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I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity - Religion (8) - Nairaland

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Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 3:22pm On May 30, 2020
For a child has been born to us,A son has been given to us;And the rulership will rest on his shoulder. His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.........NWT

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god...........NWT

In answer Thomas said to him: “My Lord and my God!”........ John 20:28..........NWT

I am wondering what John was thinking when he decided to use capital G in John 20:28 and decided to use small g in John 1:1 in the same........NWT

cc: MuttlleyLaff
cc: Shadeyinka

Translator's discretion Sir, NOT that of the inspired writer!

Each translator decides where to apply the capital to guide the reader, at last it's the version that has helped in uniting adherents successfully that should be given the credit of a job well done!

God means Supreme Being, the Bible referred to Jehovah as
Jehovah of armies Isaiah 9:7

If your translation can't unite the adherents as one big family or army, then it's a complete failure! cheesy
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by shadeyinka(m): 3:25pm On May 30, 2020
For a child has been born to us,A son has been given to us;And the rulership will rest on his shoulder. His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.........NWT

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god...........NWT

In answer Thomas said to him: “My Lord and my God!”........ John 20:28..........NWT

I am wondering what John was thinking when he decided to use capital G in John 20:28 and decided to use small g in John 1:1 in the same........NWT

cc: MuttlleyLaff
cc: Shadeyinka

I have been asking them too o. Instead of just honourably keeping quiet or better still admit the conflict as something as an individual cannot do anything against.

The omition is a serious flaw in their doctrine for it affirms they are not sure of Jesus is just a mere god or God!
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by shadeyinka(m): 3:28pm On May 30, 2020


Maximus69 is a man

Shadeyinka is a Man

So Maximus69 < Shadeyinka shey? cheesy

My guy, it's the name that makes the difference! John 17:6,26 cheesy

President is just a title that this three individuals holds

Faure Gnassingbé ~ Togo

Muhammad Buhari ~ Nigeria

Donald Trump ~ USA

But it's the NAME that makes you think of the difference Sir, NOT how you write the title like president or President or PRESIDENT! cheesy
I see you don't have shame even in defending errors!

According to you, by the rules of English language, Almighty God is referring to the same as Almighty god


Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 3:36pm On May 30, 2020

I have been asking them too o. Instead of just honourably keeping quiet or better still admit the conflict as something as an individual cannot do anything against.

The omition is a serious flaw in their doctrine for it affirms they are not sure of Jesus is just a mere god or God!

Go and make use of any version of your choice Sir!

What Isaiah said is that during the endtime worshipers of the true God will become a united global family of peace loving worshipers! Isaiah 2:2-4

I believe that's God's will Sir!

Jesus himself said
"Not everyone saying to me LORD LORD will enter in the Kingdom but only those doing the will of my heavenly father will" Matthew 7:21

Jehovah's Witnesses are doing God's will by uniting people from different races under the heavens to form one big and happy family of peace loving worshipers.

All of you are criticising and antagonizing them, yet there is no sign of peace anywhere around you guys.

No wonder Jesus concludes by saying
"Then i will tell them 'i never knew you, go away from me you workers of lawlessness'" Matthew 7:23

Gather yourselves together and solve the problem of contradicting teachings and conflicting doctrines in your midst first before worrying yourself over Jehovah's Witnesses Sir! cheesy
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Janosky: 3:37pm On May 30, 2020
For a child has been born to us,A son has been given to us;And the rulership will rest on his shoulder. His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.........NWT

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god...........NWT

In answer Thomas said to him: “My Lord and my God!”........ John 20:28..........NWT

I am wondering what John was thinking when he decided to use capital G in John 20:28 and decided to use small g in John 1:1 in the same........NWT

cc: MuttlleyLaff
cc: Shadeyinka

John 20:17 Jesus Christ the master and his disciples Thomas,whose word is your credible evidence?

John 10:36, John 20:17, Rev3:5,12

Jesus Christ himself says he is a god worshipping his God and Father in heaven.
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by shadeyinka(m): 3:38pm On May 30, 2020

Go and make use of any version of your choice Sir!

What Isaiah said is that during the endtime worshipers of the true God will become a united global family of peace loving worshipers! Isaiah 2:2-4

I believe that's God's will Sir!

Jesus himself said
"Not everyone saying to me LORD LORD will enter in the Kingdom but only those doing the will of my heavenly father will" Matthew 7:21

Jehovah's Witnesses are doing God's will by uniting people from different races under the heavens to form one big and happy family of peace loving worshipers.

All of you are criticising and antagonizing them, yet there is no sign of peace anywhere around you guys.

No wonder Jesus concludes by saying
"Then i will tell them 'i never knew you, go away from me you workers of lawlessness'" Matthew 7:23

Gather yourselves together and solve the problem of contradicting teachings and conflicting doctrines in your midst first before worrying yourself over Jehovah's Witnesses Sir! cheesy
And the scripture translation you rever so much has committed a blunder which cannot be repaired by many arguments

1 Like

Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by achorladey: 3:44pm On May 30, 2020

Translator's discretion Sir, NOT that of the inspired writer!

Each translator decides where to apply the capital to guide the reader, at last it's the version that has helped in uniting adherents successfully that should be given the credit of a job well done!

God means Supreme Being, the Bible referred to Jehovah as
Jehovah of armies Isaiah 9:7

If your translation can't unite the adherents as one big family or army, then it's a complete failure! cheesy

Today its translations that unite ONE people as ONE big family tomorrow its another THING. NWT must be defended at all COST. Today its BIBLE TRANSLATIONS that will unite people that matters. Tomorrow it will beome another CRITERIA.
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 3:45pm On May 30, 2020

I see you don't have shame even in defending errors!

According to you, by the rules of English language, Almighty God is referring to the same as Almighty god
When you say

god almighty meaning in Yoruba olodumare

Nobody from any tribe on this planet doesn't know the weight of that title!

Pronounce what you have Sir, my grandma can't read nor write but she knows the difference between
Sango~ Yorùbá God
Ogun~ Yorùbá God
Obatala~ Yorùbá God

And Olódùmarè the Almighty God.

Just mentioning the titles Sir is enough for my illiterate grandma, she needs not read it!

For your information, it's this misinterpretations that has kept all of you in the dark till today. So that there is no achievement in the churches of Christendom as regards the fruitage of God's holy spirit!

I thought you waved goodbye earlier, but shame has kept you standing, you can't go again! cheesy
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 3:58pm On May 30, 2020

And the scripture translation you rever so much has committed a blunder which cannot be repaired by many arguments

"JWs fully understood our own Bible"

Someone said that on this very thread o! cheesy

Perhaps it's the fruitage that matters, even if 99.9% of the Jewish community in the first century condemned Jesus Sir, Isaiah referred to this Jewish carpenter as a Wonderful Counselor! Isaiah 9:6

Zephaniah 3:9 says we will speak the same language, meaning perfect understanding amongst God's own people!

Please make use of the Bible version that makes sense to you people Sir and unite before coming to refute Jehovah's Witnesses Bible! cheesy
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 4:18pm On May 30, 2020

The NWT is confusing everybody except JWs.

Jesus' illustrations, teachings and symbolic speeches confused everybody except his die hard friends!
John 6:66, 7:20, 8:48, 10:20

Can you believe that even his relatives thought Jesus was mad? Mark 3:21 embarassed

Yet it's only those who believe him God blessed with his spirit, of course many in the first century later returned to join Jesus' group after his ascension to heaven. But this was when they're now seeing what God's prophet said will mark the sign that the Messiah has come! Joel 2:28 compare to Act 2:16-18

You're all eyewitnesses of the sign Jesus said will mark his group in the endtime! John 13:34-35

So keep disregarding it, you're not sinning against Jehovah's Witnesses because we are humans just like you, it's the spirit making this things possible in our midst that you're sinning against! Matthew 12:32 smiley
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 4:23pm On May 30, 2020
I have also noticed that all JW members dodge any questions concerning blood transfusion,they don't like talking about it and that increases my curiosity.They will attend to all other questions but never on blood transfusion,why?


Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Timalt: 5:02pm On May 30, 2020
I have also noticed that all JW members dodge any questions concerning blood transfusion,they don't like talking about it and that increases my curiosity.They will attend to all other questions but never on blood transfusion,why?
Research the religion very carefully.

Goto YouTube, type: exjw,
Search for Australian Royal Commission

1 Like

Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 5:31pm On May 30, 2020
I have also noticed that all JW members dodge any questions concerning blood transfusion,they don't like talking about it and that increases my curiosity.They will attend to all other questions but never on blood transfusion,why?

That's parts of the reason why i said it takes great FAITH to hold onto the truth! Galatians 5:22b

Of course most JWs born in the Organization only trusted God's people due to the many marks of pure worship they've noticed, they can hardly defend all the criticism raised against the Organization!

Blood transfusion was introduced by Scientists as a means of boosting the level of blood during treatment that having to do with blood, but God's people don't jump at whatever means these people introduce without first considering what God's word has to say. Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:14; Act 15:29

Notice that of all the necessary rules in the old covenant this blood issue was brought forward again in the new covenant!

Jehovah's Witnesses began making research as to what we must do on this issue, they now discovered that certain part of the blood components (NOT all) is harmful, but after screening to be certain if the blood matches the health personnels do transfuse the whole complete blood directly into the system of the patients!

So JWs concluded on using other alternative means instead of blood when the need arises!

Of course it's not all patients that survive blood transfusion and it's not all those who refuse that die in the process, but one thing is certain :- health personnels will do everything within their power to avoid blood transfusion when faced with the decision

This reminds us of a time when something similar arises in ancient times, the ancient Scientists back then discovered ointment used to heal wond, only God's people (Israelites) objected to the use of this ointment, because it's main ingredient is human and animal excrement, and God's law told the Israelites to bury excrement just the same way God asked them to do with blood! Deuteronomy 23:13

That's why we resolve on making research to get alternative means instead of blood transfusion.
So far so good, our Scientists have developed many blood boosting methods that even World Health Organization today have high regards for Jehovah's Witnesses. WHY? Because they also have this skepticism against blood transfusion as it has so many implications! smiley

Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 5:38pm On May 30, 2020

That's parts of the reason why i said it takes great FAITH to hold onto the truth! Galatians 5:22b

Of course most JWs born in the Organization only trusted God's people due to the many marks of pure worship they've noticed, they can hardly defend all the criticism raised against the Organization!

Blood transfusion was introduced by Scientists as a means of boosting the level of blood during treatment that having to do with blood, but God's people don't jump at whatever means these people introduce without first considering what God's word has to say. Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:14; Act 15:29

Notice that of all the necessary rules in the old covenant this blood issue was brought forward again in the new covenant!

Jehovah's Witnesses began making research as to what we must do on this issue, they now discovered that certain part of the blood components (NOT all) is harmful, but after screening to be certain if the blood matches the health personnels do transfuse the whole complete blood directly into the system of the patients!

So JWs concluded on using other alternative means instead of blood when the need arises!

Of course it's not all patients that survive blood transfusion and it's not all those who refuse that die in the process, but one thing is certain :- health personnels will do everything within their power to avoid blood transfusion when faced with the decision

This reminds us of a time when something similar arises in ancient times, the ancient Scientists back then discovered ointment used to heal wond, only God's people (Israelites) objected to the use of this ointment, because it's main ingredient is human and animal excrement, and God's law told the Israelites to bury excrement just the same way God asked them to do with blood! Deuteronomy 23:13

That's why we resolve on making research to get alternative means instead of blood transfusion.
So far so good, our Scientists have developed many blood boosting methods that even World Health Organization today have high regards for Jehovah's Witnesses. WHY? Because they also have this skepticism against blood transfusion as it has so many implications! smiley

Not convincing at all,it was all misinterpretation of verses by the JW.God was not in anyway against blood transfusion.I wish I can type but I'm lazy

1 Like

Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by achorladey: 5:40pm On May 30, 2020
I have also noticed that all JW members dodge any questions concerning blood transfusion,they don't like talking about it and that increases my curiosity.They will attend to all other questions but never on blood transfusion,why?

Na only blood question you see.

It is equally good to ask, is the Jehovah's Witnesses organization(WTBTS) God's ORGANIZATION?

Where did God ask us to put faith in an ORGANIZATION?

When did God say salvation is in an in LOYALTY to an organization?

As long as you know that in the land of JWs there are TWO BIGGEST ORGANIZATION in the world

1. Jehovah's organization(WTBTS) as a registered and legal under SATAN'S ORGANIZATION.

2. Satan's organization( Every other organization in the world you can [b]think of [/b]be it RELIGIOUS, COMMERCIAL, POLITICAL, NON GOVERNMENTAL, EDUCATIONAL e.t.c

Finally ask, Can you be baptized as a CHRISTIAN without PLEDGING allegiance first to the organization?

Can they study bible with you continously WHEN you OUTRIGHTLY say you don't want to be one of Jehovah's witnesses?

If you had taken your time well on nairaland strong areas where JWs love to join discussion


2. IMMORTALITY of Soul or whatever

3. Hell fire

and reality says it is not only JWs that reject those beliefs that other religious denominations are not forceful about it don't mean they accept those beliefs. Do your findings well just as it relates to every other Christian denominations.

1 Like

Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 5:43pm On May 30, 2020

Na only blood question you see.

It is equally good to ask, is the Jehovah's Witnesses organization(WTBTS) God's ORGANIZATION?

Where did God ask us to put faith in an ORGANIZATION?

When did God say salvation is in an in LOYALTY to an organization?

As long as you know that in the land of JWs there are TWO BIGGEST ORGANIZATION in the world

1. Jehovah's organization(WTBTS) as a registered and legal under SATAN'S ORGANIZATION.

2. Satan's organization( Every other organization in the world you can [b]think of [/b]be it RELIGIOUS, COMMERCIAL, POLITICAL, NON GOVERNMENTAL, EDUCATIONAL e.t.c

Finally ask, Can you be baptized as a CHRISTIAN without PLEDGING allegiance first to the organization?

Can they study bible with you continously WHEN you OUTRIGHTLY say you don't want to be one of Jehovah's witnesses?

If you had taken your time well on nairaland strong areas where JWs love to join discussion


2. IMMORTALITY of Soul or whatever

3. Hell fire

and reality says it is not only JWs that reject those beliefs that other religious denominations are not forceful about it don't mean they accept those beliefs.

I am only but a learner
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by achorladey: 5:47pm On May 30, 2020

That's parts of the reason why i said it takes great FAITH to hold onto the truth! Galatians 5:22b

Of course most JWs born in the Organization only trusted God's people due to the many marks of pure worship they've noticed, they can hardly defend all the criticism raised against the Organization!

Blood transfusion was introduced by Scientists as a means of boosting the level of blood during treatment that having to do with blood, but God's people don't jump at whatever means these people introduce without first considering what God's word has to say. Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:14; Act 15:29

Notice that of all the necessary rules in the old covenant this blood issue was brought forward again in the new covenant!

Jehovah's Witnesses began making research as to what we must do on this issue, they now discovered that certain part of the blood components (NOT all) is harmful, but after screening to be certain if the blood matches the health personnels do transfuse the whole complete blood directly into the system of the patients!

So JWs concluded on using other alternative means instead of blood when the need arises!

Of course it's not all patients that survive blood transfusion and it's not all those who refuse that die in the process, but one thing is certain :- health personnels will do everything within their power to avoid blood transfusion when faced with the decision

This reminds us of a time when something similar arises in ancient times, the ancient Scientists back then discovered ointment used to heal wond, only God's people (Israelites) objected to the use of this ointment, because it's main ingredient is human and animal excrement, and God's law told the Israelites to bury excrement just the same way God asked them to do with blood! Deuteronomy 23:13

That's why we resolve on making research to get alternative means instead of blood transfusion.
So far so good, our Scientists have developed many blood boosting methods that even World Health Organization today have high regards for Jehovah's Witnesses. WHY? Because they also have this skepticism against blood transfusion as it has so many implications! smiley

We don't accept blood transfusion


We accept blood fraction transfusion

In one way or the other the common denominator for the two bolded above is ................your guess is as good as mine.

Blood transfusion

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Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 5:55pm On May 30, 2020
Not convincing at all,it was all misinterpretation of verses by the JW.God was not in anyway against blood transfusion.I wish I can type but I'm lazy

We don't need to convince you in all things, those who feels they can't cope with the standard have no problems. 1Corinthians 13:7

Our type of FAITH doesn't necessarily need to be appealing to all people {2Thessalonians 3:2} there are over 41,000 different religions out there all claiming Christians. You're free to make your choice amidst them, but be rest assured that none of them is worshiping JEHOVAH our own God.
And Jehovah's Witnesses Organization will never agree to blood transfusion.

God bless you! smiley
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 6:02pm On May 30, 2020

We don't accept blood transfusion


We accept blood fraction transfusion

In one way or the other the common denominator for the two bolded above is ................your guess is as good as mine.

Blood transfusion

We eat eggs everyday and it contains fraction of blood Sir, but the God of Israel never condemned eating of eggs the way he did with blood!

So the fraction totally differs from the whole blood Sir! wink


Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by achorladey: 6:17pm On May 30, 2020

We eat eggs everyday and it contains fraction of blood Sir, but the God of Israel never condemned eating of eggs the way he did with blood!

So the fraction totally differs from the whole blood Sir! wink

Common denominator common denominator common denominator or

Highest common factor

Which one you want?

What is the fraction called? EGG FRACTION when transfused into your blood abi? grin grin grin
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by olamy7(m): 6:19pm On May 30, 2020

I think we can always pretend we don't know about figure of speech if it suits our narrative. So if a man points to a boy and says "if you see that boy you've seen his father", it means the boy is his mom's husband right?
well,I think it's very clear that the differences came as a result of role. Father, son and Holy Ghost are roles played by the same God.

1 Like

Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Janosky: 6:32pm On May 30, 2020
well,I think it's very clear that the differences came as a result of role. Father, son and Holy Ghost are roles played by the same God.

grin grin grin
When a man refuses to free himself from DELUSION he looks for excuses to keep himself enslaved....
Enjoy your DELUSION. Oma se oo
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 6:33pm On May 30, 2020
Your argument was supposed to be based on blood fraction, and egg contains blood fraction.
The God of Israel condemned eating of blood but never condemned eating of eggs so solve the riddle yourself Sir! wink


Common denominator common denominator common denominator or

Highest common factor

Which one you want?

What is the fraction called? EGG FRACTION when transfused into your blood abi? grin grin grin

1 Like

Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by MuttleyLaff: 6:34pm On May 30, 2020
I think we can always pretend we don't know about figure of speech if it suits our narrative.
So if a man points to a boy and says "if you see that boy you've seen his father", it means the boy is his mom's husband right?

well, I think it's very clear that the differences came as a result of role.
Father, son and Holy Ghost are roles played by the same God.
Word. Gbam.

Somebody please pass this my guy, olamy7, this chilled bottle of orijin plus send him a truckload of kolanuts and after, make him sharp sharp, next governor of his state of origin.

Right on point on all accounts. Wehdone Sir! Please drink responsibly though.

1 Like

Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 6:47pm On May 30, 2020
Your argument was supposed to be based on blood fraction, and egg contains blood fraction.
The God of Israel condemned eating of blood but never condemned eating of eggs so solve the riddle yourself Sir! wink
He's just obsessed with arguments and he will give it all it takes to argue with JWs, simply because the Organization doesn't tolerate interfaith! undecided undecided undecided
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by olamy7(m): 6:55pm On May 30, 2020

grin grin grin
When a man refuses to free himself from DELUSION he looks for excuses to keep himself enslaved....
Enjoy your DELUSION. Oma se oo
I believe you are already reasoning with me but not fully convinced... you can gain more clarity by deliberately studying to unravel the mysteries though.
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by olamy7(m): 6:59pm On May 30, 2020

Word. Gbam.

Somebody please pass this my guy, olamy7, this chilled bottle of orijin plus send him a truckload of kolanuts and after, make him sharp sharp, next governor of his state of origin.

Right on point on all accounts. Wehdone Sir! Please drink responsibly though.
grin I don't take origin if it is not zero though, tarr to kolanut,far from taking one grin

1 Like

Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Janosky: 7:18pm On May 30, 2020

Na only blood question you see.

It is equally good to ask, is the Jehovah's Witnesses organization(WTBTS) God's ORGANIZATION?

Where did God ask us to put faith in an ORGANIZATION?

When did God say salvation [b]is in an in LOYALTY to an organization?
As long as you know that in the land of JWs there are TWO BIGGEST ORGANIZATION in the world

1. Jehovah's organization(WTBTS) as a registered and legal under SATAN'S ORGANIZATION.

2. Satan's organization( Every other organization in the world you can [b]think of [/b]be it RELIGIOUS, COMMERCIAL, POLITICAL, NON GOVERNMENTAL, EDUCATIONAL e.t.c

Finally ask, Can you be baptized as a CHRISTIAN without PLEDGING allegiance first to the organization?

Can they study bible with you continously WHEN you OUTRIGHTLY say you don't want to be one of Jehovah's witnesses?

If you had taken your time well on nairaland strong areas where JWs love to join discussion


2. IMMORTALITY of Soul or whatever

3. Hell fire

and reality says it is not only JWs that reject those beliefs that other religious denominations are not forceful about it don't mean they accept those beliefs. Do your findings well just as it relates to every other Christian denominations.

MUMU man.
1Cor 3:23, "You belong to Christ. In turn, Christ belongs to God."
Isaiah 42:10-12 , "You are my witnesses, my servants,whom I have chosen", says Jehovah.
Acts 3:13. Rev3:14, Jesus Christ is a Jehovah's witness.

John 17:3, Jesus says " this means everlasting life, their coming to know you the only True God, and the one you have sent, Jesus Christ"
Only Jehovah's organization Led by the God and Father of Jesus Christ can give you Everlasting life.

Can you be obedient to God and his Son without loyalty?
You dey quote John 20:28 as if John 3:16-17 and Revelations 3:5,12 no dey your Bible.
Continue to DECEIVE yourself.
Let that fact sink into your skull.

Rev 3:5. Matt 10: 32-33, when Jehovah God, His son and loyal angels (God's organization) in heaven DOESN'T know you, Archoladey you are just wasting your time with your Gang.

Why you dey get sifia pains when JWs emphasize loyalty to Jehovah's organization ?

Aside criticism of JWs when you all band together, can you confidently say these guys here are on the same page with you in agreement with all your Beliefs about the Bible?

Jehovah's organization keeps forging ahead. Whoever e dey pain,make he cry the more

1 Like

Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by olamy7(m): 7:18pm On May 30, 2020
When it comes to religious matters we have to use our heads sometimes.Trinity, in Christian doctrine is the unity of the father ,son and holy spirit as three persons in one Godhead. The doctrine of the Trinity is considered to be one of central christian affirmations about God. It is rooted in the fact that God came to meet christians in a threefold figure as (1) There creator,Lord,Father and judge as revealed in the old testament (2)as the lord who incarnated in figure of Jesus Christ who lived among human beings (3)As the holy spirit whom they experienced as the helper or intercessor in the power of new life.But neither the word Trinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament.Did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Hebrew scriptures(Deutronomy 6:4).I have started asking my pastors some questions regarding that,but he only warned me to be very careful of JW. lol
well, if your pastors have not an answer to your questions, the Bible does and if it is by too far.. I can recommend some online teachers to you. Download Apostle selman and pastor onayinka's messages, I believe you will get convinced in a week of listening.
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by olamy7(m): 7:22pm On May 30, 2020
When it comes to religious matters we have to use our heads sometimes.Trinity, in Christian doctrine is the unity of the father ,son and holy spirit as three persons in one Godhead. The doctrine of the Trinity is considered to be one of central christian affirmations about God. It is rooted in the fact that God came to meet christians in a threefold figure as (1) There creator,Lord,Father and judge as revealed in the old testament (2)as the lord who incarnated in figure of Jesus Christ who lived among human beings (3)As the holy spirit whom they experienced as the helper or intercessor in the power of new life.But neither the word Trinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament.Did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Hebrew scriptures(Deutronomy 6:4).I have started asking my pastors some questions regarding that,but he only warned me to be very careful of JW. lol
I quoted someone with this already.... But I would love you to see it

well,I think it's very clear that the differences came as a result of role. Father, son and Holy Ghost are roles played by the same God.
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by achorladey: 7:27pm On May 30, 2020
Your argument was supposed to be based on blood fraction, and egg contains blood fraction.
The God of Israel condemned eating of blood but never condemned eating of eggs so solve the riddle yourself Sir! wink

Maximus69: Your argument was supposed to be based on blood fraction

Achorladey: Good you know that I did not bring egg fraction

Maximus69: and egg contains blood fraction.

Achorladey: Interesting

Maximus69: The God of Israel condemned eating of blood but never condemned eating of eggs so solve the riddle yourself Sir!

Achorladey: The issue is blood transfusion and blood fraction transfusion not egg eating or egg fraction eating. Ka ji ko?
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by achorladey: 7:28pm On May 30, 2020

Is Archoladey not loyal to the group he belongs?
why you dey get sifia pains when JWs emphasize loyalty to Jehovah's organization ?

Aside criticism of JWs when you all band together, can you confidently say these guys here are on the same page with you in agreement with all your Beliefs about the Bible?

Jehovah's organization keeps forging ahead. Whoever e dey pain,make he cry the more

Consolation consolation consolation. That post touch you? After all I didn't tell the person that post was meant for not to join the ORGANIZATION grin grin grin

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