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My Diary (From A Dog's POV) - Pets (3) - Nairaland

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by annyz: 11:31am On Jun 04, 2020
She picked me up and I could feel human, we got home, I love my new home but it only lacked of grass.
I could feel the presence of another dog in the house, I felt scared,troubled and nervous.
She was definitely gorgeous,she sniffed me and walked away embarassed I guess I wasn't welcome or probably she is anti-dog social...
I was offered water by my new owner and yes! I was thirsty.
Few minutes later I was served my first meal in my new home.
I was taken down to do my bathroom business
(Poop and pee)
It was strange walking the stairs,I took my step one at a time,yes, I was nervous and I couldn't help it cry

Somebody will have nightmares looking at those pictures?
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Slimmama(f): 11:31am On Jun 04, 2020
Good narrator. Love the dogs

I love fish but I hate the poop afterwards,my favorite are liver,heart and quarter leg chicken.
one funny fact about me is,I eat whatever i'm given by mom, I'm not a picky eater unlike my sister.
I'm 18weeks old and lately, I figured out that i'm now being protective,my guard instincts are coming out. I started my new job already barking whenever I hear the doorbell,I love hunting lizards and birds with squirrels when i'm allowed to roam the compound.
I made my first territorial marking today (I normally do pee bending down but I saw myself raising my hind leg and dropping a small pee) and it was in front of the compound. I could sense other dogs sexual pee around I guess so since my sis is on estrus.
BTW mom is teaching me how to play the game 'fetch' ...trust me i'm a fast and stubborn learner.

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by POMPEY1: 11:31am On Jun 04, 2020
undecidedWHEN DOES DOG START TALKING ??.. undecided

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Dididrumz(m): 11:32am On Jun 04, 2020

My 1st dog, a gsd had parvo buh she survived it thanks to God & money grin ... parvo is major caused by what these pet pick up around ... so that indicates your environment needs to be clean or you can just fumigate your surroundings. i just bank in hygiene around my doctors then normal timely shots.

hi thor meet uncle magnus grin when he is eating other doctor must maintain social distancing ..lolz

Magnus, you look aggressive.

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by jaxxy(m): 11:32am On Jun 04, 2020
Pretty nice
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by jossydude(m): 11:33am On Jun 04, 2020
U doing a good job so far. Watch out for his paws in few months time. I kinda like the black. It stands out frm the fawn and brindle. Where can I also get 1? Black Male and how much?
Finally,I can say I know seven basic commands(sit,stay,fetch,come,down,drop it,upstairs) I hate the word upstairs.
these few weeks have been great with my family and I feel i'm now a full member.
Recently,mom started her habit of leaving home again and I can't help but anticipate her returns, my feeding routine has been dropped to twice daily 6am and 6pm. We went on our daily walk again and we met a pit bull along the way with his owner,I was terrified as usual,I had my tail tucked between my hind legs, I tried to be brave and I confronted my fears. It was fun staying with mom all day for the past 8weeks.
When I was 16weeks+ mom said when I turn 26weeks old I will go downstairs and live alone... now I'm 22weeks and my home(cage) is 97% completed and I feel bad already. I feel I won't benefit from those sweet threats anymore especially when one of mom's friend visits her, I'm always excited to see her,she always come home with beef mixed with something creamy(I later learned it was called shawarma)
I wish I could be 22weeks old every time so I won't live downstairs.

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by SaneMan: 11:33am On Jun 04, 2020



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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Perfecttouchade: 11:34am On Jun 04, 2020
Iya alaja
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Vyzz: 11:34am On Jun 04, 2020
I prefer a German shepherd more.
My aunty had one and it was beat the bull dog. Probably because it is way older
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Dididrumz(m): 11:35am On Jun 04, 2020
I'm enjoying the thread because it's coming from a lady.

I'm begging babe to let me get a rott, pit bull or boerbull but babes won't allow me.


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Nmezor(f): 11:36am On Jun 04, 2020
Funny thread. Great job OP... really scared of big dogs. I only love puppies kiss


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by IamPlato(m): 11:36am On Jun 04, 2020
What the hell is this?? undecided undecided
Op watch out for this girl na dog eater she be. Keep your dog indoor

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Nobody: 11:38am On Jun 04, 2020

What does it look like, not a Fan of Dogs?
they disgust me undecided
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Nobody: 11:39am On Jun 04, 2020
Op watch out for this girl na dog eater she be. Keep your dog indoor
grin grin
I don't eat dogs
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by sammysmiles(m): 11:39am On Jun 04, 2020
grin angry angry grin grin
fierce looking boerboel grin grin
fierce looking boerboel grin grin
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Nobody: 11:39am On Jun 04, 2020
Thor Aegeus...

A blend of names from Norse and Greek mythologies, eh?

I see OP clinching a publishing deal with this. smiley

It's kind of different. A Dog's Life: A Dog's Diary.


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by IamPlato(m): 11:40am On Jun 04, 2020
grin grin
I don't eat dogs
Then why hating her dog undecided
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by ThatFairGuy: 11:40am On Jun 04, 2020
Nonsense thread. What's this doing on fp
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by jackest1(m): 11:41am On Jun 04, 2020
Nice and cute Dog.

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by kophy(m): 11:41am On Jun 04, 2020
Hi, i'm Thor Aegeus and guess what? i'm a Boerboel. Yeah you got it right a black Boerboel.

Mom isn't a fan of large breeds,she's more of a small breed fan(I still wonder why I was chosen)

I have an elder sister(not biological though) she's way older than me,she's a 5 year old Lhasa...and on the other hand i'm just 9 weeks old and already taller than her. grin
Hnnmm, she na your dog dey type all these, OK oo
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Nobody: 11:42am On Jun 04, 2020
they disgust me undecided

Just say they *scare* you and that you scream and run any time you run into them instead putting it mildly.

Let's put the devil to shame. smiley


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by ahahnow: 11:42am On Jun 04, 2020
Ok we have seen your dog, what again? What do you want me to do aunty?
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Nobody: 11:42am On Jun 04, 2020
Then why hating her dog undecided
Ain't hating her dog ohh

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by IamPlato(m): 11:43am On Jun 04, 2020
Ain't hating her dog ohh
But you are disgusted
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by olumide4christ: 11:43am On Jun 04, 2020
Hi, i'm Thor Aegeus and guess what? i'm a Boerboel. Yeah you got it right a black Boerboel.

Mom isn't a fan of large breeds,she's more of a small breed fan(I still wonder why I was chosen)

I have an elder sister(not biological though) she's way older than me,she's a 5 year old Lhasa...and on the other hand i'm just 9 weeks old and already taller than her. grin

Well done... CrazyCrane...you really doing a good job on Thor...and Thor is so cute!

I'm a great lover of dogs too but can't have one now because of my present status as a tenant. I look forward to getting a German Shepherd when I move into my personal house.

Keep up the good work!


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Nobody: 11:44am On Jun 04, 2020

Just say they *scare* you and that you scream and run any time you run into them instead putting it mildly.

Let's put the devil to shame. smiley
I admit they scare me
But I don't scream and run whenever I come across them.
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Kingrapha(m): 11:44am On Jun 04, 2020
Get websites for your business and start ups for an affordable price.
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Farki: 11:45am On Jun 04, 2020
How can I prevent parvo?
previously I lost my Caucasian and rott to parvo 8 and 5 months respectively.
I got a Lhasa after some months and she died of parvo
pls what are the precautions to take

There's a vaccine for it.

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Grandmeister(m): 11:45am On Jun 04, 2020

I lost a dog to parvo. It was such a painful death. She was 7 years. Another of my dogs had parvo at 6 months but survived. It was a miracle! I thought I would lose him too. He is almost 5 years now. smiley I feel parvo is the coronavirus of dogs. Nobody knows how they fight it but some survive and some die. smiley
I think some dogs are prone to parvo..I trained and sold dogs from 1998 till 2016, so I have some experience on digs..GSDs are less likely to suffer or die from parvo when compared to Rotts and mastiffs...I never lost a GSD to parvo..but then again I took their vaccines seriously..


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by daddytime(m): 11:45am On Jun 04, 2020
Hi, i'm Thor Aegeus and guess what? i'm a Boerboel. Yeah you got it right a black Boerboel.

Mom isn't a fan of large breeds,she's more of a small breed fan(I still wonder why I was chosen)

I have an elder sister(not biological though) she's way older than me,she's a 5 year old Lhasa...and on the other hand i'm just 9 weeks old and already taller than her. grin

Great narrative prowess, a beautiful Thor, and an amazing thread.

Well done!


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Farki: 11:46am On Jun 04, 2020
I need a good dog that can eat garry as well

Who is Garry and what did he do that you want a dog to eat him? sad

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