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Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me - Romance - Nairaland

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Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 6:51am On May 08, 2020
undecided this is something I really wanna change

Is it because am too friendly and nice

some guys recently said I am worth 0 cents and am still fronting embarassed

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Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by MOnkeyBabe(f): 6:53am On May 08, 2020
undecided this is something I really wanna change

Is it because am too friendly and nice

some guys recently said I am worth 0 cents and am still fronting embarassed
iGnoRe them


Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 6:55am On May 08, 2020
iGnoRe them

I'm trying my best. One went as far as calling me cheap cos I gave him my number because he seemed nice cry
Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Ereolamide: 6:56am On May 08, 2020
Maybe you are always in a wh0re's uniform.

49 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 6:57am On May 08, 2020
Maybe you are always in a LovePeddler's uniform.

Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Oluromantic: 6:58am On May 08, 2020
If you know who teni the singer is, you will know you don't have a problem. Teni will kiss, hug and whine waist for her crew guys and give them lap dance. She's known for who she is. Ppl have called her names...slut, loose girl, shapeless fattie etc. The girl no send, she just keeps glowing. So I'll give u same advice.. ignore them and be yourself.

36 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 6:58am On May 08, 2020
Maybe you are always in a wh0re's uniform.

I just try to look good all the time and I barely expose my body


Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 6:59am On May 08, 2020
If you know who teni the singer is, you will know you don't have a problem. Teni will kiss, hug and whine waist for her crew guys and give them lap dance. She's known for who she is. Ppl have called her names...slut, loose girl, shapeless fattie etc. The girl no send, she just keeps glowing.

I need this kind of spirit. Cos this sh*t is getting to me sad

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Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Bilabong(m): 7:00am On May 08, 2020
Let me watch from here.

1 Like

Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 7:01am On May 08, 2020
Let me watch from here.
Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Ereolamide: 7:06am On May 08, 2020

I just try to look good all the time and I barely expose my body

Ah! Oga o!

Maybe exposing your boobs and ass would make them think otherwise.

The world is an ironic place.

1 Like

Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 7:07am On May 08, 2020

Ah! Oga o!

Maybe exposing your charms(boobs and ass) would make them think otherwise.

The world is an ironic place.

Lol. Being friendly is now a bad thing
Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by MOnkeyBabe(f): 7:09am On May 08, 2020
If you know who teni the singer is, you will know you don't have a problem. Teni will kiss, hug and whine waist for her crew guys and give them lap dance. She's known for who she is. Ppl have called her names...slut, loose girl, shapeless fattie etc. The girl no send, she just keeps glowing. So I'll give u same advice.. ignore them and be yourself.
when o for APATA memorial SkU?

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Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Bellotelli: 7:09am On May 08, 2020
You know yourself better, so don't let others opinion get to you. He that want to understand will understand... People hate what they can't conquer.


Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Ereolamide: 7:11am On May 08, 2020

Lol. Being friendly is now a bad thing

To be sincere with you being overly friendly is not just a bad but a very stupid thing.

People respect and value what they can't easily have.

15 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 7:12am On May 08, 2020
Probably because they heard you sucked someone's dick but wouldn't suck theirs.


Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 7:13am On May 08, 2020
undecided this is something I really wanna change

Is it because am too friendly and nice

some guys recently said I am worth 0 cents and am still fronting embarassed

I'm only concerned about the fact that some people said you worth 0 cents. You are worth more for crying out loud, maybe not up to a dollar.

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Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Archtype(m): 7:16am On May 08, 2020
Nne dont mind them, live your life freely and dont send anybody....Ehe one more thing, Nne, please oo give me the number oo

I'm trying my best. One went as far as calling me cheap cos I gave him my number because he seemed nice cry

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Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Odogwu999(m): 7:26am On May 08, 2020
Nne dont mind them, live your life freely and dont send anybody....Ehe one more thing, Nne, please oo give me the number oo

U Know well o

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Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Skyfornia(m): 7:32am On May 08, 2020
Is it their LovePeddler!?
Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 7:43am On May 08, 2020

To be sincere with you being overly friendly is not just a bad but a very stupid thing.

People respect and value what they can't easily have.


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Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 7:44am On May 08, 2020
Nne dont mind them, live your life freely and dont send anybody....Ehe one more thing, Nne, please oo give me the number oo

Lol. Thanks


Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Dpharisee: 7:46am On May 08, 2020
You need to repackage and rebrand the way you act, dress, talk and behave. As the saying goes, you are addressed the way you dress.
Who are the crew you mingle with, what sort of poise do you display outside, how many books have you read since January, expand your intellect instead of acquiring more makeup kits and people will start seeing you as a lady with class.
Men are seeking ladies with brains and beauty due to a changing World and they seem to be scarce these days because they want to belong to the trending woke niggars.
Instead of looking for wives young men are looking for baby mamas out of fear that there are too many wh0res who will make life miserable for them as you read here daily.

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 7:49am On May 08, 2020
One guy man go open account Dey catch trips with una, una go even Dey reply. grin

21 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by joe4christ(m): 7:51am On May 08, 2020
undecided this is something I really wanna change

Is it because am too friendly and nice

some guys recently said I am worth 0 cents and am still fronting embarassed

You're so damn beautiful. I wonder why anybody will wanna say such to you. Well, from a fellow guy point of view, I can deduce they are probably jealous, cos ur friendly nature makes them assume the worst of u. You accommodate every guy that come around u and friendzone a lot of them while they see u hanging out and all smile with other guys. Definitely they will feel pained, like you making them feel they ain't worth you. And u know we guys with our ego. They will say Nasty stuffs to make u feel bad about yourself.

I'll advice you get a boyfriend who u love and adores you equally. Then put some wall of resistance from admirers.
Whoever comes close, you simply inform them that u have a boyfriend and u love him so much, so except they are cool with you both just being friends, they can as well fvck off. Very simple!

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Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 7:51am On May 08, 2020
One guy man go open account Dey catch trips with una, una go even Dey reply. grin
Lmao when you'll realize it's a lady you'll want to take number and be telling all sort of lies just to have your way
Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 7:53am On May 08, 2020

You're so damn beautiful. I wonder why anybody will wanna say such to you. Well, from a fellow guy point of view, I can deduce they are probably jealous, cos ur friendly nature makes them assume the worst of u. You accommodate every guy that come around u and friendzone a lot of them while they see u hanging out and all smile with other guys. Definitely they will feel pained, like you making them feel they ain't worth you. And u know we guys with our ego. They will say Nasty stuffs to make u feel bad about yourself.

I'll advice you get a boyfriend who u love and adores you equally. Then put some wall of resistance from admirers.
Whoever comes close, you simply inform them that u have a boyfriend and u love him so much, so except they are cool with you both just being friends, they can ask well Bleep off. Very simple!

Thank you for this lipsrsealed
Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 7:53am On May 08, 2020
I'm sure XhosaNostra knows who this is. Lol
Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by XhosaNostra(f): 8:02am On May 08, 2020
I'm sure XhosaNostra knows who this is. Lol

Actually I don't, but I do understand that people do misjudge sometimes smiley A handful of times I've been told by other females (men say I scare them cheesy) that before they got to know me, I gave off b*tch vibes lol. I didn't understand it at 1st because I'm almost always friendly even if I don't know someone, but at the same time I also have a standoffish side that's part of my nature. So I guess that can be perceived as waspishness, IDK grin Something about you must be sending the wrong message. Find out what it is & change it if you can.
Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by godofuck231: 8:03am On May 08, 2020
undecided this is something I really wanna change

Is it because am too friendly and nice

some guys recently said I am worth 0 cents and am still fronting embarassed
who are you to your dad or your spouse, who have you projected in life, trained trough school or mentored into success in any level (male or female) , can you cook wash and clean?
are you an entrepreneur what's your skill set,
What was your status 5 years ago and what's your projection in the next 5 years, where do you see yourself,

answer these questions and know your real worth
I await your reply
Re: Why Do Guys Think Am A Whor.e Before They Get To Really Know Me by Nobody: 8:09am On May 08, 2020

Lmao when you'll realize it's a lady you'll want to take number and be telling all sort of lies just to have your way
lol say all the girls for ground don finish or don go into oblivion?
Nah I don’t do that. Never will, never have.

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