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Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Eviana(f): 7:40pm On May 28, 2020
2 Timothy 3:1-5 (KJV)

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away

As the world nears its end, I am reminded of the above scripture verses.
Unless one has been living in a remote village with no means of modern technology, the world has seen what transpired on Monday, May 25, 2020, as the horrific and heart-wrenching murder of 46- year old, father of two, George Floyd, occurred.
While he may have been allegedly guilty of a particular crime, the U.S. Constitution states that there is a humane manner/process in which to reprimand a suspect.
This apparently did not occur.
I cannot even view the video personally, but the picture of that man dead with a knee still on his neck, after he pleaded for relief, is forever captured in my mind.
How does one mentally and emotionally process this heinous crime?
The city of Minneapolis is currently in a state of chaos and destruction, which surely has and will continue to result in more deaths. Anger, hatred, destruction, violence, rioting, vandalism, vengeance, sin begetting more sin and so forth.
There will be no winners in this situation.
Murders happen daily worldwide, yet this particular one has struck a nerve.
Perhaps it was because the whole incident is on camera. Forever stamped digitally...
Perhaps it was because the world saw a man--a human being-- pleading for his life, another human being showing absolutely "0" mercy, grace or compassion, and the eventual result of that decision...death.
This world being so deeply entrenched in sin to the point that we no longer seem capable of good.
Evil has tremendously surpassed good in this 21st century, not surprisingly.
Surely foreign countries can relate to atrocities such as Mr. Floyd's tragedy. Nigeria, in particular, understands fully what unbridled passion (whether racial, tribal, religious or other etc.,) towards another human being can result in.
So how does a professed follower of Christ, react to situations like these?
Is it justifiable to exact vengeance on yet another inhumane atrocity committed against a person (by obviously guilty people which oftentimes and in many cases, seem to be fueled by other inbred ideologies/factors)?

Honestly speaking, there is where the challenge and struggle lies.

Following Christ, knowing what He has told His people to do in His Word when faced with undeserved inhumane practices....YET....still struggling.

Matthew 5:44-48 (KJV)

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect

The scripture passage above plainly tells us to pray sincerely for those who commit atrocities against others (such as pre-meditated murder--regardless of race, creed, culture or religion etc.,) to surrender to Christ.
Even to the point of blessing them....which must require forgiveness.

Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV)

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Because at this moment, they are all on their way to Christ-less graves UNLESS they repent from their sins....
Jesus also died for evil men and women...who have the choice to surrender to Him. We have to look at and pray for wicked people as lost souls who neither know God nor have His spirit in them, but absolutely need it.

We know in our hearts what Christ would do.....but the pain and raw emotions of injustice anywhere are real....very real.
So much could be said...
The only remedy to sin--in a sin ravaged world--is to surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ and allow Him to transform our hearts and minds
(John 3:16-17 KJV).
Prayers to the late Mr. Floyd's surviving family (especially children).

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Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Eviana(f): 3:22pm On May 31, 2020
Matthew 24:4-14 KJV

4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows

9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.

10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

Continuing my thoughts on a follower of Christ's response to sin during these end times, I would like to address some of the following scriptures in Matthew 24.

While Christ is speaking to the disciples on what to expect towards the end of Earth's history, and how they & WE (future followers) also are to respond, He describes the characteristics of the majority of the world.

Verses 7, 9, 10 and 12 especially show that the spirit of Christ is absent in the majority of people's lives.

As the chaos and unrest continue now in many cities throughout the U.S., what the world is seeing is the love of Christ absent...what man is capable of doing when uncontrolled by the Holy Spirit. Scripture being fulfilled even more rapidly.
While emotions range from sadness to anger (and rightfully so), that does not give an emotionally filled person the license to unleash fury and rage on innocent people.

Sin does not justify more sin.

Now innocent people's livelihoods (businesses) have been destroyed..
Innocent people of ALL races, nations, kindreds and tongues.
Riots, looting, destruction, death, even more intense hatred, race-wars etc., are now the results.
I condemn how the protests changed from peaceful to disorder and chaos.
The whole purpose was destroyed by those acts of violence.
Also anyone who promotes retaliation/vengeance (in the above manner) is also not exercising the spirit of God and is wrong. That is the spirit of Satan.
To whom it may concern, it is easy to promote an alleged conviction in the comfort of one's home (and not on the front lines), while still having a job, and enjoying the financial rewards.
Yet innocent people (and their families) now are left empty & devastated.
What has been acomplished other than destruction?

I used to like reading about "conspiracies" because I believed and still do some extent, that some things are not always as they appear. I believe in searching some things out...not always believing what one says just at face-value.
There could actually be some truth to conspiracies...or hidden agendas. I do not doubt the possibilities.
However, the agenda is the same regardless of the approaches used (Hegelian dialectic for example):
Lives are lost, people are oppressed and devastation/destruction occurs.
Most importantly, many are dying without Christ.
The spiritual aspect of good vs. evil is what's the motivating factor behind what occurs on this Earth.

Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) comes to mind.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

This is spiritual warfare being enacted by person's who are fully possessed by the spirit of satan and his minions.
What happens in the physical always has spiritual implications behind it.

Here's some food for thought:
I wonder how many folks involved in the riots (the stealing, looting and burning part) profess Christ....perhaps justifying their part in the crisis by promoting retaliation?

Followers of Christ, now is the time to examine ourselves to see if we be in the faith.
Time to surrender, repent, obey and tell others about the One who can save to the uttermost.


Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Eviana(f): 7:32pm On Jun 19, 2020
Psalm 51 : 10 - 12 (KJV)

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

Galatians 5:18-23 (KJV)

18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law

The above two passages are powerful, powerful portions of the Bible written by two of the most influential "foot" soldiers and mighty men of God: King David and the Apostle Paul.

As the world continues to be shaken from
its foundation...so to speak....through the successive chaos and endless tragedies, I am reminded about the Lord's precise prophesies and my need to surrender all to Him. These are extremely serious and solemn times that we are living in..and the only thing that matters is what we do for Christ...how we allow Him to transform us, mold us and prepare us for eternity.

I originally thought that I was just gonna write about the tragic event that occurred in the U.S. around 3 weeks ago and just leave it at that.
However, I am led to address Christians and the utmost need for us to have the Holy Spirit place in us the Fruit of the Spirit.
It is not a choice. It is a mandate!
Those that belong to Christ MUST have the spirit of God in them.
I was rebuked by the Holy Spirit earlier this week after a seemingly small situation occurred in the grocery store.
I will explain it on my next post.
However, I was reminded by a church brother of mine (after relaying an event to him) to not let ANYTHING or ANYONE take my focus off of Christ and what He is doing in my life as I am obedient to Him.
I will take (Psalm 51:10-12) and
(Galatians 5:18-23) and write about them separately.
They deserve a post a piece.

Thank you, Dtruthspeaker, for recording my original comment addressed to two guys from my other thread. There was not even a hint of anger or offense in my reply here, HOWEVER,
I think I need to be wise about some approaches and just address the scriptural texts..as I originally stated..cause I see now what the motive was for one of them.
Sincerely praying for you guys Forgness & LordReed....as I have also been praying for Nigeria daily the last 3-4 months. Nigeria (as a whole) was even addressed in a post I did around February or so...some months back.
May you both surrender and have the peace of Christ.

To those reading, my (2) posts will be coming soon enough...as promised.

Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Dtruthspeaker: 6:27am On Jun 20, 2020

I will kindly and sincerely also address a few things that I saw written in my other thread by two guys...Forgness & LordReed...both of whom I am praying for..in light of the scriptural context.

You must be aware of "That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

3 -Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts," 2 Peter 3:2/3 among other scriptures on this issue.

Is it provided in these days, that you should pray for them? So, specifically for you see Jude, 17-19 "But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;

18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

19 These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.

Is it provided that you should pray for them?

Do you not even have a Very Great Need for you to Overcome these last days and that by the Mercy of the Lord, He would Find You Acceptable for His Kingdom?

Or have you not heard that it is Written, Scarcely Are the Righteous saved and that the entering into the kingdom of God is as trying to enter the eye of the Needle?

Is it going to be easy for you to enter that Needle's Eye, how much more difficult, pushing or pulling another person or persons into it, being unwilling to enter it?
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Nobody: 4:30am On Jun 28, 2020
Psalm 51 : 10 - 12 (KJV)

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

Galatians 5:18-23 (KJV)

18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law

The above two passages are powerful, powerful portions of the Bible written by two of the most influential "foot" soldiers and mighty men of God: King David and the Apostle Paul.

As the world continues to be shaken from
its foundation...so to speak....through the successive chaos and endless tragedies, I am reminded about the Lord's precise prophesies and my need to surrender all to Him. These are extremely serious and solemn times that we are living in..and the only thing that matters is what we do for Christ...how we allow Him to transform us, mold us and prepare us for eternity.

I originally thought that I was just gonna write about the tragic event that occurred in the U.S. around 3 weeks ago and just leave it at that.
However, I am led to address Christians and the utmost need for us to have the Holy Spirit place in us the Fruit of the Spirit.
It is not a choice. It is a mandate!
Those that belong to Christ MUST have the spirit of God in them.
I was rebuked by the Holy Spirit earlier this week after a seemingly small situation occurred in the grocery store.
I will explain it on my next post.
However, I was reminded by a church brother of mine (after relaying an event to him) to not let ANYTHING or ANYONE take my focus off of Christ and what He is doing in my life as I am obedient to Him.
I will take (Psalm 51:10-12) and
(Galatians 5:18-23) and write about them separately.
They deserve a post a piece.

Thank you, Dtruthspeaker, for recording my original comment addressed to two guys from my other thread. There was not even a hint of anger or offense in my reply here, HOWEVER,
I think I need to be wise about some approaches and just address the scriptural texts..as I originally stated..cause I see now what the motive was for one of them.
Sincerely praying for you guys Fgnsss & LR....as I have also been praying for Nigeria daily the last 3-4 months. Nigeria (as a whole) was even addressed in a post I did around February or so...some months back.
May you both surrender and have the peace of Christ.

To those reading, my (2) posts will be coming soon enough...as promised.

Did not realised you modified this until now.

Firstly, let me sing a song I was taught when I was a kid which was a long time ago. "Anywhere you see me talk about Jesus, He's the owner of my soul /2 times. [He's the owner/3 times ..... of my souls. ] 2 times. This song summarizes my stand and faith. Perhaps you got it wrong initially.

Secondly, I promise not to make further comments. I felt my initial comments would make you continue your threads, but you interpreted them wrongly. Therefore, this post is to encourage you not to stop. And I will not make further comments again. I just wish you continue. That's all.

Thirdly, I appreciate your prayer. If anyone says she is praying for me, I always thank the person. You are amazing. Thank you. Here are lists of prayers you should include:

1. Covid-19 has really done so much harm to struggling Nigerians including me. Please, put me personally in your prayer. I am rich (I don't say I am broke when broke cos I dont say negative words).

2. The real problems of Nigeria are: tribalism and corruption. These two points are the real foundational challenges in the country.

I want to add that this forum is owned by a self acclaimed atheist, and almost everyone is aware. You may want to add to your prayer list that God should raise a Christian to put forward a clean and non biased forum to override all the hatred this boy has put up against christianity via his forum. I dont know what went wrong, but if the boy who owns it can stamp a confession on the profile of anyone who makes comments on Islamic section, and he calls himself an atheist, should you not start thinking there are more to it? By this time, you should know the network is so strong and the enemies of Nigeria and christianity are so many.

This forum is meant to turn christians against one another. Do you see muslims doing that? The owner appeased them with the confession on profiles with comments on their threads. If Nigeria was a normal country, he would be sued by now? But he knows those behind him. He is doing the work excellently and christians fight one another here. We are all scared of each other. And they are winning. Personally, I find it hard to believe he is not answering to some powerful people. The boy is only a tool.

Do you think it is normal for an owner with real focus to keep moving snakes and rats threads to his front page? Believe me, the boy is answering to some powerful people. Would you continue doing that if you were the owner? I guess he is on your prayer list too. Seriously, the boy needs prayer to quit the useless business. To me, he and his boys are using atheism to cover up their real business.

Ok. Look at the ads on his forum. Research the amount he collects and you will realise he is making pea nuts. Whereas, the forum is a monopoly in Nigeria. My sister, the boy is a business man making his millions from other sources. He is not a dedicated atheist. If you fire prayer and another competitor is raised, he will be left useless and christians can quit his biased forum. Keep this on your.prayer list. Maybe you are one of the vessels God wants to use for the purpose. Who knows

Well, if you understand Nigeria well, you will not even bother yourself with atheism. Lol. Cos it is funny to me you take them serious. No one takes them serious in real life. Atheism doesn't have any voice in Nigeria. Sister, it is all social media gimmick.

So, I am writing it again, I did not post on your thread to attack you. I wanted to learn. That's all. And I promise to not make further comments without your invitation. If you want me to contribute to any subject, feel free to mention me. Without it, I will not make any comment.

Just have it at the back of your mind that I will always say the truth and if I dont understand your point, I will ask further questions. It doesn't mean I am against you. But anytime you feel uncomfortable about any comment, just remind me of my words. I will quit the thread. This is to let you know that I am not here to attack you or anyone.

Dont be intimidated by anyone. However, try to accept the self acclaimed atheists criticisms and pray to God for the right words to use when responding them. Just know that everything they are doing is a gimmick. If these people decide to go into politics, they will choose a religion immediately. They will be more dedicated than pastors or imams with over 60 years dedication. Lol. So who are they deceiving. They are only after food on their tables.

Ignore non important posts and focus on your mission. My point is that you don't label anyone negatively. It will not make your message acceptable. At times we need to apologize when we are not wrong. So, please, forgive me for not posting what you wanted to read. You should also apologize too. Let God win for you.

I posted this again cos I noticed you have not come online for almost a week after your last post.

Sister, just like I told the other brother, I love you too. God bless you!
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Eviana(f): 2:50am On Jun 29, 2020
Thank you for your reply.
You kinda remind me of an old acquaintance who has the "gift of gab".
He is quite a talker....on a variety of subjects. Quite knowledgeable in many areas.
Anyway, I really hope he's doing ok during this pandemic.
I now pray for him daily....specific prayers.
Anyhow, I will definitely pray for those specific things you listed in addition to what I have already been praying for, for Nigeria....since around March/April when I felt compelled to.
I am praying for "5" specific people on this site (3 of whom definitely know because I have told them in one way or another). The other two do NOT know and that is okay, but I am compelled to do so.
I also have a general Nairaland religion room list (which includes some of the people whom I have exchanged words with) & then Nigeria as a whole. Lots of prayers going up for you all daily.
I appreciate your apology and also offer my apology to all whom I have offended here on this section. I must speak the truth, but I do not mean to be hurtful.
It's always best to be at peace with all if possible. So I am telling you that I hold "0" grudges...no bitterness, malice or unforgiveness.
Peace unto you....

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Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Eviana(f): 3:30am On Jun 29, 2020
About one and a half weeks ago, I was in the grocery store in the produce section taking my time looking at the produce.
Through my peripheal view, I could see an older gentleman of another race standing there staring in front of him...about 5 feet away from me. I thought he was looking at the produce in front of him trying to make a decision.
However, it turned out that he was waiting for me to move!
He never uttered a word or even looked in my direction.
Here I was not even having a clue that I was delaying him!
It wasn't until I moved that I saw him go directly to where I had been.
Now you know I was perplexed as to why he couldn't just say, "Excuse me ma'am. I would like to get some items right where you are standing if you don't mind?"
How hard would that have been?
I would have gladly moved out of the way.
Then I started going through a million reasons why he didn't say a word.
Was it because of the racial tension going on across the U.S.?
Wa he afraid to say something to me, a black woman, because of the riots going on?
Was it because of the pandemic? Was he socially distancing himself?
What was it?
Well I never found out.
I only got annoyed and a little hot and mumbled under my breath as I walked away. The rest of my trip was ruined as I became fixated about the elderly man's behaviour.
Do you know that the Holy Spirit rebuked me that night when prayer time came?
Simply because I knew I was wrong for how I thought about that man in my heart....
He never heard me say anything, but in my heart I was angry and "wanted" to confront him.
Do you know that the ironic thing was, that I kept running into him throughout the rest of my time in the store?
Perhaps those were my opportunities to "right the wrong" I had already thought secretly in my heart.
However, I didn't.
It was an opportunity to show the love of Christ to someone that day who might have needed it.
I knew better, but didn't do better, because neither my heart nor my spirit were clean.
I can so relate to the words of David when he cried in (Psalm 51:10-12) for God to give him a clean heart, a right spirit and to not take the Holy Spirit away from him.
See the Holy Spirit is the life force of a believer's spiritual journey.
Without the Comforter, we cannot have the spirit of God (Phillipians 2:13).
Our hearts must be transformed.
We must allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in our lives...and it must be evident in our relations with fellow human beings...IN SPITE OF how they may behave
(John 13:35).
Sincere love for God and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit are the only fuel that can transform the heart.
I am reminded of (Psalm 139: 23-24) so that my next encounter will be a different story.

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Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Nobody: 8:58am On Jun 30, 2020
Thank you for your reply.
You kinda remind me of an old acquaintance who has the "gift of gab".
He is quite a talker....on a variety of subjects. Quite knowledgeable in many areas.
Anyway, I really hope he's doing ok during this pandemic.
I now pray for him daily....specific prayers. [/b]
The gift of gab is rare. Two people esp couples with the gift are inseparable. If you have the gift too, it will be hard for you to say goodbye to the person. So, I am a bit curious why you used acquaintance instead of friend. Why did it stop at the former? I guess you are introvert. Maybe, or maybe I am wrong.

It's always best to be at peace with all if possible. So I am telling you that I hold "0" grudges...no bitterness, malice or unforgiveness.
Peace unto you....
I hope you do not mind I am making comments. I am making comments cos you wrote here that there is no malice or bitterness.

About one and a half weeks ago, I was in the grocery store in the produce section taking my time looking at the produce.
Through my peripheal view, I could see an older gentleman of another race standing there staring in front of him...about 5 feet away from me. I thought he was looking at the produce in front of him trying to make a decision.
However, it turned out that he was waiting for me to move!
He never uttered a word or even looked in my direction.
Here I was not even having a clue that I was delaying him!
It wasn't until I moved that I saw him go directly to where I had been.
Now you know I was perplexed as to why he couldn't just say, "Excuse me ma'am. I would like to get some items right where you are standing if you don't mind?"
How hard would that have been?
I would have gladly moved out of the way.
Then I started going through a million reasons why he didn't say a word.
Was it because of the racial tension going on across the U.S.?
Wa he afraid to say something to me, a black woman, because of the riots going on?
Was it because of the pandemic? Was he socially distancing himself?
What was it?
Well I never found out.
I only got annoyed and a little hot and mumbled under my breath as I walked away. The rest of my trip was ruined as I became fixated about the elderly man's behaviour.
Do you know that the Holy Spirit rebuked me that night when prayer time came?
Simply because I knew I was wrong for how I thought about that man in my heart....
He never heard me say anything, but in my heart I was angry and "wanted" to confront him.
Do you know that the ironic thing was, that I kept running into him throughout the rest of my time in the store?
Perhaps those were my opportunities to "right the wrong" I had already thought secretly in my heart.
However, I didn't.
It was an opportunity to show the love of Christ to someone that day who might have needed it.
I knew better, but didn't do better, because neither my heart nor my spirit were clean.
I can so relate to the words of David when he cried in (Psalm 51:10-12) for God to give him a clean heart, a right spirit and to not take the Holy Spirit away from him.
See the Holy Spirit is the life force of a believer's spiritual journey.
Without the Comforter, we cannot have the spirit of God (Phillipians 2:13).
Our hearts must be transformed.
We must allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in our lives...and it must be evident in our relations with fellow human beings...IN SPITE OF how they may behave
(John 13:35).
Sincere love for God and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit are the only fuel that can transform the heart.
I am reminded of (Psalm 139: 23-24) so that my next encounter will be a different story.
Kindly read the bolded phrase. Almost everyone says the Holy Spirit talks to them. How did the Holy Spirit rebuke you? Could you explain? Do you talk to Him? If yes, How? Do you ask Him questions? And does He always reply you? How? How do you approach Him?

My life is about practical. I do not listen to theories. I want to read the process. The requirements. The techniques. I always try new things. So, teach me how it usually happen.
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Eviana(f): 12:25am On Jul 02, 2020
Forgive me for the late reply.
I have been tied up with commitments elsewhere. Never thought I would not be on Nairaland as much anymore....even as a member!
Anyhow, I will come back and answer all of your question(s) soon enough.
If you don't mind, I'd like to answer them here.
Not to offend you, and it probably would be easier to speak with you privately, but I feel more comfortable here for the time being...hence my personal text.
Yes, no malice or bitterness.
You are free to post on here and so is anyone else.
However, I don't like arguments that become destructive and endless debates about the Word. I tend to get quiet or leave the discussion.
So when I sense that happening, I'm through.

I also have one more post that I still have to write on this thread.
Anyone reading through this thread, please bear with me, I haven't forgotten. It's coming.
Blessings to all
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Nobody: 12:24pm On Jul 05, 2020
Forgive me for the late reply.
I have been tied up with commitments elsewhere. Never thought I would not be on Nairaland as much anymore....even as a member!
Anyhow, I will come back and answer all of your question(s) soon enough.
If you don't mind, I'd like to answer them here.
Not to offend you, and it probably would be easier to speak with you privately, but I feel more comfortable here for the time being...hence my personal text.
Yes, no malice or bitterness.
You are free to post on here and so is anyone else.
However, I don't like arguments that become destructive and endless debates about the Word. I tend to get quiet or leave the discussion.
So when I sense that happening, I'm through.

I also have one more post that I still have to write on this thread.
Anyone reading through this thread, please bear with me, I haven't forgotten. It's coming.
Blessings to all

Exactly! The bolded part. No destructive debates, but there are so many endless debates. Why? Because all these things are future. So, what is subjective about the future? Listen to me, our root always has influence on us. This is the meaning of life. But which way to go? Would you blame the Muslim man or woman born into it and taught that Islam is not the way? Would you say the catholic man is too strict? I mean, he was born there. Jehovah Witnesses are bad. Yeah. For real? Why? What exactly is wrong with them? Oh! Witnesses can frustrate one too with their so called their way is the only way and their publications. Very annoying at times. Ok Jesus is the way. Yes, I know, and I have heard it many times. What is the proof? Where is the evidence? Muhammed is the way, what is the proof? Where is the evidence? There is no God, but they cannot prove it based on their own theories, but always disproving the claim there is God. Tell them to come up with positive theories, they cannot. Their work is full of guesses. God created the heaven and the earth. Show me how? They cannot too. And the whole world is in a chaos. Why the debate?

For me, it is about sitting down and listening to everyone. This has always been me. If you want to be my friend, you have to show me explicitly what you are trying to make me believe with evidences. Even it is abstract, there is a way to it. Show me the way. It is not just telling me that believe, believe, believe, believe. I want the person to show me that thing first. What purpose is just dropping verses in the Bible and Koran without connecting them to real present life cases?

I ask people: What is your testimony. And no answer other than "just believe". But my life is times 100 better than the ones telling me to believe. What exactly do you want me to believe? You even see Christians fighting themselves. And then, they say, "believe me cos I am a catholic". Now it is no more believe Christ but believe denomination. Waoooo! This is where I keep telling everyone that this world is messed up.

Seriously, I want to discuss, but when we start discussing, you will just see someone come in here to abuse me. And I dont take that. I will rain mine back cos I have come to realise that Nigerians are born to be talked to back. Even so many children that their parents cannot even look at one's face will start talking rubbish here. It's why I keep to myself.

Of course, whenever you are free. It is not a must you reply me at all any more. I just feel that when one tells me she knows the way and I ask her the way, and the person starts drawing back cos of my questions, I start to think otherwise too. And it seems to me that everyone does not understand what is really happening.

But I assure you, if I decide to open a thread and I start discussing, it will be captivating. Truths will be revealed. Knowledge is passed. Eyes are opened. But I am not interested in that. I am just attracted to your posts which I need clarifications. Not just copy and paste.

Well, if you choose to discuss here, I am in. If you choose not to discuss further, it is ok.

God bless you ma!
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Bejusttoall: 10:34pm On Jul 06, 2020
About one and a half weeks ago, I was in the grocery store in the produce section taking my time looking at the produce.
Through my peripheal view, I could see an older gentleman of another race standing there staring in front of him...about 5 feet away from me. I thought he was looking at the produce in front of him trying to make a decision.
However, it turned out that he was waiting for me to move!
He never uttered a word or even looked in my direction.
Here I was not even having a clue that I was delaying him!
It wasn't until I moved that I saw him go directly to where I had been.
Now you know I was perplexed as to why he couldn't just say, "Excuse me ma'am. I would like to get some items right where you are standing if you don't mind?"
How hard would that have been?
I would have gladly moved out of the way.
Then I started going through a million reasons why he didn't say a word.
Was it because of the racial tension going on across the U.S.?
Wa he afraid to say something to me, a black woman, because of the riots going on?
Was it because of the pandemic? Was he socially distancing himself?
What was it?
Well I never found out.
I only got annoyed and a little hot and mumbled under my breath as I walked away. The rest of my trip was ruined as I became fixated about the elderly man's behaviour.
Do you know that the Holy Spirit rebuked me that night when prayer time came?
Simply because I knew I was wrong for how I thought about that man in my heart....
He never heard me say anything, but in my heart I was angry and "wanted" to confront him.
Do you know that the ironic thing was, that I kept running into him throughout the rest of my time in the store?
Perhaps those were my opportunities to "right the wrong" I had already thought secretly in my heart.
However, I didn't.
It was an opportunity to show the love of Christ to someone that day who might have needed it.
I knew better, but didn't do better, because neither my heart nor my spirit were clean.
I can so relate to the words of David when he cried in (Psalm 51:10-12) for God to give him a clean heart, a right spirit and to not take the Holy Spirit away from him.
See the Holy Spirit is the life force of a believer's spiritual journey.
Without the Comforter, we cannot have the spirit of God (Phillipians 2:13).
Our hearts must be transformed.
We must allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in our lives...and it must be evident in our relations with fellow human beings...IN SPITE OF how they may behave
(John 13:35).
Sincere love for God and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit are the only fuel that can transform the heart.
I am reminded of (Psalm 139: 23-24) so that my next encounter will be a different story.
Thanks for the Holy Spirit. It is not good for one to act o assumption especially Christian

1 Like

Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Eviana(f): 12:48am On Jul 07, 2020
The Holy Spirit is to the follower of Christ what oxygen and nitrogen are to air: INSEPARABLE.
You cannot have one without the other.

The Holy Spirit, as Jesus stated in (John14:16-18 KJV) below, is the Comforter who would only come after Jesus died and ascended to Heaven.

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

While so many scriptures speak about the extreme importance of having the Holy Spirit guide, teach, rebuke and comfort etc., I have only chosen the above verses. I think that Jesus spoke eloquently and succintly about the role of the third member of the Godhead.

How important is the Holy Spirit?
Enough so that when asked by the prophet Elijah what he wanted, Elisha stated the following:

2 Kings 2:9-15 KJV

9 And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.

10 And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so.

11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

12 And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.

13 He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan;

14 And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over.

15 And when the sons of the prophets which were to view at Jericho saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him.

Elisha asks for a double portion of the prophet Elijah's spirit. Now one may wonder about that statement.
However, if one understands that thespirit that controled Elijah was the Holy Spirit, then can one see why it was so important for Elisha, Elijah's mentee, to ask for the spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit who abides in the sincere follower of Christ' life that enables him/her to manifest the Fruit of the Spirit .
I have never heard the Holy Spirit speak to me audibly...
However, He speaks to me through the Word, through nature, through the still, small inner voice...
The Holy Spirit guides the sincere seeker into all truth.
Now as humans, and since we all have free-will, oftentimes we ignore that still, small voice and choose what pleases us...as I did at the store.
However, the Holy Spirit gently rebukes and reminds the sincere follower of the mistake made...and then repentance needs to take place.
If you are claiming Christ as your Savior and yet without the Holy Spirit guiding you, then you are deceived and need to pray to God the Father for the Spirit to engulf you.
The manifestation of the Holy Spirit in one's life will come in the form of the Fruit of the Spirit which I will write about in the next post...
Be blessed

1 Like

Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Nobody: 1:58am On Jul 08, 2020
The Holy Spirit is to the follower of Christ what oxygen and nitrogen are to air: INSEPARABLE.
You cannot have one without the other.

The Holy Spirit, as Jesus stated in (John14:16-18 KJV) below, is the Comforter who would only come after Jesus died and ascended to Heaven.

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

While so many scriptures speak about the extreme importance of having the Holy Spirit guide, teach, rebuke and comfort etc., I have only chosen the above verses. I think that Jesus spoke eloquently and succintly about the role of the third member of the Godhead.

How important is the Holy Spirit?
Enough so that when asked by the prophet Elijah what he wanted, Elisha stated the following:

2 Kings 2:9-15 KJV

9 And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.

10 And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so.

11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

12 And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.

13 He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan;

14 And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over.

15 And when the sons of the prophets which were to view at Jericho saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him.

Elisha asks for a double portion of the prophet Elijah's spirit. Now one may wonder about that statement.
However, if one understands that thespirit that controled Elijah was the Holy Spirit, then can one see why it was so important for Elisha, Elijah's mentee, to ask for the spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit who abides in the sincere follower of Christ' life that enables him/her to manifest the Fruit of the Spirit .
I have never heard the Holy Spirit speak to me audibly...
However, He speaks to me through the Word, through nature, through the still, small inner voice...

The Holy Spirit guides the sincere seeker into all truth.
Now as humans, and since we all have free-will, oftentimes we ignore that still, small voice and choose what pleases us...as I did at the store.
However, the Holy Spirit gently rebukes and reminds the sincere follower of the mistake made...and then repentance needs to take place.
If you are claiming Christ as your Savior and yet without the Holy Spirit guiding you, then you are deceived and need to pray to God the Father for the Spirit to engulf you.
The manifestation of the Holy Spirit in one's life will come in the form of the Fruit of the Spirit which I will write about in the next post...
Be blessed
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Nobody: 2:49am On Jul 08, 2020
The Holy Spirit is to the follower of Christ what oxygen and nitrogen are to air: INSEPARABLE.
You cannot have one without the other.

The Holy Spirit, as Jesus stated in (John14:16-18 KJV) below, is the Comforter who would only come after Jesus died and ascended to Heaven.

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

While so many scriptures speak about the extreme importance of having the Holy Spirit guide, teach, rebuke and comfort etc., I have only chosen the above verses. I think that Jesus spoke eloquently and succintly about the role of the third member of the Godhead.

How important is the Holy Spirit?
Enough so that when asked by the prophet Elijah what he wanted, Elisha stated the following:

2 Kings 2:9-15 KJV

9 And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.

10 And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so.

11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

12 And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.

13 He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the bank of Jordan;

14 And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? and when he also had smitten the waters, they parted hither and thither: and Elisha went over.

15 And when the sons of the prophets which were to view at Jericho saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him.

Elisha asks for a double portion of the prophet Elijah's spirit. Now one may wonder about that statement.
However, if one understands that thespirit that controled Elijah was the Holy Spirit, then can one see why it was so important for Elisha, Elijah's mentee, to ask for the spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit who abides in the sincere follower of Christ' life that enables him/her to manifest the Fruit of the Spirit .
I have never heard the Holy Spirit speak to me audibly...
However, He speaks to me through the Word, through nature, through the still, small inner voice...

The Holy Spirit guides the sincere seeker into all truth.
Now as humans, and since we all have free-will, oftentimes we ignore that still, small voice and choose what pleases us...as I did at the store.
However, the Holy Spirit gently rebukes and reminds the sincere follower of the mistake made...and then repentance needs to take place.
If you are claiming Christ as your Savior and yet without the Holy Spirit guiding you, then you are deceived and need to pray to God the Father for the Spirit to engulf you.
The manifestation of the Holy Spirit in one's life will come in the form of the Fruit of the Spirit which I will write about in the next post...
Be blessed

The two underlined parts got me thinking. Hmmm! Many have claimed same that they follow the still voice. I have not problem with it. But I know that if truly the Holy Spirit exists, and He is who He is truly, He cannot contradict himself. If He leads in truth, secrets will be revealed. How do you explain such to a non Christian? Islam has a way too. Buddhism has it's way too. And science has got it's own way. I always ask any intelligent person this: Have you found the connecting hook to all of these issues?

The story of Elijah and Elisah is good, and it encourages me. But it becomes meaningless if I cannot achieve same. If there is a principle or law which is no more applicable, it is called obsolete. Dont get me wrong, I am not saying it is. But why is there no manifestation of such transformation in this present day? Therefore, I can say it is fiction. And it is why many are saying so. But it may not be. How do I show it is not. By showing how it is applicable in this present day.

The Holy Spirit teaches, guides in all truths, reveals, etc. So, why dont we hear testimonies like this? Let me share a story. A certain lady claimed to be spiritual and I simply told her a real truth. The truth was a lie I told to get something which I eventually did not get anyway, but that person used the truth against me. And no matter what I said further the person did not just believe. So, I asked myself, is it not better to continue with the lies with this person? So, I called the person and said...of you say you are a Christian and you hear from the spirit holy spirit, ask Him about the issue. But the person has not yet got the right answer. Lol. How can I listen to such a person? She claims the Holy spirit teaches in all truth, yet, the truth before her she cannot believe because it was enveloped in a unique way. I told another person who did not claim to be spiritual the same story, and guess what the person took me to the story of Abraham where he told a lie that Sarah was his sister. Lol. The person did not encourage me to go on with the lie, but advised me to seek for a way to make the truth prevail again. That came from a non claimed self righteous person. But the so called born again christian still insists on the wrong thing. And I see her publishing materials about Christ, Holy Spirit, God, etc everytime saying the Holy Spirit reveals the truth. Yet, the simplest issue, she doesn't get right. I am even the person trying to help her to see where she is getting it wrong, but she is still not seeing it. I know I am right cos I said the truth.

Then, the part where you write we deliberately dont listen to the small still voice is true. The same person i wrote about earlier who doubts keeps returning to me. And I keep tolerating her, but when she doesn't like what I say, she shuts herself out again for months. Yet, I keep tolerating her. But she cannot stand tolerating me and she calls herself a christian. Well, I am not saying she is not a Christian, my point is that her flesh is still working. And so, who are we to judge non God believers? Who are we to say they worship Satan when we are not perfect ourselves?

For me, I naked myself to the greatest truth. I am a pencil in the hand of my creator. He leads me. I cannot judge you for who you are. I can yell, shout, curse, nag, but later when I am calm, I will reason with you. I tolerate people cos I know I am stubborn too. And when I choose to say I want to be a friend, I mean it.

I dont judge you cos of where you are from or who you are. Though, I may deliberately pinch you with some attributes or your way of life at times. Lol. For example, I hate being a Nigerian recently, and my recent utterances and posts showed it. But this afternoon, someone shared with me a clip from T.D Jakes where he talked about not quiting. Jakes said "I dont care if you dont have the friends, money, connection, etc to do it, dont quit on your dreams. You may have to take classes and courses, it may take you 2 times the duration (you can imagine getting BSc in 8 years), you may be slow to grab it easily, you may bury a child or children, you may lose a spouse to cancer.....but dont ever quit. Dont quit". Therefore, I am trying to get myself back and say...despite Hushpuppi, despite Invictus Obi, Mompha, Woodberry, looters calling themselves politicians, embarrassments when travelling, onine applications rejections because I am Nigerian, closure of several doors of opportunities....I will not quit.

Before we tell people they will rot in hell or they are demons or their worshippers, we must look at ourselves in the mirror and ask if we are truly righteous.

I choose to preach Mercy, Grace, and Favor. I am happy and grateful I have a merciful God who does not treat me the way I treat people. But I am learning to be more compassionate daily.

I pray the Holy Spirit speaks to you about these issues I wrote about here. If truly you have the Holy Spirit, you need to return and reevaluate all I have told you. At times we need to envelope the truth in a presentable and acceptable manner, and not just throw the bomb anyhow.

Sincerely Yours.
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Kobojunkie: 3:28am On Jul 08, 2020
The two underlined parts got me thinking. Hmmm! Many have claimed same that they follow the still voice. I have not problem with it. But I know that if truly the Holy Spirit exists, and He is who He is truly, He cannot contradict himself. If He leads in truth, secrets will be revealed. How do you explain such to a non Christian? Islam has a way too. Buddhism has it's way too. And science has got it's own way. I always ask any intelligent person this: Have you found the connecting hook to all of these issues?
What connecting hook is there? undecided
The story of Elijah and Elisah is good, and it encourages me. But it becomes meaningless if I cannot achieve same. If there is a principle or law which is no more applicable, it is called obsolete. Dont get me wrong, I am not saying it is. But why is there no manifestation of such transformation in this present day? Therefore, I can say it is fiction. And it is why many are saying so. But it may not be. How do I show it is not. By showing how it is applicable in this present day.
You are right! undecided
The Holy Spirit teaches, guides in all truths, reveals, etc. So, why dont we hear testimonies like this?
Excellent question!
Let me share a story. A certain lady claimed to be spiritual and I simply told her a real truth. The truth was a lie I told to get something which I eventually did not get anyway, but that person used the truth against me. And no matter what I said further the person did not just believe. So, I asked myself, is it not better to continue with the lies with this person? So, I called the person and said...of you say you are a Christian and you hear from the spirit holy spirit, ask Him about the issue. But the person has not yet got the right answer. Lol. How can I listen to such a person? She claims the Holy spirit teaches in all truth, yet, the truth before her she cannot believe because it was enveloped in a unique way.
Story 1! wink
I told another person who did not claim to be spiritual the same story, and guess what the person took me to the story of Abraham where he told a lie that Sarah was his sister. Lol. The person did not encourage me to go on with the lie, but advised me to seek for a way to make the truth prevail again. That came from a non claimed self righteous person.
Story 2 wink
But the so called born again christian still insists on the wrong thing. And I see her publishing materials about Christ, Holy Spirit, God, etc everytime saying the Holy Spirit reveals the truth. Yet, the simplest issue, she doesn't get right. I am even the person trying to help her to see where she is getting it wrong, but she is still not seeing it. I know I am right cos I said the truth.
It is obvious that the person from story-1 is a liar and the Truth(Jesus Christ) is not in her since She does not even obey Jesus Christ's own commandments. Jesus Christ spoke, and warned, vehemently against such people. undecided
Then, the part where you write we deliberately dont listen to the small still voice is true. The same person i wrote about earlier who doubts keeps returning to me. And I keep tolerating her, but when she doesn't like what I say, she shuts herself out again for months. Yet, I keep tolerating her. But she cannot stand tolerating me and she calls herself a christian. Well, I am not saying she is not a Christian, my point is that her flesh is still working. And so, who are we to judge non God believers? Who are we to say they worship Satan when we are not perfect ourselves?
She is not a follower of Jesus Christ and it is OK to say it out loud you know. Forget about being nice or trying not to hurt people and such. Jesus Christ never played it nicely with the Pharisees or even the Samaritans. Being nice is not of Him.... that is one of the many lessons I learned during my early days. Honesty/Truthful is what God really rewards. undecided
We don't say she worships Satan though - I doubt anyone really does. But we say the truth of Jesus Christ and that is anyone who says they love Jesus Christ but does not obey Jesus Christ is a liar and the Truth(Jesus Christ) is not in them. It is that simple! undecided

For me, I naked myself to the greatest truth. I am a pencil in the hand of my creator. He leads me. I cannot judge you for who you are. I can yell, shout, curse, nag, but later when I am calm, I will reason with you. I tolerate people cos I know I am stubborn too. And when I choose to say I want to be a friend, I mean it.
Tolerance is no excuse to withhold the truth of God though. You have to be willing to tell her what the Word of God(Jesus Christ) says about the advice she gave you. Allowing her to continue in ignorance will not help her and it certainly will only let her continue in it for longer than might be really necessary! undecided
I dont judge you cos of where you are from or who you are. Though, I may deliberately pinch you with some attributes or your way of life at times. Lol. For example, I hate being a Nigerian recently, and my recent utterances and posts showed it. But this afternoon, someone shared with me a clip from T.D Jakes where he talked about not quiting. Jakes said "I dont care if you dont have the friends, money, connection, etc to do it, dont quit on your dreams. You may have to take classes and courses, it may take you 2 times the duration (you can imagine getting BSc in 8 years), you may be slow to grab it easily, you may bury a child or children, you may lose a spouse to cancer.....but dont ever quit. Dont quit". Therefore, I am trying to get myself back and say...despite Hushpuppi, despite Invictus Obi, Mompha, Woodberry, looters calling themselves politicians, embarrassments when travelling, onine applications rejections because I am Nigerian, closure of several doors of opportunities....I will not quit.
You were going to quit on your paw-paw land? shocked
Before we tell people they will rot in hell or they are demons or their worshippers, we must look at ourselves in the mirror and ask if we are truly righteous.
Well, Jesus warned against making people our enemies.
I choose to preach Mercy, Grace, and Favor. I am happy and grateful I have a merciful God who does not treat me the way I treat people. But I am learning to be more compassionate daily.
Preaching Mercy and Grace and favor is not the same as preaching that Jesus Christ called us to preach. Don't misunderstand me here. I'm not on the side of the @OP here. Matter of fact, I am not even sure if the @OP is a human.

That aside, I think it is best we not "water down" the message of Jesus Christ for fear that we may hurt feelings.
First of all, grace gets you nowhere unless you are in fact born again. The grace of God is on every single living being out there. However, only those who are born again, not just those who simply believe in Jesus Christ(demons believe too), but those who are born of the Spirit of God, have the grace of Jesus Christ. undecided
God's mercy is on all mankind as well. And He does not really favor any humans. He is not a God of favor. undecided
I pray the Holy Spirit speaks to you about these issues I wrote about here. If truly you have the Holy Spirit, you need to return and reevaluate all I have told you. At times we need to envelope the truth in a presentable and acceptable manner, and not just throw the bomb anyhow.
Sincerely Yours.
I used to believe that too. But that message never got me anywhere close to Jesus Christ. It was not until I started paying close attention to the actual words that Jesus said that I realized that the many so-called pastors/preachers/GOs have it all wrong. The majority of them do not know the truth of Jesus Christ, and I will even say they don't have the Spirit of God living on the inside of them. undecided
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Nobody: 6:30am On Jul 08, 2020
What connecting hook is there? undecided
You are right! undecided
Excellent question!
Story 1! wink
Story 2 wink
It is obvious that the person from story-1 is a liar and the Truth(Jesus Christ) is not in her since She does not even obey Jesus Christ's own commandments. Jesus Christ spoke, and warned, vehemently against such people. undecided
She is not a follower of Jesus Christ and it is OK to say it out loud you know. Forget about being nice or trying not to hurt people and such. Jesus Christ never played it nicely with the Pharisees or even the Samaritans. Being nice is not of Him.... that is one of the many lessons I learned during my early days. Honesty/Truthful is what God really rewards. undecided
We don't say she worships Satan though - I doubt anyone really does. But we say the truth of Jesus Christ and that is anyone who says they love Jesus Christ but does not obey Jesus Christ is a liar and the Truth(Jesus Christ) is not in them. It is that simple! undecided

Tolerance is no excuse to withhold the truth of God though. You have to be willing to tell her what the Word of God(Jesus Christ) says about the advice she gave you. Allowing her to continue in ignorance will not help her and it certainly will only let her continue in it for longer than might be really necessary! undecided
You were going to quit on your paw-paw land? shocked
Well, Jesus warned against making people our enemies.

Preaching Mercy and Grace and favor is not the same as preaching that Jesus Christ called us to preach. Don't misunderstand me here. I'm not on the side of the @OP here. Matter of fact, I am not even sure if the @OP is a human.

That aside, I think it is best we not "water down" the message of Jesus Christ for fear that we may hurt feelings.
First of all, grace gets you nowhere unless you are in fact born again. The grace of God is on every single living being out there. However, only those who are born again, not just those who simply believe in Jesus Christ(demons believe too), but those who are born of the Spirit of God, have the grace of Jesus Christ. undecided
God's mercy is on all mankind as well. And He does not really favor any humans. He is not a God of favor. undecided
I used to believe that too. But that message never got me anywhere close to Jesus Christ. It was not until I started paying close attention to the actual words that Jesus said that I realized that the many so-called pastors/preachers/GOs have it all wrong. The majority of them do not know the truth of Jesus Christ, and I will even say they don't have the Spirit of God living on the inside of them. undecided
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Kobojunkie: 6:42am On Jul 08, 2020
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Nobody: 9:13am On Jul 08, 2020
My personal opinion is that OP is sound in her faith. I have not said she is not a christian. Also, the lady I talked about, I see her with flaws just like I see myself as long as I am in flesh. I just want her tolerate me, that's all. You have taken this to another level, and I will address your post later. But just for the record, I think OP is a true christian.
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Kobojunkie: 11:00am On Jul 08, 2020

My personal opinion is that OP is sound in her faith. I have not said she is not a christian. Also, the lady I talked about, I see her with flaws just like I see myself as long as I am in flesh. I just want her tolerate me, that's all. You have taken this to another level, and I will address your post later. But just for the record, I think OP is a true christian.
Like I said, the @Op might be a bot for all i know, i am not worried about her post or her belief. My focus was your retort and your retort alone.

Do you think that if your friend from story-1 breathed her last, that her soul is going to be handled in the same "tolerant" manner as you continue to pretend is OK to handle her?

You see her "flaws" and you know they are more than simply "flaws" but you treat them like they are merely flaws anyways. Do you think Jesus Christ treats her "flaws" the same way? I mean His teachings are clear on what His followers ought to do and He is clear on how to know a good tree from a bad tree. Did Jesus Christ lie? undecided
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Nobody: 12:49pm On Jul 08, 2020

Like I said, the @Op might be a bot for all i know, i am not worried about her post or her belief. My focus was your retort and your retort alone.

Do you think that if your friend from story-1 breathed her last, that her soul is going to be handled in the same "tolerant" manner as you continue to pretend is OK to handle her?

You see her "flaws" and you know they are more than simply "flaws" but you treat them like they are merely flaws anyways. Do you think Jesus Christ treats her "flaws" the same way? I mean His teachings are clear on what His followers ought to do and He is clear on how to know a good tree from a bad tree. Did Jesus Christ lie? undecided

Those areas I underlined in your post are not for fun. I will reply you soon. You will tell me how Jesus appointed you to be the judge of flaws in others. Lol. You are too bold to start comparing yourself with Jesus. So, Jesus has appointed you the judge on earth to say who is flawed and who is not. And you are righteous to start pointing out the flaws in people. Right? No wonder he said in His parable that you should remove "that" in your eyes first before pointing to others.

Oga, exercise patience and let me respond you later, and stop showing "flawed flawlessness".
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Nobody: 6:06pm On Jul 08, 2020
What connecting hook is there? undecided
You are right! undecided
Excellent question!
Story 1! wink
Story 2 wink
It is obvious that the person from story-1 is a liar and the Truth(Jesus Christ) is not in her since She does not even obey Jesus Christ's own commandments. Jesus Christ spoke, and warned, vehemently against such people. undecided
I will not call the person a liar like you did. It is wrong to just splash such words in people's faces. It seems you are too bold in your approach to what you believe and what you want others to believe. To me, she doesn't have deep understanding of the subject and it is why I tolerate her till date. And I am not perfect too. I just want her to tolerate me too, and we can flow better. That's all I can say here. Of course, with your tone, you may do far worse than her if you don't agree with the other person. I will not go into the fruits of the Holy Spirit since this is not my thread, and Eviana has said she will talk about it. But I know that tolerance is one of the fruits.

She is not a follower of Jesus Christ and it is OK to say it out loud you know. Forget about being nice or trying not to hurt people and such. Jesus Christ never played it nicely with the Pharisees or even the Samaritans. Being nice is not of Him.... that is one of the many lessons I learned during my early days. Honesty/Truthful is what God really rewards. undecided
We don't say she worships Satan though - I doubt anyone really does. But we say the truth of Jesus Christ and that is anyone who says they love Jesus Christ but does not obey Jesus Christ is a liar and the Truth(Jesus Christ) is not in them. It is that simple! undecided
Are you a follower of Jesus by bullying others? What gives you such boldness? Lol. It is not OK to say what you wrote here. Maturity is keeping your opinion to yourself, and finding a better way to address the issue. For example, OP told me he was praying for me. Why? Because she felt otherwise about me. Lol. Of course I just smiled. Cos I disagreed with her in certain areas. But if you check well, I disagreed with some of her doctrines, and not even the basis of christianity. So, it is funny how we have all been soaked into doctrines. Same you are doing here too, even far worse. Are you a follower of Christ with this your confrontational approach? It is never OK for me to tell anyone that the fellow is not a follower of what she believes in. It is not wise and not OK. It can never be OK. Even you know it, there are ways you can say it and the person and others listening or reading easily grab your point.

Let me give you a practical example. Look at how Oyedepo is making direct confrontation against Buhari and check him with Adeboye's approach. Which is more effective? When Adeboye carried placards with his congregation, it shook Aso Rock. They trembled. Meanwhile, Oyedepo is becoming an ordinary loud speaker gradually. He even rained curses on BokoHaram, and did it stop BH? Lol. Yet, I cannot deny the fact that both men are gifted. Both men are powerful. So, that we do things differently does not mean we are not followers of Christ. Let us learn how to tolerate one another. This is vital.

Tolerance is no excuse to withhold the truth of God though. You have to be willing to tell her what the Word of God(Jesus Christ) says about the advice she gave you. Allowing her to continue in ignorance will not help her and it certainly will only let her continue in it for longer than might be really necessary! undecided
You were going to quit on your paw-paw land? shocked
Well, Jesus warned against making people our enemies.
What is the opposite of tolerance? Violence. This might be what you are preaching if you want me not to tolerate you. You dont need violence or any forceful method. OP is right with the choice of phrase: "Free Will". If you want to, fine. If you dont want to....fine. What does that sound to you? Tolerance. Jesus told his disciples to go and preach the gospel, if they dont accept, leave them alone and not dash it into their faces the truth you believe in. He said, pick your scandals and leave. When Jesus was called to fight the same Pharisses you mentioned about the adulteress who should be stoned. Did you notice his wisdom in addressing the case? For sure, the real law condemned the woman, and the right thing was to condemn her there before launching attack on the man who she committed it with. But he preached mercy and tolerance in a unique way, and her accusers left one by one. And he told the woman, "I am not judging you because you have received mercy". Jesus did not even tell her she was wrong. That's mercy. Did the action water down Jesus' words? Did Jesus point her flaws to her directly bashing it at her face?

Preaching Mercy and Grace and favor is not the same as preaching that Jesus Christ called us to preach. Don't misunderstand me here. I'm not on the side of the @OP here. Matter of fact, I am not even sure if the @OP is a human.

That aside, I think it is best we not "water down" the message of Jesus Christ for fear that we may hurt feelings.
First of all, grace gets you nowhere unless you are in fact born again. The grace of God is on every single living being out there. However, only those who are born again, not just those who simply believe in Jesus Christ(demons believe too), but those who are born of the Spirit of God, have the grace of Jesus Christ. undecided
God's mercy is on all mankind as well. And He does not really favor any humans. He is not a God of favor. undecided
I used to believe that too. But that message never got me anywhere close to Jesus Christ. It was not until I started paying close attention to the actual words that Jesus said that I realized that the many so-called pastors/preachers/GOs have it all wrong. The majority of them do not know the truth of Jesus Christ, and I will even say they don't have the Spirit of God living on the inside of them. undecided

You may not understand mercy fully. What you did above is just defining the terms. Let me simplify what I believe. Mercy is Calvary. That's the underserved favor. You do not deserve salvation, but you have it. And it comes with a simple requirement. That requirement is what all religions do not agree on. But what I believe is that: Golgotha is mercy. I am happy and grateful to know this merciful God.

Listen, it can never be OK to cause disunity, trouble and violence in the name of saying your truth. I am not saying you are causing violence yet, but making bold statements like this in this present world and knowing fully well you are in Nigeria where there is religious intolerance may not be wise. I don't call it "the" truth cos you have not been proved it beyond reasonable doubt it is the truth. So, I will call it "your" truth. Please, be careful how you present your truth.

Show me evidences that your truth is the truth before you start making bold statements. And you are too bold. I hope you do not confront muslims like this because they believe in something also. So, can you show me with real evidence why I should take your truty and not the truth presented by a Muslim brother? Yes, I heard you well, but show me that your truth is the real truth before you start making bold statements. Can you?

What you preach, can you prove it? Can you show me now the future you are preaching? The Jesus you want to compare yourself with has the backing of spiritual forces that according to the Bible, He proved everything with actions. But many just come boldly here without any force or power behind them and start talking rubbish. This is my point.

Ok. Does hell exist? That's another argument. But that is still in the future. So, why cant people use their brains and first deal with what is present? Covid-19 is here and Athiests are blasting all spiritual people here to call their "god" and "God" to heal the land. They are telling you that science will solve it and you shut up yet the only response is to yell at them back. But when Elijah was challenged, he delivered. Why cant we deliver today? Baal could actually make fire on the altar, but in my opinion, Elijah's God prevented it from doing it. So, if we say our God is the God of Elijah, why can we not perform the same miracle? Can you explain it as a Christian? OK. Stop reading "a book" and display that power now. Can you? If you cannot, why not? People cannot explain these things; yet, you read many bold statements from them. It is ridiculously st.upid.

Well, I am talking directly to you that you learn how to tolerate people. Tolerance is what we need more in this world. You can preach the gospel without removing a single truth and still tolerate people. Remember, Jesus did not live with muslims, Buddhist, Africanas etc.. He lived with Jews like himself. If you want to learn different approaches, you should learn from Paul who had to change his style cos he had to mix with the Romans. And it was the reason he blasted Peter who was his boss when James was around that Peter who was mixing freely and tolerating the Romans suddenly became what you describe here because James was around. Tolerance is the KEY.

There is a difference in correcting with love and making statements which can cause war. You know there are different opinions in this present world and people die and kill because of certain statements. Why would Jesus want you to make such statements which can cause violence when you can just zip your mouth?

I just want to mention that I do not see anything so wrong with OP, I am just addressing a style she adopted cos Atheists bombarded her. That's all. And she apologized, but still insisted like you that the truth must be told. Which truth? The not well presented truth? The truth can be angrily tossed into the bin cos it was not properly presented. Someone is asking you why your God cannot take care of Covid-19 and you cannot return to the Holy spirit to teach you what to say. Yet, you are telling me to believe your truth. Which damn truth is that? Someone is telling you that science is what will save humanity now, and you have no word; yet, you claim you are saying the truth. Which truth is that? We are dealing with the present and you want to tell me the reality is not now but I should just be taking the application of the word many years ago. What kind of truth is that? Show me that the Gid of Elijah is still alive, then, I will believe you. You cannot show me, zip your mouth.

What kind of truth can you say you preach when everything about the nation you came from is a scam? Answer me? How do you want to say it? You can only argue here, but take it down to a caucasian who is an Athiest and if you dont get a dirty slap, thank your God. Lol. Of course, I know my limit ooooo. I will be silent where I know I do not have the morale right to speak. And I pray that God empowers me and set me in the right position to say the truth in the right way. Which mouth can you use to preach the truth when your own house is sinking?

At times, I wonder how foreigners reading Nairaland religious section feel. You see millions of people worshipping together, singing, crying, rolling on the floor, binding, losing, speaking in tongues, yet.... they are professional scammers. What the heck is that? But everything is fake. And the truth you can see here on nairaland. They all are fakes. They come to nairaland to debate their stu.pidity. Debating rubbish instead of them to study the word together.

Do not ever judge, so you dont get judged. Let God judge. Let Him be the one to have the final say. Let Him be the one to say this is OK. Tolerance is vital. Listen to others and learn. For Christ's sake, we are talking about the future. You dont know it. You have no proof. See, anyone who has seen the future dont argue and bash people. Why? The spirit reveals it to a disciplined heart. That person must have learned tolerance so much so that when the fellow presents the truth, it will not instigate violence. You cannot just say the truth anyhow. Present it in a way it will not I instigate violence. This is maturity. And be sure, you know it is the truth with evidence of personal experience, not with brain washed mentality.

However, faith is needed to receive that testimony which is the back up. So, I tell people, shut up if you are still at the faith level. Keep hope alive. Keep faith alive. When you get the revelation with evidence, then you can explode. But guess what? Maturity would have set in, and you just see yourself humble, and you pass the message automatically with tolerance. When they do not receive your message, carry your bag and leave. This is what I am going to do here now. I think I have passed my message clearly. And with the way OP writes, it seems she understands what I am saying.

The person who introduced Paul's prayer into our elementary school saw the future. Oh bless that soul. And I will pray it for you now.

May the GRACE of our LORD Jesus Christ, the love of GOD, and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you (be with me too) now, and forever more. AMEN.

Note: I am here to discuss, and not debate any doctrine. If you accept my words, fine...if not, fine. Let it rest. OP should continue with the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and I want to read more of her personal testimonies and application of the verses she is quoting in this present time. I do not want to read about the days of Elijah only anymore. I want to see the manifestation of the POWER now.

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Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Kobojunkie: 7:27pm On Jul 08, 2020
I will not call the person a liar like you did. It is wrong to just splash such words in people's faces. It seems you are too bold in your approach to what you believe and what you want others to believe. To me, she doesn't have deep understanding of the subject and it is why I tolerate her till date. And I am not perfect too. I just want her to tolerate me too, and we can flow better. That's all I can say here. Of course, with your tone, you may do far worse than her if you don't agree with the other person. I will not go into the fruits of the Holy Spirit since this is not my thread, and Eviana has said she will talk about it. But I know that tolerance is one of the fruits.
I didn't call her a liar. You brought up her story, remember? undecided
I simply based my response on what you posted. So if you are looking for someone to accuse here, try self! In below passage, John the apostle makes it clear who the liars are as far as Jesus Christ is concerned. He, John, echoed the words of Jesus in this you know. undecided

1 John 2 vs 3-6
3. If we obey what God has told us to do, then we are sure that we know him.
4. If we say we know God but do not obey his commands, we are lying. The truth is not in us.
5. But when we obey God’s teaching, his love is truly working in us. This is how we know that we are living in him.
6. If we say we live in God, we must live the way Jesus lived.
So either Jesus Christ, John too are liars, or your friend is a liar. Pick one! undecided
Are you a follower of Jesus by bullying others? What gives you such boldness? Lol. It is not OK to say what you wrote here. Maturity is keeping your opinion to yourself, and finding a better way to address the issue. For example, OP told me he was praying for me. Why? Because she felt otherwise about me. Lol. Of course I just smiled. Cos I disagreed with her in certain areas. But if you check well, I disagreed with some of her doctrines, and not even the basis of christianity. So, it is funny how we have all been soaked into doctrines. Same you are doing here too, even far worse. Are you a follower of Christ with this your confrontational approach? It is never OK for me to tell anyone that the fellow is not a follower of what she believes in. It is not wise and not OK. It can never be OK. Even you know it, there are ways you can say it and the person and others listening or reading easily grab your point.
Maybe you need to go back to your original post to refresh your own mind. undecidedYou are the one who brought your friend up, mentioning her advice that you lie and tiptoeing around telling her that she is not obeying the commandments of Jesus Christ, and also suggesting that you would not go as far as saying she worships Satan. I simply read your response and emphasized what we can and cannot do as followers of Christ there. Again, visit the verse from John undecided

John 14 vs 23-24
23. Jesus answered, “All who love me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them. My Father and I will come to them and live with them.
24. But anyone who does not love me does not obey my teaching. This teaching that you hear is not really mine. It is from my Father who sent me.
Maybe you should switch out of defensive mode right about now to see where this all started. undecided
Let me give you a practical example. Look at how Oyedepo is making direct confrontation against Buhari and check him with Adeboye's approach. Which is more effective? When Adeboye carried placards with his congregation, it shook Aso Rock. They trembled. Meanwhile, Oyedepo is becoming an ordinary loud speaker gradually. He even rained curses on BokoHaram, and did it stop BH? Lol. Yet, I cannot deny the fact that both men are gifted. Both men are powerful. So, that we do things differently does not mean we are not followers of Christ. Let us learn how to tolerate one another. This is vital.
Jesus Christ warned you of such approaches to examining that which is in front of your eyes. He said by their fruits, you shall know them, not by what they do. undecided

Matthew 7 vs 15-20
15. “Be careful of false prophets. They come to you and look gentle like sheep. But they are really dangerous like wolves.
16. You will know these people because of what they do. Good things don’t come from people who are bad, just as grapes don’t come from thornbushes, and figs don’t come from thorny weeds.
17. In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, and bad trees produce bad fruit.
18. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit.
19. Every tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
20. You will know these false people by what they do.[a]
You can know those who are followers of Jesus Christ from those who are not by observing their fruits, not by what they do, say or their acts.
What is the opposite of tolerance? Violence. This might be what you are preaching if you want me not to tolerate you. You dont need violence or any forceful method. OP is right with the choice of phrase: "Free Will". If you want to, fine. If you dont want to....fine. What does that sound to you? Tolerance. Jesus told his disciples to go and preach the gospel, if they dont accept, leave them alone and not dash it into their faces the truth you believe in. He said, pick your scandals and leave.
What Jesus taught us is "love", not tolerance, and certainly not "niceness". undecidedJesus did not tell his disciples to "tolerate" those who reject the message they had for them. undecided
He taught that they love their enemies even as they love their friends. Obviously love your neighbor(including your enemies) as you love your own self. Love is greater than tolerance! undecided

Matthew 5 vs 43-48 (ERV)
43. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[k] and hate your enemy.’
44. But I tell you, love your enemies. Pray for those who treat you badly.
45. If you do this, you will be children who are truly like your Father in heaven. He lets the sun rise for all people, whether they are good or bad. He sends rain to those who do right and to those who do wrong.
46. If you love only those who love you, why should you get a reward for that? Even the tax collectors do that.
47. And if you are nice only to your friends, you are no better than anyone else. Even the people who don’t know God are nice to their friends.
48. What I am saying is that you must be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Kobojunkie: 7:28pm On Jul 08, 2020
When Jesus was called to fight the same Pharisses you mentioned about the adulteress who should be stoned. Did you notice his wisdom in addressing the case? For sure, the real law condemned the woman, and the right thing was to condemn her there before launching attack on the man who she committed it with. But he preached mercy and tolerance in a unique way, and her accusers left one by one. And he told the woman, "I am not judging you because you have received mercy". Jesus did not even tell her she was wrong. That's mercy. Did the action water down Jesus' words? Did Jesus point her flaws to her directly bashing it at her face?
Jesus invoked a law from the Old testament that essentially required that the hands to cast the first stone be without sin. undecidedI don't recall exactly where it is but it is part of the Laws of sin and death from the old testament. He didn't preach to them. Jesus Christ came to save, not to condemn. However, did in fact point her flaws out when He told her to go home and sin no more. undecided
You may not understand mercy fully. What you did above is just defining the terms. Let me simplify what I believe. Mercy is Calvary. That's the underserved favor. You do not deserve salvation, but you have it. And it comes with a simple requirement. That requirement is what all religions do not agree on. But what I believe is that: Golgotha is mercy. I am happy and grateful to know this merciful God.
Sure, one could say the cross if mercy, but the requirements are not simple are you claim. undecided
It does not matter what all religions think though- Jesus Christ did warn us all against the adoption of doctrines and traditions of men to begin with.
Salvation is given free but it comes at a cost... the cost stipulated by Jesus Christ Himself. undecided
Listen, it can never be OK to cause disunity, trouble and violence in the name of saying your truth. I am not saying you are causing violence yet, but making bold statements like this in this present world and knowing fully well you are in Nigeria where there is religious intolerance may not be wise. I don't call it "the" truth cos you have not been proved it beyond reasonable doubt it is the truth. So, I will call it "your" truth. Please, be careful how you present your truth.
There is only one truth. Jesus Christ is the Truth. The word of God is truth. undecided So anything contrary to that is a lie. God Himself declares that His mercy is on all men; this is true. God declares that He favors no man; He showers His mercy on the wicked and the righteous alike; this is God's truth. Anyone who does not like what God can ignore God but His truth is His truth. undecided
Show me evidences that your truth is the truth before you start making bold statements. And you are too bold. I hope you do not confront muslims like this because they believe in something also. So, can you show me with real evidence why I should take your truty and not the truth presented by a Muslim brother? Yes, I heard you well, but show me that your truth is the real truth before you start making bold statements. Can you?
What exactly do you claim makes me too bold? undecided
My stance as far as the truth I believe in? undecided
This example is from one of Paul's letters where he explicitly declares what is a known truth of God.

Romans 2 vs 11
11. For God does not show favoritism(For there is no partiality with God.)
For there is no respect of persons with God.

Deuteronomy 10:17
17. For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awesome God, showing no partiality and accepting no bribe.

2 Chronicles 19:7
7. Wherefore now let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take heed and do it: for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts.
Here is where you can find some references as far as the issue of God's so called favor! undecided
What you preach, can you prove it? Can you show me now the future you are preaching? The Jesus you want to compare yourself with has the backing of spiritual forces that according to the Bible, He proved everything with actions. But many just come boldly here without any force or power behind them and start talking rubbish. This is my point.
So saying what Jesus Christ said is talking rubbish? undecided
Ok. Does hell exist? That's another argument. But that is still in the future. So, why cant people use their brains and first deal with what is present? Covid-19 is here and Athiests are blasting all spiritual people here to call their "god" and "God" to heal the land. They are telling you that science will solve it and you shut up yet the only response is to yell at them back. But when Elijah was challenged, he delivered. Why cant we deliver today? Baal could actually make fire on the altar, but in my opinion, Elijah's God prevented it from doing it. So, if we say our God is the God of Elijah, why can we not perform the same miracle? Can you explain it as a Christian? OK. Stop reading "a book" and display that power now. Can you? If you cannot, why not? People cannot explain these things; yet, you read many bold statements from them. It is ridiculously st.upid.
You are the one who was giving men like Adeboye and Oyedepo props earlier. Why not ask them what they are doing about all that? undecidedSince you have guarantee in your heart that they are indeed men-of-god as you said earlier, why not direct your every questions and frustrations towards the ones who you seem certain have power? undecided
During the time of the apostles, there was a great famine-- we know how that also brings with it sickness and disease. Did the apostles heal the land? undecidedNo. SO? By doing the works of righteousness that Jesus Christ commanded them, they were able to not only help feed and care for so many sick, they also helped set up the first ever pantry in the world. Take this information along with you to your powerful menofgod as well. undecided
Well, I am talking directly to you that you learn how to tolerate people. Tolerance is what we need more in this world. You can preach the gospel without removing a single truth and still tolerate people. Remember, Jesus did not live with muslims, Buddhist, Africanas etc.. He lived with Jews like himself. If you want to learn different approaches, you should learn from Paul who had to change his style cos he had to mix with the Romans. And it was the reason he blasted Peter who was his boss when James was around that Peter who was mixing freely and tolerating the Romans suddenly became what you describe here because James was around. Tolerance is the KEY.
You are wrong. Jesus Christ lived among idol worshippers and pagans too. He did not tolerate them... He loved them. undecided
There is a difference in correcting with love and making statements which can cause war. You know there are different opinions in this present world and people die and kill because of certain statements. Why would Jesus want you to make such statements which can cause violence when you can just zip your mouth?
Why would Jesus Christ want us to speak the truth always? Interesting question. Why did you prefer the advice of story-2 to the advice given you by story-1 in your earlier post? undecided
I just want to mention that I do not see anything so wrong with OP, I am just addressing a style she adopted cos Atheists bombarded her. That's all. And she apologized, but still insisted like you that the truth must be told. Which truth? The not well presented truth? The truth can be angrily tossed into the bin cos it was not properly presented. Someone is asking you why your God cannot take care of Covid-19 and you cannot return to the Holy spirit to teach you what to say. Yet, you are telling me to believe your truth. Which damn truth is that? Someone is telling you that science is what will save humanity now, and you have no word; yet, you claim you are saying the truth. Which truth is that? We are dealing with the present and you want to tell me the reality is not now but I should just be taking the application of the word many years ago. What kind of truth is that? Show me that the Gid of Elijah is still alive, then, I will believe you. You cannot show me, zip your mouth.
Am I to assume that you indeed believe that science is against God or that science is somehow in "competition" with God? undecided
I personally don't understand the frustration persons have with science. Afterall, all knowledge belongs to God, a truth those who believe in God are privy to. God has through science given us so many solutions to situations we were ignorant of in the past. Why attempt to disparage science in the name of God? undecided
What kind of truth can you say you preach when everything about the nation you came from is a scam? Answer me? How do you want to say it? You can only argue here, but take it down to a caucasian who is an Athiest and if you dont get a dirty slap, thank your God. Lol. Of course, I know my limit ooooo. I will be silent where I know I do not have the morale right to speak. And I pray that God empowers me and set me in the right position to say the truth in the right way. Which mouth can you use to preach the truth when your own house is sinking?
What are you on about now? You don't like how Nigeria is, then do what you can. That is all you can do. You are not going to magically change the world you know... No single person or people can do that. undecided
At times, I wonder how foreigners reading Nairaland religious section feel. You see millions of people worshipping together, singing, crying, rolling on the floor, binding, losing, speaking in tongues, yet.... they are professional scammers. What the heck is that? But everything is fake. And the truth you can see here on nairaland. They all are fakes. They come to nairaland to debate their stu.pidity. Debating rubbish instead of them to study the word together.
So those on nairaland are the only fakes your eyes has been able to spot? The ones who you encounter in your daily life are real then? undecided
Do not ever judge, so you dont get judged. Let God judge. Let Him be the one to have the final say. Let Him be the one to say this is OK. Tolerance is vital. Listen to others and learn. For Christ's sake, we are talking about the future. You dont know it. You have no proof. See, anyone who has seen the future dont argue and bash people. Why? The spirit reveals it to a disciplined heart. That person must have learned tolerance so much so that when the fellow presents the truth, it will not instigate violence. You cannot just say the truth anyhow. Present it in a way it will not I instigate violence. This is maturity. And be sure, you know it is the truth with evidence of personal experience, not with brain washed mentality.
Every human judges every day... it is what makes us human. undecided
What should be different is how we judge. The world judges by appearance, assumptions etc. Jesus Christ, as I posted earlier, said instead, we should examine instead the end product(fruit), to know what kind of tree it is we are dealing with. undecided
However, faith is needed to receive that testimony which is the back up. So, I tell people, shut up if you are still at the faith level. Keep hope alive. Keep faith alive. When you get the revelation with evidence, then you can explode. But guess what? Maturity would have set in, and you just see yourself humble, and you pass the message automatically with tolerance. When they do not receive your message, carry your bag and leave. This is what I am going to do here now. I think I have passed my message clearly. And with the way OP writes, it seems she understands what I am saying.
Faith is simply a collection of works done in obedience to the commandments of Jesus Christ. If you are not even bold enough to accept and repeat the very words and commandments of the one whom you call your saviour, how can you in fact obey any of the Truth that is He? undecided
You pray Paul's prayer but not the Prayer that Jesus Christ said you should? undecided
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Nobody: 1:14am On Jul 09, 2020
I debate other subjects and not this one. If you cannot discuss and you are looking for a debate mate, you have missed road. Eviana will come on board and list the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and he will surely touch tolerance. Might be she forgets or her explanation may be too hard for you to understand, I will point it out again clearly. My prayer is that you grow above debating God's word and useless back and forth nairaland religious challenges.

I do not have your time. Jesus commanded you to love one another but you cannot tolerate. Indeed! Lol. Of course, just like having joy in the midst of trouble is not natural is how impossible tolerating others is in this terrible world. Tolerance is indeed a fruit of the spirit. It is not natural. If not for the statement of faith automatically stamped at profiles in Muslim section, I can imagine how hot the religious section will be. Yet, you complain they make you do it. You are a typical example of why it is done. No tolerance at all. Everyone wants to shine out and win debates. Bro, the only one thing is: show me clearly how all your confrontational challenges have solved the challenges we have in this present world.

I know you will return with counter debating words without solving the real puzzle atheists laugh at you. They say Bible is obsolete, yet you keep making references to it without bringing it into life. Just quoting rubbish without real application in this present life. Just constituting nons.ense on NL debating foo.lishness.

You better sit down and think deeply how you can move the God of Elijah's hand in your life in this present days. You asked me about the connecting hook, but how do I teach you or show you when the right attitude is to dust my scandal and leave you like Jesus taught. This is an application of His word in this present days. I am going to apply His word here. I will not descend low to your level. I am not going to respond to you again. I leave you with your debating attitude. Go find another person who cannot tolerate others to debate with. Not me. You want muslims, idol worshippers, Buddhist to listen to you, yet you cannot listen to them, choking down their throats that your own way is the right one. Then prove it that your way is the right one, you cannot..... always referring to the past. At least Eviana shared her personal experience, and I also shared one or two stories you labeled. But what is your story? Debating on Nairaland? grin And then atheist read your words and mock your "god". Debates without power in this present days to back it up. Just running mouths with fast and quick fingers on NL. Lol. No power, no evidence, no testimony, no experience....nothing. just running mouths here and there. Just to tell us your testimony, no way. Say how this God of Elijah can be applied in this present days, and tell us how you have applied His principles, no way. These are what atheists demand, yet no answers. You still return to the days of Elijah quoting rubbish. And they laugh at you. I also laugh at people like you. Guy, there is FIRE in the word. Those who know about it dont debate. Their lives = practical. And they know they aren't magicians. They know the rules and it is necessarily to obey them.

You and I are not serving the same God. I serve a tolerating God. A God who accepts all to the extent that he was tired when he was about offering Himself. He asked if the cup can pass over Him..That was the human part of Him. He tolerated so many people. He doesn't have to take the pain, but chose to. A God who knows when to talk and when to zip his mouth. With all your debates and the claims you are righteous, you are a potential Hushpuppi like every other Nigerian.
These are practical present issues we need to tackle and not debate the days of Moses. Go and debate how to move Nigeria forward. Most are muslims and Christians in Nigeria, but where is the evidence of their faith? Hushpuppi people just scamming about using debates and God's name as over up. Why will athiests not laugh at you all. Powerless Christians.

Devil is smarter than many of you. In this present days, he presents the same God in divers ways. Today, Allah is said to be God of the Bible also the same God traditionalists follow. At least to the best of my knowledge, this is the claim in Nigeria. But in the days of Jesus, the issue was about different deities. But now, it is the same deity but manifesting in different dimensions. Oh! The devil is smart. Very smart. And most of you just debate like fo. olish people. I laugh too at your stu.pidity here. Of course, you are the kind polluting God's word with debates and Jesus used cane to chase your kind out of the temple. Just making noise all over NL , finding who to debate the word with. Not me ooooo. You will look for your mates elsewhere.

To talk to me and reason with me, the first requirement is you have to learn is tolerance. If you cannot learn it, oga, zoom off my mention as you zoom in. I want to connect dots together. Carry your useless and non profiting debate elsewhere.

God bless!
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Eviana(f): 1:41am On Jul 09, 2020
Praying for you too Kobojunkie.....you are newly added to my list and I am sincerely telling you this.

Okay, back to the topic.
Galatians 5:19-21 (KJV)

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like

: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

As the above scripture passage has stated,
the "works of the flesh" are the opposite of the fruit of the spirit (which is coming on another post....soon enough).
The works of the flesh come from the father of lies: satan....the enemy....the accuser....the destroyer....the manifestation of evil incarnate.

Those that sincerely follow Christ--those that believe Jesus was born of a woman, lived, died and rose again-- and has the power to forgive sins and cleanse from ALL unrighteousness--cannot be ruled by the works and/or lust of the flesh.

The "works of the flesh" are expected by those who deny Christ' deity. That is because the Holy Spirit does NOT abide in them. So that is normal behaviour.
However, when a child of God partakes in the works of the flesh, somewhere in his/her walk is a disconnect, disobedience or a partial surrender to the Lord.
If we, Christians are honest with ourselves, we have ALL come up short or fallen in one or more of the areas listed.
We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) KJV at some point in our lives.
As I have always said, what one does when he/she has fallen, is the crucial point.
First, one has to believe that Jesus can forgive and cleanse a confessed sinner from sin.

This is where the Holy Spirit comes into play. He gently rebukes, guides, warns, etc. when a child of God gets tempted to choose the wrong thing, be it in thoughts, words, or actions.
This is how one knows the Holy Spirit is working in one's life.
When tempted and choosing not to give in to the temptation and live in regret for the moment...only to have to confess that bad choice or actual sin later.
Or when tempted to retaliate to words spoken or misspoken about various things from various people etc.,
When continually provoked for no valid reason, but you choose to sincerely pray for the person(s) rather than exact vengeance because you know the person is bound...under the other spirit.
So many instances where the Holy Spirit impresses the mind to not only do good to those who are kind, but to those who despitefully use & abuse you..perhaps not having good intentions.
I know the power of the Holy Spirit is real in my life personally, because my thoughts and actions are changing daily.
Sanctification is a daily process...

The Holy Spirit truly living in a person testifies to the power of a living Savior who desires to transform lives from sinners to saints...to change thoughts and habits and to break the stronghold of sin in a person's life.
Cooperation has to come from the person, however, and without force from the Lord.
Jesus is love and is waiting with open arms to the sincere truth seeker.

P.S. /Updated Modification

I dug deep, and found my post that spoke about my finding the Lord or shall I say accepting His offer to surrender to Him.
It reads "Nobody", cause I deactivated, but it is my former moniker with an "M"...
I copied the link to my exact words to a N.L. atheist member, which actually the thread was dominated by professed atheists (the entire thread can be found by typing in the title).They are the people who I have arguably chatted with the most or close to it on this site since the end of 2016...so I do not discriminate although my beliefs are fundamentally important to me.
My words have never changed regarding the Lord..not then and not now.
Hopefully, what I wrote back at the beginning of 2019 will be an encouragement for a person(s).


1 Like

Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Kobojunkie: 2:06am On Jul 09, 2020
Praying for you too Kobojunkie.....you are newly added to my list and I am sincerely telling you this.
Oh, She wakes up again! So what will you be praying for! Before you go back to bot-mode at least answer that one? Shouldn't you ask me what I would like to see happen in my life instead? undecided
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Eviana(f): 2:23am On Jul 09, 2020
Oh, She wakes up again! So what will you be praying for! Before you go back to bot-mode at least answer that one? Shouldn't you ask me what I would like to see happen in my life instead? undecided

Just know that I don't pray any "by fire by force" prayer nor am I capable of forcing the Lord to do anything in your life.
I pray specific prayers for each person....and from what I can see by a lot of what you have posted (had to stop reading your posts though), I know exactly what to pray.
Folks, I am not a "bot". I am a real live human.....and he/she knows it.
You and Forgness, please and kindly handle your conversation/contrived debate on someone else's thread because you two have become a distraction.
I know you both have issues with what I have written, but I can make "0" apologies on truth.
I am writing to followers of Christ and to others of different religions, you are "welcome" to read if you are interested.
Praying for you guys sincerely...blessings to both of you.
Going back to "bot" mode until I write my "Fruit of the Spirit" post.
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Eviana(f): 2:23am On Jul 09, 2020
Praying for you too Kobojunkie.....you are newly added to my list and I am sincerely telling you this.

Okay, back to the topic.
Galatians 5:19-21 (KJV)

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like

: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

As the above scripture passage has stated,
the "works of the flesh" are the opposite of the fruit of the spirit (which is coming on another post....soon enough).
The works of the flesh come from the father of lies: satan....the enemy....the accuser....the destroyer....the manifestation of evil incarnate.

Those that sincerely follow Christ--those that believe Jesus was born of a woman, lived, died and rose again-- and has the power to forgive sins and cleanse from ALL unrighteousness--cannot be ruled by the works and/or lust of the flesh.

The "works of the flesh" are expected by those who deny Christ' deity. That is because the Holy Spirit does NOT abide in them. So that is normal behaviour.
However, when a child of God partakes in the works of the flesh, somewhere in his/her walk is a disconnect, disobedience or a partial surrender to the Lord.
If we, Christians are honest with ourselves, we have ALL come up short or fallen in one or more of the areas listed.
We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) KJV at some point in our lives.
As I have always said, what one does when he/she has fallen, is the crucial point.
First, one has to believe that Jesus can forgive and cleanse a confessed sinner from sin.

This is where the Holy Spirit comes into play. He gently rebukes, guides, warns, etc. when a child of God gets tempted to choose the wrong thing, be it in thoughts, words, or actions.
This is how one knows the Holy Spirit is working in one's life.
When tempted and choosing not to give in to the temptation and live in regret for the moment...only to have to confess that bad choice or actual sin later.
Or when tempted to retaliate to words spoken or misspoken about various things from various people etc.,
When continually provoked for no valid reason, but you choose to sincerely pray for the person(s) rather than exact vengeance because you know the person is bound...under the other spirit.
So many instances where the Holy Spirit impresses the mind to not only do good to those who are kind, but to those who despitefully use & abuse you..perhaps not having good intentions.
I know the power of the Holy Spirit is real in my life personally, because my thoughts and actions are changing daily.
Sanctification is a daily process...

The Holy Spirit truly living in a person testifies to the power of a living Savior who desires to transform lives from sinners to saints...to change thoughts and habits and to break the stronghold of sin in a person's life.
Cooperation has to come from the person, however, and without force from the Lord.
Jesus is love and is waiting with open arms to the sincere truth seeker.

Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Kobojunkie: 2:37am On Jul 09, 2020
Just know that I don't pray any "by fire by force" prayer nor am I capable of forcing the Lord to do anything in your life.
I pray specific prayers for each person....and from what I can see by a lot of what you have posted (had to stop reading your posts though), I know exactly what to pray.
Folks, I am not a "bot". I am a real live human.....and he/she knows it.
I don't believe in "by Fire by force" prayers either because God is not forced to do anything for anyone.
You and Forgness, please and kindly handle your conversation/contrived debate on someone else's thread because you two have become a distraction.
I know you both have issues with what I have written, but I can make "0" apologies on truth.
Wrong! I don't have a thing against what I have yet to read through. I know you mention they are your thoughts, but now I see you suppose them "teachings" of sort.
I am writing to followers of Christ and to others of different religions, you are "welcome" to read if you are interested.
Praying for you guys sincerely...blessings to both of you.
Going back to "bot" mode until I write my "Fruit of the Spirit" post.
Fruits of the Spirit from your own experience? Or the teachings of Paul? Jesus Christ never taught about the "Fruits of the Spirit", and Jesus Christ said He is our only teacher.... I mean the only teacher for those who are followers of Jesus Christ. So what do you fancy you are able to teach those whose only teacher happens to be Jesus Christ Himself(Spirit of Truth living inside of them)? undecided
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Nobody: 3:11am On Jul 09, 2020

Just know that I don't pray any "by fire by force" prayer nor am I capable of forcing the Lord to do anything in your life.
I pray specific prayers for each person....and from what I can see by a lot of what you have posted (had to stop reading your posts though), I know exactly what to pray.
Folks, I am not a "bot". I am a real live human.....and he/she knows it.
You and Forgness, please and kindly handle your conversation/contrived debate on someone else's thread because you two have become a distraction.
I know you both have issues with what I have written, but I can make "0" apologies on truth.
I am writing to followers of Christ and to others of different religions, you are "welcome" to read if you are interested.
Praying for you guys sincerely...blessings to both of you.
Going back to "bot" mode until I write my "Fruit of the Spirit" post.

I had almost made beautiful comments about your earlier post before this one. And the only word I am picking here is debate. The boy came in and started debating and I stopped the useless debate. Well, if you choose to write only to Christians, it is ok. The only reason I came on board was to ask more questions, but I see it again and again that nairaland is not the platform. I might be tempted to write more cos I am so enticed to truths. So, I will just delete this account and give up that I cannot find meaningful answers here.

But please, I will love you to not contact me again. I appreciate your prayer. I am adding you also to my list too. Nigeria is a burden in my heart. The most important issue at this point in my life is to get to the bottom of how the country called Nigeria can change for good. I am going to put you in my prayer list cos you should learn to tolerate atheists, muslims,.and others. I can say it that this was our bone of contention we disagreed on. That I tolerate others does not mean I am a less christian. I am not God, and if heaven exists (by the way no one has proved it, and I have not said it doesn't exist), I allow God to judge who will enter. As far as I am concerned, having the holy spirit is not a criterion for entering heaven, but I know we need Him. And I know many muslims who recognize Jesus. Even more of them have told me they believe the sonship of Christ. The HOLY spirit is a must, that I dont deny, but we are not close to Him. We just talk about Him without exploring Him.

This subject of the Holy Spirit was the only reason I showed here to really discuss it. But it seems christians dont know what they are called for. I felt you are different. Of course, I know you can be persistent when you want to connect.

If my coming here sounds like I am against you, far be from it. I have asked you privately questions and I tried publicly cos I need answers. Why? This is a critical point for Nigeria and things are really messed up.

I just pray that you dont return again also from outta no where to connect with me. I respect your wish by slamming me publicly cos I asked more questions. Please, dont come privately reconecting anymore.

Solely because of you (cos I know I persistent you are when you want to connect) I will give up my telephone number you have. And I will delete the email you know with me so I can disconnect permanently. I pray to God for a faithful person who will discuss and say the truth always. You want me gone, I am telling you this day, for me to write it publicly, I am gone for life. You cannot catch me up later again. When someone denies me publicly, I leave the fellow permanently. And when I say something publicly, that I will do. I can change my private words....but my utterances outside....I take seriously. I am.a man of my words, esp when uttered publicly.

I may be wrong, but this is the way it is. And I pray that the Lord Almighty answers your prayer. Deleting this today and right now. Just know that my telephone and email you have will stop functioning soon. So, do not bother to connect me now, 3 months later, 6 months later. Just like the person I wrote above...i have learned to move away quickly when my presence isnno more welcome. Just check yourself too. I am.not perfect, but I know that the God I serve is perfect. He will make a way for me.to know more and get the truth I have been searching for. Cos I am sick of Elijah and Moses' stories christianity. K want the manifestation of the power NOW..I am desperate and really seeking.

I wish you luck and I hope to see you in heaven someday.

Bye bye!
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Kobojunkie: 3:26am On Jul 09, 2020
Wow.... he left Nairaland? shocked shocked
Re: Signs Of The Times: My Thoughts by Dtruthspeaker: 7:43am On Jul 09, 2020

Exactly! The bolded part. No destructive debates, but there are so many endless debates. Why? Because all these things are future. So, what is subjective about the future? Listen to me, our root always has influence on us. This is the meaning of life. But which way to go? Would you blame the Muslim man or woman born into it and taught that Islam is not the way? Would you say the catholic man is too strict? I mean, he was born there. Jehovah Witnesses are bad. Yeah. For real? Why? What exactly is wrong with them? Oh! Witnesses can frustrate one too with their so called their way is the only way and their publications. Very annoying at times. Ok Jesus is the way. Yes, I know, and I have heard it many times. What is the proof? Where is the evidence? Muhammed is the way, what is the proof? Where is the evidence? There is no God, but they cannot prove it based on their own theories, but always disproving the claim there is God. Tell them to come up with positive theories, they cannot. Their work is full of guesses. God created the heaven and the earth. Show me how? They cannot too. And the whole world is in a chaos. Why the debate?

For me, it is about sitting down and listening to everyone. This has always been me. If you want to be my friend, you have to show me explicitly what you are trying to make me believe with evidences. Even it is abstract, there is a way to it. Show me the way. It is not just telling me that believe, believe, believe, believe. I want the person to show me that thing first. What purpose is just dropping verses in the Bible and Koran without connecting them to real present life cases?

I ask people: What is your testimony. And no answer other than "just believe". But my life is times 100 better than the ones telling me to believe. What exactly do you want me to believe? You even see Christians fighting themselves. And then, they say, "believe me cos I am a catholic". Now it is no more believe Christ but believe denomination. Waoooo! This is where I keep telling everyone that this world is messed up.

Seriously, I want to discuss, but when we start discussing, you will just see someone come in here to abuse me. And I dont take that. I will rain mine back cos I have come to realise that Nigerians are born to be talked to back. Even so many children that their parents cannot even look at one's face will start talking rubbish here. It's why I keep to myself.

Of course, whenever you are free. It is not a must you reply me at all any more. I just feel that when one tells me she knows the way and I ask her the way, and the person starts drawing back cos of my questions, I start to think otherwise too. And it seems to me that everyone does not understand what is really happening.

But I assure you, if I decide to open a thread and I start discussing, it will be captivating. Truths will be revealed. Knowledge is passed. Eyes are opened. But I am not interested in that. I am just attracted to your posts which I need clarifications. Not just copy and paste.

Well, if you choose to discuss here, I am in. If you choose not to discuss further, it is ok.

God bless you ma!

May I come in here? For I would love to attempt to address your questions raised in here, though I addressed them in other threads.

I promise no Insults which I do detest and the argument must get to a reasonable profitable conclusion, so it shall not be circuitous. I hate that too.

Then, I love Truths as you said!

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