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Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Nobody: 9:30pm On Jul 27, 2020

I noticed your moniker is new. Welcome to Nairaland most importantly, welcome to Literatureland,where you will be thrilled..
Thank you


Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by EkopSparoAyara(m): 9:33pm On Jul 27, 2020
Yeah,sure. What is YOLO?
You Only Live Once
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Nobody: 9:35pm On Jul 27, 2020

You Only Live Once
Oh! Thanks honey


Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Odoogu(m): 10:24pm On Jul 27, 2020
Yeah,sure. What is YOLO?

You Only Live Once.
everybody knows it.
am really surprised you don't. no offence intended.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Nobody: 11:33pm On Jul 27, 2020
Flash 2: The Drive

The time was 10:14 PM when the bus dropped me at the bus stop. Now I would need to take a bike from the bus stop to my apartment a few kilometres away. This was one of my most terrible days. Apart from the fact that work had been very hectic today, I was stuck in traffic for hours. Everyone living in Lagos would understand the kind of traffic on a rainy night.

It was in this heavy rain I was dropped. Everywhere was deserted; the bus stop, the streets, no motorcyclist, no vehicle. It was like I was the only living person in the world, the cold rainy world.

As soon as I alighted from the bus, I ran to the veranda of an uncompleted building to protect myself from the downpour. But it seemed like the deluge was not going to end very soon. I was tired and famished. It eventually dawned on me that I have to trek home in the rain, except of course I wanted to pass the night at that veranda; a plan that would constitute perilous foolhardiness, or foolhardy perilousness, as the case may be.

Then just as I was about to step back into the rain and struggle my way homeward, I noticed an umbrella resting again a wall in the corner of the veranda. I almost jumped in glee. The availability of the umbrella had automatically solved fifty percent of my problems. I did not even bother to occupy my thoughts on whom the object might belong. I just picked it up, set it up and dashed into the rain.

I had barely trekked thirty minutes when a black sedan suddenly pulled beside me.

"Hey Tony," the man behind the wheel called. I couldn't see his face clearly because he was wearing a face cap. I was sure he couldn't see my face either.

He could have mistaken me for someone else because my name isn't Tony. I wanted to tell him I wasn't Tony. I was about to say my name is Sam when he interrupted me. He seemed to be in a hurry.

"Okay, there's no time to waste," he said, "Raphael and Edet have been killed. We are the only two people alive. They are tracking us. Protect this with your life." The stranger tossed a small box at me and drove off at full speed.

Shortly after then, another vehicle zoomed past me in pursuit of the stranger. Then I heard about a dozen gunshots. I threw away my umbrella and dashed into the bush. I was still holding the package the stranger had tossed to me. I had no one to tell me I had been roped into something beyond my power.

By sheer dint of good fortune, I managed to make it home in one piece. I bolted my door shut and opened the package. I was staring at a flash drive.

My mind told me not to view the content of drive, but I didn't listen. What I saw on it changed my life.

I have been on the run ever since.

Would you like to know? Your life will never remain the same if you do.


You are a good story teller and I have fallen in love with your style already.

When you write do not shorten your words except you are quoting someone.

For example;

I told him I don't like going there. I wouldn't do it for a million naira.

It is better written like,

I told him I do not like going there, I would not do it for a million. Or he told him he does not like going there. That, he would not do it for a million naira.

I read this in an article several years back that
It makes your writing more matured and professional.

But you can write it like you've done when quoting someone like,
He looked at him sternly and shouted, "I don't like going there! I wouldn't do it for a million naira,"

Sorry for the wrong correction of past and pass. Past was correct.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by LarrySun(m): 11:56pm On Jul 27, 2020


You are a good story teller and I have fallen in love with your style already.

There is a mistake I have noticed you made twice. It is "zoomed pass" not zoomed past. The same is applicable with walk past. It is walk or walked pass.
Pass and not past.
I have made the same mistake in my writings for years, until I came across the correction online.

Then, when you write do not shorten your words except you are quoting someone.

For example;

I told him I don't like going there. I wouldn't do it for a million naira.

It is better written like,

I told him I do not like going there, I would not do it for a million naira. Or he told him he does not like going there. That, he would not do it for a million naira.

I read this in an article several years back that
It makes your writing more matured and professional.

But you can write it like you've done when quoting someone like,
He looked at him sternly and shouted, "I don't like going there! I wouldn't do it for a million naira,"

Can you kindly show me the online correction? I'd appreciate it if you shared the links. Thanks.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Nobody: 12:09am On Jul 28, 2020
Can you kindly show me the online correction? I'd appreciate it if you shared the links. Thanks.


I like the way you responded and challenged my correction. I guess I was wrongly corrected. I did my findings just now and most sites say you are the one right. Sorry for my wrong observation.

I may have to retract my comment. grin

That means I was right in the first place before being misled.

So sorry.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by LarrySun(m): 12:40am On Jul 28, 2020


I like the way you responded and challenged my correction. I guess I was wrongly corrected. I did my findings just now and most sites say you are the one right. Sorry for my wrong observation.

I may have to retract my comment. grin

That means I was right in the first place before being misled.

So sorry.

Thank you, bro. I appreciate the fact that you wanted me to be a better writer. God bless you, bro. We all learn every day.


Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Vulcanheph(m): 4:53am On Jul 28, 2020
I love these stories, and i'm going my give you my reviews on some and tell my own theories on them.....always remember that time travel stories always create many Plot holes.

Flash 4 , the despot: the attempt on sani abacha's life was probably the catalyst that transformed him from the innocent boy to the tyrant we knew.

Flash 5, time traveller: my theory is that major garba knew that the time traveller will fail the mission and die at his own hand, he probably has his reasons for his actions and that the time traveller is just a Pawn.

i've done a research on time travel theories before and i'll say that you are correct in both stories....

Flash 4 is based on fixed timeline while flash 5 is based on time travel Loop.

Flash 7, twins: The twin that thinks that he's Alive is actually the one that died, he's in an afterlife that is Parralell to the real world and he's never realised this.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Vulcanheph(m): 5:03am On Jul 28, 2020

You Only Live Once.
everybody knows it.
am really surprised you don't. no offence intended.
Don't be surprised ....everyone has one particular information that is considered to be "common knowledge" In the world that they don't know , including YOU.

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Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Vulcanheph(m): 5:46am On Jul 28, 2020
My reviews continues...
flash 12, The perfect plan:
What Would have made the story more intriging is if you had revealled the identities of february, august and september and you would have left the identity of the Calender man a mystery and should never have been caught, so that the story would end with the question, "WHO IS THE CALENDER MAN"

Flash 13, The voice: this story actually reminds me of a hollywood movie whose name i can't really remember but it stars Shane west and Ving Rhames about a guy who recieves mysterious messages from a cell phone that tells him to do various things .

flash 14, Vanished: i think the boy's father walked through a time travel Portal without even realising, that's why he hasn't aged and doesn't know that 20 years has passed.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Nobody: 5:58am On Jul 28, 2020

You Only Live Once.
everybody knows it.
am really surprised you don't. no offence intended.
Thanks. Not everybody oo because you don't know ISY cheesy
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Vulcanheph(m): 6:01am On Jul 28, 2020
The man telling the story in flash 16: the diner and the little girl that makes a wish in flash 17, the little wish both have the super ability of "precognition" Because they both used their abilities as a means to know what little thing to do that will help them achieve their goals without doing it themselves....,

the man in the diner knew that not Tipping the waitress will somehow lead to the death of the man , and the little girl in the supermarket knew that giving the man (our narrator) The beans will lead to the death of her Paedophile Uncle....that's why
she had that "Knowing look" at the end.

Larrysun Keep up the good work....I'm waiting for more flash stories and i'll do reviews and give my theories on any one i like.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Odoogu(m): 7:46am On Jul 28, 2020

Don't be surprised ....everyone has one particular information that is considered to be "common knowledge" In the world that they don't know , including YOU.

yeah I know that for sure...
I just thought YOLO was too common knowldge.
no hassles.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Treborblue(m): 10:17am On Jul 28, 2020
Bro your stories are amazing, I could picture shorts , with these stories. Although some of the stories had a weird abrupt end but nevertheless and enjoying it
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Ann2012(f): 11:45am On Jul 28, 2020
Interesting flash stories
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by tunjilomo(m): 1:48pm On Jul 28, 2020
Flash 16 & 17 both have an element of epiphany and serendipity.
Larrysun, ye're something else. Kudos.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by tunjilomo(m): 1:51pm On Jul 28, 2020
My reviews continues...
flash 12, The perfect plan:
What Would have made the story more intriging is if you had revealled the identities of february, august and september and you would have left the identity of the Calender man a mystery and should never have been caught, so that the story would end with the question, "WHO IS THE CALENDER MAN"

I think flash 12 was actually used to potray the nasty, unpredictable, inevitable, (and other such qualifying adjective) nature of karma.
And possibly to demonstrate that there is no such thing as "A Perfect Plan".
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Khriztarl(f): 3:12pm On Jul 28, 2020

You Only Live Once. everybody knows it. am really surprised you don't. no offence intended.
ehm not everyone. I didn't know.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Odoogu(m): 6:44pm On Jul 28, 2020

ehm not everyone. I didn't know.

seems like I must have used the wrong word in assuming everyone in this "age" knows YOLO.
we learn everyday, and I am not an island of Knowledge.
I also look forward to exploring new fronts in every aspect.
stay safe y'all.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by pabon(m): 10:04am On Jul 29, 2020


You are a good story teller and I have fallen in love with your style already.

When you write do not shorten your words except you are quoting someone.

For example;

I told him I don't like going there. I wouldn't do it for a million naira.

It is better written like,

I told him I do not like going there, I would not do it for a million. Or he told him he does not like going there. That, he would not do it for a million naira.

I read this in an article several years back that
It makes your writing more matured and professional.

But you can write it like you've done when quoting someone like,
He looked at him sternly and shouted, "I don't like going there! I wouldn't do it for a million naira,"

I'd love to read that article. I've never seen this advice anywhere and I frequently comb the net for writing advice, especially related to fiction.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by EkopSparoAyara(m): 3:12pm On Jul 29, 2020

Guys, click on the link to vote for LarrySun as the best writer in this year's Nairaland writer's award..

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Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Nobody: 6:37pm On Jul 29, 2020

I'd love to read that article. I've never seen this advice anywhere and I frequently comb the net for writing advice, especially related to fiction.

Its been a long time, but since I read it, it has helped me in my writing a lot. I can't remember which site.
If you use it and listen to your book read out to you, you will love it.

Then, there is a style I use in editing my books also.
This is for everyone to try. It helps a lot.

Download the app called @voice. Use it to read your story to yourself. Its an audio reader.

Now, open your book in word and follow the reading. It will help you to detect where you have made spelling error, omission error, and punctuation error. This is what I use all the time. You play your book several times and purse to make corrections on the word version at the same time.

Shalom to every writer.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by pabon(m): 6:53pm On Jul 29, 2020

Its been a long time, but since I read it, it has helped me in my writing a lot. I can't remember which site.
If you use it and listen to your book read out to you, you will love it.

Then, there is a style I use in editing my books also.
This is for everyone to try. It helps a lot.

Download the app called @voice. Use it to read your story to yourself. Its an audio reader.

Now, open your book in word and follow the reading. It will help you to detect where you have made spelling error, omission error, and punctuation error. This is what I use all the time. You play your book several times and purse to make corrections on the word version at the same time.

Shalom to every writer.
Thanks, although I already know this technique. In what genre do you write?
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by Nobody: 8:39pm On Jul 29, 2020

Thanks, although I already know this technique. In what genre do you write?

Non fiction but recently, Fiction. Almost done with my first novel.


Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by francium001: 9:20pm On Jul 29, 2020

Guys, click on the link to vote for LarrySun as the best writer in this year's Nairaland writer's award..
just did that


Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by EkopSparoAyara(m): 11:24pm On Jul 29, 2020

Guys, click on the link to vote for LarrySun as the best writer in this year's Nairaland writer's award..

The voting is still on oh..
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by EkopSparoAyara(m): 11:18am On Aug 02, 2020
I just discovered that am part of the awards,for best commenter/reader, including Ann2012.. Please vote..
This is the link..
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by LarrySun(m): 1:21pm On Aug 02, 2020
Flash 18: The 98th Victim

Specially dedicated to Ekop Sparo Ayara - a wonderful follower.

The remains of Joshua Abbey Alabi, a 29-year-old banker, was recovered from the bodies of water at the Ikorodu river. The bullet wound on his chest and the missing left ear is a suggestive of the MO of Sheik - the Ikorodu serial killer who has reportedly killed ninety-seven victims, both male and female alike. Joshua Alabi is the ninety-eighth victim, and his identity was established by the national identity card in his pocket.

The authorities are stumped by the identity of this killer. He has continued to kill and nobody has any idea about who he is. The Sheik is reputed to be one of the smartest criminals in the country. He has successfully killed members and associates of his victims in the same manner, and each victim has been killed on different occasions.

Investigations by the local police reveal that, instead of Sheik to find his victims, it's usually the other way round. The victims always find Sheik.

The body of Joshua Alabi has been deposited in a nearest morgue. If you know the victim, kindly call this number - 050448631295.

Joshua Alabi dropped the newspaper as if scalded by it.

"Is this some sick joke?"

He couldn't believe what he just read. The newspaper contained the report of his own death. He had been shot in the chest, his left ear severed and had been dumped in the river. How was that possible? Here he was, hale and hearty. It could have been a different person entirely - that was the only explanation.

But the victim was him. Apart from the fact that the name of the victim was his, Joshua's picture was also boldly printed in the page. Everything matched his profile. His middle name was Abbey. He was twenty-nine years old and also a banker.

This must be some sick twisted situation. The victim was carrying his national ID card. Everything felt unreal. It was impossible for something like this to happen, yet it did happen.

For the rest of the day, Joshua's mind had not been at rest. Soon, people who knew him would begin to call his number just to confirm. He would tell them all he was alive - the information about his death could only be a gigantic mistake. Then he remembered that his phone had been stolen the day before, and he had not retrieved his line. If anyone called him now, his line would not be available.

Joshua decided that he must get to the bottom of this. He would visit the morgue and check the corpse. Something was definitely wrong somewhere.

The following morning, Joshua borrowed his neighbour's phone and dialled the number in the newspaper.

"Hello, my name is Joshua Alabi," he said. "I think there's a confusion in your newspaper report. I'm not dead. I'm alive. You must have got the wrong information."

"Are you playing some kinds of prank?" the recipient asked.

"No, I'm serious. I'm Joshua Alabi. I'm alive."

There was a brief silence at the other end. "Okay, please come over with your national ID card. I'll text you the address. Call me when you get there."

"Um, my phone was stolen yesterday. I'm using a neighbour's phone. I won't be able to call you."

"No problem. Just get to the address by 3 PM. I will be waiting for you. I am Dr Kishe."

The address entered the phone a few minutes after the call. Joshua wrote it down and deleted the SMS before handing the phone back to his owner. He dressed up and left the house.

By 3 PM, he was at the location. Joshua was surprised to see that he was standing in front of a house located close to a railway track. The building didn't look anything like a morgue. There was an old truck a few metres away. He walked slowly to the door and knocked.

The door was opened and a tall man wearing a horn-rimmed pair of glasses appeared. He was smiling at Joshua.

"Hello Mr Joshua. I'm Dr Kishe."

The two men shook hands and Joshua was invited inside.

"I thought I was coming to a morgue," Joshua said as the doctor sat in a chair before him and lit a cigarette.

"Well, technically, you can call this a morgue," the doctor replied jovially.

"So where is the body?" Joshua asked, looking around.

"Oh, you're the body," replied Kishe.

Joshua frowned. "What are you talking about?"

The doctor laughed and said. "You still haven't got it, have you? Look around you. You've been lured here. The report you read about was what is going to happen to you. It hasn't happened, but it's going to happen. You see, I wrote the report and sent it to the newspaper company. In my profession, I deal a lot in Psychology. You, Joshua Alabi, are going to be my ninety-eight victim. I was the person who stole your phone yesterday. It's part of the plan. Everything is going to happen as the report established, as it has always been."

"Who are you?" Joshua asked, confused.

"My name is Tishe," the doctor answered, smiling. "Now unscramble that."

Joshua thought about that and it occurred to him. "You're the Sheik."

The doctor spread his hands proudly, "The one and only Sheik of Ikorodu. You shouldn't have made that call. Now all your family members and associates will make the same call, but your neighbour will die first. With this method, I will never be caught."

A train moved past in the street and a gun suddenly appeared in killer's hand. He shot Joshua in the chest. The gunshot was drowned out by the sound of the train.

By nightfall, Joshua's body would be missing an ear. With the truck outside, Sheik would transport the corpse.

In a few days, the corpse would be fished out of Ikorodu river, his national ID card would be discovered in his pocket.

©Larry Sun, August 2020

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Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by EkopSparoAyara(m): 1:58pm On Aug 02, 2020
Flash 18: The 98th Victim

Specially dedicated to Ekop Sparo Ayara - a wonderful follower.

©Larry Sun, August 2020

Ah, a special dedication, I am honoured, Sir.. Thanks..

Joshua Alabi went to his killer so that he would be killed, just like the newspaper report said..

Some of these media houses are so gullible, they just want to publish stories without confirming the veracity of the story, they should have asked to see the body before publishing the story..

The Sheik is really smart, he's a genius in carrying out evil-he's a mini devil..He will definitely meet his own death someday..

Psychology is a part of life that is very captivating and full of surprises..

Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by eyezik3(m): 6:04pm On Aug 02, 2020
Nice write up Mr Larrysun, this 98th victim really get me shocked that Mr Joshua walked to the hand of his killer.

What a neat job for the killer, without being traced he would go scot-free.

Weldone boss.
Re: The Journey To A Thousand Flash by LarrySun(m): 11:00pm On Aug 02, 2020
Flash 19: Spiral (Part 1)

I believe in time-travel. I have always believed that it can be achieved right from the moment I understood its concept. I have watched a lot of movies about this concept, and, of course, read many books on it.

Time travel is simple, really. Let's start from the basic concept. Anything that can travel faster than the speed of light has beaten time, relatively speaking. Consider the scenario of a speeding car, or a swinging pendulum. If a pendulum swings fast enough, it would not be seen. It would appear like it has disappeared, but it is there - still swinging, we're not just seeing it - because it is swinging too fast for our eyes to catch its movements. The same can be said of a speeding car. All these are basic indications of the possibility of teleportation - an object is here one moment, and in the blink of an eye, it has appeared a mile away.

Only Steve share in my belief. He is the only one who didn't laugh at me whenever I explained this phenomenon in class. He understood me perfectly. Steve and I soon became best friends. Although we were only teenagers, we strongly believed that we would make time travel possible. We would win the Nobel Prize for our incredible invention.

We read up on more books about time travel. We studied astro-physics, metaphysics, mind-control, pyrokinesis, teleportation, psychokinesis, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, precognition, cold fusion, dark matter, biotechnology, suspend animation, retrocognition, cybernetics, transcendence, transmogrification, telepathy, hypnosis, reanimation, ESP, transhumanism, neuroscience, mutation, clairaudience, protoscience, hive mind, astral projection, parallel universes, cryonics, invisibility, transgenics, cryptozoology, psychic surgery, quantum entanglement, bilocation, Philosopher's Stone, psychogenesis, psychometry, graviton, viral therapy, time paradox, synaptic transfer - anything we could get our hands on; anything that would aid our research, and more.

We were young, of course, but we were determined. We plowed through books and videos. We were devoted to our cause. We didn't know how long it would take us to achieve our goal but we were dedicated to creating this invention, no matter how long it would take us, no matter the sacrifice. It wasn't going to be easy, but we were prepared. We were arming ourselves with the necessary tools - information.

When we completed our high school education, we already had the perfect idea of the course to study in the higher institutions. We already had our careers cut out for us.

That afternoon in our graduation gown, Steve and I stood in front of our school gate. We couldn't stop talking about the possibility of time travel. We were excited about it.

"Let's make a pact," Steve said in his excitement.

"A pact?" I asked in confusion.

"What is today's date?"

"April 4, 1996," I answered.

"And what's the time?"

I glanced at my digital wristwatch. My father had given me as a graduation gift. I had requested for it because it was the same gift Steve's parents got him.

"It's 4:45 PM," I said.

"If we eventually invent time travel, we will come back to this exact moment. I want us to see our teenage selves."

I agreed with him. That would be very exciting. I was already picturing the moment in my head. We would return to this moment with a video camera and record the event. Nobody would ever doubt us.

As we shook hands to our new pact, something strange occurred. An older man appeared from nowhere. He had an ugly scar on his face. I recognised him immediately as the older me.

The figure emerged within the split of a second and raised the gun in his right hand. He shot Steve in the face and disappeared. I stared in horror as Steve fell down dead. As Steve fell, the time changed to 4:46 PM.

The future me had just killed my best friend.

To be continued…

©Larry Sun, August 2020.

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