. We all say the same thing.

Only person hurting here is you.

The fact that you had to dig into my profile shows that
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by StandUpGuy247: 9:57pm On Mar 21, 2020
me little bitch? Nope. That was YOU. before reading my posts:

Go dig up some more bitch
Re: Guys Reason This Matter With Me by 1234IKECHhukwu: 9:57pm On Mar 21, 2020
All these mumu men with this new mentality that na virgin sure pass must be suffering from very low self esteem.

Guy, you can date any woman you want and make her respect you regardless of how many d1cks she has fvcked.

Develope an abundance mindset, pursue your passion/goals and learn to carry yourself as man in every aspect of your life including dating.

The fact that you need ubunja to validate your opinion shows nothing but a simp with red pill knowledge.
M,really sorry for u is ur type with this mindset u'll surely end up with a lady that has a body count of 40 as a wife, in no distant time.

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