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African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread - Foreign Affairs (2109) - Nairaland

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Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Nobody: 1:04pm On May 12, 2020
But this same aircraft was overhauled in 2018 in country...
It was used in the search for the captured Dapchi girls..
Why the maintenance again..
Maintenance happens yearly(its 2020 already), also it could be that this was a Major service which Nigerian engineers likely didn't have the expertise to carry out
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by kabe1: 1:05pm On May 12, 2020
So how do you know they are there for an upgrade when news outlets are saying they are there for maintenance?

Besides Nigerian ATRs received a ELINT upgrade just a couple of years ago!

This aircraft just finished maintenance in Nigeria. Going to Germany would likely be for upgrades of surveillance equipment.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Nobody: 1:09pm On May 12, 2020

This aircraft just finished maintenance in Nigeria. Going to Germany would likely be for upgrades of surveillance equipment.
Major service!! Also Nigerian ATRs had an ELINT upgrade not to long ago......and news outlets are stating they are there for maintenance not an upgrade...
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Patented: 1:17pm On May 12, 2020
New Team Pitches South Africa's Bronco II Light Attack Plane To American Special Operators

U.S. Special Operations Command wants to buy up to 75 light attack aircraft, starting with five in the next fiscal year.


Did we(Nigeria) ever take a serious look at this aircraft for COIN and maybe border patrol?


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by kabe1: 1:18pm On May 12, 2020
Major service!! Also Nigerian ATRs had an ELINT upgrade not to long ago......and news outlets are stating they are there for maintenance not an upgrade...

Like I earlier stated, NAF press release will clarify.
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Nobody: 1:25pm On May 12, 2020

Like I earlier stated, NAF press release will clarify.
All I'm saying is lets not speculate when the only evidence we have suggest they are in Germany for maintenance and not an upgrade
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Nobody: 1:31pm On May 12, 2020

Did we(Nigeria) ever take a serious look at this aircraft for COIN and maybe border patrol?
Personally I think the Bronco would've been more bang for your buck in Nigeria's case, as it can fulfill a multitude of roles..........A country like the US can afford Aircraft with specialized roles, where as in SA and Nigeria aircraft have to be multi role as the funds simply dont allow for specialized aircraft.

Again this is just my opinion, and NAF definitely didn't go wrong with the A29!!

Also being SAn im slightly biased towards the Bronco 2
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by rka2: 1:33pm On May 12, 2020

Some of the deliverables for this project have already started coming in.

Yeah, I am aware. I just wanted to stimulate a discussion. I already put in an update of what is already here or expected on the other thread.
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Patented: 1:36pm On May 12, 2020

Personally I think the Bronco would've been more bang for your buck in Nigeria's case, as it can fulfill a multitude of roles..........A country like the US can afford Aircraft with specialized roles, where as in SA and Nigeria aircraft have to be multi role as the funds simply dont allow for specialized aircraft.

Again this is just my opinion, and NAF definitely didn't go wrong with the A29!!

Also being SAn im slightly biased towards the Bronco 2

Notwithstanding your bias, u echoed my thoughts


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Xbee007(m): 2:56pm On May 12, 2020

Personally I think the Bronco would've been more bang for your buck in Nigeria's case, as it can fulfill a multitude of roles..........A country like the US can afford Aircraft with specialized roles, where as in SA and Nigeria aircraft have to be multi role as the funds simply dont allow for specialized aircraft.

Again this is just my opinion, and NAF definitely didn't go wrong with the A29!!

Also being SAn im slightly biased towards the Bronco 2
I learnt on Smithsonian that the US used OV-10 against ISIS in Iraq. That Vietnam era airplane still going strong.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by S400: 2:58pm On May 12, 2020

also, Algeria shares close proximity with southern Europe. countries with well equipped navies

Yes there is the NATO in front but fregates corvettes are useless against them, , if they attacks with a large coalition (as they usualy do for big countries) , long range cruse missiles will rain on algerian navy ships and they will be the first to be destroyed they are easy targets , only subs will hide and play a detereence role for NATO ships moves .


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by shadowprimezero: 3:01pm On May 12, 2020


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by shadowprimezero: 3:03pm On May 12, 2020
For reference, Bulama is a leading researcher on Boko Haram for those unaware. Shekau even threatened him by name in a recent video. So rest assured it's verified.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Odunayaw(m): 4:02pm On May 12, 2020

I recall the first time myself and my sibling watched "24". I remember saying, "Thank God Nigeria is not having terrorism problems like USA." Few years later Boko Haram issue became full blown, worse than what Jack Bauer had to deal with in "24". Very few people saw that coming.

The only thing that is constant in life is change. We can't predict the future threat Nigeria will be facing which is why we need to prepare for all eventualities.


Sorry but your highly ignorant of the state of the world this Era. BokoHarem isn't the only threat to the Federal Republic. Nigeria has numerous enemies at Home and Abroad, Weak and Powerful! Until Nigeria is the most powerful country in Africa or at least Egypt/ Algeria level I can never sleep peacefully in bed grin .
You guys, READ what I posted again. If you honestly think there's a threat coming that will need us having tens of frigates and subs, hundreds of fighters and helos, then I give up
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Odunayaw(m): 4:06pm On May 12, 2020

The geopolitics in north africa is not the same as nigeria , the regency of algeria had one of the best navies in mediteraneans sea from 16'th century to 18th century , the golden age of piracy grin . with a lot of attacks on all the europeans coast from from greece to Britain and Iceland coasts , many dont know this about slavery history , during this era about 1millions 250.000 european slaves were taken by maghrebs pirates .

For after independency Algerian navy had the romeo submarines and nanushka class fregates since 80's , so nigerian navy should buy like south africcan navy , not aim for egypt or algeria it would be a wast of money . 3 modern fregates , 3 modern corvettes , 2 submarines for big units it would be very nice !
Finally! someone that understands me


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Odunayaw(m): 4:08pm On May 12, 2020

will agree with you on the Corvette and fregetes buh scratch the subs we don't need them..
add more warships even a destroyer's if possible
If you agree why then were you complaining under my post. Heck you think we don't need subs...is that not what I was saying when I said "threats"?
Sometimes you guys are just in a hurry to blurt things
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by S400: 5:36pm On May 12, 2020
Ingwe missile ATGM Algeria


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by S400: 6:04pm On May 12, 2020
FIRNAS-142 , and SAFIR-43 loccaly built since 1987 from licence of the Zlin-142 , used for basic training , amator flying clubs and aerial
agriculture fertilizer

Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by shadowprimezero: 6:20pm On May 12, 2020
Tunisian troops dismounting a Kipri MRAP


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by FieldMarshall06(m): 6:35pm On May 12, 2020
Guys, things are getting surreal in the NE. This is unprecedented.

The global media is not reporting on the NA recent successes in the NE.

Tomorrow, Chad would claim that they defeated Boko Haram. Nigerian army needs to make more videos of these successes and, the capture of Shekau must be fully recorded like Osama bin laden.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by youghs: 6:53pm On May 12, 2020

The global media is not reporting on the NA recent successes in the NE.

Tomorrow, Chad would claim that they defeated Boko Haram. Nigerian army needs to make more videos of these successes and, the capture of Shekau must be fully recorded like Osama bin laden.

Even our own media are not reporting them


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by kabe1: 7:08pm On May 12, 2020
Ezugwu MRAP 2


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by QuietMynd: 7:18pm On May 12, 2020
Off topic
This is incredible.
A ventilator invented by a young engineer from the north.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by joshingjosh(m): 7:29pm On May 12, 2020
Who can please explain to me how long promotion takes for commissioned officers in Any Arm of Nigeria's Military. And is it based on exams??
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by KingAzubuike(f): 7:54pm On May 12, 2020
Nigerian army Sniper

The Sniper is armed with an Orsis T-5000 Sniper rifle with a suppressor.
That's no orsis t-5000 .. it's just similar
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Toju200(m): 7:55pm On May 12, 2020

That's no orsis t-5000 .. it's just similar
it's an Orsis T-5000
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by bidex111: 8:04pm On May 12, 2020

You are hopelessly iidiotic. This is not a thread to always expose your ignorance and nauseating hate.

Go do that in the politics section where you are a known tribalist!!

Fvcking iidiot.

@kabe just learn to overlook this type of comments. There is this dude on the other thread with lengthy comments, I don’t just border or waste my time on them !
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by KingAzubuike(f): 8:06pm On May 12, 2020
How things change. When the kid was going all over nairaland trying to scam people by pretending to have a sick mother who needed kidney transplant, he was meek as a koala and gentle as an ibadan malimbe. Weeks later he's showing the true side of his personality. It just says alot about the kind of person you are in real life.
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Nobody: 8:08pm On May 12, 2020

That's no orsis t-5000 .. it's just similar
What is it then?
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by kabe1: 8:08pm On May 12, 2020

@kabe just learn to overlook this type of comments. There is this dude on the other thread with lengthy comments, I don’t just border or waste my time on them !

That dude is a known tribalist, he comes here stoking hate at every opportunity. I prefer to respond to his kind with 10 times more vile so he is aware that it's a 2 way street.

He's not here to gain any information he just wants to ridicule and cause as much confusion as he can. He will soon insult the Yoruba people, just watch.

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