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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by OkCornel(m): 12:30am On Jun 28, 2020
As a matter of fact, the position of the Archbishop of Canterbury states that pictures of Jesus portrayed as a Middle Easterner is the most accurate one! (Bolded and highlighted red in the above article)

Not black Jesus or Fijian Jesus or Chinese Jesus

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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by MuttleyLaff: 12:41am On Jun 28, 2020
There is no such race as Middle Eastern, it's a SCAM. In fact, there is no middle East. It's was North-East Africa before ESAU created the Suez canal, separating the region from Africa and renaming it Middle-East. The league of nations came together in 1948 to create the fraudulent state of Israel. Then they set up schools to teach the people our Hebrew culture and a language (which is even YIDDISH and not the Ancient Hebrew/ Paleo-Hebrew/BANTU).

As a matter of fact, the position of the Archbishop of Canterbury states that pictures of Jesus portrayed as a Middle Easterner is the most accurate one! (Bolded and highlighted red in the above article)

Not black Jesus or Fijian Jesus or Chinese Jesus
The British used to think of the region that roughly corresponds to today's Middle East as two entities: the Near East (the Balkans and the eastern Mediterranean) and the Middle East (the region around Iran and the Persian Gulf. By Nick Danforth, based on A. Keith Johnston's 1852 "Chart of the World Showing the Forms and Directions of the Ocean Currents.'')

The donnie, eplanning, letu, growtogeda & Company clique don't subscribe to this truth and fact, at all, that Jesus Christ is neither black-skinned nor is He white-skinned either.

Baba will turn up, to scatter the place up, with saying there is no such race as Middle Eastern, that it's a SCAM.
Now the thing is, the Suez Canal was built in between 1859 and 1869, and got officially opened on the 17th of November 1869, and the Suez Canal, basically is a man-made waterway connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean via the Red Sea. The Mediterranean Sea region in fact, has been called Middle East, as early as 1852 and years before the Suez Canal saw the light of day.

The Suez Canal, as earlier pointed out, wasn't even separating any region from Africa, like donnie would like others to believe. Also, naming the Mediterranean Sea region as the Middle-East, had nothing to do with Jesus or any particular people group, this was just conveniently done for naval interests and commerce purposes

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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by growtogeda: 4:23am On Jun 28, 2020
I have always from start zero maintained that Jesus is neither white skinned nor was He black-skinned. That has always been my position from word, go.

Even if you don't know anything about history, conventional wisdom and intelligence would at least, let you know that, the people group originally inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea region could never have been black-skinned and they would have never be white-skinned either. It is a no brainer that they naturally would be in between what is classed as black-skinned and white-skinned. Its not rocket science. It is not trying to make fetch happen. It is what it is. Jesus was never black skinned and He wasn't ever white skinned either. Period

Tbh, I careless, if Jesus is seen as pink, green, purple, or burgundy, but what I wouldn't tolerate, is one people group set out on a campaign to demonise another entire people group. I would not watch one people group have an agenda to dehumanise the entirety of another people group.
Just as there are immoral and immoral persons within black-skinned (i.e. Negroid), so we have similar bad traits within other races like the Caucasoid and Mongoloid. No one race has a monopoly of bad behaviour and/or has exclusivity of behaving badly

We are the architects of whatever woes befell us, and we should not be looking for scape goats or someone else in other people groups to blame for whatever suffering, set backs, torment, agonies, hell on earth experiences et cetera we seem to be subject to.

What Baba has craftily done is play on people's emotion instability, he's served tea, stirred with a touch teeny weeny dash of evil and strong potent of deadly poison in it, this then makes it become impossible, for who is alert, to drink just "tea". Smh

donnie is a notorious conman of words. He is like a colorful toad, attractive, but poisonous. Pick him up, cuddle and kiss, at your own peril

I dedicate the inspiration of my last remark to kkins25

boss , wisdom full your head. don't leave me. lol
you know too much about everything. you are making feel like I'm wasting my youthfulness.

I salute all of you on this thread

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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by letu(m): 9:10am On Jun 28, 2020

I have stuck to my guns right from the on set beginning. It is you who has compromised. You are now happy to gravitate towards reddish brown and you've received small sense to toy with the idea of romanticising with the allure of reddish brown skin complexion. Praise YAH. Alleluia.
Can you please explain the meaning of this picture
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by letu(m): 9:47am On Jun 28, 2020


But, of course, this has no relevance whatsoever to the question Welby was really being asked by the BBC which was: “Do you support Black Lives Matter?

A more agile, intelligent Archbishop of Canterbury would have carefully avoided the trap the BBC set for him. Welby, however, jumped straight into it — probably because he didn’t really think of it as a trap at all.

Of course Welby tacitly supports Black Lives Matter. Pretty much the entire Church of England does. Which of course is part of the reason we’re in the mess we’re in

'I Have White Advantage, Male Advantage, Straight Advantage'
– Woke Archbishop Brands Own Church 'Institutionally Racist'

"I have white advantage. Educational advantage. Straight advantage. Male advantage… I’m not ashamed of those advantages; I’m ashamed of not knowing I had them,” Welby said


The Archbishop mentioned that Middle Eastern Jesus, is of course, the most accurate representation of Jesus.

where is your Archbishop of Canterbury with his faith and advocacy on Middle Eastern Jesus philosophical idea all along inwhich his OYIBO European/Yankee brothers has been playing a deceptive (419) game on Africans in the name of Jesus attached is the pictures of his OYIBO brothers doing what they know best, what effort has he put in place that will help change the narrative.
With what I'm seeing, his trying to remove the OYIBO OR OYINBO European/Yankee Jesus and replace it with another OYIBO Which is Middle Easterne OYINBO grin grin grin grin this Archbishop is very very smart grin grin, Africans Africans wonder's shall never end what kind of rubbish is this, from one OYIBO to another OYIBO grin grin Africans please wake up indeed this OYIBO Archbishop is very very smart grin grin grin grin.

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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by OkCornel(m): 9:51am On Jun 28, 2020
Did someone just call middle easterners “onyibo” too?

Oh the stark ignorance


Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by donnie(m): 9:55am On Jun 28, 2020
We do not need any Archbishop to validate our herritage as chosen people of YISOLELE (ISRAEL). They are part of the conspiracy to destroy the chosen people. (Psalm 83:2-4)

Also I've been hearing BLM BLM upandan.
BLM has nothing to do with black lives. Only stupid Isrealites who have not been listening to us are decieved by them. Then there are those sponsored groups among them. Many Israelites are being led to the slaughter by BLM. It's a trap.

The BLM is owned and funded by white people. And he who pays the Piper dictates the tune. BLM is being used the promote LGBTQ so as to further destroy our People. It has nothing to do with saving black lives. Then there are also those of the far left behind the riots going on who are bent on removing Trump. It's all a farce.

Isrealites do not need BLM to wake our People. YAHUNDE (JUDAH) will awake by the finger of YAH and will desire and keep YAH'S Laws statues and commandments.

According to the scriptures, as destruction comes, two-thirds of ISRAEL will die. So REPENT. #AwakeOIsrael

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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by MuttleyLaff: 11:41am On Jun 28, 2020
Did someone just call middle easterners “onyibo” too?

Oh the stark ignorance
Na so we see am ooo. Lebanese to them too, dem be oyinbo nah grin grin grin

You can say "stark ignorance" multiple times all over again.
A horse, a horse, the kingdom for a horse.

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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by donnie(m): 11:46am On Jun 28, 2020

With what I'm seeing, his trying to remove the OYIBO OR OYINBO European/Yankee Jesus and replace it with another OYIBO Which is Middle Easterne OYINBO grin grin grin grin this Archbishop is very very smart grin grin, Africans Africans wonder's shall never end what kind of rubbish is this, from one OYIBO to another OYIBO grin grin Africans please wake up indeed this OYIBO Archbishop is very very smart grin grin grin grin.

They are very dodgy. Like serpents they try to promote white Jesus, when you catch them, they say "middle-eastern". Ask for picture, they will bring one of those mixed white races. Its the same white Jesus. They seek to keep our people enslaved and in line.
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by donnie(m): 11:56am On Jun 28, 2020
Isaiah 1:3-4
"The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.
Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken YAHUAH, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward."

Deuteronomy 7:6
"For thou art an holy people unto YAHUAH thy ELOHIYM: YAHUAH thy ELOHIYM hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth."

These scriptures have nothing to do with religion. YAHUAH divided the nations and set their boarders. And chose a people to himself YISOLELE (Israel), REPENT.


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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by letu(m): 12:58pm On Jun 28, 2020

They are very dodgy. Like serpents they try to promote white Jesus, when you catch them, they say "middle-eastern". Ask for picture, they will bring one of those mixed white races. Its the same white Jesus. They seek to keep our people enslaved and in line.
wink smiley wink smileyYes indeed.

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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by MuttleyLaff: 5:48pm On Jun 28, 2020
Jesus Before Pilate
"28Then they led Jesus from the house of Caiaphas to the governor's headquarters. It was early morning. They themselves did not enter the governor's headquarters, so that they would not be defiled, but could eat the Passover.
29So Pilate went outside to them and said, “What accusation do you bring against this man?”
30They answered him, “If this man were not doing evil, we would not have delivered him over to you.”
31Pilate said to them, “Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law.” The Jews said to him, “It is not lawful for us to put anyone to death.”
32This was to fulfill the word that Jesus had spoken to show by what kind of death he was going to die.

My Kingdom Is Not of This World
33So Pilate entered his headquarters again and called Jesus and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?”
34Jesus answered, “Do you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?”
35Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered you over to me. What have you done?”
36Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
37Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?”
Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king.
For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth.
Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”
38Pilate said to him, “What is truth?”

After he had said this, he went back outside to the Jews and told them, “I find no guilt in him.
39But you have a custom that I should release one man for you at the Passover. So do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?”
40They cried out again, “Not this man, but Barabbas!”
Now Barabbas was a robber
- John 18:28-40

Pontius Pilate must have been a black man, lmao
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by MuttleyLaff: 6:06pm On Jun 28, 2020
where is your Archbishop of Canterbury with his faith and advocacy on Middle Eastern Jesus philosophical idea all along inwhich his OYIBO European/Yankee brothers has been playing a deceptive (419) game on Africans in the name of Jesus attached is the pictures of his OYIBO brothers doing what they know best, what effort has he put in place that will help change the narrative.
With what I'm seeing, his trying to remove the OYIBO OR OYINBO European/Yankee Jesus and replace it with another OYIBO Which is Middle Easterne OYINBO grin grin grin grin this Archbishop is very very smart grin grin, Africans Africans wonder's shall never end what kind of rubbish is this, from one OYIBO to another OYIBO grin grin Africans please wake up indeed this OYIBO Archbishop is very very smart grin grin grin grin.
The Archbishop of Canterbury naively walked into set up trap question

Your heart is blacker than any hypothetical blackest book on earth. Sensationalising wouldn't get you any where, saying the truth in the simplest and purest way will, so please spare us the glib. Thank you very much.

Light reddish-brown skinned Levant

Elam, is a son of Shem and his descendants, so by default, Elam would be and is reddish-brown skinned in complexion

So if there is no middle Eastern race, where do you want to put and place the people group, indigenous to the Mediterranean region, hmm?

It seems you have no clue what the concept of Middle East indicates and/or means, lmao

Quit stuttering. Stuttering and stammering are the two most common evidence that a person is lying, especially if caught in the act. The blatant lie here is purporting that Shem was black and his descendants were black, when this is nothing other than being horrible, foul odor, stinking high bullpiss. If Shem was black, then I'll believe that the Pope is Abubakar Shekau.

They are very dodgy. Like serpents they try to promote white Jesus, when you catch them, they say "middle-eastern". Ask for picture, they will bring one of those mixed white races. Its the same white Jesus. They seek to keep our people enslaved and in line.
There is nothing like a white Jesus, neither, is there anything like a black Jesus. How often do you want this repeated to you Baba, hmm?

wink smiley wink smileyYes indeed.
Languages: Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Circassian, Armenian, Kurdish, Turkish, Domari, Greek

letu, fyi, people that inhabit the Levant and Levantine coast, are described as related to Levant or the eastern Mediterranean region. Levant, the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean, has a meaning, attributed to the region's easterly location on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea.


Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Turkey are sometimes considered Levant countries. The people of Levant or the eastern Mediterranean region are not oyinbos, just as well as Lebanese people aren't oyinbo.
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by OkCornel(m): 6:47pm On Jun 28, 2020
The Archbishop of Canterbury naively walked into set up trap question

There is nothing like a white Jesus, neither, is there anything like a black Jesus. How often do you want this repeated to you Baba, hmm?

Languages: Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Circassian, Armenian, Kurdish, Turkish, Domari, Greek

letu, fyi, people that inhabit the Levant and Levantine coast, are described as related to Levant or the eastern Mediterranean region. Levant, the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean, has a meaning, attributed to the region's easterly location on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea.


Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Turkey are sometimes considered Levant countries. The people of Levant or the eastern Mediterranean region are not oyinbos, just as well as Lebanese people aren't oyinbo.

Did you notice up till now, Donnie and his gang are unusually quiet about DNA test results on ancient Jews buried in the land of Israel, whilst at the same time blaring their horns on Ramses DNA result?

They really hate to see the “black Hebrew and black Jesus” lie exposed. cheesy cheesy

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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by letu(m): 7:17pm On Jun 28, 2020
The Archbishop of Canterbury naively walked into set up trap question

There is nothing like a white Jesus, neither, is there anything like a black Jesus. How often do you want this repeated to you Baba, hmm?

Languages: Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, Circassian, Armenian, Kurdish, Turkish, Domari, Greek

letu, fyi, people that inhabit the Levant and Levantine coast, are described as related to Levant or the eastern Mediterranean region. Levant, the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean, has a meaning, attributed to the region's easterly location on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea.


Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Turkey are sometimes considered Levant countries. The people of Levant or the eastern Mediterranean region are not oyinbos, just as well as Lebanese people aren't oyinbo.
Keep on shifting goalposts, you've run from Middle Easterne now it is the Levant continue shifting because it's the only thing your good at.
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by MuttleyLaff: 7:38pm On Jun 28, 2020
Did you notice up till now, Donnie and his gang are unusually quiet about DNA test results on ancient Jews buried in the land of Israel, whilst at the same time blaring their horns on Ramses DNA result?

They really hate to see the “black Hebrew and black Jesus” lie exposed. cheesy cheesy
This is the reason why letu has learned to compromise to reddish ebony brown and donnie, eplanning & company have alternatively succumbed and surrendered to being reddish brown skinned, abandoning their black-skinned attitude and black Jesus, black Israelites, black negro original stance.

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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by MuttleyLaff: 7:43pm On Jun 28, 2020
Keep on shifting goalposts, you've run from Middle Easterne now it is the Levant continue shifting because it's the only thing your good at.
I first introduced, appropriately the issue of Levant as early as 4:38pm on May 29th 2020. Now, let me clear you on something about Levants, which is, all Levants are Middle East people group, but not all Middle East people group, are Levants.

Jesus Christ and of course, the Israelites, are all of Levant origin, now that's a good & timely learning opportunity, right there for you wink wink wink

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Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by eplanning: 5:37pm On Jun 29, 2020
muttleylaff judgement is coming o...especially on those who hates the messiah's colour wink wink wink
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by eplanning: 5:41pm On Jun 29, 2020
see how our messiah looks like
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by donnie(m): 6:00pm On Jun 29, 2020

The darkest and brightest in the world. Both Are from Africa.

Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by donnie(m): 6:01pm On Jun 29, 2020
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by MuttleyLaff: 6:24pm On Jun 29, 2020
shocked The darkest and brightest in the world. Both are from Africa.
Baba, I am sure you know that there are Caucasoid albinos, as well as, there are Negroid albinos, so I request, please tell, which part, specifically in Africa, are them two, in that albino and black skinned persons picture from? What country/countries please are both from sir?
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by eplanning: 6:55pm On Jun 29, 2020
Baba, I am sure you know that there are Caucasoid albinos, as well as, there are Negroid albinos, so I request, please tell, which part, specifically in Africa, are them two, in that albino and black skinned persons picture from? What country/countries please are both from sir?
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by MuttleyLaff: 7:10pm On Jun 29, 2020
:oThe darkest and brightest in the world. Both Are from Africa.


Mongoloid albinos (e.g. Indian albinos, lmao)

Albinism, is not something peculiar only to black skinned people. Albinism occurs in all the three major races. In fact albinism, even also occurs in animals and plants sef, lmao
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by letu(m): 8:36pm On Jun 29, 2020

Mongoloid albinos (e.g. Indian albinos, lmao)

Albinism, is not something peculiar only to black skinned people. Albinism occurs in all the three major races. In fact albinism, even also occurs in animals and plants sef, lmao
European albinos undecided undecided undecided undecided.

Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by letu(m): 8:53pm On Jun 29, 2020

Mongoloid albinos (e.g. Indian albinos, lmao)

Albinism, is not something peculiar only to black skinned people. Albinism occurs in all the three major races. In fact albinism, even also occurs in animals and plants sef, lmao
Middle Easterne albinos undecided undecided undecided undecided.

Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by letu(m): 9:05pm On Jun 29, 2020

Mongoloid albinos (e.g. Indian albinos, lmao)

Albinism, is not something peculiar only to black skinned people. Albinism occurs in all the three major races. In fact albinism, even also occurs in animals and plants sef, lmao
More European albinos.

Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by letu(m): 9:10pm On Jun 29, 2020

Mongoloid albinos (e.g. Indian albinos, lmao)

Albinism, is not something peculiar only to black skinned people. Albinism occurs in all the three major races. In fact albinism, even also occurs in animals and plants sef, lmao
what's your view on the school of thought Which says that Africa is the birth place of Humans (Adam and Eve) in relation to @ Donnie comment ( The darkest and brightest in the world).
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by letu(m): 9:11pm On Jun 29, 2020

The darkest and brightest in the world. Both Are from Africa.
Based on this comment you've made, I will also like to know your view on the school of thought Which says that Africa is the birth place of Humans (Adam and Eve).
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by letu(m): 9:21pm On Jun 29, 2020

Mongoloid albinos (e.g. Indian albinos, lmao)

Albinism, is not something peculiar only to black skinned people. Albinism occurs in all the three major races. In fact albinism, even also occurs in animals and plants sef, lmao
More European albinos.

Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by letu(m): 9:30pm On Jun 29, 2020
Baba, I am sure you know that there are Caucasoid albinos, as well as, there are Negroid albinos, so I request, please tell, which part, specifically in Africa, are them two, in that albino and black skinned persons picture from? What country/countries please are both from sir?
Let me try and answer your question, the two persons in the picture are from Sub Sahara Regions of Africa grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin angry grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin .
Re: The Egypt Hollywood Never Shows You by MuttleyLaff: 4:23am On Jun 30, 2020
shocked The darkest and brightest in the world. Both are from Africa.

what's your view on the school of thought Which says that Africa is the birth place of Humans (Adam and Eve) in relation to @ Donnie comment (The darkest and brightest in the world).
My dear friend, you are trying to open up a can of worms with this kind of question, lmao grin grin grin

Go read, "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind", a very educative and good book, by Professor Yuval Noah Harari
I will base my view on the school of thought, which says that Africa is the birth place of Humans (i.e. Adam and Eve) in relation to @ donnie comment (i.e. The darkest and brightest in the world) sticking with bible facts, that Adam and Eve are circa 6000 years ago old and lived in the Mesopotamia, Middle East/North East Africa region, and they were a shade of reddish brown skinned couple.

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