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Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by Morningblues: 8:46pm On Oct 16, 2020
I want to ask Atheist this Question!! Y’all said we come from nothing, nothing created something sad sad. That is glaringly false. There must be something behind it , An unforeseen force in the universe. I don’t believe in Big Bang, look at the planets,stars and galaxy and humans so perfect. It couldn’t came by Accident. I believe there is a creator or creators who created this universe, through logic, reasons and observation of the natural world. It neither a he/she. Question for Atheists, imagine someone told you there was an explosion at a printing press, the ink shattered on the wall and ceiling and formed the complete text of an unabridged dictionary, with dots, comma, just perfect. Would you believe that. Take a look at our DNA, it just too perfect to come by an Accident. There must be an intelligent designer behind it, And it God, A book can fell from the sky and u say it fell by Accident, there must be something or someone who have written it to make it to fall. Yes I believe in A creator smiley wink. Not the one in the Bible or Quran or religion. Those ones are silly tongue tongue to be a perfect creators [left][/left] grin.

Someone should move it to front page please
Re: Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by Madibahisback: 8:55pm On Oct 16, 2020
I want to ask Atheist this Question!! Y’all said we come from nothing, nothing created something sad sad. That is glaringly false. There must be something behind it , An unforeseen force in the universe. I don’t believe in Big Bang, look at the planets,stars and galaxy and humans so perfect. It couldn’t came by Accident. I believe there is a creator or creators who created this universe, through logic, reasons and observation of the natural world. It neither a he/she. Question for Atheists, imagine someone told you there was an explosion at a printing press, the ink shattered on the wall and ceiling and formed the complete text of an unabridged dictionary, with dots, comma, just perfect. Would you believe that. Take a look at our DNA, it just too perfect to come by an Accident. There must be an intelligent designer behind it, And it God, A book can fell from the sky and u say it fell by Accident, there must be something or someone who have written it to make it to fall. Yes I believe in A creator smiley wink. Not the one in the Bible or Quran or religion. Those ones are silly tongue tongue to be a perfect creators [left][/left] grin.

Someone should move it to front page please

Fcvk you all

Re: Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by Morningblues: 9:02pm On Oct 16, 2020

Fcvk you all

Wow grin do you feel threatened : calm down. I also said said I don’t believe in the Christian or Muslim God (Yahweh/Allah) neither do I believe in their children
Re: Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by eginaP: 9:06pm On Oct 16, 2020
When you say "Atheist and scientists exposed" the next thing that should follow is expected to be Facts or reference to some evidence, not how you feel or your personal beliefs.

By the way, I believe in God. Just stating basic writing principles.

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Re: Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by IbnBattuta1960: 9:08pm On Oct 16, 2020
If there is "energy or power" beyond what your naked eyes can see, you better start considering your being after the flesh fails. You have nothing to loose.
@op: your text is more of an opinion rather than what your topic suggests. We know the science people theory doesn't follow any science logic or principle.
Re: Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by Morningblues: 9:10pm On Oct 16, 2020
When you say "Atheist and scientists exposed" the next thing that should follow is expected to be Facts or reference to some evidence, not how you feel or your personal beliefs.

By the way, I believe in God. Just stating basic writing principles.

Lol tongue which evidence or reference, it still same people who wrote reference. Apply some reasoning there. You must believe in the Christian god (Yahweh)
Re: Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by MickzyDonald: 9:10pm On Oct 16, 2020
Wetin concern me

Re: Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by Morningblues: 9:11pm On Oct 16, 2020
If there is "energy or power" beyond what your naked eyes can see, you better start considering your being after the flesh fails. You have nothing to loose.

Lol cheesy religion fanatics are here grin.

Muslim or Christian??
Re: Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by Morningblues: 9:13pm On Oct 16, 2020
Wetin concern me

Oga leave here angry. It not for daft people
Re: Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by MickzyDonald: 11:22pm On Oct 16, 2020

Oga leave here angry. It not for daft people
This ain't a way to win a soul bitch,
Re: Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by inegbedion30210: 5:30am On Oct 17, 2020
Wetin concern me
Re: Atheists And Scientists Exposed!! Food For Tought . by IbnBattuta1960: 11:51am On Oct 17, 2020

Lol cheesy religion fanatics are here grin.

Muslim or Christian??

Your choice.

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