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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity (2473 Views)
5,043 Megawatts & Rising - Nigerians Enjoy Improved Power Supply Nationwide / Kano's 10 Megawatts Independent Project Is At 90% Completion Stage (Pictures) / 3,050 Megawatts Mambilla Power Project In Taraba (Pictured) (2) (3) (4)
South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Nobody: 9:49pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
The Medupi Power Station is a coal-fired power plant in Lephalale, South Africa that was commissioned in 2007 with a total installed capacity of 4,800 megawatt.It is the 8th largest coal-fired power station in the world and helped bring South Africa total generation capacity to 51,309 megawatts (MW). This pales in comparison to Nigeria, which since 1960 has struggled with electricity for it's 200 million population and has the potential to generate 12,522 megawatts (MW) of electric power from existing plants, but most days is only able to generate around 4,000 MW, which is insufficient. It is like Nigerian leaders swore to an oath in 1960 to keep us in darkness forever ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Nobody: 9:57pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
The giants of Africa:Botswana,Namibia,Rwanda and South Africa are leaving us behind in the stoneage. My dream team to salvage Nigeria. 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Nobody: 10:35pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
Another option is to swallow our pride and ask the South Africans to help us with our power situation. It is becoming embarrasing. 8 Likes |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by mystery22: 10:42pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
Wow,coal is obviously important.give us Biafra and see brains and 1st world things,only the very best we handle a project. 6 Likes |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by jneutron4000: 10:48pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
RuudVanNisteroy:honestly what we need is breakup of Nigeria, Chinese, Americans even South Africans are in Nigeria still yet everywhere jagajaga, when we had regional government, Great Awolowo wanted to use Nuclear energy to generate electricity, crazy English got scared and stoped it. They knew that a man who could bring abt first tv station in Africa and even before some countries in Europe within the space of 3 months of self rule, such man will build a better civilazation and development than them so they used greedy Azikwe and Tafawa to imprisoned such brilliant mind. If Oduduwa Republic stands, SA will not match up to our development. 6 Likes |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Nobody: 10:51pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
mystery22:Enugu is the coal powerhouse of Nigeria. 2 Likes |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by mystery22: 10:56pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
RuudVanNisteroy:yes and that's where will generate most of our electricity from in biafra.. |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by mystery22: 10:58pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
jneutron4000:then why are you guys not agitating for odua republic,the earlier we disintegrate the better for us,cos Nigeria is a shithole and will Always remain soo 3 Likes |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by jneutron4000: 11:12pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
mystery22:type Oduduwa Republic on FB and see how many activist you see. Also do not expect us to starting protesting and agitating on the street, we have learnt our lessons during june 12. 2023 is the Yoruba way ( which is restructure back to what was aggreed by all at Lancaster) or the highway (war). 2 Likes |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Nobody: 11:14pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
mystery22: I believe in unity- we need the best brains from north,south,east and west to turn the country around. |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by NGpatriot: 11:24pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
ipobs and their silly and pointless topics.. smh... 1 Like |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by mystery22: 11:26pm On Jun 23, 2020 |
jneutron4000:you guys don't even understand,no president from the south is powerful enough to restructure the country,only a Fulani man can do it..for you to be a president you must be there slave..let's not deceive ourself..disintegration is what you should agitate for unless you are not sure of your tribe staying alone,cos for me I believe in the great igbo race.. 2 Likes |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Nobody: 12:04am On Jun 24, 2020 |
NGpatriot:Thrash 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by History555: 3:16am On Jun 24, 2020 |
NGpatriot: Unity beggars. Fear of being alone so they need others to survive. Parasites 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Nobody: 3:37am On Jun 24, 2020 |
History555: ![]() |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by overall90: 5:24am On Jun 24, 2020 |
jneutron4000: You don land here with your stupid lies and propaganda. Go and check the people that imprisoned Awolowo, they are all yorubas backed by the Fulani federal government.the accusers, witnesses and even the judge were all yorubas. As at the time Awolowo was sent to prison.Zik had already left the coalition government. they have banned history for you people so that your propaganda and revisionism business will continue to thrive. 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Nobody: 5:37am On Jun 24, 2020 |
overall90:Awolowo was jailed for corruption. Obafemi Awolowo, the first premier of the Western Region, was found guilty of corruption by the Coker Commission in 1962. In 1954, the Western Region Marketing Board had L6.2 million. By May 1962, it had to exist on overdrafts amounting to over L2.5 million. A loan of L6.7 million was made to the National Investment and Properties Co., Ltd. for building projects out of which only L500, 000 was ever re-paid. The Western Region Finance Corporation and the West Nigeria Development Corporation also received loans of millions of pounds, which were never re-paid. The Coker Commission found Awolowo responsible for the all the ills of the Western Region Marketing Board 1 Like |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by femicyrus(m): 5:38am On Jun 24, 2020 |
RuudVanNisteroy:Sorry to burst your bubble, buhari is the best brain the north can offer Nigeria 2 Likes |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by helinues: 5:39am On Jun 24, 2020 |
So make we fry Mosquitoes...... |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Heavensent01(m): 6:14am On Jun 24, 2020 |
RuudVanNisteroy: Nigeria cannot developed with unity, some northerners most esp Fulani still believe Buhari was sent from Allah despite everything retrogress under his govt secondly the way an Igbo man will do his own thing Yoruba might be differs, Hausa own might be differs what's holding development down in Nigeria is unitary/centralization system of govt and 1999 constitution. get rid of those things and see Nigeria developed so fast if Nigeria still have north and south, I can assure there won't be any development 1 Like |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by jneutron4000: 6:50am On Jun 24, 2020 |
overall90:keep quiet, what do you know? in fact the main brain power behind the imprisonment of Awolowo in Nigeria was NNAMDI AZIKIWE. He was heavily and secretly involved in the Western politic, he penetrated the Yoruba political space even during the time of Olayinka Herbert Macaulay, he highjacked the party and igbonized it still yet draging political power in Yoruba land in the process creacting problems amongst Yorubas, Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola realized the evil of Zik ibo man an he made an audio to expose it before he was killed. Go and make good historical research on what Zik did before you come online. |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by jneutron4000: 6:57am On Jun 24, 2020 |
mystery22:That you lie, Tinubu or Wike is more than capable of restructing this country if given the chance, even Osinbajo many think he is weak, make he get that presidencial power, you go know say na rugged and fearless man. Disintegration is the best but it comes if high price and Aare Ona Gani will usually say we the Yorubas love to use the diplomatic ways first and war and the last option if all fails. |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Nobody: 7:04am On Jun 24, 2020 |
jneutron4000:Always blame the Igbo man for all the ills and never accept responsibility. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by jneutron4000: 7:49am On Jun 24, 2020 |
RuudVanNisteroy:It is the truth, the Ibo messed up the very foundation of Nigeria; 1. Azikwe kicked against sucession clause at the Lancaster conference and was busy advocating for one Nigeria, even when the fulaniss acknowledges that we are diffrent but Ibo man they say let be one. 2. Azikwe an Ibo man was busy dragging political power with great Awolowo in Western region at Ibadan why?? if not greed and evil plan of Ibo people 3. Azikwe and Ibos choose to enter into the first political power with the North and because of that greed and quest for power to rule over others instead of concentrating of developing eastern region. 4. Azikwe planned with the North to distabilized the western region which was the best region in Nigeria, by first putting Awolowo in house arrest, killed his son in a planned crash and send Awolowo to prinson and subsequently declaring a state of emergency in western region. 5. The Ibos even cruched the Niger Delta dream of becoming and independent Nation led by Adaka Boro 6. Relationship btw the Ibos and the Hausa fulanis got sour and bad because the fulanis saw the greediness of the the Ibos and they refuses to drop the PM power to the Ibos and boom the Ibo carried out the first coup in Nigeria that is just about 6 years of independence ![]() 7. Immediately the Ibo man took power in person of Aguiyi Ironsi, the first thing he did was to destroy all what we aggreed on before independence which is to control our spaces and resources respectively. decree 34 Aguiyi created is almost the same thing Fedrick Lugard did by merging the North and the South together, so as to be able to control all the resources easily and loot them to England. So Ibo did the same thing so they will be able to control others resources. thieves. 8. Fulanis took over power and saw what the greediness of ibo people have initiated, they tool advantage and till date they are benefitin from it. IBO CAUSE THE PROBLEMS OF NIGERIA SIMPLE ![]() ![]() |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by junketer(m): 7:59am On Jun 24, 2020 |
This thread was about nigeria's electricity supply compared to that of south africa but you used your first post to shift from the topic to igbos. What is wrong with you people? 1 Like |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Nobody: 8:02am On Jun 24, 2020 |
junketer: ![]() |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by FreeMejoor1(m): 9:05am On Jun 24, 2020 |
junketer:no be lie..naija get wahala with reasoning.. |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by mystery22: 10:04am On Jun 24, 2020 |
jneutron4000:who is tinubu or wike? an ordinary civilian to the cabal or didn't you see how they killed abiola through your yoruba brothers..obasanjo a miltary president couldn't even restructure the country even though he wanted to,jonathan was totally powerless,at most they will kill any president from the south that tries anything,they control the army,airforce,navy,the senate,house of assembly and the rest, a south president can't solve our problems, at most they unleash another deadly group like how they unleashed boko haram.the best is disintegration for our unborn children.. |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by mystery22: 10:10am On Jun 24, 2020 |
overall90:seriously this boys can twist history 1 Like |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by jneutron4000: 11:04am On Jun 24, 2020 |
mystery22:Now i see you know nothing abt Politics, Tinubu that Obj and the cabal could not rig out of power when he was the Lagos state governor and Wike with he strong stand against Federal government, hahaha if any of those two men get hold of federal power, you will know that they are not weak as GEJ. Hausa Fulani will try everything humanly possible to make sure power does not get to a strong hand like those men in the South. Obj is nothing but fulani stooge. |
Re: South Africa Medupi Power Station Generate More Megawatts Than Nigeria Capacity by Nobody: 11:28am On Jun 24, 2020 |
jneutron4000:We have seen Benin republic and Togo doing fantastic 2 Likes |
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