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Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) - Computers (122) - Nairaland

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Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Binikingdowm: 5:40am On Jun 30, 2020

Just expand the disk drive and look for dvd/cd rom right click on it and uninstall it and then restart and try whether it has fixed the solution.
You can follow another method without restarting press the button near the eject button and drag out the Dvd rom the insert it back.
Good morning sir.

I've expanded the Disk drive and the DVD/CD ROM area isn't found, I think it has been deleted..

I've a feeling like that too because when I went to manager I can no longer find the area where DVDs can be played.. I didn't even know it can be deleted.

So the issue is software problem not hardware?.
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Binikingdowm: 5:45am On Jun 30, 2020
Yes I'm very sure it has been deleted or uninstall..

I can't choose a default removable drive meaning it has been deleted

Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Adewale1603(m): 5:50am On Jun 30, 2020
'Repairing disk errors. This might take over an hour to complete'. How do I resolve this please?
your disk drive is corrupted, so windows will automatically help you to check and scan and repair the drive for errors, you need to exercise patience, its good for your system, its takes like 1 hour plus to complete fixing
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Adewale1603(m): 5:59am On Jun 30, 2020
Yes I'm very sure it has been deleted or uninstall..

I can't choose a default removable drive meaning it has been deleted
the dvd rw has been disabled or your pc does not detect it in the bios
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Binikingdowm: 6:01am On Jun 30, 2020
the dvd rw has been disabled or your pc does not detect it in the bios
how do I fix it please?
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Adewale1603(m): 6:13am On Jun 30, 2020
how do I fix it please?
if it is diabled, go to control panel settings, hardware and sound, under device manager, scroll to dvd rom device, tap on it and enable the device
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Binikingdowm: 6:18am On Jun 30, 2020
if it is diabled, go to control panel settings, hardware and sound, under device manager, scroll to dvd rom device, tap on it and enable the device
yeah thanks I've seen the DVD rom, it was hidden so I clicked uninstall like you said.

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Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by chidoziekingsley: 7:19am On Jun 30, 2020
Good morning sir.

I've expanded the Disk drive and the DVD/CD ROM area isn't found, I think it has been deleted..

I've a feeling like that too because when I went to manager I can no longer find the area where DVDs can be played.. I didn't even know it can be deleted.

So the issue is software problem not hardware?.
Try the second method and check
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Binikingdowm: 7:22am On Jun 30, 2020

Try the second method and check

There's no eject button, the DVD-rom is still missing.

Can I install a new one? I wonder if it will work
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by chidoziekingsley: 7:25am On Jun 30, 2020
Good morning.

There's no eject button, the DVD-rom is still missing.

Can I install a new one? I wonder if it will work
If its an optical dvd drive there's supposed to be a second button not actually the eject button press it and drag out the main drive and put It back
If you are talking about the eject button being spoilt buy an external dvd rom or a supported optical drive
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Binikingdowm: 7:27am On Jun 30, 2020

If its an optical dvd drive there's supposed to be a second button not actually the eject button press it and drag out the main drive and put Ithem back
oh you mean manually??
Yeah I've used broom to pull it out but it still won't play any CDs

Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by chidoziekingsley: 7:36am On Jun 30, 2020
oh you mean manually??
Yeah I've used broom to pull it out but it still won't play any CDs
There's supposed to be a second button not the ejet button and when I mean drag it out not where you insert cd rom I mean pull out the the drive from the system, it can only be done if you find the second button beside the eject button, after pressing it it pops up and you hold on to it andoesn't pull it out and put it back
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Binikingdowm: 7:43am On Jun 30, 2020

There's supposed to be a second button not the ejet button and when I mean drag it out not where you insert cd rom I mean pull out the the drive from the system, it can only be done if you find the second button beside the eject button, after pressing it it pops up and you hold on to it andoesn't pull it out and put it back
just show me step by step.

Where should I go to find the seeing button?
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by chidoziekingsley: 7:47am On Jun 30, 2020
just show me step by step.

Where should I go to find the seeing button?
The second button near the eject button not actually the eject button but it is near it.
Then press the button it will pop-up then hold it and drag it out [hold the button that popped out and drag the button slowly it should bring out the drive]
Then insert it back and press the button again to lock the drive
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Binikingdowm: 7:52am On Jun 30, 2020

The second button near the eject button not actually the eject button but it is near it.
Then press the button it will pop-up then hold it and drag it out [hold the button that popped out and drag the button slowly it should bring out the drive]
Then insert it back and press the button again to lock the drive
my laptop don't have it.

Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by chidoziekingsley: 8:00am On Jun 30, 2020
my laptop don't have it.
Try restarting it if it doesn't solve the problem.
Go to hp website input the necessary information that will help them identify your system(for Dell it is service tag) thenot look for latest driver update and look for dvd drive drivers and install it.
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by AdorableJosh(m): 9:23am On Jun 30, 2020
your disk drive is corrupted, so windows will automatically help you to check and scan and repair the drive for errors, you need to exercise patience, its good for your system, its takes like 1 hour plus to complete fixing

Thanks, I've been on it since last night and it's just 56% complete.
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Adewale1603(m): 9:27am On Jun 30, 2020

Thanks, I've been on it since last night and it's just 56% complete.
time to complete depends on your hdd data
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by miqos02(m): 9:28am On Jun 30, 2020
Laptop hard drives available 500gb, 1tb , 2tb

Laptop memory available 4gb, 8gb and 16gb

External hard drives available 1tb, 2tb ,4tb, 5tb, 8tb, 10tb
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by AdorableJosh(m): 9:30am On Jun 30, 2020
time to complete depends on your hdd data

Oh okay, does it mean the hdd is going bad?
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Adewale1603(m): 9:37am On Jun 30, 2020

Oh okay, does it mean the hdd is going bad?
No, its normal to happen like that, usually caused by unexpectedly shutting down, not shutting down properly your pc or if using pc directly as desktop without battery and lights cuts off, and virus in hard disk drive cause it too
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by AdorableJosh(m): 10:11am On Jun 30, 2020
No, its normal to happen like that, usually caused by unexpectedly shutting down, not shutting down properly your pc or if using pc directly as desktop without battery and lights cuts off, and virus in hard disk drive cause it too

All right, thanks.
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by maidaboi(m): 1:03am On Jul 01, 2020
Pls where can I download good flashing app for my laptop
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by frankobobby(m): 3:56pm On Jul 01, 2020
Laptop hard drives available 500gb, 1tb , 2tb

Laptop memory available 4gb, 8gb and 16gb

External hard drives available 1tb, 2tb ,4tb, 5tb, 8tb, 10tb
Good pm. 500gb internal hard disk drive is how much?
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by miqos02(m): 5:19pm On Jul 01, 2020

Good pm. 500gb internal hard disk drive is how much?
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by chidoziekingsley: 8:31pm On Jul 01, 2020
Pls help i downloaded bluestack and it couldn't play because of hyper v after disabling hyper v it still couldn't work, so i downloaded a hyper v disabling app which was developed by bluestack. after using the app to disable it and restarting i couldn't find file explorer, command prompt and windows powershell ise in the start,windows system the only thing still under windows system is task manager.
My problem now is not file explorer and command prompt because i can use them by windows key+x and choosing the one i want, my problem is power shell and powershell ISE how i can restore them
Pls someone should help me
I need the powershell ISE
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by frankobobby(m): 10:59pm On Jul 01, 2020
Where in Lagos do you base? Then your contact too
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by miqos02(m): 5:18am On Jul 02, 2020

Where in Lagos do you base? Then your contact too
12 OSITELU street off otigba street IKEJA Lagos.

Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by miqos02(m): 5:33am On Jul 02, 2020
8gb laptop memory available

Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Vasgas: 12:02pm On Jul 02, 2020
8gb laptop memory available
where do u base
Re: Windows 10 Problems And Solutions (official Microsoft Windows 10 links added) by Ofure111(m): 12:29pm On Jul 02, 2020
Good afternoon all.Please I am a paga agent and I use an iPhone.i went to computer village to get a Bluetooth printer but there was a problem in searching for the Bluetooth with my iPhone but other android phones easily searched and paired.Please can anybody help me out with a solution because I really need the Bluetooth printer for my work.Thank you all and God bless you

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