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Jesus Resurrected body A Spiritual Body Or Spirit Body / 'jesus's Resurrection' A Topic That Exposes Jehovah Witness Organisation. / What Goes To Heaven Or Hell, Is It Body,soul Or Spirit. (2) (3) (4)
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After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by DappaD: 10:06am On Oct 03, 2020 |
The Bible’s answer The Bible says that Jesus “was put to death in the flesh but made alive [resurrected] in the spirit.”—1 Peter 3:18; Acts 13:34; 1 Corinthians 15:45; 2 Corinthians 5:16. Jesus’ own words showed that he would not be resurrected with his flesh-and-blood body. He said that he would give his “flesh in behalf of the life of the world,” as a ransom for mankind. (John 6:51; Matthew 20:28) If he had taken back his flesh when he was resurrected, he would have canceled that ransom sacrifice. This could not have happened, though, for the Bible says that he sacrificed his flesh and blood “once for all time.”—Hebrews 9:11, 12. If Jesus was raised up with a spirit body, how could his disciples see him? • Spirit creatures can take on human form. For example, angels who did this in the past even ate and drank with humans. (Genesis 18:1-8; 19:1-3) However, they still were spirit creatures and could leave the physical realm.—Judges 13:15-21. • After his resurrection, Jesus also assumed human form temporarily, just as angels had previously done. As a spirit creature, though, he was able to appear and disappear suddenly. (Luke 24:31; John 20:19, 26) The fleshly bodies that he materialized were not identical from one appearance to the next. Thus, even Jesus’ close friends recognized him only by what he said or did.—Luke 24:30, 31, 35; John 20:14-16; 21:6, 7. • When Jesus appeared to the apostle Thomas, he took on a body with wound marks. He did this to bolster Thomas’ faith, since Thomas doubted that Jesus had been raised up.—John 20:24-29. Source : Visit JW.ORG 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Emusan(m): 1:50pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Very awkward and irrational doctrine! DappaD: Yet Apostle Paul could say: "There is one mediator between God and man, The MAN Jesus Christ..." Jesus’ own words showed that he would not be resurrected with his flesh-and-blood body. He said that he would give his “flesh in behalf of the life of the world,” as a ransom for mankind. (John 6:51; Matthew 20:28) The @underlined shows your lack of understanding of what you're saying! You intentionally added "BLOOD" to it, whereas you did that to explain away the FLESHY BODY that other spirit beings had appeared with. Hypocrite! If he had taken back his flesh when he was resurrected, he would have canceled that ransom sacrifice. The point here is, if Jesus keeps appearing with many fleshy bodies means He keeps sacrificing different bodies because you have to explain what happened to those bodies Jesus keeps using. This could not have happened, though, for the Bible says that he sacrificed his flesh and blood “once for all time.”—Hebrews 9:11, 12. This is the reason I said, this doctrine is awkward because if Jesus sacrificed his flesh "ONCE for all time" and you went ahead to claim He keeps appearing in different BODIES, then how many sacrifices did Jesus do? If Jesus was raised up with a spirit body, how could his disciples see him? Spirit creatures can take on human form but no spirit creatures have ever made a statement like PHILLIPS “Why are you so worried?” said Jesus, “and why do doubts arise in your minds? Look at my hands and feet—it is really I myself! Feel me and see; ghosts have no flesh or bones as you can see that I have.” This is the most easy and simple verse that even a primary school pupils won't struggle to comprehend but since the 8 men in USA must be defended by their followers, what do you expect? The day JWs will open their mind to understand this single verse is the day they'll be set free from the shackle of the lying organization. • After his resurrection, Jesus also assumed human form temporarily, just as angels had previously done. As a spirit creature, though, he was able to appear and disappear suddenly. (Luke 24:31; John 20:19, 26) So Jesus kept sacrificing different human bodies. The fleshly bodies that he materialized were not identical from one appearance to the next. Lies, provide the verse where it is stated that people couldn't identify the FLESHY BODIES? Thus, even Jesus’ close friends recognized him only by what he said or did.—Luke 24:30, 31, 35; John 20:14-16; 21:6, 7. So which body did Jesus ascend to heaven with? Do they recognize Him that time? If Jesus had appeared to them with different BODIES, how are they sure is the real Jesus who ascended to heaven in their presence? • When Jesus appeared to the apostle Thomas, he took on a body with wound marks. He did this to bolster Thomas’ faith, since Thomas doubted that Jesus had been raised up.—John 20:24-29. Liars will never say the truth! You don't want to say, Jesus appeared to Thomas with the REAL BODY because that'll amount to Jesus picked His real body back and you've already said that can't happen. Now, Jesus had to appear to Thomas with a WOUNDED MARK just to deceive Thomas and the rest of apostles. Didn't this sound like a deceitful act to you? When we even know the reason why Jesus had to do that is based on Thomas word himself "Now Thomas (also known as Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” John 20:24-25 The other disciples said "We have seen the Lord" and Thomas wants to see what the other disciples have seen by saying "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe" The other disciples could have cleared Thomas expectations by simply say "Look the Lord didn't appear to us WITH HIS REAL BODY" but they never did. Also, from this account, we can see that Thomas was anticipating for the REAL BODY of Christ not as spirit being, few days later the LORD cleared Thomas' doubt by appearing with His REAL BODY and even challenged Thomas to do as he had already claimed. But instead, Thomas recognized this divine witness and made the most shocking statement "My Lord and my God!" The statement JWs are still struggling to understand. 4 Likes |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by MuttleyLaff: 2:00pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
DappaD: shadeyinka: MuttleyLaff: |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by MaxInDHouse(m): 2:06pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Emusan:ARGUEMENTATIVE Emusan! ![]() Just remember that Thomas was a faithful and loyal friend of Jesus but he was an unbeliever regarding the resurrection of Christ, that's why Jesus did all that is needed to help his friend. So if you depend on what the unbelieving friend of Jesus uttered, we don't because today we now know better than what that unbelieving friend of Jesus knew that day! ![]() |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by DappaD: 2:09pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
**I didn't mention anybody asking for their own opinions on the subject, neither did I come here to argue. As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I'm quite satisfied with how the Bible puts it and will continue to share the truth with others.** 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by MuttleyLaff: 2:17pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
For reasons, best known to them, certain posters don't like it when someone else comes out, to put a straight stick alongside their crooked stick lying on the ground. It rattles their cages, and gets them become unnecessarily psychotic, edgy and defensive lmso. 1 Like |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by MaxInDHouse(m): 2:55pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
DappaD: No room for fruitless arguments, whoever loves what he is reading should contact local JWs for further enlightenment but whoever is not interested should WAKA PASS ![]() 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by DappaD: 3:10pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Simple. Reasonable time that can be invested into RVs shouldn't go to satisfying the urge of people Jehovah hasn't drawn to the truth. (John 6:44) 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Ihedinobi3: 4:01pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
DappaD: Very well. But I don't think you have accurately represented what the Bible teaches on the matter. As one of your interlocutors here has pointed out, the Bible seems quite clear that Jesus resurrected in flesh and bones, and by His own words He was no disembodied spirit at His Resurrection. 36 Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” 37 But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. 38 And He said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” Luke 24:36-39 (NKJV) What does the Bible say about Resurrection in general? 35 But someone will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?” 36 Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies. 37 And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be, but mere grain—perhaps wheat or some other grain. 38 But God gives it a body as He pleases, and to each seed its own body. 39 All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of animals, another of fish, and another of birds. 40 There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41 There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory. 42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. 43 It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. 44 It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. 1 Corinthians 15:35-44 (NKJV) 26 And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, That in my flesh I shall see God, Job 19:26 (NKJV) Now, the issue is not that the Bible contradicts itself. No, it never does. The issue is just that in order to understand the truth of the Bible, you have to accept both things. Rejecting one in favor of the other, no matter which one you are rejecting, is going to lead you into error. Such things are commonplace among many who claim to believe the Bible. By way of explanation then, it was certainly with His mortal body that the Lord Jesus paid the price of sin as Hebrews 10:5,10,20 teaches. He bore our sins in His body and paid for all of them in His mortal flesh. It is also true that He was raised through the Spirit. That is because, although He was God and could never die, His mortal body was designed for Him so that He could be a true Servant to the Father. As such, He would only be raised from the dead in a powerful, glorious, perfectly invulnerable Body only at the Father's behest and through the powerful working of the Spirit in order to vindicate Him and demonstrate that He was accepted by the Father and so was His Sacrifice. 3 concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, 4 and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead. Romans 1:3-4 (NKJV) the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, Ephesians 1:19-20 (NKJV) That is to say that the Bible perfectly explains what appears to be a contradiction. The Resurrection Body is not the same as the mortal body and while the Lord's Resurrection was effected by the Holy Spirit, it certainly was a true Resurrection of an actual body that had flesh and bones. As you said and I concur, this does not need to present an opportunity for rancorous debate. I have only wished to present what I believe is a more complete view of what the Bible teaches, since your claim was that this position set forth by you is the Bible's. You are free to reject it, but we don't need to fight about it. 4 Likes |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:06pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Ihedinobi3: Excellent! So go out there, preach and teach what you know to make disciples for your God! ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by DappaD: 4:20pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
MaxInDHouse: People who don't know squat about the Bible think it necessary to lecture someone else. Blind guides. Imagine coming to tell me Job will go to heaven, lol. I'm ever grateful to Jehovah and his organization for rescuing me from confusing religious falsehoods. (John 8:32) 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Ihedinobi3: 4:25pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
MaxInDHouse:You probably made this comment because of an itch you have to say something. This thread is "out there," isn't it? And just as you all have been all over the religion section "recruiting" disciples for your God, why is my being here not interpreted the same way by you? Or is it that what I did is not "preaching" and "teaching"? 2 Likes |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Ihedinobi3: 4:26pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
DappaD:One might say the same about you, you know. What exactly is the problem with saying that Job will go to Heaven? Do you have a different understanding of that verse? 1 Like |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:36pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Ihedinobi3: Start a thread, if it's interesting to Nairalanders you'll get audience Sir! ![]() |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Ihedinobi3: 4:40pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
MaxInDHouse:You should take your own advice then. |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:45pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Ihedinobi3:OK continue pestering him then! ![]() |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Ihedinobi3: 4:49pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
MaxInDHouse:Interesting. You consider my response to him "pestering"? What do you call your responses to me up to now? 3 Likes |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Dtruthspeaker: 4:49pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Ihedinobi3: 4:51pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Dtruthspeaker:Hello Dtruthspeaker! I am here now. Don't know about being back. LOL. Well done. |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Dtruthspeaker: 4:54pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
How is this post profitable? I would not have come here if not that I saw Ihedinobi3. I think knowing anything and everything here,.would not still Give Life! |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Ihedinobi3: 4:59pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Dtruthspeaker:I'm afraid I have to disagree with you there, my friend. 63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. John 6:63 (NKJV) 16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NKJV) Granted that all we need in order to have eternal life is faith that Jesus Christ, God Who became Man, died for our sins and was raised from the dead for our justification, every single truth in the Bible is life-giving. Just as we have been born again through faith in the Gospel, we must grow up spiritually by learning, believing, and obeying everything that the Bible teaches. 1 Like |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Dtruthspeaker: 5:02pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Ihedinobi3: Same to you bro, glad to see you. I saw how you and others battled those wicked evil people like LortReed and co and I had to join in. We praise the Lord that they are much quieter now and some have taken their evilness away eg Sabrina (she go vex say I don call her name again) ![]() But it is good to see you again. |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:07pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
My brother it's like our village people have returned from market o! ![]() 1 Like |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Ihedinobi3: 5:08pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Dtruthspeaker:It's good to see you too. ![]() |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Dtruthspeaker: 5:09pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Ihedinobi3: I think you misunderstand, I am referring strictly to the post about the Form of the Lord after His Proof of Godship over death that we fear, that His Form is not relevant and that it does not give Life but it is His Words, we are to Follow. There is really no Instruction as to His Form after His resurrection, but rather we admonished to Remember All That He Had Taught Us. |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Dtruthspeaker: 5:15pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Ihedinobi3: It is very unfortunate that CAPSLOCK fell for LortReed's wicked Twistings, Cunnings, False Reasonings until he was finally Swallowed! ![]() |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Dtruthspeaker: 5:17pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by DappaD: 5:23pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
I'll give this reply to you because you seem reasonable. Job didn't and isn't going to see God literally. It's just like it was written that Jacob and Moses saw God “face to face” (Genesis 32:30, Exodus 33:11) but in reality, it was an angel of the true God who they saw and manifestations of divine power. (Genesis 32:24, Exodus 19:16) The same way too, Job isn't saying he will see God literally, rather he saw the expression of God's power when He answered him(Job) out of the windstorm(Job 38:1) Jesus also said that apart from him, no man had ever ascended into heaven before. (John 3:13) The way to heaven was opened to faithful ones after Jesus' death, when God's holy spirit came upon 120 disciples first, and anointed them as joint heirs/rulers with Christ.(Acts 2:1-10) Really, when you think about it, the teaching that everybody will go to heaven is a really absurd one, because when God created the earth, he made it man's home(Genesis 2:15) He gave the earth to humans to tend for it and inhabit it(Psalm 115:16) He never said the earth was a “testing ground” as false religionists would have it. His decision for humans to occupy the earth has not changed.(Isaiah 45:18) because the earth will remain forever, never to be destroyed(Psalm 78:69, Ecclesiastes 1:4) It's only a select few, starting with those 120 Christians in the first century, the apostles Peter, John, Paul, Timothy and many others that will go to heaven as joint heirs/rulers with Jesus Christ(Romans 8:17, 2Timothy 2:12) Even some in our day are anointed as corulers of Jesus but they aren't the people you think them to be. This number going to heaven is limited to a “little flock” numbering a total of 144,000. They are bought from among mankind. (Please read Luke 12:32, Revelation 7:4-8, 14:1-4) These ones are to serve as kings and priests to God in heaven(Revelation 1:6), judge the world(1Corinthians 6:2, Revelation 20:4) and will rule over the earth . (Revelation 5:9-10) So you see, most people who shout and shout that they're going to heaven don't know squat about what they're going to do there from the Bible(if they're ever to go there, which is impossible) I know all of these might be too much, but you can continue from here with any of Jehovah's Witnesses in your area or visit JW.ORG for more info. |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Ihedinobi3: 5:26pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Dtruthspeaker: As my own response to the thread demonstrates, I believe that there is instruction as to the form that Christ's Resurrection took, and I believe that the Bible teaches that our hope is resurrection, so I am convinced that what the Bible has to say about what that Resurrection will be like is that much more important. |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Ihedinobi3: 5:28pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Dtruthspeaker: When I returned to Nairaland in 2018, it seemed to me that CAPSLOCK was already there. |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by Depsui(m): 5:51pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Jesus Christ resurrected in flesh. But it was a glorified body. That's why you see it in the bible that Jesus Christ was the first one to resurrect from the dead. But we know that lazarus and some other people were raised from the dead. What differentiates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the others was that He resurrected with a glorified body. The glorified body is like a combination of flesh and Spirit. On the last day, every Christian that makes heaven will also take on this glorified body. It is with this glorified body that we will be able to live forever. 1 Like |
Re: After Jesus’ Resurrection, Was His Body Flesh Or Spirit? by DappaD: 6:48pm On Oct 03, 2020 |
Depsui: The Bible doesn't support a single word you said up there. But thanks for airing your own personal opinion, even though I never sought for it and that which is in direct contrast to what the Bible teaches. |
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