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What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? - Islam for Muslims (3) - Nairaland

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Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by voltront: 12:00pm On Jun 26, 2020
There are other reason for shaving a babies hair. The primary reason though is for it to be weighed after it is cut. The equivalent weight in silver is then given in charity on the baby's behalf. This wards off evil from the child. Allah knows best.


Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Thatssobeyonce(f): 12:01pm On Jun 26, 2020
Mine was cut twice sef....But alhamdllh my hair is almost waist length now

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Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by gentleibraheem(m): 12:02pm On Jun 26, 2020

I'm agnostic about God. I don't know if he exist but I'm willing to accept that there is probably someone behind everything we see in the world today, including ourselves.

Despite this, I can't accept religion because of flaws I found in them.

Even if there is a God or group of gods, I don't think he want anyone to worship him. I have not found a religion book that is clean from flaws

Now think of it. That supreme being created you, the earth with Water and plant emanating from it and animals who live by them. ( a permanently self dependent place) then other planets, imagine how magnificent. And the universe (space) which is beyond human comprehension.
Then the jinn, and human. How unique from an invisible spermatozoon, to an embryo, then a cloth of blood, through stages until you're born. You can't open your eyes, can't comprehend, can't speak, can't walk. You'd grow beyond what you your comprehension as a child, then die and that's it
Don't you even think of life after earth. You need a liberal and objectively willing mindset to believe in the divine book ( Quran) and Allah would guide you from there


Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by voltront: 12:03pm On Jun 26, 2020
I went to greet a friend who recently gave birth to a baby girl. I carried this baby and she was so cute, and the hair, oh my God! This baby has hair, I mean the hair was just too much on her head. Dark curly, beautiful shinny hair.

I complimented the mother about the hair saying if I have a baby I want her hair to be plenty as hers. She replied that I better not be too happy about the hair, that they'll cut it before the naming ceremony. I was like why? She said it's a Muslim thing.

Although I know the hair will grow back, but I would like to know the reason behind this cutting of a thing.

Is it done to all Muslims over the world, or is it just in only Nigeria?

There are other reason for shaving a babies hair. The primary reason though is for it to be weighed after it is cut. The equivalent weight in silver is then given in charity on the baby's behalf. This wards off evil from the child. Allah knows best.
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Corporate2020: 12:11pm On Jun 26, 2020

I'm no more a Muslim, but I have answer to your question.

Shaving children hair and killing animal as a sacrifice on behalf of the baby is a popular pegan pre-Islamic practice.

Muhammad/Islam adopted the practice with little modifications

1. Muslim kill the animal on the seventh day after birth
2. Muslim don't stain the head of the baby with the blood of the animal like the pegan use to do.


It is a culture that Muhammad met in his community and adopted into his religion. But many today's Muslim do not know and they are not ready to modernise their Islam to suit the current century because they are afraid of hell fire. Maybe they think their God is brutal

I need to see your medical certificate of mental fitness because you don't sound mentally balance. This rubbish you posted up there will lead you to hell fire where you will be raped severally by Sani Abacha, Ajimobi a.k.a. Constituted Authority and other gay sinners like yourself.
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by fatiaforreal: 12:13pm On Jun 26, 2020
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one enters heaven except through him
Jesus or Horep?
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Corporate2020: 12:14pm On Jun 26, 2020
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one enters heaven except through him

Definitely, your heaven is different from my heaven. Therefore, hold on to your heaven while I hold on to my own heaven.
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Sheriman(m): 12:15pm On Jun 26, 2020

I'm no more a Muslim, but I have answer to your question.

Shaving children hair and killing animal as a sacrifice on behalf of the baby is a popular pegan pre-Islamic practice.

Muhammad/Islam adopted the practice with little modifications

1. Muslim kill the animal on the seventh day after birth
2. Muslim don't stain the head of the baby with the blood of the animal like the pegan use to do.


It is a culture that Muhammad met in his community and adopted into his religion. But many today's Muslim do not know and they are not ready to modernise their Islam to suit the current century because they are afraid of hell fire. Maybe they think their God is brutal
You wrote or type absolute Nonsense
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Corporate2020: 12:22pm On Jun 26, 2020
Many Muslims have not seen the hadith of the origin of baby shaving before today. Now they are mute grin

If you want, I can give you authentic hadith on the origin of hijab too, nothing is divine about hijab origin too.

I can give you authentic hadith about the Yemeni kaaba too, which Muhammad sent his boys to destroy. Kaaba isn't divine. It's a Arab shrine and Yemeni had a version too before Muhammad destroyed it.

We don't leave Islam because we hate it. We leave it because we realised it is not divine

This is how generational madness starts. You are showing advanced signs of psychiatric disorders, mental imbalance and hallucination.

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Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by perdollar(m): 12:33pm On Jun 26, 2020
it's an indication that u wl b brainwashed soon
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Xmuslim: 12:39pm On Jun 26, 2020

Now think of it. That supreme being created you, the earth with Water and plant emanating from it and animals who live by them. ( a permanently self dependent place) then other planets, imagine how magnificent. And the universe (space) which is beyond human comprehension.
Then the jinn, and human. How unique from an invisible spermatozoon, to an embryo, then a cloth of blood, through stages until you're born. You can't open your eyes, can't comprehend, can't speak, can't walk. You'd grow beyond what you your comprehension as a child, then die and that's it
Don't you even think of life after earth. You need a liberal and objectively willing mindset to believe in the divine book ( Quran) and Allah would guide you from there

All these does not justify religion. Bible is equally divine to Christians. Other hundreds of religions also have divine books. Why do you think your own is unique?
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Xmuslim: 12:41pm On Jun 26, 2020

Definitely, your heaven is different from my heaven. Therefore, hold on to your heaven while I hold on to my own heaven.

Both of you may be ignorant (no insult intended). God may not need your religion. He may need Jewish religion. Have you ever thought of this? grin

Joke apart, God may not need any religion
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Austeeenxx: 12:45pm On Jun 26, 2020
I think it was a directive from Prophet Muhammadu Buhari (SAW)
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Xmuslim: 12:49pm On Jun 26, 2020

I love the fact that you research so much about Islam. And this makes my job easier.
Now most of your posts are based on the need to dissociate self from pre Islamic Arab peganism. However, one step further is what make the picture a bit blur to you and that us going beyond pre pre Islamic Arabs.
Now did you know that most of the pagan Arabs parcyice before the holy prophet Muhammad is a corruption of what prophet Ibrahim practices before his death?.
Now check out the origin of ka'abah, hajj, and other Islamic doctrine which see like a little moderation to the pre Islamic paganism. And you'd realise that it is not a moderation, but a sort pf correction and reinstitution of the lost Ibrahim's practices

First, Jews and Christian never agree that Abraham set foot on makkah. Tell me why I should agree with Qur'an on this matter and discard jew and Christian reports?

Second, pre-islamic pegan similarities to Islam is the least of my problem with Islam. Check my threads and see for yourself.

Infact, any religion that claim that people will burn in hell for eternity is a false religion or such religion is having a Hitler kind of god

Also, religion of Islam and Christiannity primary based salvation on the belief in jesus and Muhammad respectively.

So, if I believe jesus died for my sin as a Christian, I will enter heaven.

If I believe in kalimatu shahada according Islam, I will enter heaven even if I commit other sins. I may spend some time in hell, but will later get to paradise.

Both of these theories are against common sense and this is why Muslim always see Christian as useless religion and vice versa. It is because both are viewing the religion from 3rd party perspective

I see
both religion as false because I'm looking at both from neutral, unbiase, 3rd party perspective.

To see other problems with Islam, check my threads

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Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by LabuleofNigeria: 12:53pm On Jun 26, 2020

I'm no more a Muslim, but I have answer to your question.

Shaving children hair and killing animal as a sacrifice on behalf of the baby is a popular pegan pre-Islamic practice.

Muhammad/Islam adopted the practice with little modifications

1. Muslim kill the animal on the seventh day after birth
2. Muslim don't stain the head of the baby with the blood of the animal like the pegan use to do.


It is a culture that Muhammad met in his community and adopted into his religion. But many today's Muslim do not know and they are not ready to modernise their Islam to suit the current century because they are afraid of hell fire. Maybe they think their God is brutal

The Simple question asked by the OP in the topic is :
"What is the reason for cutting baby's hair in Islam" or better still "Why do Muslims shaves Baby's hair"

The simple answer is :
Because it is clearly stated in the hadith (you might probably quote out the paragraphs).

Who asked you for the history ?
Who asked you how it started ?
Must you always portray your hypocisy and hatred for Islam on every topic ?
Why claim to be an igonamus parrot from time to time. Your hypocrite answer to the OP raises concern on your mental status.
Your hypocrisy will sooner or later claim your life.


Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by drlateef: 1:05pm On Jun 26, 2020

I'm no more a Muslim, but I have answer to your question.

Shaving children hair and killing animal as a sacrifice on behalf of the baby is a popular pegan pre-Islamic practice.

Muhammad/Islam adopted the practice with little modifications

1. Muslim kill the animal on the seventh day after birth
2. Muslim don't stain the head of the baby with the blood of the animal like the pegan use to do.


It is a culture that Muhammad met in his community and adopted into his religion. But many today's Muslim do not know and they are not ready to modernise their Islam to suit the current century because they are afraid of hell fire. Maybe they think their God is brutal

This is very wrong indeed. You are deliberately peddling falsehood. Allah says in holy Quran that Muhammad is the best example for mankind. And Muhammad said all jahiliyyah pagan customs must be stopped by Muslims. He brought examples only from God almighty. When the prophet ordered muslims to circumcise their males, ignorant folks like you were saying it is pagan custom and no benefits but mutilation. Now you know the health benefits of it and you are silenced for ever.
The hair of newborn contains debris from amniotic fluid waste and dead tissues and cells. The hair also takes the dirts from birth canal and vagina of the mother. It also contain dead cells from the skin of the scalp. These impurities cannot be easily removed by wiping and soap and water. That’s why it is hygienic to shave it all off and allow new hair growth.

When next you are ignorant of anything, make your research on google. All it will cost you is some mega bites and few minutes of your time.

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Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Xmuslim: 1:22pm On Jun 26, 2020

This is very wrong indeed. You are deliberately peddling falsehood. Allah says in holy Quran that Muhammad is the best example for mankind. And Muhammad said all jahiliyyah pagan customs must be stopped by Muslims. He brought examples only from God almighty. When the prophet ordered muslims to circumcise their males, ignorant folks like you were saying it is pagan custom and no benefits but mutilation. Now you know the health benefits of it and you are silenced for ever.
The hair of newborn contains debris from amniotic fluid waste and dead tissues and cells. The hair also takes the dirts from birth canal and vagina of the mother. It also contain dead cells from the skin of the scalp. These impurities cannot be easily removed by wiping and soap and water. That’s why it is hygienic to shave it all off and allow new hair growth.

When next you are ignorant of anything, make your research on google. All it will cost you is some mega bites and few minutes of your time.

If the practice has any benefits, the credit goes to the Arab pegans, not Muhammad.

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Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by babtoundey(m): 1:37pm On Jun 26, 2020
Well, my sister and her husband (the husband is an Alfa) refused to barb the hair of their baby. The baby is close to a year now and her hair is still not barbed.
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by muzeze77: 1:49pm On Jun 26, 2020
If you have done Hajj or umrah , you will understand, after Hajj or umrah , you shave your hair , it's a method of worship. When a baby is born you cut the hair because everyone is equal and is a method of worship .when death comes , you wash the body and bury using just a white clothes with head facing Mecca, it's all about the oneness of Allah and all humans are equal before Allah. So a baby born to dangote will shave hair and a baby born to a pauper will also shave hair
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by drlateef: 1:57pm On Jun 26, 2020

If the practice has any benefits, the credit goes to the Arab pegans, not Muhammad.

I can see you shifting your argument to “who gets the credit”, isn’t it? Obviously you are mischievous. That quotation you stated does not state that they were shaving the hair before Islam. They were only smearing the head with blood, just like idol worshippers did and are still doing. So, you need to show me the evidence that pagans shaved the head of their newborns. Muslims don’t smear the head with blood like pagans do. Ignorance is dangerous, stop peddling ignorance.


Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by mutaalim(m): 1:57pm On Jun 26, 2020
Yes , because the hair is impurity.
Hardly you will see a Muslim with dread lock [Dada]
besides if not cut their is tendency to be attack by demo.

Sometimes you will see someone behaving abnormally they will say it is the hair affecting such person that they should cut the hair.
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by gentleibraheem(m): 2:54pm On Jun 26, 2020

All these does not justify religion. Bible is equally divine to Christians. Other hundreds of religions also have divine books. Why do you think your own is unique?

Islam is unique in any way any Christianity, judaisim, and in fact the religions practiced by moses, Joseph, Abraham, Jesus, Noah, Dawud, Adam, and all other prophets mentioned in the Qur'an. However, with a very slight difference which brings about all the banters between Muslims and Christians.
All Divine history books must in any way mention Adam, which happened to be the first prophet, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and Muhammad (who is the last). And there is always a
Correlation between the teachings of these people who would always announce the coming of a successor before they leave earth.
The Qur'an encompasses of three divine books, which include the Torah, zabur, and Injeel (which is supposed to be the bible). It is what Islam as a religion is built on. The book is revealed to the holy prophet who along with his companions memorised each verse of this revelation before it's eventual compilation.
However, Centuries after compilation the book have remained the most powerful. With it's content which is obviously beyond human imagination and manipulation it has never been compromised by believers or non believers alike. If you ask me any day to give you a reason why you should accept islam, I'd say the Qur'an and Muhammad (SAW) a thousand times.
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by icestorm(m): 2:56pm On Jun 26, 2020

Lol. How rational does it sound to modernise a religion. So it is now like a software you update to suit your desire
Let him know. That's why Islam is different from other religion that have changed their ways to suit them
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Szkpytqgdcvx925: 3:05pm On Jun 26, 2020

Didn’t Christianity do the same thing, from the Old to the New testament? and even some Christain churches in the 21st century now accept LGBT+ people, honestly every religion has to evolve bc the people are evolving. Islam is too barbaric to work out in this generation, people now have freedom of speech, women and children have rights now and gay people too have rights. Sorry but Islam needs to evolve. Inshallah brothers.

I bet you are bastard. stop comparing Cristainity with Islam. Cristainity is a religion without focus, religion of dumb people who don't understand Bible.
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Szkpytqgdcvx925: 3:07pm On Jun 26, 2020
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one enters heaven except through him

stop this nonsense how is jesus the way, which way tell me am waiting for you. dumb people who don't understand Bible
Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by gentleibraheem(m): 3:18pm On Jun 26, 2020

First, Jews and Christian never agree that Abraham set foot on makkah. Tell me why I should agree with Qur'an on this matter and discard jew and Christian reports?

Second, pre-islamic pegan similarities to Islam is the least of my problem with Islam. Check my threads and see for yourself.

Infact, any religion that claim that people will burn in hell for eternity is a false religion or such religion is having a Hitler kind of god

Also, religion of Islam and Christiannity primary based salvation on the belief in jesus and Muhammad respectively.

So, if I believe jesus died for my sin as a Christian, I will enter heaven.

If I believe in kalimatu shahada according Islam, I will enter heaven even if I commit other sins. I may spend some time in hell, but will later get to paradise.

Both of these theories are against common sense and this is why Muslim always see Christian as useless religion and vice versa. It is because both are viewing the religion from 3rd party perspective

I see
both religion as false because I'm looking at both from neutral, unbiase, 3rd party perspective.

To see other problems with Islam, check my threads

Firstly, you don't need the Jews and Christians to agree on a matter about Islam before you believe it. As you never disbelieve in Jewish assertions because Islam is mute about it. And you don't need to discard what the Jewish and Christian books are saying about Abraham setting foot in Makkah as these books kept mute about the slave wife of Abraham who the Qur'an reported to have put to bed and visited by Abraham. Have an objective mindset and don't let a Christian or Jewish book hinder you from believing what you want to believe.
Secondly, pre Islamic paganism seem to be the bigger of your problem as you base most of your post on them.
Then if you believe in any form of organised state with laws ( I.e dos, don'ts and punishment for offenders) then you practice hypocrisy. Besides how does it sound to you self. All the rapists, murderers, robbers and corrupt leaders should not be punished abi.
Last paragraph. Considering the fact that you're an xmuslim, you should know the five pillars better and not only the shahadah would guarantee jannah.
I think No divine book or religion is compatible with common sense. Not even how your heart works, how the earth rotates in its orbit, how you turn from semen to human, and the existence of jinns you can't see, feel, or touch, And how life leaves your body.
Think. It's all before your eyes

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Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by adrusa: 4:02pm On Jun 26, 2020

Lol. How rational does it sound to modernise a religion. So it is now like a software you update to suit your desire

Ignore the fool. He thinks that Islam is another pay as you go religion where some scam artists pretend as if God is speaking to them. Unless your god is not omniscience who knows the past and the future, you don't need changes in your religious fundamentals to fit "modern world". God's laws are eternal. They are suitable 1000 years ago and they will still be suitable thousands of years from now.

Only yahoo yahoo god changes his mind like the diaper of a child with diarrhea.

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Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by Xmuslim: 4:27pm On Jun 26, 2020

Firstly, you don't need the Jews and Christians to agree on a matter about Islam before you believe it. As you never disbelieve in Jewish assertions because Islam is mute about it. And you don't need to discard what the Jewish and Christian books are saying about Abraham setting foot in Makkah as these books kept mute about the slave wife of Abraham who the Qur'an reported to have put to bed and visited by Abraham. Have an objective mindset and don't let a Christian or Jewish book hinder you from believing what you want to believe.
Secondly, pre Islamic paganism seem to be the bigger of your problem as you base most of your post on them.
Then if you believe in any form of organised state with laws ( I.e dos, don'ts and punishment for offenders) then you practice hypocrisy. Besides how does it sound to you self. All the rapists, murderers, robbers and corrupt leaders should not be punished abi.
Last paragraph. Considering the fact that you're an xmuslim, you should know the five pillars better and not only the shahadah would guarantee jannah.
I think No divine book or religion is compatible with common sense. Not even how your heart works, how the earth rotates in its orbit, how you turn from semen to human, and the existence of jinns you can't see, feel, or touch, And how life leaves your body.
Think. It's all before your eyes

Research more. According to Muhammad, the last batch of people that will leave hell are those with an atom of iman. They didn't observe other pillars of Islam.

I'm not against punishment, but eternal hell does not justify any crime.

Qur'an does not talk about earth rotation on it orbit, how heart works, perfect description of formation of featus. Dr zakir naik came up with all these. It is called the miracle of re-interpretation. Infact Qur'an contradict science if we go by traditional tafsir. Modern people are only trying to re-interpret the Qur'an to correct the error. This is what I realised with certainty and part of the reasons why I left the deen

Moreover, all the things that seems scientific in the Qur'an were found in other books that were around before Qur'an. Qur'an even made the same mistakes those books made

Once more, jew and Christian does not agree that Abraham ever set foot on makkah. So, I don't trust Qur'an when it says Abraham entered makkah


Re: What Is The Reason For Cutting Baby's Hair In Islam? by donkaz2(m): 4:49pm On Jun 26, 2020
Well someone just mentioned a good point earlier so no need to illustrate on it any longer, I will only add that people should just not jump into conclusion expecially when it concerns other people's belief. Moreso I have never seen a baby that his/her head was shaved in the first seven days and later turn DADA(dreadlocks) never its the weak hair that entangle and causes dreadlocks which is later harmful at young age till above age 10years. Islam have a reason behind all its doing. May God forgive all our short comings

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