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Does The Church I Attend Matter? - Religion - Nairaland

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Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Nobody: 10:47am On Apr 29, 2020
'Church won't take you to heaven.' 'In heaven, God will not ask you which church you attended'. 'Be spiritual, not religious, your church doesn't matter, what matters is your heart, after all there are good people in every religion'.

Does that sound similar to what you ve said before? Perhaps you had to say that to someone who finds fault with your church, or who advise that you change your faith. You are not the only one with that opinion. Many who believe it favor non-denominational churches or ministries. They inter-faith with others of different faith. However, what does the Bible say? Does church matter?

At Matt 7:13,14, Jesus spoke about two roads. One leading to life and the other leading to death. Some may posit that the two roads and two gates refer to two types of humans - righteous and unrighteous people - That the bad people are much more than the righteous. But how can that be, if the broad road refers to bad people, how can bad people also go in through it? It's like in Maths, you say let X represent water pipe, and let Y represent water. Then we still come and say water will go in through Y. Is that logical? You can only say Y will go in through X.

Therefore, we can say that the two roads represent true and false religion. Many are in through the false religion, while few are FINDING the true religion. Ok, but that should refer to false religions like Islam, Traditional religions, Hinduism etc. Well, Jesus words continuous, after speaking of false prophets and the good and bad tree, in verses 21-23, he continued.

He said:

"Not everyone saying to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my father who is in the heavens will. 22. Many will say to me in that day: 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name? 23 And then I will declare to them: 'i never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!'.

From the above words of Jesus, we can agree that he was even specifically talking about Christian religion (The good and bad trees). He was contextually positing that false Christian churches will abound, many will flow into it.

Someone will say, 'this refers to those who do the work of God, but they don't live by Bible principles. God can use a pastor, even though the pastor is into sin'. But did we notice what Jesus said above? He said he NEVER knew them. Meaning that God has not been using them all along. 'But' someone may inquire, 'my pastor doesn't use charms, nor any talisman, but he performs many miracles by God's name'.

Yes, Jesus says such people will exist, they will perform powerful works by Jesus name. But Jesus doesn't use them.

But can't I be in such a church and still follow my Bible?

Can we consider that next..

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Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by psucc(m): 11:19am On Apr 29, 2020
It matters a lot.
So many churches are reserviour for hell fire. Though they still shout Jesus, their Jesus maybe different from the one you innocently know. Their teachings and practices are at variance with biblical truth.

And of course, they allow you to go on with "life" after all, "once saved, forever save'. They allow all kinds of lifestyle, including indecent dressing, etc.

More so, they look the other way on the shortcomings of the brethren. No form of discipline.

The worst is that, the above had found its way into the Church of Christ - those preparing souls for the Kingdom. Most of our Pastors are after financial members. They do not care about what sought of job the brother/sister is doing provided he pays his tithe, gives bountiful offerings and support the church projects. Oh! that's a member in good standing!

May God help us.

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Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by sonmvayina(m): 4:22pm On Apr 29, 2020
Follow this ...

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Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by ILoveDemMANNA: 10:09am On Oct 18, 2020

A Bible Believing Church that preaches more on Salvation rather than Prosperity is what a True Christian should go to.


Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by nairanaira12: 10:09am On Oct 18, 2020
To me, it doesn't matter so long as the church confesses Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

God will never judge anyone based on your church. He will judge you based on your personal relationship with him.

I've seen many C&S churche members that refuse to stain themselves with sin, while I've seen members of RCCG and even winners that eat sin like it is snacks.

Judge by yourself, will God now judge them based on their churches? Never!

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Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by MrGoood: 10:09am On Oct 18, 2020
God is everywhere, Pray from your bedroom and you will see wonders, Help the less privileged and be kind to everyone, Christianity is not more than that.

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Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Hambivert: 10:10am On Oct 18, 2020
Sparogatively, yes it does!
Take these Bible quotations and decipher

1 John 4:1 (kjv): Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Mark 13:22 (kjv): For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

Imagine going to a church headed by a "false prophet", you'll lose the very ground of the Christain faith!

My advice for you;
Watch and pray and
Be filled with the holy spirit

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Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Newman20(m): 10:10am On Oct 18, 2020


Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Newman20(m): 10:10am On Oct 18, 2020


Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by itzmarvyx(m): 10:11am On Oct 18, 2020
God is everywhere, Pray from your bedroom and you will see wonders, Help the less privileged and be kind to everyone, Christianity is not more than that.
Ever read the Scriptures "don't forsake the fellowship of the brethren" and "iron sharpens iron?"


Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by InvertedHammer: 10:12am On Oct 18, 2020
Your church matters a lot.
Some take one offering while some take multiple offerings. There are different levels of extortion depending on church. So make sure to go to the ones that don't empty your pockets.



Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Nobody: 10:12am On Oct 18, 2020
Bros chill we are all going to hell in someone's believe or religion


Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by LadyExcellency: 10:13am On Oct 18, 2020
It matters 101%

Any Church that doesn't preach 100% Holiness and Peace with Humanity (as much as is possible) is not by nor of Jesus Christ

1 Like

Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Askng(m): 10:14am On Oct 18, 2020
Hero of an hour

Today ignorance uttered words in the court of kings,
as we waited too long for coruscation of brilliancy,
serendipity smiled on nescient,
and crowned rebellion for one hour.

utterances from idle lips ,
foist on passerby along nature’s path,
As filthy rebel from the woodcock progeny,
Spoke with grandeur of betise.
suspense graced the rage of arrogance,

Today in the prison of the khaki boys.
cast amongst quails and punks.
This punky nurse of innocence.

Ask me not, for I will not like this,
bandy with Rampallian .

Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by TinubuGoQuench(f): 10:14am On Oct 18, 2020
Religion is a scam

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Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Madibahisback: 10:14am On Oct 18, 2020
Fuvk you all
Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by TinubuGoQuench(f): 10:15am On Oct 18, 2020
Bros chill we are all going to hell in someone's believe or religion

Heaven is a hope for the poor and gullible

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Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Kneebow(m): 10:15am On Oct 18, 2020
Yes. It does matter.
If you stop at being a mere church goer in the quest to know God, The Church you attend will not matter to you.
But if you carry God's extra, The Original dynamite of the Pentecost. Not the Fake one that is proliferated in today's world
The Church you attend will sure matter to you.
If you cannot participate in growing the church because of the influence of sin and sinners
Scripture like "Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge" Proverb 14;7 will speak aloud in your spirit

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Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Omezif(m): 10:16am On Oct 18, 2020
Yes it does matter, if it doesn't matter no one can attend. No one is animal by attending church. Not attending church does not mean you are wiser than those Who are attending.

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Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by dingbang(m): 10:16am On Oct 18, 2020
It doesn't matter..
Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Goldenheart(m): 10:16am On Oct 18, 2020
Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Risingsunn: 10:17am On Oct 18, 2020
Does going to church even make u a better christian?
Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Youngzedd(m): 10:19am On Oct 18, 2020
It matters so much, so sad, majority of the churches we have today are just business centres.

Too many brianwashing going on.

A Christian is meant to be free from the bondage of religion, so sad many Christians are deep into the hole Christ came to lift us from.

I attend free nation in Christ church @ www.freenationchurch.org


Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by STENON(f): 10:19am On Oct 18, 2020
Life is very simple. Religion makes everything complicated.
Live and let others live is the golden rule !!!

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Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by DaFuhrer(m): 10:20am On Oct 18, 2020
It doesn't matter, what matters is your personal relationship with Christ. If Christ is in you, he will order your steps and no pastor will be able to pass wrong messages to you cos Holy Spirit himself will minister to you..

Your relationship with Christ is the hallmark of Christianity.


Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by tobechi74: 10:21am On Oct 18, 2020
Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by ictplotter(m): 10:21am On Oct 18, 2020
My question is, which church did jesus or his disciples worship? Christianity was perfect by christ without disunity during his life time.. some thousand years after his death. A Jewish rapist and prosecutor called saul, who latter rebrand himself as paul, brainwashed the entire Christians into his religious by impersonating and hiding under the good work of jesus christ. Christianity is an indirect religion of christ but direct religion of paul. Paul the founder of Christianity is confusionist and naturally christianity are bound with alot of confusions. It sound stupid, as a Christian telling me to mind the church i worship with. How do we know the really church? When every church claim to be the best.


Re: Does The Church I Attend Matter? by Nobody: 10:22am On Oct 18, 2020
Yes, church may not take you to heaven but the church you attend still matters. Some churches are ran by just prosperity preachers.


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