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For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This - Religion - Nairaland

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For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Vanderandrew(m): 3:01am On Jul 31, 2020
I am used to listening to world music until when I had migrane for three days. I couldn't sleep at night. I prayed one night to no avail. The following night the Spirit of God led me to play, this is the air I breathe by Michael W Smith. I was in tears while the song was playing. The migraine started disappearing. I played this song twice. Then I played Awesome God by Sinach. I was also in tears. The migrane disappear the more. Then finally I played Casting Crowns by Nathaniel Bassey. Then the migraine disappeared and I was completely healed.. I thank God for my healing. We Christian put ourselves into trouble listening to worldly music. Gospel music gives life especially the worship song. Worldly music will take life from you


Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Kobojunkie: 3:17am On Jul 31, 2020
I am used to listening to world music until when I had migrane for three days. I couldn't sleep at night. I prayed one night to no avail. The following night the Spirit of God led me to play, this is the air I breathe by Michael W Smith. I was in tears while the song was playing. The migraine started disappearing. I played this song twice. Then I played Awesome God by Sinach. I was also in tears. The migrane disappear the more. Then finally I played Casting Crowns by Nathaniel Bassey. Then the migraine disappeared and I was completely healed.. I thank God for my healing. We Christian put ourselves into trouble listening to worldly music. Gospel music gives life especially the worship song. Worldly music will take life from you

@OP, learn to stop listening to lies and spreading them as truths. Some time ago, I myself suffered a similar problem and found it hard to sleep as well. I got myself a CD-radio player and on there I would play what you consider 'WORLDLY' music every night to calm my mind, and eventually sleep. After some time I was able to move past that problem completely.

What is the point? You have chosen to demonize music of a certain kind in your mind and that is fine for you but to pretend that what you have chosen is of God? Balderdash! God never DEFINED for you worldly music or knowledge. All music and knowledge are inspired by Him. You may not like some, but don't you go around pretending that what you have chosen to train your ears to is of God and that which is different, is not.
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by paxonel(m): 5:19am On Jul 31, 2020
How about those who suffered migraine listening to gospel music?
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by delkuf(m): 6:39am On Jul 31, 2020

@OP, learn to stop listening to lies and spreading them as truths. Some time ago, I myself suffered a similar problem and found it hard to sleep as well. I got myself a CD-radio player and on there I would play what you consider 'WORLDLY' music every night to calm my mind, and eventually sleep. After some time I was able to move past that problem completely.

What is the point? You have chosen to demonize music of a certain kind in your mind and that is fine for you but to pretend that what you have chosen is of God? Balderdash! God never DEFINED for you worldly music or knowledge. All music and knowledge are inspired by Him. You may not like some, but don't you go around pretending that what you have chosen to train your ears to is of God and that which is different, is not.
The op shared what worked for him and you just bleeping nonsense.
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Kobojunkie: 6:45am On Jul 31, 2020
The op shared what worked for him and you just bleeping nonsense.
That it worked for him does not mean that those who do not listen to the same kind of music are damned or doomed. undecided

No where in the Bible are you told that one type of music is of God and another, of the world. That inane belief is not of God but lies fed people through doctrines and traditions created in the minds of so-called MOGs and the lot who seek to deceive and lure the hearts of men away from God. undecided
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by delkuf(m): 6:48am On Jul 31, 2020
That it worked for him does not mean that those who do not listen to the same kind of music are damned or doomed. undecided

No where in the Bible are you told that one type of music is of God and another, of the world. That inane belief is not of God but lies fed people through doctrines and traditions created in the minds of so-called MOGs and the lot who seek to deceive and lure the hearts of men away from God. undecided
So because it not written in the Bible, that means a Christian can listen to any type of music. How did you say you became born again
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Kobojunkie: 6:52am On Jul 31, 2020
So because it not written in the Bible, that means a Christian can listen to any type of music. How did you say you became born again
Do you even know what it means to be of God? Do you realize that it is against God to condemn that which God has Himself not condemned?

God has given no man the power to declare sinful that which He has not deemed sin. If you go around labeling things sin without God first doing so, what you do is raise yourself to sit in the chair He, God, occupies in the lives of His flock.
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by delkuf(m): 7:02am On Jul 31, 2020
Do you even know what it means to be of God? Do you realize that it is against God to condemn that which God has Himself not condemned?
God has given no man the power to declare sinful that which He has not deemed sin. If you go around labeling things sin without God first doing so, what you do is raise yourself to sit in the chair He, God, occupies in the lives of His flock.
When you become a Christian, not the type of Christian you are claiming to be, a Christian the accept and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are different. the Bible don't be of equal yoke with the world. we are no longer the same with the world. We do things differently including the type of music we listen to. So here, we are labelling as sin, it is what God don't want us to do because we to feed our Spirit man with the right things. so listening to worldly music do a Christian more harm than good
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Kobojunkie: 7:23am On Jul 31, 2020
When you become a Christian, not the type of Christian you are claiming to be, a Christian the accept and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are different.
The only followers of Jesus Christ are those who obey the commandments of Jesus Christ, and their lives according to the lead of the Spirit of God... Any other kind out there are, according to Jesus Christ, don't belong to Him.
the Bible don't be of equal yoke with the world. we are no longer the same with the world.
P.S. ... Paul is not God. God decides what is sin and what is not sin... Only God can do that. undecided
Jesus Christ was found among the sinners and the lowlifes of His time... those who the MOGs of His day frowned upon. As for our dealings with even those sinners, and even tho who some consider enemies... Read the passages below for what Jesus Christ Himself commanded you to do. undecided

Matthew 5 vs 38 - 42 (ERV)
38. “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’[i]
39. But I tell you, don’t fight back against someone who wants to do harm to you. If they hit you on the right cheek, let them hit the other cheek too.
40. If anyone wants to sue you in court and take your shirt, let them have your coat too.
41. If a soldier forces you to walk with him one mile,[j] go with him two.
42. Give to anyone who asks you for something. Don’t refuse to give to anyone who wants to borrow from you.
And He even went as far as to command that we love those we hate, even as we love our own neighbors.

Matthew 5 vs 43-48 (ERV)
43. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[k] and hate your enemy.’
44. But I tell you, love your enemies. Pray for those who treat you badly.
45. If you do this, you will be children who are truly like your Father in heaven. He lets the sun rise for all people, whether they are good or bad. He sends rain to those who do right and to those who do wrong.
46. If you love only those who love you, why should you get a reward for that? Even the tax collectors do that.
47. And if you are nice only to your friends, you are no better than anyone else. Even the people who don’t know God are nice to their friends.
48. What I am saying is that you must be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
He dined and drank, and hung out with them... the unbelievers. Yes, Jesus did not snob the unbelievers and He certainly has not called you to do that either. undecided
Be careful to learn from Jesus Christ so you are not deceived in your assumptions of what is written.
We do things differently including the type of music we listen to. So here, we are labelling as sin, it is what God don't want us to do because we to feed our Spirit man with the right things. so listening to worldly music do a Christian more harm than good
Again, if the Almighty God Himself has not labeled it sin, you have no authority given to you by God to declare it sin. You have no power to CREATE and so you have no power to CONDEMN that which you cannot create. Only the Almighty creator of Heaven and Earth, the source of all that is, has the power to define sin... any other who assumes he has that power seeks to make himself a god over God's own creation. undecided
No seriously, you don't get to make-up your own truth shit as you go along! undecided
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Nobody: 7:48am On Jul 31, 2020
I hate to break your hear, OP, but religious music, "gospel music" (whatever you might want to call it) is Trash.

With a capital letter "T". No apologies. sad
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Dtruthspeaker: 7:49am On Jul 31, 2020
So because it not written in the Bible, that means a Christian can listen to any type of music. How did you say you became born again

Good morning delkuf, I know you despise that guy, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

So in truth, this is a case of a left and right hand, but the resolution is that God is Good and He Loves and Permits Happinesses and Joys, so long as such acts are reasonable.

I Love My Vast worship albums and I would never let them go but I also remember that I picked up great wisdoms grounded in the Bible from what you call worldly music.

So therefore my Tupac and Biggie and Bustarhymes and Bonethugs etc sit peacefully along my Gospel Albums on the Authority that it is "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."

By their fruits, we shall know them.
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by kingxsamz(m): 11:55am On Jul 31, 2020
I am used to listening to world music until when I had migrane for three days. I couldn't sleep at night. I prayed one night to no avail. The following night the Spirit of God led me to play, this is the air I breathe by Michael W Smith. I was in tears while the song was playing. The migraine started disappearing. I played this song twice. Then I played Awesome God by Sinach. I was also in tears. The migrane disappear the more. Then finally I played Casting Crowns by Nathaniel Bassey. Then the migraine disappeared and I was completely healed.. I thank God for my healing. We Christian put ourselves into trouble listening to worldly music. Gospel music gives life especially the worship song. Worldly music will take life from you

Which song will the poor innocent children dying in Africa daily play? undecided

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Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by delkuf(m): 12:45pm On Jul 31, 2020

Good morning delkuf, I know you despise that guy, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

So in truth, this is a case of a left and right hand, but the resolution is that God is Good and He Loves and Permits Happinesses and Joys, so long as such acts are reasonable.

I Love My Vast worship albums and I would never let them go but I also remember that I picked up great wisdoms grounded in the Bible from what you call worldly music.

So therefore my Tupac and Biggie and Bustarhymes and Bonethugs etc sit peacefully along my Gospel Albums on the Authority that it is "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."

By their fruits, we shall know them.

That is your take brother. what work for you may not work for me. I don't like listening to worldly music because it makes me lose focus and draw my mine away from God. I don't see any good Christian arguing about this
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Kobojunkie: 2:30pm On Jul 31, 2020
That is your take brother. what work for you may not work for me. I don't like listening to worldly music because it makes me lose focus and draw my mine away from God. I don't see any good Christian arguing about this
Don't you get it yet! it is not the music that is to blame but what is in your heart. That is what you need to deal with in order to 'free yourself'.
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by GraceAndPeace: 2:47pm On Jul 31, 2020
Are you tired of drinking, eating and still not getting satisfied? Are you tired of the hopelessness of life? Of your endless wondering about, seeking for happiness that never lasts? Are you becoming scared everyday?

Look at the cross again. But before the cross, look at the suffering, the stress, the beatings, the spitting on the only perfect man that ever walked this earth. He was holy, righteous and did no sin and yet they crucified him and God approved it. God who declared him his beloved and only begotten approved his death, God himself struck him and turned his back on him on the cross.

The just, who did no wrong was punished by God for sins he did not commit. It was not his sins but God punished him for them. They were your sins and my sins. But God instead of punishing us for them turned and punished his only son. Has someone taken the punishment for your crime before? Imagine it. Which means you never get punished again for that crime because someone has given himself for you. If you are punished again, it would be wrong and very wicked of the prosecutor.

You see, it would be unholy of God to punish you for sins that someone has borne. It would be wicked of God to keep you thirsty, restless, stressed, sad and fearful when someone else has borne all your griefs. Jesus didn't just bear your thirst and sufferings, he gave you his righteousness.

Do you know what it means to be righteous before God? It means you are now a slave of hope. You are now set up for good for ever. It means when you do wrong, God would still be smiling at you(wait, don't jump at me yet).

Look back at Jesus life again, did he ever commit one sin? No. Was he going about doing good, blessing and healing the poor and sick? Yes.
Wasn't he the only one that kept the law? Yes. So why did God pour his wrath on him since he did no wrong. Before the cross God was very pleased with Jesus and commanded the apostles to listen to him. Even John bore witness of him.

God was angry but he wasn't angry at Jesus. He was angry at us. He would have punished us but he turned and smite his only son instead. He put our sins on Jesus, and made Jesus sin(sin offering). Now here is the catch, God exhausted all his wrath on Jesus. He punished him for all our sins in our entire lifetime. The blood of bulls could not purge us of being conscious of sins and had to be shed every year. (Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin). Jesus became the once and forever sacrifice never to be repeated again because of its efficacy to purge our conscience of sin, wipe out all our sins and speaks better things over our heads. Because of the blood of Jesus the wrath of God has passed over us. We have escaped the wrath of God because of one thing only, the blood of Jesus.

God is smiling at you, his hands are open to you. He is no longer angry at you. Come home! He will never be angry at you! Jesus has borne all his anger. There is no more wrath. Come home to your father lost sheep. When you sin, he would still hold you as tight as ever because sin has been punished in the body of Jesus. God rose Jesus from the dead, to show you all your sins are put away. Sin is a past issue child of God. Jesus rose from the dead as a proof of your new life.

Jesus, the last Adam is far greater than the first Adam. Because of Adam's disobedience, we all became sinners. Even when you do good as a sinner, you are still a sinner. Your good behaviour changes nothing. Now, through Jesus' obedience we become righteous. Even when we do wrong as righteous, we are still righteous. Do you know that what Jesus did is far greater than what Adam did? In Adam, we were enslaved to sin but in Jesus Christ we are slaves of righteousness. This is a fact that you must believe. You must believe this. If you do not believe this, even if you are saved, you will never overcome your bad habits, addictions, stress and suffering. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your house
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Dtruthspeaker: 3:22pm On Jul 31, 2020
That is your take brother. what work for you may not work for me. I don't like listening to worldly music because it makes me lose focus and draw my mine away from God. I don't see any good Christian arguing about this

There is nothing to argue for as you said truly, it is my take.
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by delkuf(m): 5:44pm On Jul 31, 2020
Don't you get it yet! it is not the music that is to blame but what is in your heart. That is what you need to deal with in order to 'free yourself'.
it is the music. because at of the multitude of heart the mouth speaketh. it is what goes into the heart that we speak.
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Kobojunkie: 6:23pm On Jul 31, 2020
it is the music. because at of the multitude of the heart the mouth speaketh. it is what goes into the heart that we speak.
what you said there is not even biblical.

The verse you tried to quote there tells you that it is what is in your heart that comes out of your mouth. It does not say that what goes in to your heart is what comes out.

In fact Jesus made it clear when He explained to His disciples that all evil comes from the heart and not from what you eat or ingest from the outside of your body.
Stop blaming what your eat, see, taste, hear, breath for the I cleanliness in you is what Jesus was trying to say. The idolatry, lust, and other things come from within you (your own heart) and not from without.
You can either get peeved or you can search your heart and begin the process of surrendering it, through obedience to become a follower of Jesus Christ so the Spirit of God Himself can help you deal with that...as only He can.
You can also begin in the meantime to examine your thoughts and bring to submission your thoughts and your mind to God it ultimately, you have to do what Jesus Christ commands if you want to be His follower and if you want the Spirit of God to help you and also enter the Kingdom of Heaven from right here on earth.
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by delkuf(m): 7:39pm On Jul 31, 2020
what you said there is not even biblical.

The verse you tried to quote there tells you that it is what is in your heart that comes out of your mouth. It does not say that what goes in to your heart is what comes out.

In fact Jesus made it clear when He explained to His disciples that all evil comes from the heart and not from what you eat or ingest from the outside of your body.
Stop blaming what your eat, see, taste, hear, breath for the I cleanliness in you is what Jesus was trying to say. The idolatry, lust, and other things come from within you (your own heart) and not from without.
You can either get peeved or you can search your heart and begin the process of surrendering it, through obedience to become a follower of Jesus Christ so the Spirit of God Himself can help you deal with that...as only He can.
You can also begin in the meantime to examine your thoughts and bring to submission your thoughts and your mind to God it ultimately, you have to do what Jesus Christ commands if you want to be His follower and if you want the Spirit of God to help you and also enter the Kingdom of Heaven from right here on earth.
You know what. Do you thing your way and let me do mine in my own way. I know what I believe. if you say worldly music is good for you as a Christian, no problem, but to me it is not good for me
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Kobojunkie: 7:40pm On Jul 31, 2020
You know what. Do you thing your way and let me do mine in my own way. I know what I believe. if you say worldly music is good for you as a Christian, no problem, but to me it is not good for me
Again, it is not about your way or my way.. This is strictly about what the Truth of God said... He, Jesus Christ, alone is THE WAY... any other way is a LIE!
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by delkuf(m): 7:43pm On Jul 31, 2020
Again, it is not about your way or my way.. This is strictly about what the Truth of God said... He, Jesus Christ, alone is THE WAY... any other way is a LIE!
I cannot listen to worldly music. it my choice. it is what help me grow in Christ. And please don't reply.
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Kobojunkie: 7:48pm On Jul 31, 2020
I cannot listen to worldly music. it my choice. it is what help me grow in Christ. And please don't reply.
What will help you "Grow" is not isolation though. Jesus Christ, again, hung out with sinners and yet without sin. He is our role model and one we ought to emulate all-wise.
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by delkuf(m): 7:49pm On Jul 31, 2020
What will help you "Grow" is not isolation though. Jesus Christ, again, hung out with sinners and yet without sin. He is our role model and one we ought to emulate all-wise.
guy go hug transformer. I nor dey listen to worldly music
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Kobojunkie: 7:52pm On Jul 31, 2020
guy go hug transformer. I nor dey listen to worldly music
I didn't tell you to listen to the music.. just stop blaming music for your issues.
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by delkuf(m): 7:54pm On Jul 31, 2020
I didn't tell you to listen to the music.. just stop blaming music for your issues.
you get problem
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Kobojunkie: 7:56pm On Jul 31, 2020
you get problem
No, I don't
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by delkuf(m): 7:57pm On Jul 31, 2020
No, I don't
I know you get problem
Re: For Those Of You Listening To Worldly Music Listen To This by Kobojunkie: 7:58pm On Jul 31, 2020
I know you get problem
And are you going to tell me what it is that you know that I don't? undecided

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