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(NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! - Romance (19) - Nairaland

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True Or Dare switching 18+ / Moses Brave Pempelani Sakala: Zambia Man With 23 Girlfriends / Truth Or Dare Party (2) (3) (4)

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Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 11:34am On May 18, 2020

Thanks man, I believe one should be honest and just say the truth you know. A lot of people find it difficult to express themselves cause of societal expectations and pressures. That’s why we have a whole lot of hypocrites around. People re scared to just leave life and be themselves. Being a slave to the system ain’t my style.
so real !
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 11:35am On May 18, 2020

O boy, I swear I ain’t giving any chance. Even discussing this issue is already making me apprehensive and quiet scared. I just love the way my life is now. NO STRINGS ATTACHED
but you are definitely getting married someday... right?
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by StubbornGENIUS: 11:35am On May 18, 2020

Thanks man, I believe one should be honest and just say the truth you know. A lot of people find it difficult to express themselves cause of societal expectations and pressures. That’s why we have a whole lot of hypocrites around. People re scared to just leave life and be themselves. Being a slave to the system ain’t my style.
So you won't be giving love a chance anytime soon?
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 11:37am On May 18, 2020
Truth.. I pledge to as honest as possible
what would you do if you get your girlfriend pregnant? be honest !!!
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Aditkd(f): 11:38am On May 18, 2020
So you won't be giving love a chance anytime soon?
No way man. Have already had my own experience. Ain’t trying to get burnt again bro.
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 11:40am On May 18, 2020

No way man. Have already had my own experience. Ain’t trying to get burnt again bro.
I would suggest you give it another thought
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by emperorsversion(m): 11:44am On May 18, 2020
what would you do if you get your girlfriend pregnant? be honest !!!

Honestly I would keep it... Ain't growing younger.. Not ready for marriage though
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Aditkd(f): 11:48am On May 18, 2020
but you are definitely getting married someday... right?
Ain’t by force..... and this marriage of a thing is just overrated o jare, except if you re lucky to get someone awesome. I tell my make friends, that when they re ready look for one fine babe with good physical and mental attributes and get into contract with her have a kid for me sign dem papers that you ain’t gonna come around making issues about maternity n all, PAY her BIG time or if it’s possible just go to a fertility clinic n all tell them your intentions and that’s all. For me once am financially stable will go adopt a BOY. I LOVE my life the way it is. No wahala of any kind. And I like been alone except if am going to hang out with friends. Read my books in peace, just leave my life the way I dim fit.
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 11:51am On May 18, 2020

Honestly I would keep it... Ain't growing younger.. Not ready for marriage though
Not ready for marriage, yet if it accidentally happens you would keep it, how?
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by emperorsversion(m): 11:54am On May 18, 2020
Not ready for marriage, yet if it accidentally happens you would keep it, how?

Simple... I will cater for my blood and the mom when she puts to bed, but I ain't tyiing the nuts because marriage is more than just giving birth to kids and that shouldn't be a yardstick to it....
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 12:00pm On May 18, 2020

Ain’t by force..... and this marriage of a thing is just overrated o jare, except if you re lucky to get someone awesome. I tell my make friends, that when they re ready look for one fine babe with good physical and mental attributes and get into contract with her have a kid for me sign dem papers that you ain’t gonna come around making issues about maternity n all, PAY her BIG time or if it’s possible just go to a fertility clinic n all tell them your intentions and that’s all. For me once am financially stable will go adopt a BOY. I LOVE my life the way it is. No wahala of any kind. And I like been alone except if am going to hang out with friends. Read my books in peace, just leave my life the way I dim fit.
what's with the F gender? Mr Mancheesy
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 12:01pm On May 18, 2020

Simple... I will cater for my blood and the mom when she puts to bed, but I ain't tyiing the nuts because marriage is more than just giving birth to kids and that shouldn't be a yardstick to it....
interesting !!!
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by StubbornGENIUS: 12:02pm On May 18, 2020
Horhizar, T or D
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 12:02pm On May 18, 2020
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by BetterMan247(m): 12:07pm On May 18, 2020
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 12:11pm On May 18, 2020
when was the last time you lied to you gf and what was the lie all about?
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Tominix(m): 12:18pm On May 18, 2020

No thanks,I don't answer all naughty questions. some are my privacy

And if that's you on your profile,more reason I can't
. I am far much older than you to engage in such naughty questions with you.

Lol tongue cheesy smiley cool , AM NT EVEN IN FOR NAUGHTY QUESTIONS , just saw you viewing the thread , like your way of turning down offers without violence unlike some brainwashed frustrated pipz PEACE

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Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Aditkd(f): 12:21pm On May 18, 2020
what's with the F gender? Mr Mancheesy
Wait ooo. So you think am male. Jesu, that’s thing with most People you think that it’s all females that have a certain mindset and reasoning. Adi is my nickname cause my name is Adaeze. Chai... people and their mindset
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 12:23pm On May 18, 2020

Wait ooo. So you think am male. Jesu, that’s thing with most People you think that it’s all females that have a certain mindset and reasoning. Adi is my nickname cause my name is Adaeze. Chai... people and their mindset
chill okay, my 6th sense is tling me, u are a guy
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Aditkd(f): 12:28pm On May 18, 2020
chill okay, my 6th sense is tling me, u are a guy
Hmmm, you re not intuitive, anyway as the saying goes females re more intuitive than guys.
So you think, all females have a streamlined way of thinking, reasoning and feeling. There are females like me out there but most of us re the low key kind of people who like to keep to themselves and not wanting to be noticed.

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Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Aditkd(f): 12:35pm On May 18, 2020
Nice. You're cool cool
That’s cool. Have one myself, try not to go for the ones that the components making up the intimacy gadget can be absorbed via the muscles of the Virgina.
Go for products made of materials used to make medical equipment. Cause for example going for rubber dildos after a period of time might cause irritations to certain individuals, and you know long term exposure to rubber might cause certain health conditions later on. Just my little advice
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Keketu(m): 12:39pm On May 18, 2020

Hmmm, you re not intuitive, anyway as the saying goes females re more intuitive than guys.
So you think, all females have a streamlined way of thinking, reasoning and feeling. There are females like me out there but most of us re the low key kind of people who like to keep to themselves and not wanting to be noticed.
hi good evening please pm me thanks
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Aditkd(f): 12:41pm On May 18, 2020
Swtbabyvee has been leading this game... seems to be the realest and bravest so far. wow !!!

That’s what am talking about she is da bomb, leaving and enjoying her life. Ride on gal.
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Aditkd(f): 12:43pm On May 18, 2020
If it's really a woman behind that moniker then I'm in love already. That's my kind of woman cool
Why is it that you guys never believe when a real and down to earth gal expresses herself. You guys then tag her as a Male not cool at all.
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Aditkd(f): 12:48pm On May 18, 2020

I don’t know

Went to see a friend in east , planed to spend a day but ended up saying for three days, I wonder why hmmm
Am not the type that has females friends cause of how some of them reason and all but babe, you be person. Some guys here calling us guys just because we re down to earth and expressing, loving and living our lives. But I don’t blame them o jare, some females sabi fall hand BIG time with their sense of reasoning and all. Like your person and nice knowing you on Nairaland am Adaeze by name. Peace
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Stephenmoka4(m): 12:54pm On May 18, 2020
u cheated on her, didnt you?
Who exactly shocked
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 12:56pm On May 18, 2020

Hmmm, you re not intuitive, anyway as the saying goes females re more intuitive than guys.
So you think, all females have a streamlined way of thinking, reasoning and feeling. There are females like me out there but most of us re the low key kind of people who like to keep to themselves and not wanting to be noticed.
I get it... no pun intended

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Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Aditkd(f): 1:00pm On May 18, 2020
I get it... no pun intended
No problem or offense taken dear. Just try and realize that not all females have a certain doctrine like sense of reasoning. Some of us re just unbelievable when we express ourselves and you would think we re males. Peace
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Aditkd(f): 1:03pm On May 18, 2020
hi good evening please pm me thanks
Pls do pardon my naivety but how do one PM on Nairaland, just got into this forum some couple of days ago. Though, I think I sent a mail to you via Nairaland. Do educate me. Thanks
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 1:04pm On May 18, 2020
No problem or offense taken dear. Just try and realize that not all females have a certain doctrine like sense of reasoning. Some of us re just unbelievable when we express ourselves and you would think we re males. Peace

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Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by MadeINchenzen2: 1:04pm On May 18, 2020
Who exactly shocked
ur girl
Re: (NEW)* Truth Or Dare: Only For The Brave (18+) !!! by Stephenmoka4(m): 1:08pm On May 18, 2020
ur girl
LoL, I don't have any. Do girls even like me self (shrugs) cry

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