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Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret - Religion (37) - Nairaland

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Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 8:21pm On May 18, 2020
Do you know your rights? As a child of God, you have legal spiritual rights, but you have to know what they are to exercise them.....

If you are a citizen of the Nigeria, you have certain rights, which are outlined in the Constitution of Nigeria, as long as you obey the laws of the land, you are in right-standing with the Nigeria government.
The same thing is true with God: As a believer, you are a citizen of the kingdom of God, and you have a right to everything in the Kingdom. There is a covenant between Jesus and God, signed in Jesus’ blood, which provides these rights for you. If Jesus is your Lord, then you are in right-standing with God—you have the righteousness of God. You have a right to everything God has. Mark 16.17-18....And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

In life, people are willing to fight for their rights—what belongs them. They put forth a big effort to make sure they get what is rightfully theirs—an opportunity, a personal belonging, a raise, a promotion. But, in spiritual things, they tend to just roll over and give up.
When you accepted Jesus as your Saviour, you received rights and privileges you did not have before, because you became heirs to His promises (Galatians 4:1-7). You have legal rights in the spiritual realm, but you have to take your place and exercise them!

Let me use myself (bro yinka) as a case study, when I newly gave my life to christ, the devil will like to scare me whenever I want to pray at midnight, I do felt some forces around me which will manifest on my body and there will be swelling of my head, fear in my heart and so on.... to hinder me from praying, initially I thought it was the presence of the Holyspirit but immediately I remembered these scriptures John 16:33 — "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
Romans 15:13 — "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."
To cut the long story short the Holyspirit gave me one bible verse to conquer them which is....psalm 18.44-45...As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me:The strangers shall submit themselves unto me.The strangers shall fade away, And be afraid out of their close places.... i commanded them(forces of darkness) with boldness and ask them to leave, immediately they left and I felt around peace and my prayer was so sweet that night and after.

Believers all over the world are learning their rights. They are becoming more and more aware of their position as children of God and joint heirs with Jesus (Romans 8:17).
If you’re ready to take your place and walk in the benefits that belong to you, here are seven rights you have as a child of God.

1. You Have the Right to Be Free.. “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” –John 8:36 (NKJV)
When God created man, He gave him the gifts of life, dominion and free will. Why did He give us free will and not just force us to be righteous? Because God didn’t want robots or servants. He wanted a family. That’s why the right, the privilege and the power to DECIDE has been left by God in the hands of men.
You have the right to decide where you’re going to spend eternity. You have the right to choose life or death, blessing or cursing. You have the right to choose heaven or hell, and God will back your decision. Most of all, you have the right to be free. Satan will try to convince you that you can’t choose to be free. But, let’s not forget for a moment that he is the father of lies. So, which are you going to choose? LIE: You have no choice but to be condemned, sick, addicted, depressed and living in lack. You should feel guilty about your past and everything you’ve done wrong. You’ll never overcome it. You aren’t righteous. Rev.12.9
TRUTH: If the Son makes you free, you have the right to be free. Free from sin, shame, guilt and condemnation. Free from your past, free from addiction, free from depression. Jesus took it all from you. You are free indeed. John 8.36

2. You Have the Right to Be Healed...“By His stripes we are healed.” –Isaiah 53:5 (NKJV)
When it comes to the rights provided by the government, we may have to fight for those rights at times. But with God, you don’t have to fight for the right to be healed. No. Jesus has already dealt with that.
You are a son or daughter of Abraham and you should be healed today! Jesus broke the power of the curse that came on Adam, and if you’ll exercise your authority in Christ Jesus by His Name, His blood, His Word and His resurrection, as a joint heir with Him—then that curse does not have any right or authority over you.
God wants His people well, and the way you can be well and stay well is to find out what God says in His Word concerning your healing and concerning your right to be well.
To walk in your right to be healed, you’ve got to totally sell out and dedicate your life to what God says. Make the Word first place and final authority. God’s Word works. Receive your healing and stay healed!

3. You Have the Right to Prosper... “And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” –2 Corinthians 9:8
People have the idea that spiritual things are separate from material things. That isn’t true. Spiritual laws govern material things. A Spirit (God) created all matter.
So, the laws of prosperity will work for anyone who will meet the biblical requirements to walk in them. God has always promised, “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19, NKJV). While there are qualifications for increase in prosperity, it already belongs to you, and you have a right to call for it!
Why does God want us to prosper? Not only so that we might enjoy life abundantly, but so we will do something about the poverty in the rest of the world. The gospel not only gives people hope in the Kingdom to come, but it gives them hope in the here and now!
What does it mean to prosper? It means you have the right to live a long life on the earth. You have the right to have joy and peace. You have the right to live in a safe and beautiful home, drive a reliable car, be steadily employed at a job where you are promoted and paid well. You have the right to enjoy healthy relationships and to bear children.
You have these rights because you are redeemed, saved and joint heirs, with Jesus, of the promise of prosperity given to Abraham. Abraham was lacking nothing. He was blessed with abundance in every area. That’s also your inheritance. That’s your right as a child of God.
1. Walking in truth. This means walking in the light of God’s Word, according to His ways, His wisdom and what He says is right. I’m not talking about just reading scriptures about prosperity. You prosper when you have a lifestyle of walking in all the words God says to you.
2. Faithfulness. Be faithful to continue meditating on the promises in the Word until they overtake your life.
3. Diligence. The Word repeatedly says we are to diligently seek God, listen to what He says and obey His commands. Deuteronomy 28:1-2 says when you do, blessings overtake you, because “he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6). And as Proverbs 10:4 says, “The hand of the diligent maketh rich.”
4. Tithing. Tithing is a covenant transaction that gets God involved in what you are doing. The first 10 percent of your income—the tithe—belongs to God. It’s devoted to God, and goes to support ministries that feed you spiritually. Tithing is how you honour God with your money. It makes a way for Him to bless you supernaturally.
5. Sowing. After we tithe, we are to sow according to what the Lord lays on our hearts, with the right attitude. The Hebrew word for offering comes from a root word that means “to draw nigh.” We draw nigh to God with our offering. Second Corinthians 9:6 says: “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.” The Scripture plainly says you reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7). If you desire to be a receiver, you have to be a giver.
6. Believing. The Bible says several times, “The just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38). Abraham was blessed because he lived by faith. He believed God. We’re supposed to live the same way: “So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham” (Galatians 3:9).
7. Saying. Faith must be in two places—in your heart and in your mouth. “The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach” (Romans 10:cool. Believing in your heart and saying with your mouth produce the operation of faith. Jesus said, “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said. (Mark 11.23).

4. You Have the Right to Never Fear Again... “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’” –Romans 8:15 (NKJV)
Do you have any fear in your life? Right off, you may think you don’t. But, do you worry about anything? Are you afraid of getting sick, getting fired or losing a loved one? Are you afraid people are talking about you behind your back? Are you afraid of what your future looks like?
Let’s start here: You have the right to never fear again. Ever. God didn’t give you a spirit of fear—He gave you a spirit of power. When you’re empowered, you don’t fear. Fear isn’t natural, and it isn’t responsible. It’s nothing but torment (1 John 4:18). And Jesus didn’t come so you would be tormented—He came to give you dominion, authority, peace and perfect love. What does perfect love do? It casts out fear—permanently.
Jesus came to break the power of that bondage! How? By stopping the force of fear. Praise God! There is not one thing in Satan’s bag of tricks that the Word cannot overcome. So, don’t pay him any attention!
Smith Wigglesworth once told a story about waking in the night and feeling the presence of evil in the room. As he looked to the foot of his bed, he saw the devil standing there trying to instill fear in him. But instead of responding in fear, he said, “Oh, it’s only you,” then turned over and went back to sleep.
That’s how we need to treat the things of the devil. He’s powerless as long as we refuse to open the door to him through fear. You don’t have to act on fear. You don’t have to practice fear. You don’t have to talk fear. Give it no place. If you sense it rising up within you, stop right then and take authority over it in Jesus’ Name and cast it out.
And you have been given a right by God to step over into that supernatural place. You have authority over demons, and you have a right to take your stand in the unseen world of the supernatural—the realm of the Spirit of God. You have a right to never fear again.

5. You Have the Right to Have Peace... “The Lord will bless His people with peace.” –Psalm 29:11 (NASB)
We were just talking about being free from fear—so how is having peace any different?
True peace doesn’t come from the absence of trouble; it comes from the presence of God. The Hebrew word for peace, shalom, means “completeness, wholeness, peace, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, absence of agitation or discord; to be complete, perfect and full.
There is a story of an art gallery that asked for paintings illustrating the idea of peace. The one that stood out most was that of a scene with a small tree branch bending over a rushing waterfall. On the branch sat a small nest with a bird sleeping inside. That is a great picture of the God kind of peace.
You have a right to have peace like that, even when serious trouble comes (Isaiah 26:3). How? Enter into peace by spending time praising God and resting in the truth of His Word. As you put your complete trust in Him, you will experience peace in the midst of even the most challenging circumstances.

6. You Have the Right to Use the Name of Jesus....“And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ.” –1 John 3:23 (NIV)
We have a commandment to believe on the Name of the Son of God. To believe on His Name is to put demand upon His ability. The mighty, powerful Name of Jesus is available to you. But, you must become aware of your right and privilege to use it.
The Name of Jesus is the key to heaven’s storehouse. It can do anything that Jesus can do. According to Philippians 2:9-11, everything in existence—heaven, earth, under the earth—will bow its knee and confess with its mouth that Jesus is Lord. The Name of Jesus is the Name that is above every other name.
You are in the family of God, and you have the right to the use of the Name of Jesus. When you pray in the Name of Jesus, you have the right to expect your heavenly Father to answer because you have not prayed in your own name—you have prayed in Jesus’ Name. His righteousness (right-standing with God) is yours!

7. You Have the Right to Always Triumph.... “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ.” –2 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV)
Always triumph. Did you know to expect that? That doesn’t mean you live a life without trials, though. A triumph, or victory, comes after a battle. We’ll face battles, but we are always supposed to win. Always. There is no defeat for those who are in Christ Jesus. So, when Satan tries to hurl things at us, Jesus has already provided the victory. But we have to contend for it. (1cor 15.57)
How can you exercise this right?
You have the right to ask God anything according to His will and expect it to be done for you. You have a right to your healing, redemption and victory. You have a right to pray. You have a right to your Father’s fellowship.
You have the right to resist Satan and to expect him to flee. In all things.
Jesus came to earth and gave Himself as a sacrifice for sin to buy back your rights. (Eph 1.7) Once you receive Him as Lord of your life, all the rights and privileges God originally intended for you are restored.
But you are the one who has to exercise those rights!
You see, the devil is an outlaw, and even though Jesus has taken away his authority and he has no legal right to kill or steal from the children of God, he’ll do it anyway…as long as we let him get away with it.
You must enforce his defeat by speaking the Word of God in faith. Act on His Word now. Speak triumph and victory over every situation in your life, according to His promises. Then refuse to back off that demand. Resist the devil with all you’ve got. He might fight you for a while, but sooner or later, he will have to flee from you!
Now that you know your rights as a child of God, you can walk in freedom, healing and abundance. You don’t ever have to fear again, you can have perfect peace, you can use the Name of Jesus, and you can triumph every day! Knowing your rights is the first step to taking everything that belongs to you. You have the right to be victorious!
once you know your rights, you can now stake your claim and put a demand for those rights. Now, you’re not demanding them from God—He already provided them for you. You’re demanding that the devil release them into your hands via Faith with prayers. God bless you.

This message was copied and edited from KENNETH COPLAND MINISTRY,

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Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by Davland(m): 8:58pm On May 18, 2020
Thank You for the wonderful write-up �
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by geezyk(m): 10:21pm On May 18, 2020

You still have to keep praying against spirit of setback in your life....ask the lord to move u forward speedily. Pray with Exo 14.15 and 1 kings 18.46. Bless u.
Thanks bro.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by Fetula4u: 11:09pm On May 18, 2020
Good evening sir.
sir had this dream last night : I saw my self sharing food to people from house to house.

after that I saw my self working in a building site.

also had this dream seeing my self riding a bicycle in an open filed with friends but the bicycle has a forward pedder and a reverse pedder after going moving forward will reverse backward again.

last one I saw like I was been tempted with a lady in the dream and I was lusting over her .she ask me to go to her house but I refuse.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by larlah: 2:16am On May 19, 2020
Good morning sir,
I normally dream going back to primary school and secondary school. But am an IT Officer in a bank. And this has been coming even before I started working. And still soming
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by joelrizmakanaki(m): 10:41am On May 19, 2020
Good morning sir, Can you please drop your whatsapp number
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by larryceous: 11:56am On May 19, 2020
Yes I am seeking the fruit of the womb.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by Ray360: 12:27pm On May 19, 2020
Good afternoon brother.

for 3 weeks now, I have been fasting and praying to God for direction and purpose and for him to show me what he created me for because I am very talented. I can do it of things. . God speaks to me mostly in my Dreams. a lot has happened, but I will go straight to the point. in these 3 weeks, for about 5 times, I saw myself playing football. in one of the days, I was undergoing trials and my coach was signing a contract with a white man to a foreign club, Sevilla. I've had other dreams too.. but this seems to be very strong. I need your words.

I used to play football a lot while I was younger. I was very good at it. but left it for some years while battling admission.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by magarchi: 1:18pm On May 19, 2020
Please help me interpret ... in my dreams repeatedly, I relate with my late mum and sister as though they were alive...not once or twice ooo, several times...pls what does it mean?
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by clemzy007(m): 1:34pm On May 19, 2020
I dreamt seeing my ex girlfriend sisters in their house but my ex girlfriend was not around with the dad, i saw my mum and their mum cooking in the kitchen. What does it mean?
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by Nephilim: 8:16pm On May 19, 2020
Good evening. What does it mean, I was in a building and in my room, suddenly my room cut apart from the building and started floating away!
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by Kemzeee1(f): 1:40am On May 20, 2020
Wao this words has really motivate me . Am bless with this. I can now conquer fear through prayer and the word of God. Have been praying and wanting
to fight a good fight of faith. So as to be able to conquer my challenges. Through his words.
And ever since most expecially in this lock down, I can pray and even go on fasting on own for 7 days 6 to 6. And I have been receiving revelation through my dreams. Thank you Bro yinka . May God bless and replenish you ijn
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 5:30am On May 20, 2020

Good evening sir.
sir had this dream last night : I saw my self sharing food to people from house to house.

after that I saw my self working in a building site.

also had this dream seeing my self riding a bicycle in an open filed with friends but the bicycle has a forward pedder and a reverse pedder after going moving forward will reverse backward again.

last one I saw like I was been tempted with a lady in the dream and I was lusting over her .she ask me to go to her house but I refuse.

These are the meaning of your dreams...
1...the holyspirit wants you to be generous and don't live a stingy or a miser life. Change your ways.
2...Ask the lord to bless the work of your hands. Pray the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4.10..And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.
3..You life is around a spot going front and backward....your need to pray Exo 14.15...ask the lord to move your life forward.
4...Be careful of a strange lady that might come your way soon.... proverbs 27.12...A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; But the simple pass on, and are punished. Be wise. Bless u
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 5:35am On May 20, 2020
Good morning sir,
I normally dream going back to primary school and secondary school. But am an IT Officer in a bank. And this has been coming even before I started working. And still soming

Pray hard against spirit of backwardness....the enemy has plans to fire arrow of set back to you but if you can pray u will overcome,,,God want you to pray that his why He is showing you that dream. Use eccl 10.8 and exo 14.15 to pray. Bless u

1 Like

Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 5:36am On May 20, 2020
Good morning sir, Can you please drop your whatsapp number

No calls please just watsapp....07066526207
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 5:41am On May 20, 2020
Yes I am seeking the fruit of the womb.

The dream is telling you that you will be pregnant soon....learn how to give, there are some doors that will not open even when you fast 100days dry fast unless you give to the work of God or to a genuine man of God or to the poor and needy. Bless you.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 5:47am On May 20, 2020
Good afternoon brother.

for 3 weeks now, I have been fasting and praying to God for direction and purpose and for him to show me what he created me for because I am very talented. I can do it of things. . God speaks to me mostly in my Dreams. a lot has happened, but I will go straight to the point. in these 3 weeks, for about 5 times, I saw myself playing football. in one of the days, I was undergoing trials and my coach was signing a contract with a white man to a foreign club, Sevilla. I've had other dreams too.. but this seems to be very strong. I need your words.

I used to play football a lot while I was younger. I was very good at it. but left it for some years while battling admission.

I will advice you back and pick that ball where u left it....meaning dont neglect football and also dont leave whatever you are doing also...... there is light there for you but if you don't walk with God it may not happen. Be ready to walk with the lord, seek more of His face and he will make your ways prosperous.work and pray. Bless you.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 5:56am On May 20, 2020
Please help me interpret ... in my dreams repeatedly, I relate with my late mum and sister as though they were alive...not once or twice ooo, several times...pls what does it mean?

Pray against spirit of death...
Psalm 118.17......I shall not die, but live,And declare the works of the LORD....
Obadiah 1.17...But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions...
Ask the lord to deliver you from every spirit of death. Bless u

1 Like

Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 5:59am On May 20, 2020
I dreamt seeing my ex girlfriend sisters in their house but my ex girlfriend was not around with the dad, i saw my mum and their mum cooking in the kitchen. What does it mean?

Your mind is still with her.... but I will advice you stop fornication for it not to stop u. Bless u

1 Like

Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 6:02am On May 20, 2020
Good evening. What does it mean, I was in a building and in my room, suddenly my room cut apart from the building and started floating away!

Pray against shame and lost of glory.....it's a satanic agenda to bring disgrace and shame to u. Pray against it well. Use eccl 10.8. Bless u
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by clemzy007(m): 11:11am On May 20, 2020

Your mind is still with her.... but I will advice you stop fornication for it not to stop u. Bless u
Thank you sir
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by conscienceman4(m): 12:10pm On May 20, 2020
Good morning bro Yinka,

What does it mean to be pooping corn seed and rice grain and after use tissue paper to clean up well.
Thanks and God bless
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by Pizzle1234(m): 12:43pm On May 20, 2020
Hello sir, i had a dream few months ago that my late dad came and gave me some money full in a polybag. Few days ago, i saw him come my way with some people who happened to be his friends and brothers. They all passed me by and none of them act as if they know me except my dad. So he looked at me and we both smile at each other. This month i started fasting and praying. Unfortunately last night, i had a dream that I lost my cellphone and on my way going out of frustration and worries, i saw a woman who called me and presented my phone back to me without her saying a word. I was so happy and joyous that i got my phone back. On the other side, my friends and i was trying to escape through a wooden hole which they all passed. I was the only one left, they all stood to watch me pass through the same hole wish was kind of difficult for me to pass. To cut the long story short, i was able to struggle and pass through the hole to join them.
Please i need you to interpret the dreams to me sir.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by ogapelumi(m): 2:08pm On May 20, 2020
1.Afternoon sir, I dreamt that I was driving my friend's bus, my boss was with me, later i came out of the bus to check the road well and my boss started driving it but entered a river with load.( my friend just called me yesterday about the leasing of the bus to companies but I later thought of using it to transport goods with my boss)

2. there was a riot ahead, my former boss's friend noticed it then started reversing his jeep vulnerably, then I entered my house saw a thief in my house, he already had tried to detach the TV but a code prevented. I chased him and he ran out then I caught him outside, then as he was taken to the police station I woke up.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by Ray360: 7:40pm On May 20, 2020

I will advice you back and pick that ball where u left it....meaning dont neglect football and also dont leave whatever you are doing also...... there is light there for you but if you don't walk with God it may not happen. Be ready to walk with the lord, seek more of His face and he will make your ways prosperous.work and pray. Bless you.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by kapich: 9:25pm On May 20, 2020
In the dream, I saw a man in white cloth. He told me I needed to go into seclusion . He specifically mentioned 21,22 n 23 ...which I remembered.

The other was i saw that I gave my late mother 300 naira. (100 and 200 naira notes). Then she prayed for me, afterwards I left.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by Fetula4u: 10:08pm On May 20, 2020

These are the meaning of your dreams...
1...the holyspirit wants you to be generous and don't live a stingy or a miser life. Change your ways.
2...Ask the lord to bless the work of your hands. Pray the prayer of Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4.10..And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.
3..You life is around a spot going front and backward....your need to pray Exo 14.15...ask the lord to move your life forward.
4...Be careful of a strange lady that might come your way soon.... proverbs 27.12...A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; But the simple pass on, and are punished. Be wise. Bless u
Thank you sir.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by macjurek(m): 11:00pm On May 20, 2020
:I had a dream ,a former colleague,where once work who plot my sack ,while I was a way was then sacked and I was called back and promoted.

I saw him in the dream last night with a measuring tape in his hand and was discussing with me about a painting contract and he had gray hair now,but I did not say anything.

Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 3:31am On May 21, 2020
Good morning bro Yinka,

What does it mean to be pooping corn seed and rice grain and after use tissue paper to clean up well.
Thanks and God bless

This is a good dream infact is a deliverance dream, you ate in the dream and the holyspirit is purging you of what you is inside of you....2 Timothy 2.21....If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.... Ask the lord to purge all the deposits of the devil in your life. Bless u
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 3:38am On May 21, 2020
Hello sir, i had a dream few months ago that my late dad came and gave me some money full in a polybag. Few days ago, i saw him come my way with some people who happened to be his friends and brothers. They all passed me by and none of them act as if they know me except my dad. So he looked at me and we both smile at each other. This month i started fasting and praying. Unfortunately last night, i had a dream that I lost my cellphone and on my way going out of frustration and worries, i saw a woman who called me and presented my phone back to me without her saying a word. I was so happy and joyous that i got my phone back. On the other side, my friends and i was trying to escape through a wooden hole which they all passed. I was the only one left, they all stood to watch me pass through the same hole wish was kind of difficult for me to pass. To cut the long story short, i was able to struggle and pass through the hole to join them.
Please i need you to interpret the dreams to me sir.

I see restoration and divine blessing....if you can remember when the money is being given to you in the dream, an idea might come to your mind in reality or someone might have shared an idea with you maybe on business or advice you on a particular job or something...you shouldn't have joked with such thing. God has restored what you have lost.
There will be challenges coming your way but don't worry you will scale through. Bless u.
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 3:48am On May 21, 2020
1.Afternoon sir, I dreamt that I was driving my friend's bus, my boss was with me, later i came out of the bus to check the road well and my boss started driving it but entered a river with load.( my friend just called me yesterday about the leasing of the bus to companies but I later thought of using it to transport goods with my boss)

2. there was a riot ahead, my former boss's friend noticed it then started reversing his jeep vulnerably, then I entered my house saw a thief in my house, he already had tried to detach the TV but a code prevented. I chased him and he ran out then I caught him outside, then as he was taken to the police station I woke up.

1... this is a warning dream not to allow anyone to drive your car for now and be careful who u will do business with....use your tongue to count your teeth. Bless u.

2... thank God u were able to collect what the robber stole. Pray very well againt physical and spiritual robbers.
John 10.10 and prov 6.31. Bless u
Re: Share Your Dreams And The Holyspirit Will Help Interpret by yinkaadesegha: 3:54am On May 21, 2020
In the dream, I saw a man in white cloth. He told me I needed to go into seclusion . He specifically mentioned 21,22 n 23 ...which I remembered.

The other was i saw that I gave my late mother 300 naira. (100 and 200 naira notes). Then she prayed for me, afterwards I left.

1... 21, 22, 23 are they days or date of the month?

2...God and give to the less privilege or man of God or those begging for alms, just go and give out willingly to someone in need. And learn to give and pray the more for your blessings to manifest soon. Bless u.

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