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Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 3:47am On Jul 01, 2020 |
Maximus69:I m not engaging in any argument, Janosky mentioned my name here, what is your business in the unity of Trinitarians? you are funny, so far you have being evading the question, so that you would not be disgraced. |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 3:49am On Jul 01, 2020 |
brocab:they are running away with tails in between their legs. |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 5:06am On Jul 01, 2020 |
solite3: You guys are just making a mockery of the TRINITY, it's a pity that majority of those listening to you think you guys have some sort of spirits so instead of asking you sincere and straightforward questions they shy away in fear. There are over 41,000 different religions with contradicting doctrines and conflicting teachings in the world today under the shackles of TRINITY, so instead of thinking of how to disgrace a small group of less than 9,000,000 united family, why not just mention the name of your own section (church) then present your own definition of TRINITY? DrLiveLogic (PhD) have presented his own, he said "Jesus is a Godhead" and the former definition the whole world has been getting from Trinitarians is that there are three distinct persons Coeternal and Coequal each a Godhead on his own that formed the TRINITY. So Pastor Solite3, please present your own definition and let's know the source of your own idea (church) because the word of God says "true believers have the same line of thought" 1Corinthians 1:10 Good morning Sir! |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 5:37am On Jul 01, 2020 |
brocab: The so called disbelievers are waiting for the PERFECT definition of TRINITY from Trinitarians, for almost 2,000 years now TRINITY has been causing confusion amongst it's adherents because they can neither come up with one definition nor one unified form of worship under which they can have PEACE, each is emerging with it's own definition, code of conduct, form of worship and titles all under the same mother (TRINITY) Revelations 17:5 Because of TRINITY many people have been killed for asking questions regarding the confusion caused by this harlot, TRINITY is called harlot because she commits adultery with world rulers by pushing her adherents to participate in the politics of wherever they live and everyone knows that when people engage in politics heads will roll and blood will flow! Revelations 17:8 Jesus' followers will be united in preaching and teaching zealously for God's Kingdom (government){Revelations 12:17} but the children of the harlot will be fighting and killing one another for prominence and governance of the world. Revelations 17:18 All these are sacred secrets that only the Born Again Christians can unravel, whenever anyone reads this texts without guidance of God's holy spirit, they'll continue to apply it literally that's why all of you only focus on the literal meaning of words like "burning by fire or lake of fire" but when you read other part of the same book of Revelations, you'll keep off because it's beyond your understanding! 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 6:20am On Jul 01, 2020 |
DrLiveLogic: Jesus prayed fervently and his prayers were favourably heard due to his godly fear {Hebrew 5:7} so who else does Jesus fear and begged to save him? Paul said God will put everything under Jesus' feet but God is not included under Jesus, so after everything has been settled, Jesus himself will submit to God who made him King, so who is that person under whom Jesus must submit himself in heaven? 1Corinthians 15:27-28 We believe that JEHOVAH is the Almighty God {Exodus 6:2-3; Psalms 83:18} and he has sent several angels to represent him here on earth {Exodus 13:21, 14:19} he even made Moses God before Pharaoh of Egypt. Exodus 7:1 So if Jehovah says "i'm coming" it doesn't implies that JEHOVAH himself is the one coming but his representative who will do God's will, for instance Malachi said "Elijah will come to prepare the way for Jehovah" {Malachi 4:5} but when Jesus came John(the promised Elijah) said Jesus is the one coming after him {John 1:29-31} yet Jesus himself declared that he himself is a messenger of Jehovah! John 3:16 compare to Act 3:13; Isaiah 52:13 If a prophet or angel of God is sent to deliver God's message to any of his faithful servant, the recipient doesn't see the messenger anymore as a mere messenger but as JEHOVAH himself {Genesis 18:3-33} note how Paul under the inspiration of God's holy spirit described the people Abraham entertained, Paul said Abraham entertained angels! WHY didn't he say Abraham entertained Jehovah's as written in the OT? Because Paul as a Born Again Christian now knows better that no man has seen God at any point in time {John 1:18} so those men Abraham entertained were angels sent by Jehovah! So for God to send his only begotten son {John 3:16-19} whatever this one does is doing it in the name of the one who sent him (JEHOVAH)! John 5:43 God bless you! 2 Likes |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 6:42am On Jul 01, 2020 |
DrLiveLogic: Ogbeni, all these are repetitions of what Trinitarians have been arguing over for more than 1,500 years now, so know that you're just coming up with your own personal intuition! You don't set rules for everyone with such fallacy in mind and expect all to swallow your inconsistent analogy just like that. Food for thought:- ©Jesus cried to the one who can save him, who was that person? Hebrew 5:7 ©Jesus told his followers that there are certain things that only the father know that no one knows not even the angels nor the son, so was Jesus lying? Matthew 24:36 ©Jesus told Mary Magdalene "i'm ascending to my father who is also your father, and to my God who is also your God" so who is that person? John 20:17 Please enough of the INSULTS, let's focus on points and less stories! 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 6:53am On Jul 01, 2020 |
OK now, no insults and no lengthy stories just points! Deadi bodi geti accident yeepa! Confusion breaki boonu yeepa! Na double wahala for deadi bodi and the owner of deadi bodi double wahala for deadi bodi! Walahi Talahi TRINITY don sofa for him pikin dem hand, com see difren difren yan upon the same person TRINITY o! TATIME: 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Peacefullove: 7:36am On Jul 01, 2020 |
DrLiveLogic: Jesus and his disciples are also tagged " Apostles " , that make them the same person ? Jesus and Nebuchadnezzar shared the title " King of Kings " ,that made them same person ? When Jesus died, Yahweh should have died too. If they are one being .
Do you read where Jesus the Father gave him authority before he could do this ?? I doubt . same beings do not need to collect authority from another.
Jesus said those who conquer would also sit on that throne. I guess they are Yahweh , u no well o
True worshippers will WORSHIP the Father - John 4:23,24 Not Father and Jesus. _ are u a false worshipper ?
Your last point is the dullest , Psalm 83:18 says Yahweh is the Most High , We all know Jesus claimed to have a God proving he is under someone else authority. He isn't the Most High. Act 3:13 says Jesus is a SERVANT of Yahweh . 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 8:09am On Jul 01, 2020 |
Peacefullove: No you no sabi am! DrLiveLogic wanted to divert the attention of all followers as if we're all dullards to have forgotten so soon that the main topic of the thread is all about TRINITY. He said nobody should talk about TRINITY this or TRINITY that. Abegi what is the main reason Rozz raised this topic? This is my own definition of TRINITY below! 1 Like 1 Share
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by DrLiveLogic(m): 9:20am On Jul 01, 2020 |
Peacefullove: Hahahaha! Another learner shows up. He says nowhere was Jesus called Almighty. Did I not tell you all to answer my simple questions so you can learn. ****I'm going to continue presenting these questions all together until any of you can attack them all together. I'm not here for rigmaroles. If you can't attack them all together, then Jesus is one Being with YAHWEH 1.) Even if creatures share any titles with God. Can any creature have the number First (before existence) and Last (after all existence is dissolved) at the same time? Please tell us which. Again, watch! Heb 1:6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him Rev 11:16-18 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou should give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth. 2Ti 4:1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2.) Jesus will judge the living and the dead and the same one is seated on the throne of God and the Lamb, as one Being with God receiving the worship of the elders. Now with all the above, can any creature be worshipped besides God as Jesus was worshipped by the angels and all the elders fall on their faces and worship Jesus, the judge of the dead and living, even calling Him Almighty.? 3.) Does any creature have the single sovereign throne belonging to both Father and Lamb in one Being from which the river of life flows? Rev 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and the Lamb. ****If you need help with the answers, refer to my thesis and attack it Cc: johnw47, achorladey, Rozz, Maximus69, TATIME, Janosky, Peacefullove, haywizzy007, Acehart, solite3, KNOWMORE56, hoopernikao, DappaD 2 Likes |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 9:31am On Jul 01, 2020 |
DrLiveLogic: Guy, you are adding your own interpretation now! The Bible says Jesus was with God before the creation of the world {Proverbs 8:22-30} that's enough to explain the glory this creature has with God before coming down here but that never meant he is equal with God nah! Jesus never said he is in both heaven and the earth at the same time nah! That's your own assumption Sir! 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by DrLiveLogic(m): 9:40am On Jul 01, 2020 |
Maximus69:Answer all my questions or don't quote me again? Is any creature other than God to be worshipped? Is any creature equal with God? Can a creature be in heaven and earth at the same time if not One with the Father? Does any creature share the same sovereign throne of Father and Lamb from which the river of life is flowing? 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 9:41am On Jul 01, 2020 |
Maximus69: He's just a kid! "If i talk don't talk so that everyone can give me excellent as the best speaker" What a childish was to approach issues? He believes he's right and he doesn't want anyone to talk unless you follow his rules. Please if he's not ready for a debate be should stop mentioning my name, that's not how to discuss like intellectuals. You will present your own opinion and reason with others, or you keep your opinion to yourself. Is that not how they formed thousands of different religions all in the name of the same Trinity? |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by hoopernikao: 9:42am On Jul 01, 2020 |
Good morning all, @DappaD, Maximus69, TATIME, Janosky, I am surprised at the energy level here and the arguments ongoing. I am surprised the more that you who claimed you arent here to argue when i asked you to prove your convictions are now dishing out defence and cases to support your arguments. You said, i like arguments, isnt that deceptive and sentimental now? Since PAGE 32-33 of this thread, you have avoided to discuss what i raised with you but stylishly continue in arguing and avoiding the question. This is PAGE 89 now and you still have energy in you to argue. Since the energy level have risen again, and you all have the abilities to argue and defend your theology now, I am going to reiterate my questions again. ON ISSUE OF TRINITY AND JESUS DIVINITY OF CHRIST. I asked. 1. On The History of The Church If the doctrine of Jesus is an Angel is not false doctrine that found itself into the church over the later years, show me, quote, state any text from anyone one from the early church (after the apostles), in the 1st/2nd Century that preach, wrote or assert that Jesus is an angel. There are many texts and 1st/2nd century Christians who wrote otherwise. Let us have a text to support your history first. 2. On Bible Doctrine/Explanation Show us any text in the scriptures that said JESUS IS AN ANGEL. Any text. The last time, you all said we should juxtapose scriptures for you, is that not what you refused from those who preached trinity? See one of your apology below. 1 Thess 4:16 16 For the[b] Lord himself shall descend[/b] from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: THE VERSE: Because the Lord is mentioned, and spoke about descending WITH the voice of the archangel, YOUR CONCLUSION: Then Jesus must be angel Michael because of the voice of arch angel. Reason that well, does this sound serious to you, even in literal application. Someone explaining trinity gave you this scriptures below. Isa 9:6 ...And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. HIS ARGUMENT/CONCLUSION: Since Jesus is called Mighty God, Everlasting Father at least, those refer to God. Hence Jesus is presented as God here. Can you think of a mind that rejected this argument of MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER but supported the first argument that uses just VOICE OF AN ANGEL?. Like i told you, the one teaching JESUS AS GOD has more scriptural backing and support than the one who claim JESUS AS ANGEL. Therefore, i will ask again, present to me: 1. History of early church writings that teaches Christ as angel (at least these men are closer to the Apostle's time, some of them were taught by the Apostles and error will be at the minimum. 2. Scriptural evidence that stated that Jesus is an Angel. Not twisting or manipulation of scriptures. NOTE: And it will be dishonest to start shouting "dont quote me again", "you like arguing", "you are not ready to learn etc". All these are dishonesty and deceptions as you cant ask to be spared after getting into the boxing ring without gloves. And mind you, i quote others below as they are already part of this discuss. solite3, Peacefullove, DrLiveLogic, Rozz 2 Likes |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Peacefullove: 9:52am On Jul 01, 2020 |
hoopernikao: The issue with that Voice is , it states that when he descend with that voice , The dead will rise , question : Whose voice will the dead hear , Jesus or Another person ? This is where it get trickier As for Everlasting Father ... Its a title . Jesus had no children . he is our brother. As for Mighty God , it says " He shall be called " ... Meaning he has not always been God, so you agree ? This is not the true God. Humans are also called El Gibboa 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 9:53am On Jul 01, 2020 |
DrLiveLogic: My friend stop the stupid childish act of don't quote me again stuff! If you want to engage in mature discussion, you don't talk and tell others not to talk and mind you you're not setting the rules here. Jesus never asked anyone to worship him, the word translated worship in that Bible book of Revelations by some translators could also mean revere, this simply means all creatures in heaven and on earth must obey him, yet he himself is obedient the another superior Being JEHOVAH! The rest of your questions have the same answer "NO" because Jesus is not, can not and will never be the same as JEHOVAH the almighty God. And if you're not ready for reasoning please don't mention my name again because it's childish calling people and telling them not to call you when they're ready to respond! 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by DrLiveLogic(m): 10:00am On Jul 01, 2020 |
TATIME:Maximus69 and TATIME. LMAO. You both are looking for a way to run from the thread. I have said from the start that I am just a kid indeed but I have challenged you old papas to answer my childish questions directly without distractions otherwise don't quote me again. If you can answer all these questions, feel free, otherwise don't waste people's time Is any creature other than God to be worshipped?Is any creature equal with God?Can a creature be in heaven and earth at the same time if not One with the Father?Does any creature share the same sovereign throne of Father and Lamb from which the river of life is flowing? Cc: johnw47, achorladey, Rozz, Maximus69, TATIME, Janosky, Peacefullove, haywizzy007, Acehart, solite3, KNOWMORE56, hoopernikao, DappaD 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by DappaD: 10:14am On Jul 01, 2020 |
DrLiveLogic:Jehovah God has a dwelling place in the spiritual heavens (1Kings 8:34,43) This teaching of Jehovah being omnipresent is found no where in either the Hebrew or Greek Scriptures! There he goes again! He keeps on quoting scriptures that are saying the exact opposite of his trash doctrine Philippians 2:5-6 Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus who, although he was existing in God’s form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God. What is this God's form ? It simply means divine nature of a being God is in the form of a Spirit (John 4:24) and no man has seen Him at anytime (Exodus 33:20, John 1:18, 6:46) Jesus was of divine nature before he came to the earth. The Bible makes it clear on that! (Proverbs 8:22-31, Micah 5:2, John 3:13) What Jesus meant in John 3:13 was that no righteous man had gone up to heaven before he came! Even King David his forefather was still in the Grave! Acts 2:29-35 . Faithful men and women of old are all in God's memory to be resurrected later on. But they're in the Grave and no where else. For the latter part of Philippians 2:6: “gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.” What is meant here, is that although he was of divine nature, like the rest of the angels in heaven, he never gave consideration to the thought that he should in anyway be equal to God. Since Jesus himself acknowledges that God is higher than him (John 14:28) Jesus when telling his disciples about the signs of his presence said that no one else apart from God knows when the time of the end would come, even Jesus himself does not know, yes he said it with his mouth(Matthew 24:36) Like I said, you're just a hopeless “Bible scholar” who has no scriptural background. Continue quoting scriptures that don't align with your line of thought and keep showing how ignorant you are. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by johnw47: 10:23am On Jul 01, 2020 |
hoopernikao: yes, they say because Jesus comes with the voice of the archangel then Jesus must be the archangel, however all of the angels come with Jesus which includes the archangel: Mat_25:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory,and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: the verse also say's that Jesus comes with the trump of God, but they won't say then Jesus must be God theres a very good reason why Jesus comes with the trump of God, because He is God who else would have the trump of God |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by DappaD: 10:26am On Jul 01, 2020 |
Peacefullove:Thank you, only Jehovah bears the suffix “El Shaddai” meaning “Almighty God” (Genesis 17:1, 28:3) At Isaiah 9:6 the word translated “Mighty God” is “El Gibbor” and referred to Jesus Christ. 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 10:29am On Jul 01, 2020 |
DrLiveLogic: Jesus and JEHOVAH are not the same person simple! Go and ask other Trinitarians for another definition, this one is not authentic! 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 10:42am On Jul 01, 2020 |
DrLiveLogic:well said, Trinity has dozens of biblical support than their fairy tale of Jesus being Angel Michael. 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 10:45am On Jul 01, 2020 |
Maximus69:You just go all out like attack dog against what you don't even understand, trinity never said Jesus and the father are same person. 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by johnw47: 10:46am On Jul 01, 2020 |
DappaD: God is omnipresent YHWH: Pro 15:3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. 1Ki 8:27 But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded? Jer 23:23 Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off? Jer 23:24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD. Psa 139:7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? Psa 139:8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. Jesus is omnipresent: Mat 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. DappaD: ha ha ha |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 10:47am On Jul 01, 2020 |
solite3:who are you?what church do you attend?lol 1 Like |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 10:49am On Jul 01, 2020 |
Rozz:my dear the church I attend is not important but what matters most is the truth. |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 10:49am On Jul 01, 2020 |
lie lie john47 are you tired |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 10:50am On Jul 01, 2020 |
solite3:both parties have proven to be right, how do we know the real truth |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by DappaD: 10:52am On Jul 01, 2020 |
Rozz:The real TRUTH is always in line with what the Bible says and not mere opinions of people. |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 10:53am On Jul 01, 2020 |
Rozz:The bible should determine who is right, |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 10:54am On Jul 01, 2020 |
solite3: Please explain the bolded to DrLiveLogic! 2 Likes |
Re: I'm Beginning To Reason With Jehovah Witness On Their Stand Concerning Trinity by Nobody: 10:56am On Jul 01, 2020 |
DappaD:Both have Bible quotes supporting their claims |
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