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The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Does Your Church Still Preach About Hell Fire, Holy Living, Rapture, Eternity? / Bill Wiese: 'I Died & Went To Hell' (23 Questions About Hell) / Having Boldness At Jesus' Return - Milton Goh (2) (3) (4)

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Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by GodWrites: 11:03pm On Jul 26, 2020

Pay what price? grin
Your god created Lucifer who became Satan.
Punished Adam and Eve for eating an apple, even though he's omniscient and knew they'd do it.
When sin became too much, even though he foresaw it, he decided to kill all humans, even though he knew they wouldn't listen to Noah. After destroying humans, he didn't even think for a second to destroy Satan (the root of the problem) once and for all. Yet he allowed Satan live and thrive. Many years later, sin had been restored and the earth was as sinful as it was before he destroyed the earth with flood. He now sends his son to die for the sins of people. To pay the debt that who the fvck is owing? To save people from the same hell that God himself created.
Do you people use your brains at all? undecided

You made my evening with this beautiful exposition. Wish we could hang out and have a few beers. But, lockdown is a mess here lol. Stay safe!
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by kingxsamz(m): 11:10pm On Jul 26, 2020

You made my evening with this beautiful exposition. Wish we could hang out and have a few beers. But, lockdown is a mess here lol. Stay safe!

Lol, it's all good bro.
We gather dey.

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Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by sonmvayina(m): 11:18pm On Jul 26, 2020

Like i said earlier, Hold on to what you believe but it will be better to accept the TRUTH.

Truth that God impregnated another man's wife?.. A being that created heaven and earth.... Una punishment nah him go worst pass oh.. For all this insult on our creator..

You guys think if there was anything good in that Bible, that will make a black man prosper, the white man will give it to you?...

You guys should think again..

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Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by fortran12: 12:23am On Jul 27, 2020
There's nothing like nature of Sin. That's a lie sold to you by Jehovah's false philosophy.
Lol. Prove it
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by fortran12: 12:24am On Jul 27, 2020

You dont deserve a reply.


The statement is too complex for you? Sorry.
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by kadesh1: 12:28am On Jul 27, 2020
Hell always sounded like a cynical marketing ploy designed to make people afraid to leave or displease the particular sect. And it seemed to really kill empathy - 'god says they burn, they burn' doesn't make me think of someone being full of love and compassion and all that.

Eternal punishment for finite transgressions always seemed abusive to me. How can someone look at the idea of a being who would condemn people to that and call it love?

Even when I was a Christian Hell was just too weird for me to accept. Infinite punishment for finite offenses is an eye for an eye on steroids. Punishing people for disobeying nit-picky rules makes God an abusive parent. One reason often given for punishment is to teach the offender not to offend again, but if punishment is eternal then how can the offender benefit from this teaching? Jesus is supposed to be into forgiveness but forgiveness shouldn't involve eternal suffering. Hell isn’t redemptive, it isn’t leading to repentance, it’s simply pain for pain’s sake.

I love this quote: “Heaven and hell seem out of proportion to me: the actions of men do not deserve so much.”

and of course I get the rationalisation of hell by Christians saying its moral accountability and saying bad people go to hell;
that's nonsense and they know it!!!

If Yahweh is real and omniscient, that means he already decided that we're going to hell before he even created us. But if this omniscient deity allows for deathbed conversions, then it doesn't matter what kind of life you lead. You could be a brutal dictator who massacred tens of millions of people, yet still get into heaven if you tell Jesus you're sorry. Your victims could all go to hell for eternity if they never repented. That's how bleeped up Christian morality is.

Maybe Christians can answer a few questions for me. The Bible says that there is ONLY ONE way to get into Heaven: by accepting salvation through Jesus.

So it follows that the Christians who ran the Nazi death camps can get into heaven. But their 6 million Jewish victims must burn for all eternity in the pits of Hell. I've talked to many Christians about this and they just pretty much accept it.

My questions are:

1. How f***ed up do you have to be to believe Nazis can go to Heaven but their 6 million Jewish victims must burn? That's just sick. But Christians believe it. What the f*** is wrong with you people?

2. Why would ANYONE willingly worship a god that would act like that? Is it just a fear thing (better known as cowardice)? And

3. Even if you get into Heaven what makes you think you'll be safe with a psycho god like that running the place? What's to stop your god getting a wild hair up his ass one day and sending Christians to a place so bad it makes Hell look like an ice cream parlor? He used to like the Jews too. Or so the story claims. What makes you think you're safe?


Funny enough whether you like it or not. You didn't created your self. Whether you believe it or not HEAVEN IS REAL AND HEAL IS REAL. Whether you see reasons with that or not, death is real and when you die, it will be too late to decide which to believe. Better accept Jesus and be save. He is the way the truth and life and he loves you so much.. Hell was not made for man, hell was made for the devil and the falling angels but man fell, Adam sinned and when made did he age the power of this earth to the devil, so the devil became the priest of this world. As a result sin became a nature in man. And remember death was not part of God plan for man. So death came becos of sin. For the wages of sin is death. But Jesus (second adam) came to give us life that we might live and not die or b condemned with those who are the servant and children of the devil. Repent and be save. Jesus love you so much.
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by kadesh1: 12:29am On Jul 27, 2020
It is well
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by Mftivi: 12:32am On Jul 27, 2020

The above statement is in error. There will be believers in hell but no unbeliever in Heaven
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by Christianos: 1:33am On Jul 27, 2020


Religion thrives on fear.

It is ridiculous to think a God that you haven't seen will throw u into hell because you didn't obey him. This is the exact reason I decided to stay far away from the religion.

Teaching absurd nonsense


We can't see God, at least not with physical eyes...
John 4:24 "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth."


We CAN obey/please Him without seeing Him. Infact believing that He exists without seeing Him, (or asking for proof of His existence,) is a critical step towards salvation...
Hebrews 11:6 "And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him."
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by OtemAtum: 4:59am On Jul 27, 2020

Lol. Prove it
What are the things you guys call sins?

Adultery, fornication, fighting, etc?
They said that it is Adam and Eve that committed sin and brought it to all other humans. So explain how all animals also commit fornication and fight.

Fighting, Sex etc are supposed to be nature of animals and humans right from origin, because of our emotions and differences. We didn't get it because of any cocky story in any holy book. We can only try to do without those things if we lay a principle to follow.

For you to know that these things are not brought to us by any sin, how come some humanists, moralists, atheists, Chinese monks etc who are not Christians and do not even know anything about nature of sin and the death of fictitious Jesus for their sins still manage not to fight and commit fornication? This is because they lay down a principle for themselves to follow.
The concept of sin is a big scam.

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Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by BakQAQ: 8:31am On Jul 27, 2020
God bless !

Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by tonapuck: 9:46am On Jul 27, 2020

You call this sermon that dishonours God a great sermon. So you believe God will keep people somewhere and they will be burning inside fire for ever. For what sin really? And he will take you to heaven. He will also destroy the earth. Where did you people read all that unfounded ideas in the Bible? These are lies told by people who say they know God. Abhorrable!
God will not burn people in a place called hell, that is the wicked imagination of those who do not know God. If there is a place of fire meant for the wicked, the first people that would have gone there would have been Adam and his wife Eve. But God said their punishment is total forfeiture of life; they returned to dust, Genesis 3:19.
God says he has firmly established the earth forever. The earth has been created to remain for ever, it will NEVER be destroyed. Psalm 104:5, Isaiah 45:18, Matthew 5:5, Psalm 37:29.
Study your Bible and escape being taught abhorrable lies.

It's obvious you're JW, what I believe in is none of your business. Most important thing is holiness.

So you can go your own lane
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by fortran12: 11:27am On Jul 27, 2020
What are the things you guys call sins?

Adultery, fornication, fighting, etc?
They said that it is Adam and Eve that committed sin and brought it to all other humans. So explain how all animals also commit fornication and fight.

Fighting, Sex etc are supposed to be nature of animals and humans right from origin, because of our emotions and differences. We didn't get it because of any cocky story in any holy book. We can only try to do without those things if we lay a principle to follow.

For you to know that these things are not brought to us by any sin, how come some humanists, moralists, atheists, Chinese monks etc who are not Christians and do not even know anything about nature of sin and the death of fictitious Jesus for their sins still manage not to fight and commit fornication? This is because they lay down a principle for themselves to follow.
The concept of sin is a big scam.
You mention they lay down principle to live by? Who is the source of this principle? Where is it gotten from?
Morality has a source and its from God.
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by OtemAtum: 11:50am On Jul 27, 2020

You mention they lay down principle to live by? Who is the source of this principle? Where is it gotten from?
Morality has a source and its from God.
As a matter of fact, the Totality of Everything In Existence is God. We do not have any argument from that angle. My argument is that the concept of sin brought to the world through Adam and Eve is false.

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Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by fortran12: 12:50pm On Jul 27, 2020

As a matter of fact, the Totality of Everything In Existence is God. We do not have any argument from that angle. My argument is that the concept of sin brought to the world through Adam and Eve is false.
What Adam adam and Eve caused was sin to come into the world via the devil and this enabled the nature of sin in humans. The the sinful nature that causes people to fight etc . people are sinners cos of the nature of sin. The sins are just a result of the sinful nature.
Doing good deeds does not remove the nature. Its faith in a sinless one that changes the nature. That is where Jesus comes in.
You mention Jesus was fictitious whn there is more evidence to support his life than other prominent people like Julius Caesar
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by OtemAtum: 12:58pm On Jul 27, 2020

What Adam adam and Eve caused was sin to come into the world via the devil and this enabled the nature of sin in humans. The the sinful nature that causes people to fight etc . people are sinners cos of the nature of sin. The sins are just a result of the sinful nature.
Doing good deeds does not remove the nature. Its faith in a sinless one that changes the nature. That is where Jesus comes in.
You mention Jesus was fictitious whn there is more evidence to support his life than other prominent people like Julius Caesar
That is a big fat lie. Funny enough, if you go to other planets of the universes where humanlike beings are living, they also do things like we are currently doing and they don't have any Adam and Eve there. The first humans on earth are not Adam and Eve and the behaviours or humans are not caused by one homosapiens mythical Adam and Eve. Read the Book of Universal History to find out the truth.

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Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by fortran12: 4:29pm On Jul 27, 2020
That is a big fat lie. Funny enough, if you go to other planets of the universes where humanlike beings are living, they also do things like we are currently doing and they don't have any Adam and Eve there. The first humans on earth are not Adam and Eve and the behaviours or humans are not caused by one homosapiens mythical Adam and Eve. Read the Book of Universal History to find out the truth.
What is your proof?
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by fortran12: 4:33pm On Jul 27, 2020
That is a big fat lie. Funny enough, if you go to other planets of the universes where humanlike beings are living, they also do things like we are currently doing and they don't have any Adam and Eve there. The first humans on earth are not Adam and Eve and the behaviours or humans are not caused by one homosapiens mythical Adam and Eve. Read the Book of Universal History to find out the truth.

Which book is that? What proof do u have there are humanoids in other planets?
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by Investnow2017: 10:26pm On Jul 27, 2020

It's obvious you're JW, what I believe in is none of your business. Most important thing is holiness.

So you can go your own lane
Dear how do you achieve holiness in the face of horrifying and false beliefs. Lies, blatant lies corrode holiness. Better obey what the Bible admonishes: "Flee from Babylon the great" - which is false religion before it is too late. All unrepentant liars are doomed to be consumed in the lake of fire, Revelation chapter 18:4, Revelation 21:8.
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by 900warriorz: 7:18am On Jul 28, 2020


Religion thrives on fear.

It is ridiculous to think a God that you haven't seen will throw u into hell because you didn't obey him. This is the exact reason I decided to stay far away from the religion.

Teaching absurd nonsense

then, it is safe to say you think your life was fabricated in a laboratory grin
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by sotall(m): 8:30am On Jul 28, 2020
then, it is safe to say you think your life was fabricated in a laboratory grin

Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by KLand(m): 7:46am On Jul 30, 2020

Pay what price? grin
Your god created Lucifer who became Satan.
Punished Adam and Eve for eating an apple, even though he's omniscient and knew they'd do it.
When sin became too much, even though he foresaw it, he decided to kill all humans, even though he knew they wouldn't listen to Noah. After destroying humans, he didn't even think for a second to destroy Satan (the root of the problem) once and for all. Yet he allowed Satan live and thrive. Many years later, sin had been restored and the earth was as sinful as it was before he destroyed the earth with flood. He now sends his son to die for the sins of people. To pay the debt that who the fvck is owing? To save people from the same hell that God himself created.
Do you people use your brains at all? undecided

If only you knew new better, you would not be talking like this, criticising what you don't understand:

Let me make a few points though, with the hope that you will get it better:

Man sinned of their own freewill. Don't blame it on God.

God created Lucifer not satan.

Satan is a spirit, it doesn't die.

God created hell for satan to punish him for his rebellion.

Any man that goes to hell go there because they followed satan - by rejecting Jesus.

These are spiritual matters. As good as your brain is, it can't understand this without the help of the Holy Spirit.

Just give your life to Jesus, the picture will definitely become clearer to you.
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by kingxsamz(m): 9:49am On Jul 30, 2020

If only you knew new better, you would not be talking like this, criticising what you don't understand:

Let me make a few points though, with the hope that you will get it better:

Man sinned of their own freewill. Don't blame it on God.

God created Lucifer not satan.

Satan is a spirit, it doesn't die.

God created hell for satan to punish him for his rebellion.

Any man that goes to hell go there because they followed satan - by rejecting Jesus.

These are spiritual matters. As good as your brain is, it can't understand this without the help of the Holy Spirit.

Just give your life to Jesus, the picture will definitely become clearer to you.

Do you have freewill in heaven? Yes or no?
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by KLand(m): 7:19pm On Aug 05, 2020

Do you have freewill in heaven? Yes or no?

Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by kingxsamz(m): 7:42pm On Aug 05, 2020


Can you have sex in Heaven?
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by KLand(m): 11:04pm On Aug 05, 2020

Can you have sex in Heaven?

Very funny. No!
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by kingxsamz(m): 11:19pm On Aug 05, 2020

Very funny. No!

And why not?
Why can't you have sex in Heaven?
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by KLand(m): 6:04pm On Aug 06, 2020

And why not?
Why can't you have sex in Heaven?

People that will make Heaven will wear a glorified body there. They will have no need for procreation or canal pleasure which sex serves here on earth.

I'm curious to know why you asked that question.
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by sonmvayina(m): 6:16pm On Aug 06, 2020
I have wrestled with the concepts of Heaven and Hell but I have never found a clear explanation for the questions I have in my mind so I’ll ask the following questions and hope I get serious answers by a religious expert in this group, for each question. I’ll ignore smart remarks or any attempt at humour.

First of all, for the concepts of Hell and Heaven to exist, one has to accept mind-body dualism, a view in the philosophy of mind that mental phenomena are, in some respects, non-physical, or that the mind and body are distinct and separable. In many religions, the dualist concept has been regarded as true, and that part of the mind, the soul, survives death and will eternally exist in Heaven or Hell depending how you lived your life.
Here are the questions that I would like to see answered with biblical scripture to back up your assertions:
1-Where are the locations of Heaven and Hell in the universe? Can they be found beyond our local solar system? Between Jupiter and Mars?

2-When babies die young and go to Heaven, do they grow up in Heaven or remain in Heaven as babies for eternity
3-When people are born with a mental disability, does their intelligence and cognitive functioning improve when they reach Heaven? Is there a change to the cognitive functioning of those without mental disabilities during their time alive on earth?
4-Do the minds of Alzheimer’s victims continue to exhibit cognitive deterioration throughout eternity or do Alzheimer’s victims regain their cognitive faculties as they were prior to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease?

5-Will people, who because of some accident or disease, suffer from complete amnesia in either Heaven or Hell and, thus start a second life, lose the first part of their lives or do they have two souls?

6-Which marriage will be restored in Heaven for divorced people? How are marriage arrangements managed in Heaven?
7-Will people who die at an advanced age, in their 90s or more, stay old for eternity?
8-Will people in Heaven, knowing that some of their family or friends are in Hell still be at peace with that knowledge?
9-Will some people be elated in Heaven when they know that their enemies are in Hell?

10-Would all knowledge be revealed to everybody? Does everyone have the same level of knowledge in Hell and Heaven?
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by jiggaz(m): 9:21am On Aug 31, 2021
Re: The Right Way To Preach About Hell - Milton Goh by jiggaz(m): 2:55pm On Aug 31, 2021

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