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Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk - Health (5809) - Nairaland

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by joy4real1(f): 3:14pm On Aug 22, 2020

Hope you didn't eat something that is making you purge but YES, Diarrhoea can be a sign of labour.
thanks for your reply. Yesterday morning I ate semo and egusi soup and then in the evening i ate spaghetti. I am suspecting the dey fish I used in preparing the spag
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by 19CannyMum: 3:14pm On Aug 22, 2020

My first pregnancy i scanned almost every week but I think STM syndrome is holding me..or maybe its Corona but I'm not too eager for plenty scans this time. But my 16week visit scan my LO had her legs open and I didnt see testicles and penis like I did with my son but the doctor just refused to confirm it.
I'm waiting to do a 3D scan so i can see her face like I did with my son smiley

3D scans are the cutest.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by princessKF(f): 3:41pm On Aug 22, 2020
Thanks for the response ma, reason for the previous CS was that baby was measuring big during scan but later turned out he was 2.9kg at birth, the previous gynae also complained about my height being 5.2feet that I was too short grin

Wow 5.2ft... I'm not up to 5ft tall, I birthed a 3.3kg baby via VD but i won't try that shit again my pelvic almost went for it. I couldn't walk well for almost 3months.


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by IamGreen1(f): 4:07pm On Aug 22, 2020

My first pregnancy i scanned almost every week but I think STM syndrome is holding me..or maybe its Corona but I'm not too eager for plenty scans this time. But my 16week visit scan my LO had her legs open and I didnt see testicles and penis like I did with my son but the doctor just refused to confirm it.
I'm waiting to do a 3D scan so i can see her face like I did with my son smiley


Pls where can I get to do the 3D scan, would love to see my baby and the price?
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by sugah: 4:17pm On Aug 22, 2020

3D scans are the cutest.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by QweenM(f): 4:37pm On Aug 22, 2020

Thanks to u all for the well wishes. Was so scared, but God was too faithful to fail, baby came Out screaming his lungs, he weighed 2.5kg. Mother and son doing well. Wishing all mamas safe delivery. Bs will come later.

Congrats mama....... May the Lord bless & keep the baby and be with the family too. Hurray!!!

My March teamies, where una dey ooo?
Abeg make we see una hands up, may God see us through this great journey.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Fertilady(f): 4:46pm On Aug 22, 2020
Greetings to all the belleful mommas in the house. Who else is torn in between going for an elective CS and trying a VBAC cheesy experienced and VBAC mamas please help me chook mouth. Note that doctors already passed me for a VBAC but mehn mehn, the fear is real shocked
I am scared of trying a vbac too. I just said I would be reading BS and see if I will get any Mama that tried it. My first delivery was vd while the second was cs. I am confused too, my doc has cleared me for vbac cos it's been 4 yrs after my previous cs


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by sugah: 4:50pm On Aug 22, 2020


Pls where can I get to do the 3D scan, would love to see my baby and the price?
I'm still searching for a place too around Ikeja. Last place I used in 2016 closed down
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by tikkykay: 4:57pm On Aug 22, 2020
Hello Mammas
Please what can I use to relieve indigestion. I feel full after eating since 10am.
I had a plate of rice and it wasn't so much. I had some apple juice.
I have tried TomTom ,its making feel nauseated. Pls help. I am so uncomfortable.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Brownishshuga: 5:18pm On Aug 22, 2020

They're just being annoying. I found out my first baby's gender at 16weeks.
you can actually find out 16 weeks? If so no need for the long wait again cheesy
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Brownishshuga: 5:29pm On Aug 22, 2020


MummyHalo. _____ Feb 26
xeexee1. _____ Feb 13
Rekhi Feb _____14
temitope009. _____ Feb 28
MeynaTK _____ Feb 08
olufummy02 ______ Feb 09
asagal. _____ Feb 15
Adezeal1. _____ Feb 07
Brownishshuga. _____ Feb 08
Phunmilola _____ Feb 01
bilsworld61____ Feb 12
Mumjb. _____ Feb 20

It's a pleasure to have you @Mumjb, wishing you an easy peasy pregnancy journey.

Congratulations at the latest mama bukit05, I was scared when I read you fell into contraction, felt relieved at thesame time in awe of God's wonderfulness that our baby in here. Congrats senior teamie once again.
Wishing all the waddling mamas safe deliveries too.
For the wombs that seek, may God's favour shine upon you.
How are we all doing teamie? How is the MS? any improvements? Any visible bump yet? God will make this journey easy for us all.

1 Like

Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Amazingift01(f): 5:42pm On Aug 22, 2020
A silent member,Let me register officially, Edd October 4 according to LMP. Well done Cappo


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Mumaraoluwa: 6:00pm On Aug 22, 2020
Good evening mummies, pls any Abuja mum using gwarinpa general hospital here?
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by iamhistreasure: 6:08pm On Aug 22, 2020
January mamas for supernatural delivery una wehdone o.
How's everyone doing? I thought we would be more than this now number by now because of lockdown exrracurricular activities grin grin...maybe some are just still in peeping mode cry
Those of us that have crossed 20 weeks how was your anomaly scan? Any gender reveals yet?

My hospital is really vexing me angry how can a consultant be saying he's not sure of gender at 20weeks? Anyways, thats their headache cos I've claimed my team pink

3.rhosmherhy..........Jan/19/2021...... Unknown
4.19CannyMum..... Jan/2/2021............Green
6.Fertilady...............Jan/30/2021..... unknown
7.2020Abby.............Jan/1/2021....... Unknown
8. Opsycal.................Jan/5/2021 .......Unknown
9.Ameliag...............Jan/13/2021...... Green
10.Gerastone09......Jan/13/2021... Unknown
11.Nicoleswizzi........Jan/8/2021..... Unknown
12.Fearless4real.......Jan/15/2021.. Unknown
14.Habbeyoluwa.... Jan/17/2021.....Gender?

I am very well mama.I went for gender scan today and I'm team blue.As for my hospital they kept saying baby gender is not clear now but I had to go to another scan center on my own to check.You can do same.


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Pearl05(f): 6:43pm On Aug 22, 2020

3D scans are the cutest.

Where can one do 3D scan in port Harcourt
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Fertilady(f): 6:51pm On Aug 22, 2020

Where can one do 3D scan in port Harcourt
Image diagnostic
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Fisayomi1: 7:18pm On Aug 22, 2020

I gave birth to my first child through CS because of placenta previa and for the second journey I was in between deciding for VBAC or CS with a whole lot of relatives pressurizing me for VBAC. Meanwhile DH wasn't around for the better part of this second journey and was only going to be available for about 2wks in the month of August with his pass ending on the 19th of August.

I woke up on the 12th of August with a strong urge to register at a private hospital as a backup for the general hospital I registered at as the general hospital said they don't do CS during the night or at weekend and will have to refer if their is need for one.

I visited the private hospital and got registered. On my way back home I decided to visit a scan centre to see how the baby is fairing at 37weeks. The scan results showed that the amniotic fluid was very low and I took the result to the general hospital I registered at only to be told that we will have to undergo an emergency CS immediately. Hubby was told to go pick up our delivery items and by the time he was back our baby has been delivered.

Spent 3 days at the hospital and we were discharged afterwards. At the end of the day, our baby came to time as Daddy was able to witness her birth and also be a part of the Christening ceremony which was my concern at first all to the glory of God who is the master planner and knows the end of a thing from the beginning.

Mummy is doing great and our little angel is doing fine too with the big sister hovering all around her and pecking her at every given opportunity.

34 Likes 1 Share

Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by suilois(f): 7:23pm On Aug 22, 2020
Happy Sunday Mamas.
Happy waddling to the preggies and to our new mamas, how is vigilante ? Hope our babies are sucking well.
Have a blessed week everyone.
I've received all my items oh.. As good as new... Hubby was so excited too. Thank you so much... More sales ma

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by suilois(f): 7:28pm On Aug 22, 2020
You're welcome @tabithaola...Team members trust we're doing well... Fatigue has started coming in for me oh... I should better goan buy my hospital items this week... Please mommas, where can I get good and affordable nursing bras
Team October 2020

Let's welcome our new teamie @tabithaola

Name EDD Gender

1. threegees....... 06/10...... XX
2. Annaseyi.......... 22/10..... Unknown
3. Pearl05............. 16/10..... XX
4. bukit05............. 07/10...... XY✓ 20/08
5. Soulmate19..... 14/10....... Unknown
6. Ewaifeoluwa..... 25/10...... XY
7. divanita............. 23/10...... XY
8. ojantelle............ 23/10...... Unknown
9. adet991............. 11/10...... XY
10. mayysen............ 27/10...... XX
11. Tessicatess...... 02/10....... XX
12. Mumsyfife......... 23/10...... XY
13. Teddynne.......... 10/10...... XY
14. Deolaw.............. 09/10...... XY
15. Engraced247.... 07/10...... Unknown
16. serendipityF...... 19/10..... XY
17. missmalachi...... 25/10...twin.... Unknown
18. Modupetemmy1.. 02/10..... XY
19. P4perissos...........23/10..... Unknown
20. SapphirePRINCEX... 06/10...XY
21. suilois................ 18/10...... Unknown
22. Ogojagirl............ 20/10......XX
23. Annybens1993.......19/10.......XY
24. Sammybabelious....... 22/10.....Unknown
25. Dbryan.................25/10........Unknown
26. ayommyjay..........17/10..…....XY
27. princessKF..........23/10.........XY
28. tabithaola............23/10.........XY


1 Like

Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Rekhi(f): 7:35pm On Aug 22, 2020
How are we all doing teamie? How is the MS? any improvements? Any visible bump yet? God will make this journey easy for us all.
Hi teamie..Amen to Ur prayer... I'm doing fine,jz dt I get tired easily...No visible bump yet,until after food.. How are u doing too?
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Rekhi(f): 7:37pm On Aug 22, 2020


MummyHalo. _____ Feb 26
xeexee1. _____ Feb 13
Rekhi Feb _____14
temitope009. _____ Feb 28
MeynaTK _____ Feb 08
olufummy02 ______ Feb 09
asagal. _____ Feb 15
Adezeal1. _____ Feb 07
Brownishshuga. _____ Feb 08
Phunmilola _____ Feb 01
bilsworld61____ Feb 12
Mumjb. _____ Feb 20

It's a pleasure to have you @Mumjb, wishing you an easy peasy pregnancy journey.

Congratulations at the latest mama bukit05, I was scared when I read you fell into contraction, felt relieved at thesame time in awe of God's wonderfulness that our baby in here. Congrats senior teamie once again.
Wishing all the waddling mamas safe deliveries too.
For the wombs that seek, may God's favour shine upon you.
Cappo,I don't get mention again o..Pls,see to this
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nimi22(f): 7:38pm On Aug 22, 2020
hi good morning, can u pls help out? When does gwarinpa hospital register people for And. Which day do they register?
Hello mum. For the first visit you go on a Wednesday, you will be told to go do scan then they will give you a date which is on a Friday when you will come with your partner for registration finally you will now be given an appointment for any day of the week.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Pearl05(f): 7:44pm On Aug 22, 2020

Image diagnostic

Ehere is it located please?
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Rekhi(f): 7:44pm On Aug 22, 2020

I gave birth to my first child through CS because of placenta previa and for the second journey I was in between deciding for VBAC or CS with a whole lot of relatives pressurizing me for VBAC. Meanwhile DH wasn't around for the better part of this second journey and was only going to be available for about 2wks in the month of August with his pass ending on the 19th of August.

I woke up on the 12th of August with a strong urge to register at a private hospital as a backup for the general hospital I registered at as the general hospital said they don't do CS during the night or at weekend and will have to refer if their is need for one.

I visited the private hospital and got registered. On my way back home I decided to visit a scan centre to see how the baby is fairing at 37weeks. The scan results showed that the amniotic fluid was very low and I took the result to the general hospital I registered at only to be told that we will have to undergo an emergency CS immediately. Hubby was told to go pick up our delivery items and by the time he was back our baby has been delivered.

Spent 3 days at the hospital and we were discharged afterwards. At the end of the day, our baby came to time as Daddy was able to witness her birth and also be a part of the Christening ceremony which was my concern at first all to the glory of God who is the master planner and knows the end of a thing from the beginning.

Mummy is doing great and our little angel is doing fine too with the big sister hovering all around her and pecking her at every given opportunity.

We thank God for safe delivery... Congrats,mama...welcome pretty angel and regards to big sister
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Temitope009(f): 7:46pm On Aug 22, 2020
You're welcome @tabithaola...Team members trust we're doing well... Fatigue has started coming in for me oh... I should better goan buy my hospital items this week... Please mommas, where can I get good and affordable nursing bras

Hello senior teamie.
Hope you're waddling sexily grin
Where are you at?
I have nursing bras which has been one of our champion products with 100% positive reviews.
Kindly check out our page http://www.instagram.com/rayslounge_undies/
Or, click the link in my signature.


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Temitope009(f): 7:48pm On Aug 22, 2020
How are we all doing teamie? How is the MS? any improvements? Any visible bump yet? God will make this journey easy for us all.

Doing well sis.
Spitting is on another level and it's becoming annoying.
I have a bump. Not surprised because my bumps are usually on a big side.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by sugah: 7:49pm On Aug 22, 2020

I am very well mama.I went for gender scan today and I'm team blue.As for my hospital they kept saying baby gender is not clear now but I had to go to another scan center on my own to check.You can do same.
I think some hospitals do that on purpose.
Yay team blue!! id update now.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by sugah: 7:55pm On Aug 22, 2020
you can actually find out 16 weeks? If so no need for the long wait again cheesy
Yes depending on the expertise of the sonographer
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Mumaraoluwa: 8:04pm On Aug 22, 2020

Hello mum. For the first visit you go on a Wednesday, you will be told to go do scan then they will give you a date which is on a Friday when you will come with your partner for registration finally you will now be given an appointment for any day of the week.
pls ma can you drop ur number for more enquires? Thank you
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nimi22(f): 8:11pm On Aug 22, 2020
pls ma can you drop ur number for more enquires? Thank you

Let me know when you get it.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by suilois(f): 8:28pm On Aug 22, 2020

I gave birth to my first child through CS because of placenta previa and for the second journey I was in between deciding for VBAC or CS with a whole lot of relatives pressurizing me for VBAC. Meanwhile DH wasn't around for the better part of this second journey and was only going to be available for about 2wks in the month of August with his pass ending on the 19th of August.

I woke up on the 12th of August with a strong urge to register at a private hospital as a backup for the general hospital I registered at as the general hospital said they don't do CS during the night or at weekend and will have to refer if their is need for one.

I visited the private hospital and got registered. On my way back home I decided to visit a scan centre to see how the baby is fairing at 37weeks. The scan results showed that the amniotic fluid was very low and I took the result to the general hospital I registered at only to be told that we will have to undergo an emergency CS immediately. Hubby was told to go pick up our delivery items and by the time he was back our baby has been delivered.

Spent 3 days at the hospital and we were discharged afterwards. At the end of the day, our baby came to time as Daddy was able to witness her birth and also be a part of the Christening ceremony which was my concern at first all to the glory of God who is the master planner and knows the end of a thing from the beginning.

Mummy is doing great and our little angel is doing fine too with the big sister hovering all around her and pecking her at every given opportunity.

congratulations momma... God bless and preserve the baby and the entire family
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Brownishshuga: 8:39pm On Aug 22, 2020
Hi teamie..Amen to Ur prayer... I'm doing fine,jz dt I get tired easily...No visible bump yet,until after food.. How are u doing too?
same here body weakness, excessive spitting, pains in the upper part of my stomach has taken over my life cry my stomach is still as flat as pre pregnancy I was a bit worried tho.

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