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"It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet - Foreign Affairs (11) - Nairaland

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Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by helinues: 3:52pm On Nov 10, 2020
yes ooo
it made you impotent gay bastard mother forking bastard grin

Now read the gibberish you wrote again, does that even make any sense to you?

I trust and believe in mods.

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Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by moskhoe(m): 3:54pm On Nov 10, 2020

If. 2016 election that produced trumpet as the president (with the aid of electoral Collage) despite Hilary having the highest votes casted wasn't rigged, how could this be rigged?
Are you people really thinking.

Baba wise up,

You just dey gbagaun back to back,

Cast nor dey accept 'ed' in the past tense and in the past participle as well,

Doesn't change form

Cast na always cast baba tongue

Mind you no be electoral collage baba,

We ain't talking fine arts here

Na electoral college

How far you, you be bakayoko?
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by TRIGITIS: 4:01pm On Nov 10, 2020

Now read the gibberish you wrote again, does that even make any sense to you?

I trust and believe in mods.
If you see the picture of what you are exchanging banters with, you will never forgive yourself for responding to him. He is struggling to feel among but he is actually not. In addition, dont bother yourself, the mods will soon wipe out everything. He starts again from zero. Isn't that enough suffering for him?

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Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by Pharaoh4rin(m): 4:03pm On Nov 10, 2020
Trump's return to the White House is inevitable. And all the Demonrats can go and screw themselves!!! grin

I can't wait. My glenfiddich is waiting patiently to be popped for d celebration

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Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by PrideofLincoln1(m): 4:04pm On Nov 10, 2020

You left Nigeria in your 30s and I have been traveling since I was an infant ..By 2022 I am coming to US to expand my business and show you how to succeed home and away wink wink

Trump is not going anywhere , he must be sworn in to continue his second term and rule you and your fellow lincoln project satanist
Keep going yourself cultist. The best of you can't get a Visa to US. I grew up in Uptown, Chicago but a village clown like you living on less than $2 a day will never know that. Keep your lunacy going.
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by Timetravel88: 4:04pm On Nov 10, 2020
[quote author=ThatFairGuy post=95880823]
If. 2016 election that produced trumpet as the president (with the aid of electoral Collage) despite Hilary having the highest votes casted wasn't rigged, how could this be rigged?
Are you people really thinking.

Do you know that in Nigeria you can't win the Presidential election without having 25% of the votes in at least one of the states in a geopolitical zone. The popular vote does not also apply in the Nigerian electoral system.
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by SweetDipBenny(m): 4:05pm On Nov 10, 2020
I'm so confuse. Dnt even knw who to support
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by Yankee101: 4:08pm On Nov 10, 2020
If only they know the history of how Brian Kemp became governor

Stop wasting your time, without Georgia and Pennsylvania biden still wins up to 270 electoral votes. Those ones are just cake icing

Even his rushed Supreme Court appointees can't help him


Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by Yankee101: 4:09pm On Nov 10, 2020
Trump's return to the White House is inevitable. And all the Demonrats can go and screw themselves!!! grin

How much u wan bet? Can you put your money where your mouth is?
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by Yankee101: 4:09pm On Nov 10, 2020
He can never return to the White House

Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by Yankee101: 4:11pm On Nov 10, 2020
A return for Trump is a return for Christ.

Stop deceiving yourself

If you can't test the spirits yourself and follow what your church leaders tell you then you never mature for the Christianity

Jesus called the entire leadership of the Jewish religion at that time a brood of vipers
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by Yankee101: 4:13pm On Nov 10, 2020
Trump is just too undemocratic. He's too desirous of that position, he's very different from The Whites.
When I read his history, his high-handedness didn't just started today

This statement conforms with your name. A fair assessment. Trump has said he'll fight even b4 elections. Same thing in 2016

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Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by helinues: 4:13pm On Nov 10, 2020

If you see the picture of what you are exchanging banters with, you will never forgive yourself for responding to him. He is struggling to feel among but he is actually not. In addition, dont bother yourself, the mods will soon wipe out everything. He starts again from zero. Isn't that enough suffering for him?

Mods have already done than thing to him.

I have really not been engaging with him cos I noticed ignoring him always make him Gaga.

But as you know, once in a while blokos pressing... cheesy grin
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by Shelumiel: 4:13pm On Nov 10, 2020

How much u wan bet? Can you put your money where your mouth is?
Baba can you,?
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by AustineJohn908(m): 4:13pm On Nov 10, 2020

Did Trump tell you he is for Christ?
Did Christ tell you Trump is his representative on earth?
And what makes you think Trump is more Christian or Spirit filled than you are?
Go and let Trump lay hands on your head then.
What is really the matter with many gullible Christians these days?
Oga didn't God used Nebuchadnezzar to do his bidding even when he was an idol worshipper? God can use anybody, even the "Sexist Trump" for his glory
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by AustineJohn908(m): 4:14pm On Nov 10, 2020
[quote author=Sezi4Christ post=95888273]
Not necessarily. Trump is not Christ. He may be doing God's will but he isn't Christ. Christ would return with or without Trump. Just keep praying for God's will and Truth will prevail.[/quote Yes,Trump is not Christ but Christ can use anybody to do his bidding just like he use Nebuchadnezzar
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by Yankee101: 4:15pm On Nov 10, 2020

The person that won the free and fair Election is undemocratic but the Joe Biden that rigged like mad is democratic ? And the painful part is that you are a Buhari supporter

With your moniker no one should take you serious like your derived nom de guere from Somalia
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by carlos1(m): 4:16pm On Nov 10, 2020
He can never return to the White House

How Nigerians think they have an opinion on us elections Marvel's me

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Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by michoim(m): 4:17pm On Nov 10, 2020
With trump its not over until its over. Getting interesting.
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by Yankee101: 4:17pm On Nov 10, 2020
Baba can you,?

At swearing in January 20, 2021

If Biden, i win, if Trump, you win

Gentlemen's agreement, how much on the table?
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by MsAllison(f): 4:21pm On Nov 10, 2020

Mods have already done than thing to him.

I have really not been engaging with him cos I noticed ignoring him always make him Gaga.

But as you know, once in a while blokos pressing... cheesy grin

he means this picture


Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by helinues: 4:22pm On Nov 10, 2020

he means this picture


Who is this?

Do I know you?
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by MsAllison(f): 4:23pm On Nov 10, 2020

Who is this?

Do I know you?
you're my ex boyfriend grin
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by chatinent: 4:25pm On Nov 10, 2020
Nigeria is not alone in corruption. There existed the originals.
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by helinues: 4:28pm On Nov 10, 2020
you're my ex boyfriend grin

Talk to my hand
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by Lyns32uk(m): 4:28pm On Nov 10, 2020
It is not really useless. The popular vote you win in a state gives you the electoral votes of that state.

If you don't understand the electoral college system just say so .. Popular vote cannot make anyone US president it's just there for fancy
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by CORRECTMAN78(m): 4:30pm On Nov 10, 2020

I'm still searching for wise one among them

If you can't find even one wise person in a whole tribe, then you are unarguably one of the fools in your own tribe
Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by HallaDaTruth: 4:34pm On Nov 10, 2020
✅ Lots of names of people who died even as far back as 1803 were found voting for biden.
✅ Lots of multiple votes detected from just one person voting for biden.
✅ Number manipulated in favour of biden. E.g if 15000 people voted for biden, an extra 0 is added making it look like 150000
✅ Glitchy software was used in the voting. No matter the candidate you voted, it automatically sent your votes to biden.
✅ Observers were not allowed into most of the polling stations.
✅ Lots of Trump votes were thrown into dumpsters
✅ The military massively voted for Trump but there votes were not counted.
✅ Backdated mail in ballots were added to falsely boost biden numbers. And more.

Now you know why they don't want Trump to go to court.



Re: "It Means I Won" - Trump Reacts To Georgian Governor's Tweet by payloader(m): 4:43pm On Nov 10, 2020

Baba, show us facts that the election was rigged. The same question they’ve been asking Trump, show evidence that the election was rigged, he’s yet to bring out any fact. All he’s saying is that they should check again maybe they’ll see irregularities cos he can’t lose. I don’t know where he got the notion that he can’t lose. He’s asking for a recount in states that he lost but no need of a recount in states he won. Who does that?
Wait, till the electoral college final verdict.

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