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Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) (117936 Views)
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Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Jokerman(m): 3:09pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Ghostrye: According to the Bible, everything was done in 6 days. Please don't doubt God, He's above human comprehension |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by wirinet(m): 4:14pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
private919:You behave like someone who blocks his ears with with his hands and screaming loudly "I don't want to listen to what anyone says, I believe in what I believe". You never bothered to read or understand the basis of the theories you so despise, you just keep parroting "big bang and evolution theories are hoax". Why the science community has been pushing a hoax for over a hundred years, you never stated, maybe it is heing pushed by the science faction of the deepstate. You even stated that redshift and cosmic background radiation are hoaxes. This shows you know very little of physics and science in general. If these two measurable quantities are hoax, then the whole of physics are hoax, the doppler effect is hoax, the laws of general and special relatively are hoax, the laws of electromagnetism and thermodynamics are hoax. For your information, astrology is not related to space science or any science for that matter. I thought you made an error when you first mentioned it, but since you consistently mention the same think, I realise you are truly ignorant. Apart from ignorance, you also have comprehension problems. I never labelled you a theist. Read that section again and show me where I labelled you a theist. How can someone claim to be an aeronautic engineer without having a mastery of gravity - the fundamental force that holds the universe together. How can someone study aeronautic engineering without understanding the properties of earth as it relates to the sun, such as rotation, revolution, precession, tides, solar flares, etc. I am done with this senseless argument. You can cover your ears and mind and believe whatever you choose to believe if it makes you happy. 1 Like |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by sherlock229(m): 4:36pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
seeing all these comments I can't help.but to notice most Nigerians are ignorant,so pathetic . they can't even make a good conversation on this topic. |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by sherlock229(m): 4:42pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
also they're fossils of crocodiles,whales, and lots of sea shells found in the Sahara. the Sahara was not only green at some point some part used to be the atlantic ocean. and it's been theorized that the Sahara became a desert like only 10,000 years ago. "wadi el hitan " a place in the Sahara you can see hundreds of skeletons of dead whales.. |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Pelecius: 4:49pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
supercase1: The thing is we have to know how fossils are formed and at what conditions can DNA last for such time We need to know that there's diff between operational science (physics, chemistry and others that observe phenomenon that can be repeated in labs) and historical science (paleontology, archeology and others that attempt to tell us what happened in the past). No one (I repeat, no one) can tell us what happened in the past. We can only make educated guess and that's why you see most of those reports with phrases such as "may have", "seem to", "appears to", "must have", etc. These do not indicate "facts" because the events can't be repeated, hence a story is constructed around the day at hand. Now, the ruling paradigm os definitely evolution even with it's enormous problems, yet it is accepted as "fact". Why? To avoid the idea of supernatural creation which brings God in. This was admitted some atheists “We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs. … Moreover, … materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door”. (Professor Richard Lewontin (retired American evolutionary biologist and geneticist). “Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such an hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic” (Dr Scott Todd, Kansas State University) Then, to gain the favor of the "general public" (similar to political correctness), you can only air and make research such that your conclusion supports evolution. Of course, those calling people that don't subscribe to evolution names should show us scientifically how nothing created everything. Until then, you don't have the right to bash a supernatural creation Peace 1 Like |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Pelecius: 5:03pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Fucsheetup:Sorry babe, science is not independent of humans. It is not an entity that tells us this or that as media would want us to believe. Contrary to what some people believe, science is not the opposite of theism. In fact, the founding fathers of what we call modern science were largely Christians. They believed that an orderly universe can be observed as it operates according to set rules and this only make sense if it was designed (created) by God (who's not an author of confusion) though, the fall had brought curse and degradation on it. Scientist have paradigm in which they interpret available day (especially in historical science), hence most are forced to interpret their data to fit the ruling paradigm. Else, your work will not be published (I'm not making this up, pls search the net well. In fact, the newly published book in UK about a fictitious compulsory quarantine is a good example). So it's not enough to call bible believing Christians name when you are yet to show or prove to us how the first life evolved in a primordal soup 1 Like |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Myer(m): 5:07pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
ValCon888: 100 million years ago? He even has pictures?? Smh for some scientists. Let's focus on the things we can know biko. Like how far are we in the cure or vaccine for covid-19? |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Fucsheetup(f): 5:26pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Pelecius:No one said science is an entity, he should donate his brain to science does not mean science is somewhere waiting him in shorts But Christians call me ‘names’ because I don’t believe in their invisible god who has never been proven to exist, I cannot prove to you life evolved in a primordial soup, that is why it is called hypothesis I never said science negates theism, if had read our subsequent comments, you would see that I made that exact statement clear to the ‘ ‘mentioner’ who felt the Big Bang could not have created the universe but believe it was created anyway |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Pelecius: 5:28pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
dukeprince50:Sir, this is a bait and switch tactic. No informed person will disagree that "things" change, but that is not evolution. The truth is that evolution is dead right from it's tract due to the fact that it is impossible for lifeless chemicals to assemble themselves in to a living cell, producing the most complex 'machinery' known to man without any intelligent supervision. Even the Miller-Urey experiment only prove that intelligence is required to achieve it. There are so many facts that actually refute evolution but they are either not published in accepted journal or the researchers are attacks. For example, the following questions are difficult or impossible to answer: 1. How did life originate? 2. How did the DNA code originate? What other coding system has existed without intelligent design? 3. How did new biochemical pathways, which involve multiple enzymes working together in sequence, originate? 4. How did blind chemistry create mind/ intelligence, meaning, altruism and morality? 5. How did sex originate? All these have not been answered by the advocates of purposeless evolution. We need to get both sides of the argument (Prov 18:17) and the biblical parts are not gotten from pastors, it is gotten from other part of Christian Ministries which comprises of professionals of various disciplines; well seasoned in their fields. Such Ministries include of Creation Ministries International, of Institute for Creation Research, etc 2 Likes |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Pelecius: 5:46pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Fucsheetup:I am really sorry that Christians call you names (we are to guide our heart with all dilligence; Prov 4:23, and we are to answer with meekness and humility; 1Peter 3:15) You are right about God being invisible, of course the bible (which claims to be the word of God) says He is spirit. Now, science can't prove existence of spirits and can't prove it's non existence either. You may have reasons for not believing in the existence of God but I don't think it's because it has not been proven. Men have provided philosophical arguments to prove the existence of God; search for Prof William Lane Craig, creation ministries, christian think tank etc to examine their arguments Well, you may call it hypothesis but many do not see it like that. They call it facts (maybe equating it to established physical laws such as entropy, gas laws etc) and evolution is the ruling paradigm that its proponents attack anything that threatens it even if the data are absolutely proven Okay, I haven't completely read your conversation with others though, I only saw this and response to it. Peace |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Ghostrye: 6:10pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Jokerman:Are you just plain dumb or are you joking, did you read the part where I said you should use your knowledge. Do you know that a day for us on Earth is different from a day on Jupiter. Now imagine trying to count days as you would for God. So you really think the whole of creation took 7 days, upon all the time and energy researchers and palaentologists have put into enlightening you, you still end up showcasing your ignorance outside. As someone on this platform once said, 'Google is for more than just viewing porn' |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Nobody: 6:11pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Jokerman:The person that wrote the Bible was he a dunce to not know that man reproduces and eats chai Pele. |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Fucsheetup(f): 6:13pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Pelecius:Great response, I believe religion is important. A man is only as great as his beliefs however illogical. Banter is common here, and positively interesting (That dude ended up trying convince dinosaurs existed in the Bible with human beings) So it’s not that serious. I was once a Christian and nobody would’ve convinced me that God didn’t exist, I concluded that for myself so I do not go about telling off Christians. Just the ones who showcase astronomical signs of retardation and illiteracy. Peace. |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Nobody: 6:14pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Jokerman:Fake healing. Those things you see TB Joshua and the rest doing are all fake. There is nothing like prayer even if God existed, praying is still a waste of time, trying to alter circumstances beyond your control by shouting or mumbling such rubbish if there was a God he would be a God that wants order anything you see you take it is simply nature. |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Jokerman(m): 7:13pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Ghostrye: That's your mistake. Putting God on the same level as man. Limiting the power of the almighty God to mere countable times. God supercedes time bro... Nothing is too hard for God to do Well my Bible tells me He created everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th day and blessed it. I know the complexity and magnificence of the universe surprises dumb atheists that's why they find it hard to believe that a being can create everything, but don't worry bro, I have good news for you. God loves you and wants you to come to him so that you'd get knowledge and wisdom Remember God promised us knowledge in Daniel Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased 1 Like |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Jokerman(m): 7:15pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Ausrichie: So do you think the apostles did fake miracles then? |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by private919: 8:40pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
wirinet: Why do you guys always treat these theories like you need a 150 IQ to understand them. That's the same line most people I come across use, they tell say you don't understand it. Any idiot can easily pick up a book on the big bang, read it and defend the theory based on what he read. You don't need solomon's wisdom to understand what was written in the book. 1. One common reason the theory has been pushed is so science could claim to explain the source of creation. Christians have a creation story, islam has one, and many other religions. Of course, scientists proposed different theories and found the big bang to make the most sense and have been patching up the theory ever since. There's currently no information on what started the big bang. Just give it a few years and they will come up with a nice story about one thing led to another and that Then peeps like you think they are smarter than the rest read it up and defend the bullshit. 2. Astrology is not full science but has its roots in space science. 3. Like I said earlier, you can be an aeronautic engineer, medical doctor, lab scientists or whatever and not know shit about space. That's cause they deal with a different aspect of science. That you know how to mic chemicals together doesn't or the laws of physics doesn't mean you have a knowledge on cosmology or space science. It's you that's being ignorant. 2 Likes |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by private919: 8:47pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Niggmatic: If you can read and understand it, anybody can read to understand it. You don't need to be smart, and the big bang never happened. That you think it did doesn't make you smarter than someone who disagrees with you. 1 Like |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by private919: 8:52pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
AkpaMgbor: Exactly what I try to tell these peeps. Their first line of defense is that you don't understand the theory, as if they are any smarter than the rest of us. so you're tryna tell me that somehow, everything we see today just came about randomly and formed itself. Before the big bang, there was probably no consciousness, but somehow consciousness grew from unconsciousness. The complex human body formed, everything so organised and intact. Bruh, does anyone really believe that or you're just tryna tag along to feel smart and argue with others how some stars have been around for billions of yeras, lol. ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by AkpaMgbor(m): 9:09pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
private919:That they believe consciousness can come from an event that is totally unconscious, that finely tuned solar system can arise from an event totally without plan(that is what an explosion's an explosion..there's no thought to it unless someone is instigating it)...the audacity with which they propagate this falsehood is baffling really...Yet they're the ones with logic and reasoning....what an irony. 2 Likes |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Ghostrye: 10:33pm On Apr 29, 2020 |
Jokerman:I hardly say this, but I give up on you. How you claim to be any different from a lower animal with zero thinking capacity shocks me. Don't get me wrong, I understand your urge to swallow and regurgitate the written words in the exact order it is given to you, but even God said a day to him is like a thousand years to man. If you claim to be religious and still take religion at face value, then you have wasted most of your days without understanding shii. Wise up man |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Jokerman(m): 6:55am On Apr 30, 2020 |
Ghostrye: Lol..... The Lord will reveal himself to you. Then you'd understand that the wisdom of man is foolishness before God. True wisdom is the Lord Jesus Christ. With God all things are possible, even creation of the world in 6 days Children of God live by faith and not by sight If you want to use the God given brain to understand the works of God, lol, my brother, you'd be going round in circles. Don't think. Just believe God's word |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Ghostrye: 9:44am On Apr 30, 2020 |
Jokerman:Brotherly, If you live by faith and not by brain, YOU will be going round in circles. But it is called religion for a reason tho, unwavering, blind, mindless, unthinking faith is required otherwise some of the shaky founded parts of the said religion would be discovered. That is why nowadays there is a difference between religious folks and sheeple. The difference is one uses faith with brain, while the other is just a sheeple. |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Jokerman(m): 11:50am On Apr 30, 2020 |
Ghostrye: Lol... Adam and Eve that felt they knew more than God, you can see where they landed humanity? ![]() |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Ghostrye: 1:24pm On Apr 30, 2020 |
Jokerman:Aiit |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by dizzybee: 10:15am On May 01, 2020 |
MyVILLAGEpeople: You can read up Angels and Demons by Benny Hinn for further info. Anyways, I'll just drop the scriptures. More explanation is given in the book. You can get the ecopy. Job 38:25-30 talks about when the earth was desolate. Also Ps 104. Gen 1:1-12 on creation. At that point the celestial lights were no longer shining after the initial creation was made desolate. Jer 4:23-26 Is 24:1 Is 14 and Ezk 28:13-17 talks about Lucifer. He was the one in charge of the earth dimension before and during his fall which made God to make the earth become desolate. He terrorized the nations kept under his charge. There were creatures and beings then. Animals which we discover their bones, and man-like beings which we also discovered their fossils. They got corrupted by fallen Lucifer (satan) and became the demons. Jer 4:26-28. So read up the book for more on angels and demons. It's an interesting and revelational read. The book explained with details and scriptural backing what I had always believed to be was the case with the findings from science in archeology and anthropology. |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by MyVILLAGEpeople(m): 11:16am On May 01, 2020 |
dizzybee: Wooow Thanks so much. 1 Like |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by ifeelgood: 6:35pm On May 04, 2020 |
Lies GodSaklek: |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by georgealmond216: 1:54am On Aug 29, 2020 |
you cant eat your cake and have it,sahara done drink im own water finish since na im make am dry now |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by Pelecius: 10:48am On Aug 29, 2020 |
private919:The ugly truth is when you show them the stupidity of those origin theories, they'll never talk again. They may attack strawman or pick up another thing entirely. Just blindly following the materialistic dogma as described by Prof Richard Lewontin. He said: "...for materialism is absolute, ...we cannot allow a divine foot" Respect Sir |
Re: Africa’s Sahara ‘Most Dangerous Place On Earth’ 100 Million Years Ago (Photo) by RuggedSniper: 9:20pm On Sep 24, 2020 |
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Man Goes To Repair His Fridge, When They Told Him The Price, See What He Did Nex / Wonders Of Science. / Giant Fish That Lived Around 380 Million Years Ago Found In Sahara Desert (Pix)
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