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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ (57675 Views)
In The End...The Beginning (A Romance Novelette By Kayode Odusanya) / PLAGIARIZED (The Story Was Just The Beginning) / Should We Call It A New Beginning? (2) (3) (4)
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Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Thebigdream: 3:21pm On May 13, 2020 |
Mark why. ![]() What happened to Jeffery reminds me of my first experience with a girl, I try pass Jeffery sha, silver it's like you did the same thing as Jeffery 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Shedrack36(m): 5:13pm On May 13, 2020 |
Jeff, hope he will not go the Mark way!!!
well they is no thing like free conscience.
Oman confess and be free. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by kelvyncruz: 7:04pm On May 13, 2020 |
I'm not sure Mark killed her, his innocence will later be proven 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Silver1996(m): 12:56am On May 14, 2020 |
THE BACHELORS EPISODE 8 EPISODE TITLE- One of them is lying 2 DAYS LATER As Brian threw down clothes from the wardrobe, Jeffery glance over at Brian's face, still smoldering underneath his stony expression. His rages seem pointless to him, although he never said so... "Do you think he did the right thing..?"Jeffery asked "Right thing..."Brian fling back..."Of course he didn't do the right thing, he gave himself up, who does that..?" Jeffery shrug..."We should be happy he didn't mention our names.." "He's our friend Jeff.., even if his confession didn't implicate us, I'm still not comfortable with the fact that he's going to jail.." "We don't know that yet..."Jeffery said.."He might be grant clemency since he already confess himself..." "Seriously Where's your head at.., haven't you be reading the news, Abigail's father turned out to be a rich man who has connections and he has said he'll make sure his daughter's murderer rot behind bars forever..., forever Jeft..." "But if he's that rich, why did Abigail whòre herself out the way dhe did.." "Turns out they have no good father daughter relationship, so she ran from home..., now her father is back to play the dutiful father...." "Let's just hear what the judge has to say when he's been taken to court.." Brian hissed..."Why do you keep talking like a small boy, didn't you hear what I just said, her father has connections.., the only way Mark can be safe is to be out of there because if he goes to court, there's no saving him.." "You don't know that..." Brian shook his head and refocus his gaze on the wardrobe.., he pick up his khaki jacket, then he check the side pockets, trepidation froze him to the spot when he found the TT..., the supposed drug Mark said he had taken..., he turn to face Jeffery, shock still lingering inside him.., his head bump with conflicting questions ... "What is it...?" "The TT..."Brian mutter....."Is still here..." "Wait what are you saying...?"Jeffery asked immediately Confused, Brian deep his hands on the khaki jacket again to find his sleeping pills, when he didn't find them, he turn back to face Mark...."It wasn't TT Mark took..., he took my sleeping pills.." "Wait slow down..."Jeffery cut in.."Are you saying Mark didn't take the TT but he took your sleeping pills.." "Exactly.., he took my sleeping pills, that's why he can't remenber having sex with her because he didn't have sex with her..." "So if he slept off and didn't have sex with her, how is she dead..?" "I guess we'll know the answer to your question if only we can find out what happened during the time he was sleeping...." "Are you insinuating someone else came to the house.....?" "That's the only explanation.., if Mark had slept off.., it only means he didn't kill Abigail.., someone else did.." "What do you suggest we do.., do we check his room if we'll find a clue as to who was here that day.." "Yes we should.."Brian said dropping the khaki jacket and following Jeffery to Mark's room..... When they entered the room, it was just as it was the day Abigail died.., only now there were clothes littered on the bed and ground but everything else was the same...., Jeffery look around and he quickly remenber where Abigail's body was laying on ..., he stepped away from the spot and turn his gaze towards another direction.., he saw something, something underneath Mark's ranger..., he lowered his self down and pick it up.... "Brian.."He call out gently turning to face him with the knife he saw.. "A knife.."Brian resounds walking close to him... "Remenber I told you yesterday one of the kitchen knives was missing.."Jeffery said...."Well here it is...." "What was he doing with a knife..?"Brian asked.."Do you think he was trying to commit suicide...?" "No I don't think so..."Jeffery said..."If he was, why throw it under the ranger..." "Do you think she tried to kill herself..?" "What if she stabbed herself..?"Jeffery ask "No..., there was no blood in her body, I don't think she stabbed herself..." Jeffery exhale.., now that they know Mark is innocent, the case has gone more complicated "Let's just keep searching.., we might find something..."Brian said Jeffery nodded and start looking around again..., he bowed down again to see if he'll see any other thing and that was when he saw a bead, a bead he recognised very well thrown under the bed..., without time wasting, he pick it up and show it to Brian.. "Do you recognise this...?"Jeffery ask Brian.. Brian took the bead from him trying to remenber where he has come across it...... "It belongs to Rebecca..."Jeffery chime into his thought.."Mark's girlfriend..." "What...?..., then what is it doing here..." "I don't know.."Jeffery said.."Maybe she left it here the last time she was here..." "Could the last time be the same day Abigail was here..." "No, I'm talking about the last time before this whole Abigail thing.." "I need to see Mark.."Brian said putting the hand bead in his pocket.. "What for..?" "If it's true she left the bead in the house the last time she was here with Mark.., Mark will know.." "The bead was under the bed, how could Mark possibly know...?" "I don't know, whatever the outcome, I've to try..just keep searching" "Okay..."Jeffery mutter with nibbed lips and watch as Brian disappear with the hand bead... ******************** "You have ten minutes..."The policeman said to Brian before he allowed him into the room Mark was held.... Brian nodded slightly irritated with the way the policeman spoke to him, on a normal day he would have responded in the policeman tone...., without a second glance at him, he walked into the room, what followed was the slamming of the door by the policeman... The bad smell of the room found way to Brian's nose before he saw Mark sited, his hands handcuffed to the round hook on the table.... "Oh God..."He mutter, his voice rumbling low and sadden... "I didn't think they were going to let me see you or Jeffery again.."Mark said, his thin injured lip quivering with the words... "What happened to you..?"Brian ask when he saw the bruise on Mark's face.. "It's nothing.." "What do you mean nothing, you've been here for just two days and you already have a bruise ..." "I got into a fight with my cell mate, it's a long story.., tell me, how are you...?" Brian sigh.."We want you back Mark.., we'll never be fine until you're back home with us.." "They're taking me to court tomorrow...." Brian's eyes enlarged with shock.."What.., so soon.." "Yes.., they want the case to be done with, so they taking me to court for the judge to decide my fate..." "You cannot go to jail.." "I killed her man.." "No you didn't.."Brian said..."You didn't take the TT.., you took my sleeping pills, that's the reason you couldn't remember having sex with her because you didn't..., do you know what else that means..., it means you didn't kill that girl.." "Well if I didn't, who did..?" "That's what we trying to find out.., we needed to know what happened during the time you were sleeping.., so Jeffery and I went into room to search for clues.., we found a knife.., what were you doing with a knife.." "I didn't have a knife.."Mark said.. "It was in your room.." "Well I don't know how it got there.." "We found something else.."Brian said bringing out the bead from his side pocket...."We found this.."He added dropping it on the table.... "This belongs to Rebecca.., I got it for her as a sign of my love to her..." Brian tilt his head towards him..."The last time you saw her.., that day she said those horrible words to you.., was she wearing the bead....?" "Yes.."Mark said..."She never take it off...., she said it blends with her skin.." "Well she took it off..., it means she was at the house that day..." "Are you insinuating she killed Abigail...?" "I'm not insinuating anything, but this bead has just proven she was there that day..., if there's an inky probability she knows something, I need to find out..." Mark sat still wondering if Rebecca was capable of murder..."What do you intend doing....?" Brian quickly stood up when the policeman knocked on the door signalling him his time with Mark is over..."What time is the court hearing..?" "9AM tomorrow..." "If you go to that court Mark, you're never coming back...."Brian said before he glance at his time.."I have just 18hours to prove your innocence..." "Is it worth it..?" "Yes it's worth it.."Brian snapped..."I brought this on you, if I had said NO when you asked me to give you a girl, none of this would have happen..., that's why I can't let you go to jail.., I'm going to prove your innocence.., I'll bring the real killer..., I promise you this Mark..., just hang in there " "Thank you..."Mark manage to say before Brian dashed out of the room.... ******************* 18HOURS COUNTDOWN After asking a few persons the location of Rebecca's house, he finally got it.., he followed the description until he came to face the compound, just like people have described, her flat was the first flat on the right.., he wasted no time before he knocked heavily on the door.. When no answer came, he knocked again until he heard the door key creak before the door sprung open..... "You..."Rebecca blare out, she look around when she saw noone than some people staring at their direction, she heaved a low hiss and revert her gaze to Brian.."What do you want..?" Brian certainly had no time to waste, he was bend on saving Mark and he have just 18hours to do that...., he gritted before he took out the hand bead from his pocket and showed it to her..."Yours isn't it...?" She look at the bead before she poured the word out.."No.." Brian nibbed, then he look around before he faced her again.."I'm not flirting with you.., this belongs to you.." "It doesn't belongs to me.."She said back immediately..."And if you have nothing meaningful to say but show me some stupid hand bead, then I think you should leave.." "You must be mistaken me for Mark.."Brian sneer looking daggers at her.. She huff.."Get out of my house..." Infuriated, Brian look around again, when he saw no one looking his way, he turn to face her and like an enraged panther, he grabbed her neck and drag her into her house... She try to breathe as she struggle against his firm grip.. "Listen to me bitch...."Brian snarled tightening his grip on her throat..."I know this is yours and I know you were at our house on monday.., did you kill that girl..?" She slap his arm but nothing seem to be working.., short of breathe she opened her mouth to talk and that was when Brian let go of her.. She cough as she try to catch her breathe again.. "Did you kill Abigail..?"Brian yelled.. "No.."She yelled back raising her gaze to him.."You're right, I was there in the house that day, but I only went there to apologise to Mark for the things I said to him.., I got there and saw him naķed and he was sleeping..., and then I saw the female clothes.., I thought he hooked up with another girl and I was about leaving when that girl walked into the room also naķed....." "So what happened...?"Brian asked anxiously, his eyes digging into her..., like a sharp knife to her rips.. "What do you think happened.., I left and didn't look back till I was out of the house.." "You're lying..."Brian said "I'm not lying, that's was what happened.., if you don't believe me you can ask your friend, the Jehovah witness...." "Lucas...."Brian said "Yes Lucas.., I met him on my way out.., i caught him looking at me for a while before he went into your house..., you can call him and ask him if you don't believe me..." Surprise at the turnout, he took out his phone and dial Lucas number right there in her front.., he waited impatiently but there was no answer.., he curl his lip and dial the number again, luckily for him, Lucas answered.... "Lucas.."Brian said but there was silence at the other end, so he called out again raising his voice.. "Lucas.." "Yea, I'm here.."Lucas coarse voice sounded... "I'm having a bit of a situation here..."Brian said..."You remenber Rebecca don't you..?" "Yes..."Lucas replied from the other end.. "She said you saw her coming out from our house the same day Abigail died.., is this true..?" There was silence from Lucas end before Brian hollered.... "Lucas.." "Yes it is.. "Lucas said.. "And when you heard the news of Mark been detained for his confession to have killed Abigail, you didn't tell us you were there at the house that day.., why..?" "I...,I.. "Lucas stutter from his end..."I wanted to tell you.." "Tell me what.."Brian ask.."Did you kill Abigail..?" "No I didn't.."Lucas said.. "Then what happened...?" "I went into the house..."Lucas said, his voice trailing low on the phone.."I called out your name, called out Mark's and Jeffery, when no one answered me, I thought you guys just chose to ignore me, so I sat down waiting for one of you to come out...." "And then what happened..?"Brian queried when Lucas paused.. "I heard footsteps.. "Lucas said...."When I raise my head to see who was coming, i saw her, she..she she.., she was naķed, I didn't know who she was so I said nothing to her.., then she came on me and began rubbing her hands on me, you know how I hate those things so I pushed her away..., she tried to come on me again and that was when I ran out from the house.., I wasn't the one who killed her Brian...., you need to believe me..." Brian flare his nose, then he took the phone from his ears to look at the incoming call, when he realise it is Jeffery calling, he ended the call with Lucas and answered Jeffery's call... "You won't believe what I just find out.."Brian said immediately..."Lucas was at the house on that day.." "Lucas.."Jeffery reiterated from the other end..."What did he say.., is he the one... "No.., he said she tried to seduce him and he ran out of the house.." "You won't like what I find that.."Jeffery said "What is it..?"Brian ask anxiously "You remember that mug Jennifer bought for you..?" "Yeah.."Brian said turning to face Rebecca.. "Well it's missing..."Jeffery said...."And then the shirt you got For Jennifer on valentine's day is here in our house, I found it at the back of the chair..." "Wait hold on.."Brian said..."Are you saying the mug she got me is missing and the shirt I got her is in our house..." "Yes.., and she could only have brought in these things the same day Abigail died while Mark was asleep...., what if she's the one who killed Abigail..." "But why would she kill her..?"Brian ask thinking on the possibility "Man, she's angry with you, maybe when she saw her, she thought she was one of your whòres..., what if she got into a fight with her and she killed her in the process..." ******************* It was almost an hour later when Brian got to Jennifer's apartment, somewhere he has sworn never to go again..., he stood to check his time, he exhale realising he has exhausted two hours from from the eighteen hours, now he was left with sixteen hours to prove Mark's innocence.. Determination pushed him forward, he trot towards the house, look around to see if she was outside ,when he didn't see her, he rumbled a heavy knock on the protector...., he got no reply, it infuriated him, what she did to him came knocking on his head again, the bitch made him lose his job and that's something he'll never forgive her for and now she's trying to ruin his friend life.. His insides seething with a fiery anger, he knocked again and continue knocking until she came out... "How dare you come in here..?"She queried, her voice carrying a thread of anger that went beyond everything else.. "Where's my mug..?"He asked and waited for her reply.. "Do you have a mug..?"She retorted.."I gave that mug to you and I took it back..." "So it's true you were at my house that day.., you must have heard the news, somebody died in the house that day and my friend is been accused of it... "Are you talking about that crazy bitch..?"She cut in.. His lips curled with suppressed rage..."So you meant her.." "Yes I did.., I went to your house that day to return the shirt you got for me since it kept reminding of you.., I knocked the door, no one answered, I turn down the knob and realise the door was open, so I went in, I threw the stupid shirt on the chair and walked into your kitchen to take the mug, then I went to your room to search for the perfume I bought for you last week, when I didn't find them, I turn to leave and that was how i ran into that lunatic.., she was naķed and holding a knife..." "So you killed her..., because you thought she was one of my whòre...?" "Are you kidding me..?"She fling back tossing a strap of her hair backward..."I may be angry at you but I'm not a murderer neither do I break people's heart..., that bitch scared the shit out of me with the knife.., I left before I could get injured by her okay.., I didn't even get the chance to ask if she was your whòre.." "You're lying.."He said "You're the one who lie.., you're the one who cheats and keep murderers as friends..., I loved you but how did you pay me back, you torn my heart into nothing buy shreds.." "So you got jealous and killed her thinking she's one of my whòres...., for what, to make me suffer?" "Believe whatever you want.., you think I care.." "Admit it..., it was you.., you killed Abigail.." "You're crazy.."She sneer and walked back into her house, what followed was the slamming of the door then she closed the window curtains... Brain groaned, when his phone rang, he quickly answered the call "Are you there now...?"Jeffery ask curiously from the other end.. "Yes.."Brian said.."I confronted her, she said she didn't kill Abigail.." "Do you believe her..?"Jeffery asked Brian grunted and move a few inch from Jennifer's house..."They're the only ones who came to the house that day.., the only ones who saw Abigail before she died..., now I don't know if I believe them or not, but I do know one of them is lying..." WHO KILLED ABIGAIL...? TBC 9 Likes |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Silver1996(m): 1:09am On May 14, 2020 |
Thebigdream:Abeg o, I be virgin o |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Silver1996(m): 1:10am On May 14, 2020 |
Lakesc:You welcome man |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Silver1996(m): 1:11am On May 14, 2020 |
Adekunlated:You welcome sir |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by enirock(m): 2:43am On May 14, 2020 |
men this is "webbed". Me dey suspect Lucas because na those kind ppl dey take hurt personally... I hv been suspecting Lucas for a while now My blood sugar ooo Silver just coman update oh pls 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Lilly4endu(f): 3:09am On May 14, 2020 |
One of them is lying truly. One of the girls may have killed her, or Lucas may have done that by pushing the girl and she hits her head somewhere on knowingly and he took off. 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Khriztarl(f): 3:26am On May 14, 2020 |
If they all left like that.. Why do i feel one of them came back to the house? where did lucas go that he don't want to come back? Why did he run away? This three know something especially jenni, she was the last person to come in right? hmmmm weldone op. This is turning to a thriller. OMG 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Cass01: 6:51am On May 14, 2020 |
Hmm...I don't trust this pastor guy jare, maybe he forcefully pushed her away when she was rubbing hands on his chest Also, since all these days, he didn't show himself at home at all, if not for Rebecca's confession and the call jeffery gave, he wouldn't have said anything let's see sha 2 Likes |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by skubido(m): 8:26am On May 14, 2020 |
Speechless Patiently waiting for the next update. Thanks for the update |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by purity23(f): 8:36am On May 14, 2020 |
One of them is definitely lying and I'm suspecting Lucas and Jennifer, I think Lucas must have done more than pushing her., I even suspect Rebecca too ![]() Thanks for the update sir 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Tina001(f): 8:56am On May 14, 2020 |
1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by egwolopretty: 10:10am On May 14, 2020 |
Since they're all denying it, who killed her then. ![]() Could it be there is a fourth suspect 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Shedrack36(m): 10:30am On May 14, 2020 |
since every body claim to no thing, report it to police let them arrest and interrogate every person involved. but Lucas sha..., he fit be the killer!!! 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Odoogu(m): 10:57am On May 14, 2020 |
this is a perfect set up �.
it doesn't get darker than this... 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by kelvyncruz: 12:36pm On May 14, 2020 |
It could be Rebecca, how did her hand bead fell under the bed, she must have engaged in a fight with Abigail I'm also suspecting Clara, Abigail's friend 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by do4luv14(m): 2:14pm On May 14, 2020 |
Yes, the three of them are suspect, only REBECCA had an ALIBI which is not tight enuf, and which got spoilt by her beads but time is the solution to the culprit Lilly4endu: 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by sly12345: 6:30pm On May 14, 2020 |
This is why it's advisable to sweep your house everyday, If Mark had swept his room, he would have found that hand bead, he wouldn't have gone to the station to admit to a crime he didn't commit I just pray he doesn't die sha As for the culprit, I'm suspecting Lucas, all this holier than thou people commit crimes that one can't imagine 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Silver1996(m): 2:29am On May 15, 2020 |
THE BACHELORS EPISODE 9 EPISODE TITLE- He killed her.. Just staring at the time alone made Brian breathing rapid and shallow ..., time was running fast, from the eighteen hours, he has fourteen hours left.., he grunt and look at the time, if Jeffery doesn't come to rendezvous, he'll go alone to Dr Patter of the forensic department, he needed to know somethings about Abigail's death.. He sniffle and revert his gaze to some passerbys.., he saw a girl, she was pretty, if he wasn't so tied up with saving Mark, he would have stopped her... He returned his gaze to the road, there he saw Jeffery dropping from a keke.., he sigh, a sigh of relief.... "Hey I'm sorry for the delay..."Jeffery said when he walked close to him...."I got hold up in traffic.." "That's always your excuse..."Brian fling back and began to walk away.. Jeffery flinch..."Is not like that.."He blare out running to catch up with him... ******************** It wasn't long before they got to the forensics department, earlier on Brian had called one of the workers and she had told him the Doctor will be leaving soon.., they trot towards the cars parked in the hospital car park, they lean their back on one of the cars as they waited patiently.... "Do you think we're going to find out anything from the Doctor..?"Jeffery ask Brian huff and look around before he return his gaze to Jeffery..."Honestly I don't know.., we can only hope he tells us something that'll give us a clue to end this whole thing..." "So when you met with Rebecca, what did she say..?" Brian exhale as he brood over Rebecca's words...."When I showed her the bead, she denied it at first..." "She denied it..?"Jeffery reiterated.. "Yes.., but then I strangled her and that was when she confessed, she said she was at the house that day but only to apologise to Mark for the things she said to him.." "She's crazy.."Jeffery sneer..."What she said to Mark started this.., what is she trying to apologise for..?" "Yeah, I thought she's crazy too..., then I asked her if she killed Abigail.., she said no, then she mentioned Lucas, said he saw her coming from the house..." "Do you really think Lucas is capable of murder....?"Jeffery ask finding it hard to believe Brian sniffle..."Anyone is capable of murder.." "But Rebecca story doesn't add up you know..., did she tell you how the bead fell from her hand and got under the bed.." "Yeah...."Brian replied with nibbed lips.."After your call about Jennifer, I asked her about the bead.., she said she doesn't know how it fell down.." "You believe her..?" "No..., but Lucas confirm her story.., he said he saw her too, which means Rebecca is on the clear..." "So we're left with Lucas and Jennifer.., I'm wondering who went there first.." "Yeah me too..., if Lucas was there first, it means Jennifer killed her, and if it's Jennifer who was there first...., Lucas killed her.." "What if she committed suicide..?"Jeffery ask tapping into other options.. "With what..., you think she stabbed herself with the knife.., there wasn't blood on her body.." "It could be she killed herself in other ways...., maybe hit her head on the wall..." "Let's just stick to what we know now okay.." "Well if we're going to find out what really happened to her, we need to tap into other options.." "Like suicide..?" "Yeah like suicide.." Brian huff and look away and that was when he saw the doctor coming out from the hospital and walking towards them... Without ado, they rushed towards him.. "Good evening sir.."Both men greeted the moment they got to him.. Doctor Patter took his time to look at them before he replied their greeting.. "Good evening.."He said in a casual manner..."What can I do for you gentlemen...?" Brian heaved in a deep breathe..."We're friends to the one who confessed to killing Abigail.." "Oh.."Doctor Patter draged between his teeth tilting his head upward.."That young man, why did he kill that girl..?" "He didn't sir.."Jeffery cut in immediately... "That's actually something we trying to find out..."Brian cut in when the Doctor made an askance look at Jeffery's statement..."We think he's innocent of the crime he confessed to..." "And why do you think he's innocent.." "Because we find out he isn't really the one that killed her.., he was asleep when it happened..., we're trying to find the killer and that's why we've come to ask for your help...." "My help..!"He reiterated moving his eyes from one of them to the other..."Need my help, how..?" "We heard Abigail's body was brought in here to analyse the course of her death.." "Yes, but that was before your friend confessed.." "We know sir.."Brian said..."But you must have find out something that could have triggered her death before my friend confessed to killing her.. " "Whatever I found out is a confidential information, one I don't intend to divulge. ..." "Sir please.."Jeffery chime in..."An innocent person is about ruining his life.., if you have the chance to save him, won't you do it.." "And you think what I find out will help you catch the real culprit...?" "We believe so sir.."Said Brian.. The Doctor sigh, look around him, when he saw noone, he return his gaze to them..."Look, all I can tell you is this..., she died of subdural hematona .." "What does that mean..?"Brian asked "There was a leakage of blood in the external part of her brain., within minutes it spread into her tissues and into her brain.., that was what caused her death..." "So..."Jeffery chime in with a shrug..."What could have possibly caused this leakage in her brain...?" "An extreme concussion.."The doctor said...."It's either she hit her head hard against something, or somebody forcefully hit her head on something, a wall, metal, anything that could caused severe damage or injury...." "Oh God.."Brian mutter when he remembered Lucas story.., Lucas had told him he pushed her, what if she hit her head on the wall when he pushed her.. "Gentlemen if you may excuse me.."The doctor said and quickly left them to his car... "It's Lucas.."Brian said immediately "How do you know that..?" "Lucas said he pushed her.., what if she clashed her head on something..." "We don't know that Brian.." "We need to see Lucas.."Brian said and quickly turn to walk away when the Doctor's car make way out of the hospital... ****************** It was almost dark when they got to Lucas house.., Brian didn't waste any time before he rumbled a loud knock on the door.., when he got no reply, he groaned and knock again, this time louder than the first... "Do you think he's around..,?"Jeffery ask still finding it hard to actually believe Lucas could do that... Brian lips curl and he knocked again ..., when he got no reply, he kicked the door... "Hey excuse me..."Jeffery said to a neighbour who came out to see what was happening....."Did you see our friend, Lucas...?" "I saw him a while ago.."The person said...."He carried a big bag like he was travelling......" "Travelling.."Brian resounds turning to face the neighbour before he revert his gaze to Jeffery..."He's running away..." "Did he tell you where he's travelling to...?"Jeffery ask curiously.. "No.."The person said "He's running Jeff..., I told you he's the one, that's why he's running.., we need to find him..." "How long ago did you see him..?"Jeffery ask immediately "Is there a problem.." "No there's no problem, just tell us how long ago.." "Not quite long.." "We need to check the nearest bus stations..."Brian said to Jeffery over his shoulder,.Jeffery greeted the neighbour and scurried off after Brian.. **************** Each time Brian thinks upon what Lucas had done.., he got furious, his fist clenched and his jaw root for destruction.., burning rage hissed through his body like deathly poison but he suppress it and glance at Jeffery... "Do you think he could be travelling because he killed her..?"Jeffery asked as they drew closer to a bus station... "What other explanation do you have for this..?"Brian asked, anger lingering in his voice... They look around, there they saw someone that resembles Lucas from behind buying a travelling ticket... "Lucas.."Brian yelled Heart stricken, Lucas spun around, when he saw his friends, he quickly knew why they were here at the bus station.., they must have found out, found out the whole truth..., it was a mistake.., he didn't mean to push her.., didn't mean to kill her..., many times he has taught of confessing but he can't afford to go to jail and now, he can't afford to be caught by his friends..., realising they were closing in him, he left his bag and began to run and Brian and Jeffery took after him.... "Lucas stop..."Jeffery shouted from behind as he and Brian raced after him, running past people and jumping gutters. Lucas felt his heartbeat pounding hard in his chest..., the guilt was eating him.., someone else is going to serve his punishment, he isn't okay with it but he can't afford to bear the consequences of a silly mistake...., when Jeffery screamed his name again.., he stop and turn back to face them but with kept a reasonable distance........ "You murderer..."Brian yelled racing to a stop.. Beads of salty tears sheen down Lucas face..."I didn't mean to kill her.., I never intend to.., it was a mistake.., I didn't know she'll die.." "You hypocrite....."Brian sneer.."You killed her but want someone else to pay for what you did..., I'm taking you to the station.." Lucas got scared at the words and quickly he trails his steps backward, into the road.., he wasn't fully aware of where he was going.., he was too scared to notice... "I can't go to jail...."He said walking backwards with his eyes fused on Brian and Jeffery... "Lucas, look out.."Jeffery shouted but he was a split second late, before Lucas brain could sendsignals to his legs, a car ran him over and he somersaults on the very top of the car and landed with a thud on the road... Brian and Jeffery rushed to his side when blood pooped profusely from every part of his body... "Lucas.."Brian shouted..."You cannot die, you have to confess and save Mark...." "Brian.."Jeffery mutter, the horrific moment overwhelming him.. As people began to gather, Brian carried Lucas injured body into the backseat of a car of someone who agreed to help..., Jeffery jumped into the backseat with him before the man started the car and they drove speedily to the hospital..... ****************** When they arrived, Brian helped the nurses and carried Lucas bloody body into the stretcher and help in rolling him to a treatment room...... Breathe harsh and ragged, he began to pace about waiting for them to start treatment..... "Sir please, you need to leave the room.."A nurse said to him.. Brian sigh and look at Lucas body one last time before he walked outside... "What are they saying, is he going to be alright...?"Jeffery asked immediately "I don't know.."Brian said pacing about....."He cannot die, if he dies, there's no way we'll be able to save Mark.." "Do you think we should tell the police....?" "The police won't listen to me.., Lucas needs to tell them he's the one who killed her and not Mark.. "Excuse me.."A nurse said coming out from the room Brian and Jeffery quickly turn to face her.. "The money for his treatment is high, the doctor said you need to pay a deposit of 50 thousand before we can commence treatment.." "What..!"Brian shouted.."Somebody's life is on the line and you asking for money before you treat him.." "We're not running a charity business here sir..." Brian's eyes narrowed..."What sort of people are in this world..., just show me where to pay..." "This way please..."The nurse said ***************** The sky was black tranquility married to a poetry of stars. It was the softness that called body and brain to rest and let the heart go to its steady rhythm but in Brian's and Jeffery case, it was quite different, there was no rest for them not when one of their friend is in a cell and the other is fighting for his life.., Brian stood up from the chair again, fold his hands and move towards another direction in the lobby.. "Is that murderer awake..?"Brian sneer when Jeffery joined him in the lobby.. Jeffery exhale, the cool air of the night washing over his skin.."No, he's unconscious...." "It's 3 in the morning already.."Brian said.."We only have six hours to get him to the station to confess before Mark is taken to court..." "I can't still believe it.."Jeffery said..."Who could have known Lucas actually killed her..." Brian bit his bottom lip but didn't say anything. . "But you know.."Jeffery continue..."I think we're missing something, the stories doesn't add up.." "What story..?"Brian queried not bothering to look at Jeffery's face.. "Lucas said Abigail came to him in the parlour.., she tried to seduce him and he pushed her away.., so far we know she hit her head on the wall or somewhere from that push and got a concussion..., Then Lucas ran away.., if Lucas pushed her in the parlour and she fell, how did she get to the room., because Mark told us he woke up and found her in the room dead.." "Lucas could have dragged her to the room....." "It that's true.., why Mark's room.., how did Lucas know ,she was there for Mark.." "Look we don't know what went down that day okay.., Lucas already confessed of killing her.." "Mark confessed too.."Jeffery said.."Because he thought he killed her..., what if Lucas thinks same.." "Look here Jeffery, I just want Mark out and what you're saying is not helping..." Jeffery sigh shaking his head with the intention if shaking off the dizziness from his eyes... ***************** Raw anger washed across Brian's face when he glance at the time again and realise it was past 8..., he quickly stood up from the chair he was sitting remembering Mark had told him the court hearing was 9AM...... He look around, when he didn't find Jeffery, he trot towards the room Lucas was been treated..., he forcefully opened the door and stepped inside..., his face moulded with resentment when he realized Lucas was still unconscious, he had no time, he's been waiting for hours for him to regain consciousness...., since he hasn't,he will just have to drag his unconscious body to the court and tell them his damn self who the real killer is.... He thought about the life Mark will be having if he goes to jail,.., Lucas is evil, making someone take the fall for your actions is the most wicked thing anyone could do.., jaw rooted, he took off all the syringe and drips that were connected to Lucas body and carried his unconscious body in his shoulder, he was about leaving when the doctor walked in.. "What are you doing..?"The Doctor asked sharply "Taking him to the station.."Brian sneer.. "No you can't take him.., he's still unconscious.." "You don't tell me what to do doctor, I brought him here, now I'm taking him out" "Are you insane...., he suffered internal bleedings, taking him from here when he hasn't fully recover might kill him.." "I don't care.."Brian yelled "Well I care..."The doctor yelled back...."You brought him here but he's our responsibility until he's fully recover.." "I need to get him to the station or an innocent person is going to suffer for his crimes.." "You cannot take him out of here like that.., I forbid it.." "Try and stop me.."Brian said trying to walk past the doctor who quickly called on security... ****************** Mark look around one last time in attempt to see if any of his friends or family members were there to hear the final verdict from the judge, when he saw none, he bit his lip tightly and face the judge.... "As per the laws of this country..."The judge said..."This court has found you guilty of committing murder, you're hereby sentenced to death by hanging..." THE BACHELORS... Two Episodes To The Finale.. 12 Likes |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by KaideeGee(m): 2:52am On May 15, 2020 |
Wow boss silver, you dey really try. See tym wey you update. Much respect. |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Thebigdream: 8:27am On May 15, 2020 |
![]() Brian please do something, Mark is about to die 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by purity23(f): 10:08am On May 15, 2020 |
I've always knew Lucas wasn't innocent, I just pray they're able to save Mark Thanks for the update 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Adekunlated: 11:15am On May 15, 2020 |
I believe Mark will not die, Lucas will regain consciousness and he'll confess saving Mark in the process. Nice one silver 1 Like |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Silver1996(m): 11:18am On May 15, 2020 |
skubido:You welcome |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Silver1996(m): 11:18am On May 15, 2020 |
purity23:You welcome dear |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Silver1996(m): 11:21am On May 15, 2020 |
KaideeGee:I was awake all night brother, just decided to take that time and give you guys an update |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Silver1996(m): 11:22am On May 15, 2020 |
Thebigdream:Yes o ![]() |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Silver1996(m): 11:22am On May 15, 2020 |
purity23:You welcome dear |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by Silver1996(m): 11:23am On May 15, 2020 |
Adekunlated:Thanks bro |
Re: THE BACHELORS.(Sex was only the beginning)-18+ by dimssy(m): 12:05pm On May 15, 2020 |
Ahnn...Death by hanging to an uninformed confession. See what the menace sex can cause. Silver, good job jare. 1 Like 1 Share |
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