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Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Lukgaf(m): 4:58am On Nov 06, 2020
Is it forbidden to eat onion or garlic?

Alhamdulillaah wasalaatu wasalaam ‘ala rasuulillaah

It is not haram to eat onion and garlic. Onion and garlic have offensive odours and it is obligatory to keep the mosque free of offensive odours and to prevent the one who has such an odour from coming to the mosque or staying in it. So, whoever want to eats them, let him cook them to death before eating to avoid annoying other worshippers and angels in the mosque because angels are offended by the same things that offend the sons of Adam.

Al-Bukhaari (5452) and Muslim (564) narrated from Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah that the Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever eats garlic or onions, let him keep away from us, or keep away from our mosque and stay in his house.” According to a version narrated by Muslim: “Whoever eats onions or garlic or leeks, let him not come near our mosque, for the angels are offended by the same things that offend the sons of Adam.” And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever has eaten of this plant let him not approach our mosque and annoy us with the smell of garlic.” Narrated by Maalik in al-Muwatta’ (27). Muslim (567) narrated that ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: O people, you eat two plants which I find to be nothing but repugnant, this onion and garlic. I remember the Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), if he noticed their smell coming from a man in the mosque, he would issue orders that he taken out to al-Baqee’. Whoever eats them, let him cook them to death.”

It says in Kashshaaf al-Qinaa’ (2/365): It is Sunnah to protect every mosque from all kinds of dirt, filth, mucus, nail clippings and hair removed by clipping the moustache, shaving the head or plucking the armpits, because the mosques were not built for that. It is also Sunnah to protect it from offensive smells such as onion, garlic, leeks and similar things, even if there is no one in the mosque, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “the angels are offended by the same things that offend the sons of Adam.” (Narrated by Ibn Maajah); and he said: “Whoever eats from these two plants, let him not come near our place of prayer.” and according to another report: “…let him not come near our mosques.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi who said: It is hasan saheeh.

With regard to the validity of prayer when there is an unpleasant smell in the mouth, it is valid but it is makrooh (disliked). If the prayer is offered in the mosque and this smell is obvious to such an extent that it annoys other worshippers and the angels, then it is haraam. Al-Bukhaari (806) and Muslim (870) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever has eaten of this plant (i.e., garlic), let him not approach our mosque.”

May Allah grant us understanding of His religion

Source: Fiqh class

Source: Fiqh class

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Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by AntiChristian: 6:46am On Nov 06, 2020
Those who eat or drink any thing with offensive odour should not disturb the mosque with the malodorous breath! Do not harm others!

If an alcoholic with smell enters and stays beside you, na patience sure pass o...

You fit move to other spaces if available! Na to warn the person after Salah remain!


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by IlovePMB: 10:33am On Nov 06, 2020
Even onions and garlic. The people creating and pushing these topics to front page just want to make mockery of Islam. When would we see rulings on loving and preserving life?

141 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by inoki247: 10:33am On Nov 06, 2020
Orisirisi Onions sef don cost wu wan eat am any how...

Na everything get ruling I know say drinking of water and bathing with it sef go get ruling


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Egein(m): 10:34am On Nov 06, 2020
Seem like we have a ruling on everything. Is there a ruling on how to breath?


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Lewalexzy(m): 10:35am On Nov 06, 2020
Masha Allah


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by marvin906(m): 10:35am On Nov 06, 2020
Don't know whether to laugh or cry or both...
This one has to be top of all the bullish.it have seen..
But what to do..
Na just to laugh Waka pass

65 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Barka00(m): 10:36am On Nov 06, 2020

101 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Akhirastriver(m): 10:36am On Nov 06, 2020
This religion seems to have a ruling on everything. Is there a ruling on how to breath?
Is it abt how to breath ,must u comment senselessly ?

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Factfinder1(m): 10:36am On Nov 06, 2020
This una religion dey make una dey behave like mad people walahi.....nonsense

71 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by TruthHurts1(m): 10:36am On Nov 06, 2020
I'm guessing the prophet had a lot of experience dealing with offensive odours.

Narrated 'Abbas bin Tamim: My uncle asked Allah's Apostle about a person who imagined to have farted during the prayer. Allah' Apostle replied: "He should not leave his prayers unless he hears sound or smells something."

Sahih Bukhari 1:4:139

Those who eat or drink any thing with offensive odour should not disturb the mosque with the malodorous breath! Do not harm others!

If an alcoholic with smell enters and stays beside you, na patience sure pass o...

You fit move to other spaces if available! Na to warn the person after Salah remain!
Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Egein(m): 10:38am On Nov 06, 2020

Is it abt how to breath ,must u comment senselessly ?

Will you gedifokof?


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by ArewaHero(m): 10:38am On Nov 06, 2020
This religion seems to have a ruling on everything. Is there a ruling on how to breath?
yes a true religion should have rulling on everything

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Akhirastriver(m): 10:38am On Nov 06, 2020

Will you gedifokof?
Omo ase


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Nobody: 10:40am On Nov 06, 2020
Fanatics... what about ruling for child marriage

Over hor.ny mofos

34 Likes 1 Share

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Elsueno: 10:41am On Nov 06, 2020
Please ma people, stop derailing their thread, shebi you guys dey go mosque ne?.
This is not for church goes, let the people concern appreciate or complain


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by womenareapes: 10:42am On Nov 06, 2020
Is it forbidden to eat onion or garlic?

Source: Fiqh class
but the mosque is were you people carry offensive terrorist and suicide attack to others undecided

what is the different between onions and suicide bombings carried by the mosque?

41 Likes 1 Share

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by theFilmtric: 10:43am On Nov 06, 2020
There is always a ruling for everything
How do you explain such inconsistencies?
I had to swear a **c*ing oath!

Onions dey offend una angels?
Una angels dey vex?
Dem neva chop correct camel suya with raw onions be dat smiley


38 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by englishmart(m): 10:44am On Nov 06, 2020
What about ruling on how to put alcohol inside kettles or on the right use of Burantashi?

32 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Fmghewzy(m): 10:49am On Nov 06, 2020
yes a true religion should have rulling on everything

Really? So what is your ruling on child marriage.
What is your ruling on those Killing innocent people

52 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Lewisalexander(m): 10:54am On Nov 06, 2020
This religion seems to have a ruling on everything. Is there a ruling on how to breath?

Funny religion. Lol

21 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by turawaa(m): 10:56am On Nov 06, 2020
Orisirisi Onions sef don cost wu wan eat am any how...

Na everything get ruling I know say drinking of water and bathing with it sef go get ruling

Yes Drinking water get ruling too.
Say Bismillah

1- don't stand when drinking

2- Sip water bit by bit when thirsty, don't rush water.

3- Water becomes forbidden when you take so much and now feeling like an Alcoholism.

Ruling on Bath

Don't be wasteful in using Water.

Knowledge is power

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Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by punisha: 10:57am On Nov 06, 2020
No ruling for sleeping? shocked

17 Likes 1 Share

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Nobody: 10:59am On Nov 06, 2020
Little wonder you claimed to be God's slaves.

My God created everything for human use, consumption and medicinal.

You guys are toooooooo preoccupied with outward instead of things of spirit

God is a spirit, you must learn how to serve him in sprit, .........washing hand , legs etc 100 times do not make you a pure heart, neither is eaten onion defiled you pls,...your pure heart is the condition that God wants before he accept your prayers or worship.

34 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by 2cribz: 11:02am On Nov 06, 2020
I just realised i had been amongst ritualists all these while. Dont eat onions,dont eat okro,dont do this,dont do that. Ritualists kind of do and don'ts. Ritualist ruling religion


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Firingpin: 11:07am On Nov 06, 2020
What about ruling on marrying a 12 year old?
grin grin grin


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by turawaa(m): 11:08am On Nov 06, 2020
No ruling for bathing and sleeping? shocked

Ruling on Sleeping

1-Dust your bed

2-Recite the 3 QUL's to your palm and blow the breeze to your hand n rob all over your body.

3- It is advisable to jot down your debtors and creditors before sleeping because sleeping is considered semi-dead.

4- Sleep on your Sides don't face down or sleep on your chest.

5- when up from bad nightmare, change from your side of sleeping to other side and Seeking protection from Shaitan.

Thanks for seeking knowledge

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Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by uniqueboi1(m): 11:10am On Nov 06, 2020
These Muslims should be given their own planet.


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by TBIZZY(m): 11:16am On Nov 06, 2020
But why is it that there is no Christian in the religion section, not to talk having a declaration for it?

So I had to falsely accept the declaration just to comment.

They even stated it that the mods are muslem bigot.


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by Chris2863(m): 11:18am On Nov 06, 2020
This religion of piss should have a ruling on how it's dirty members can take care of their bodies


Re: Ruling On Eating Onion And Garlic by turawaa(m): 11:18am On Nov 06, 2020

Really? So what is your ruling on child marriage.
What is your ruling on those Killing innocent people

Child Marriage is Forbidden in Islam.

But the stories of the Past isn't same as now... 10 years old physique of ladies then is like that of 20-25years old ladies of now.

Pls check museums for footprints of the people of the past.

Killing of Innocent

According to Quran...Anyone that kill an innocent, should be killed same way.

Even if there is war, the Quran forbid cutting down Trees not alone Innocent HUMAN.

NB: pls don't judge Islam by the actions of some sects or regions or Countries...because Islam never change but People Change within seconds and hide under Islam.

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