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American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! - Foreign Affairs (691) - Nairaland

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Donald Trump Elected as the 47th President of USA! / American Politics Thread - President Trump: Latest News, Top Stories & Analysis! / American Politics For Republicans And Lovers Of Truth And Reason (2) (3) (4)

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by garetz: 11:02pm On Jun 30, 2020

When I say link, I mean their campaign social media handle or Member of the campaign team disclosing it.
Please this is what we call verified source, and not a third party disclosure.
If Biden decide to cancel a rally the campaign team will surely disclose this either through a briefing or social media handle.
Try to get me.
And what baffles me is the fact that all far left media are the only ones carrying the news with same headings "raise in corona virus case"
I have told that same guy times without number to learn to confirm things before swallowing fake news. Once he sees something in the media, he believes it as if it is God himself talking, the next thing is he starts spreading it. Despite the number of times the fake news media have been caught lying, this same guy keeps falling into their fake news trap. What will it cost anyone to just confirm things from official sources? Just now, I showed them an official communication from the office of the DNI and the guy just kept sending me fake news links saying something different. I'm like dude, you have an official comment from the DNI and you're still telling me what the fake news and their fake anonymous sources are saying? The guy is far taken in by fake news that even if you show him an official release by the Trump campaign denying this story, he will still be telling you but the media says something else. Same media that won't say who is the source for their story, same media that has been caught numerous times lying.


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by wirinet(m): 11:04pm On Jun 30, 2020

He has just been briefed about it. The New York times lied that he knew about it before now. Intel agencies don't go briefing the president on any gossip they hear. They have to find it credible before they brief the president. They didn't find this info credible so they didn't tell the president about it until the New Times went to town with their lies. The press secretary just told you it is an "unverified intelligence", the Intel agencies don't go telling the president things until they have verified it. Of course after the NYT lies, the intel agencies had no option than to brief Trump because he asked them what the hell the NYT are talking about.

You guys make stupid and unreasonable excuses in your defense of Trump's incompetence. So it was NYT "lies" that made Intel agencies brief president Trump? Why will the intel agencies brief the president on lies and unverified intelligence? Then the intelligence agencies also went to brief congress members of both parties on these same lies.

Meanwhile, John Bolton was said to have personally briefed the presidenf on this same matter more that a year ago. Also the matter of Russian bounty on US soldiers was included in the daily written briefings submitted to the president earlier this year.

Bolton personally briefed Trump on Russian bounties one year earlier than previously known:

Former national security adviser John Bolton told colleagues that he personally briefed President Donald Trump about intelligence that Russia offered Afghan militants bounties to kill American troops, U.S. officials told the Associated Press.

Bolton briefed Trump on the matter in March of 2019, according to the report, a year earlier than previously reported by The New York Times. The information was also included in at least one presidential Daily Brief, according to the AP, CNN and The Times. The AP earlier reported that it was also included in a second presidential Daily Brief earlier this year and that current national security adviser Robert O'Brien discussed the matter with Trump


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by garetz: 11:18pm On Jun 30, 2020

You guys make stupid and unreasonable excuses in your defense of Trump's incompetence. So it was NYT "lies" that made Intel agencies brief president Trump? Why will the intel agencies brief the president on lies and unverified intelligence? Then the intelligence agencies also went to brief congress members of both parties on these same lies.

Meanwhile, John Bolton was said to have personally briefed the presidenf on this same matter more that a year ago. Also the matter of Russian bounty on US soldiers was included in the daily written briefings submitted to the president earlier this year.
You are the one that is stupid and unreasonable. it's as if you don't even read well before jumping in with a stupid comment and lying all the way. For the last time, the president was not briefed before now, he was only briefed now because the new york times released a fake news story that is being turned into a scandal so of course they have to brief him and congress now to let them know what the whole noise is all about. Where did you get your lie that John Bolton briefed the president on this issue? The salon of all places? John Bolton himself has been asked to respond to this story about a bounty and he didn't say he briefed Trump on anything and you are saying the matter was included in the president's daily briefing? Are you the one that included it? Or can you tell us the person that included it since The office of the DNI whose duty it is to brief the president say they didn't brief Trump, the NSA said Trump wasn't briefed, The CIA director says Trump wasn't briefed, Pentagon confirmed that the info was unverified, uncorroborated and not credible or you want me ignore all these official sources and believe you and your stupid anonymous fake news media sources? You are stupidly swallowing bullshit stories from a rag like the salon yet you have the nerve to call others stupid and unreasonable? Look in the mirror man, you are the one that is being unreasonable and stupid.

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by armyofone(m): 11:19pm On Jun 30, 2020
I know who your comments are for jare grin grin
Carry on grin


No comment grin

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by ZooOga: 11:35pm On Jun 30, 2020
cliff notes if you don't like to open links for have time to read the article. the president is facing strong challenges on fixing the covid-19 and economic issues before election days.

Trump’s worst nightmare may be happening


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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by salford1: 11:53pm On Jun 30, 2020
Another wonderful advert brought to you by the Conservative Republicans on the Lincoln Project. This Ex-navy seal, pro-life conservative, gun owning, now an emergency room doctor went hard on Trump. Just a 1 minute video but packed.


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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by garetz: 11:53pm On Jun 30, 2020
Here is the interview where John Bolton was asked about it, he never said he briefed Trump on anything. So wirinet should tell us how he knows Bolton briefed Trump on this. Again I hope I won't start hearing stupid and unreasonable things like an "anonymous source" said it.


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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by garetz: 12:06am On Jul 01, 2020
National security advisor Robert O’Brien;
“Because the allegations in recent press articles have not been verified or substantiated by the Intelligence Community, President Trump had not been briefed on the items,”

Director of National intelligence John Ratcliffe;
"I have confirmed that neither the President nor the Vice President were ever briefed on any intelligence alleged by the New York Times in its reporting yesterday. The White House statement addressing this issue earlier today, which denied such a briefing occurred, was accurate. The New York Times reporting, and all other subsequent news reports about such an alleged briefing are inaccurate."

Pentagon Spokesman Jonathan Hoffman;
“The Department of Defense continues to evaluate intelligence that Russian GRU operatives were engaged in malign activity against United States and coalition forces in Afghanistan. To date, DOD has no corroborating evidence to validate the recent allegations found in open-source reports,”

Since wirinet thinks all these official statements are stupid and unreasonable, he should come and show us his own reasonable source for believing otherwise. I just hope he will not start quoting stupid and unreasonable sources like "anonymous people" in the salon and new york times.

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Nobody: 3:06am On Jul 01, 2020
I cant believe it! Tucker Carlson has repented.

Fox News is already pivoting towards post Trump.

"Instead of improving the lives of their voters, the party feeds them a steady diet of mindless symbolic victories.. Who cares how many Benghazi hearings we have? How did Peter Strzok’s text messages become more important than saving American jobs from foreign nationals..."

-Tucker Carlson


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by ZooOga: 4:16am On Jul 01, 2020
Scrutiny on the bounty

Trump hit for "I know nothing" claim of Russian bid to kill American soldiers


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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by salford1: 4:44am On Jul 01, 2020
I cant believe it! Tucker Carlson has repented.

Fox News is already pivoting towards post Trump.

"Instead of improving the lives of their voters, the party feeds them a steady diet of mindless symbolic victories.. Who cares how many Benghazi hearings we have? How did Peter Strzok’s text messages become more important than saving American jobs from foreign nationals..."

-Tucker Carlson
It's very hard to defend the orange turd. There is a limit to how much bullshyte people can take in grin

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Zuorom: 6:34am On Jul 01, 2020
Scrutiny on the bounty

Trump hit for "I know nothing" claim of Russian bid to kill American soldiers


He knew nothing because the intelligence agencies didn't tell him anything about it. They have all come out to confirm that the claim against the Russians was not credible so they didn't inform him about it. The media in the US is an embarrassment and a disgrace


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by ZooOga: 6:57am On Jul 01, 2020
a very interesting state of affairs recently developed. shocked

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway's 15-year-old daughter Claudia was not expecting the wave of support she got after TikTok videos opposing her mom's boss went viral.


Claudia Conway



Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by alezzy13: 7:50am On Jul 01, 2020
Another wonderful advert brought to you by the Conservative Republicans on the Lincoln Project. This Ex-navy seal, pro-life conservative, gun owning, now an emergency room doctor went hard on Trump. Just a 1 minute video but packed.


Deep. cool


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Obrigardo: 9:03am On Jul 01, 2020
trump could be the first US president to stand trial at the International Criminal Court, or jailed in the USA or Exiled

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Obrigardo: 9:06am On Jul 01, 2020
trump the White supremacist racist dog Whistler

14 words meaning


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Obrigardo: 9:07am On Jul 01, 2020
trump the Nazi wannabe


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Obrigardo: 9:10am On Jul 01, 2020
I cant believe it! Tucker Carlson has repented.

Fox News is already pivoting towards post Trump.

"Instead of improving the lives of their voters, the party feeds them a steady diet of mindless symbolic victories.. Who cares how many Benghazi hearings we have? How did Peter Strzok’s text messages become more important than saving American jobs from foreign nationals..."

-Tucker Carlson

What does he mean by foreign nationals? That guy is a white supremacist, don't give him any accolades. They are all working for their political future.


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Obrigardo: 9:13am On Jul 01, 2020
Here is the interview where John Bolton was asked about it, he never said he briefed Trump on anything. So wirinet should tell us how he knows Bolton briefed Trump on this. Again I hope I won't start hearing stupid and unreasonable things like an "anonymous source" said it.


I think you should shut up
They are not denying it is a hoax, even the republicans not one has come out to say it's a hoax.have you been up to date with the latest on this scandal, the money trail they just found validating the story or that the WH was briefed as early as 2019! I dont understand why we still have short fuse brain people on this board


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Obrigardo: 9:16am On Jul 01, 2020

You are the one that is stupid and unreasonable. it's as if you don't even read well before jumping in with a stupid comment and lying all the way. For the last time, the president was not briefed before now, he was only briefed now because the new york times released a fake news story that is being turned into a scandal so of course they have to brief him and congress now to let them know what the whole noise is all about. Where did you get your lie that John Bolton briefed the president on this issue? The salon of all places? John Bolton himself has been asked to respond to this story about a bounty and he didn't say he briefed Trump on anything and you are saying the matter was included in the president's daily briefing? Are you the one that included it? Or can you tell us the person that included it since The office of the DNI whose duty it is to brief the president say they didn't brief Trump, the NSA said Trump wasn't briefed, The CIA director says Trump wasn't briefed, Pentagon confirmed that the info was unverified, uncorroborated and not credible or you want me ignore all these official sources and believe you and your stupid anonymous fake news media sources? You are stupidly swallowing bullshit stories from a rag like the salon yet you have the nerve to call others stupid and unreasonable? Look in the mirror man, you are the one that is being unreasonable and stupid.

Wasting your data and finger energy supporting a traitor and white supremacist who don't even give a damn about your sorry black ašś

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by salford1: 10:36am On Jul 01, 2020

I think you should shut up
They are not denying it is a hoax, even the republicans not one has come out to say it's a hoax.have you been up to date with the latest on this scandal, the money trail they just found validating the story or that the WH was briefed as early as 2019! I dont understand why we still have short fuse brain people on this board
They belong to some zombie groups shouting QWG1 WWH WAGA WAGA or something like that. it started on 4chan or maybe 8chan. Never seen a group of delusional people come together to perpetuate conspiracy theories..They believe some politicians from around the world would be arrested by the orange turd for human trafficking, yet it's the orange turd's men that are being arrested from the fallout of the Mueller investigation.

I laughed so hard when I saw a video of a man in Gabon pledging allegiance to an imaginary cause in faraway America. They are a group of online cowards (mostly illiterates too) calling themselves patriots grin. Patriots my a55.

The orange turd somehow attracts dumb people. His name needs to be entered into the Guinness book of record just for that alone cheesy

There is a detoxing group too for those liberated from the Q mental slavery. These ones are groups people that have been brought back to the real world.

Upon his resignation on May 29, 2019, Mueller stated that:

"the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing".

In July 2019, Mueller testified to Congress that a president could be charged with obstruction of justice (or other crimes) after he left office.

Trump was implicated in the Muella investigation. There is no guarantee that he won't serve time if he leaves office. cheesy
Fingers crossed.


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by salford1: 10:42am On Jul 01, 2020
trump the White supremacist racist dog Whistler

14 words meaning
He also quoted Mussolini back in a 2016 tweet. He admires evil men and dictators like Hitler, Musollinni, Putin, the North Korean leader, Erdogan etc.


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by wirinet(m): 12:44pm On Jul 01, 2020
a very interesting state of affairs recently developed. shocked

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway's 15-year-old daughter Claudia was not expecting the wave of support she got after TikTok videos opposing her mom's boss went viral.


Claudia Conway

It's quite ironic that Kellyanne Conwey's daugher and husband are both strongly anti Trump, even though they both gain immensely from the Trump administration, as their mother wife collects salary and other benefits as a senior adviser.
Meanwhile, those who are struggling with 2 square meals a day or looking for N200 just to buy recharge card (courtesy of Abbeybailey), who any member of their families can never get up to 500 km close to Donald Trump are ready to commit suicide for him.

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Nobody: 1:46pm On Jul 01, 2020

He knew nothing because the intelligence agencies didn't tell him anything about it. They have all come out to confirm that the claim against the Russians was not credible so they didn't inform him about it. The media in the US is an embarrassment and a disgrace

I love when dull brains like you are my Boss, cos you will believe every crap i sell to you to exonerate myself.

Trump tweeted information was false.
DNI stated president was not briefed.
Press secretary said so many intelligence report filter into the white house.

Who is confusing who?

Let me believe it was unverified, are you saying for an unverified information with regards to Russia as a security threat to the US, POTUS wouldn't have been briefed about such development?

Common! You cant sell this kinda lie. He definitely was briefed about happenings and told it was still unverified.

You talking about a Russia. Nothing breaths in that country without POTUS knowing.

Same speculation made US bombard Iraq because of WMD which was later false. That tells you some speculations are not just speculations.

POTUS denying the fact makes him look stupid.

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by budaatum: 3:11pm On Jul 01, 2020
cliff notes if you don't like to open links for have time to read the article. the president is facing strong challenges on fixing the covid-19 and economic issues before election days.

Trump’s worst nightmare may be happening


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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by budaatum: 3:17pm On Jul 01, 2020
a very interesting state of affairs recently developed. shocked

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway's 15-year-old daughter Claudia was not expecting the wave of support she got after TikTok videos opposing her mom's boss went viral.


Claudia Conway

Doesn't she know orange man might sack mummy?! angry

Some children just can't be stupidly indoctrinated, it seems. grin


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by salford1: 3:22pm On Jul 01, 2020

I love when dull brains like you are my Boss, cos you will believe every crap i sell to you to exonerate myself.

Trump tweeted information was false.
DNI stated president was not briefed.
Press secretary said so many intelligence report filter into the white house.

Who is confusing who?

Let me believe it was unverified, are you saying for an unverified information with regards to Russia as a security threat to the US, POTUS wouldn't have been briefed about such development?

Common! You cant sell this kinda lie. He definitely was briefed about happenings and told it was still unverified.

You talking about a Russia. Nothing breaths in that country without POTUS knowing.

Same speculation made US bombard Iraq because of WMD which was later false. That tells you some speculations are not just speculations.

POTUS denying the fact makes him look stupid.

Till date, he hasn't condemned Russia for the action. He would rather spend his whole day protecting confederate statues by tweeting about them 24/7. He went as far as signing an executive order to prosecute those bringing down those traitor general's structures. If he spends the same effort in fighting Covid 19, the US would not be in the mess it is right now.

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by budaatum: 3:22pm On Jul 01, 2020
trump the White supremacist racist dog Whistler

14 words meaning
White supremacists really love blacks.

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by salford1: 3:23pm On Jul 01, 2020

Doesn't she know orange man might sack mummy?! angry

Some children just can't be stupidly indoctrinated, it seems. grin

Westernised pikins grin
She is following only one person on her Twitter account too: President Obama grin

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Nobody: 3:57pm On Jul 01, 2020

Till date, he hasn't condemned Russia for the action. He would rather spend his whole day protecting confederate statues by tweeting about them 24/7. He went as far as signing an executive order to prosecute those bringing down those traitor general's structures. If he spends the same effort in fighting Covid 19, the US would not be in the mess it is right now.

Dude is presently lost in-between denying he wasn't briefed and that complete story is false. Just tweeting in-between.

#ResignNowTrump hitting hard on Twitter on No 1 spot


Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by stanech: 5:27pm On Jul 01, 2020
So, just to be clear. CHAZ started because of “police brutality” but now CHAZ is being abolished because the “chaz security force” killed a 16 year old black boy? The irony. Smh.

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Re: American Politics Thread: Trump Is The 47th President! by Nobody: 5:34pm On Jul 01, 2020
Not a hoax.

National Security Advisor O’Brien admits:

Pentagon made tactical changes with U.S. forces in light of intelligence information.

US intelligence agencies shared with Coalition Forces so they could also change force protection tactics.

And POTUS was unaware?

grin grin grin

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