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Sometimes The Ones We Love Don’t Have Sense! - Romance - Nairaland

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Sometimes The Ones We Love Don’t Have Sense! by Nobody: 7:38am On Nov 15, 2020
Love is a beautiful feeling, yes! A beautiful thing. It makes one high on hormones and gives us that butterfly feelings in the stomach. Love is passionate, tender, caring, unconditional, lively and fun.

Furthermore, love also has a way of making us act illogical or irrational. We do things we normally will never attempt if we were not under the influence. We permit and endure things we would never tolerate if not for love. It sometimes pushes us to act or behave in such a way we may not be so proud of and when we remember them later, we are like “I can’t believe I did that”. The irony is, when we fall in love again, we do worse! But that’s what makes it love and fun.

Love is a two way emotion and most of the time, we are not alone in the childish acts. Sometimes it’s the ones we love that are so high on hormones that they act as though there is no brain in their skull.

They behave like a week old babies, act like a clown when you are trying to discuss serious issues, Wake you crazy and scared in the middle of a sweet dream sleep just to say nothing, use up your phone battery and intentionally refuse to charge it, set traps for you around the house, just to startle you, send you on annoying errands, throw tantrums, display shenanigans, act funny or childish to the point you are thinking out loud like “this one is going crazy o” and then you laugh!

The reason behind these behaviours are not so far fetched, sometimes they just want to get on your nerves, sometimes it’s just for the fun of it, sometimes it’s the way they just are, sometimes they do it to add more life, spice and spontaneity to the relationship, other times your attention is just the main target.

These acts can be cute, funny, crazy, annoying, offensive or plain foolish however sometimes it could be just the right distraction you need at the time. Besides that is what makes love deep, passionate and memorable.

When it comes to love and emotions, you shouldn’t be too serious and rigid minded as to always see these things as annoying, offensive, foolish and irritating. Yes it could be, but sometimes its the only way they know how to express the emotions they feel for you. Besides these are the things you remember later and they turn to butterflies in your stomach.

Be flexible minded enough to accommodate the craze, stupidity and shenanigans in the one you love and cover for them where they lag or over do it. love brings out the child in us all and sometimes the ones we love don’t have sense, guess what? Love doesn’t have to make sense!

Source: https://flipmemes.com/2020/09/26/sometimes-the-ones-we-love-dont-have-sense/

Re: Sometimes The Ones We Love Don’t Have Sense! by Kalatium(m): 7:46am On Nov 15, 2020
Love is a beautiful feeling, yes! A beautiful thing. It makes one high on hormones and gives us that butterfly feelings in the stomach. Love is passionate, tender, caring, unconditional, lively and fun.

Furthermore, love also has a way of making us act illogical or irrational. We do things we normally will never attempt if we were not under the influence. We permit and endure things we would never tolerate if not for love. It sometimes pushes us to act or behave in such a way we may not be so proud of and when we remember them later, we are like “I can’t believe I did that”. The irony is, when we fall in love again, we do worse! But that’s what makes it love and fun.

Love is a two way emotion and most of the time, we are not alone in the childish acts. Sometimes it’s the ones we love that are so high on hormones that they act as though there is no brain in their skull.

They behave like a week old babies, act like a clown when you are trying to discuss serious issues, Wake you crazy and scared in the middle of a sweet dream sleep just to say nothing, use up your phone battery and intentionally refuse to charge it, set traps for you around the house, just to startle you, send you on annoying errands, throw tantrums, display shenanigans, act funny or childish to the point you are thinking out loud like “this one is going crazy o” and then you laugh!

The reason behind these behaviours are not so far fetched, sometimes they just want to get on your nerves, sometimes it’s just for the fun of it, sometimes it’s the way they just are, sometimes they do it to add more life, spice and spontaneity to the relationship, other times your attention is just the main target.

These acts can be cute, funny, crazy, annoying, offensive or plain foolish however sometimes it could be just the right distraction you need at the time. Besides that is what makes love deep, passionate and memorable.

When it comes to love and emotions, you shouldn’t be too serious and rigid minded as to always see these things as annoying, offensive, foolish and irritating. Yes it could be, but sometimes its the only way they know how to express the emotions they feel for you. Besides these are the things you remember later and they turn to butterflies in your stomach.

Be flexible minded enough to accommodate the craze, stupidity and shenanigans in the one you love and cover for them where they lag or over do it. love brings out the child in us all and sometimes the ones we love don’t have sense, guess what? Love doesn’t have to make sense!

Source: https://flipmemes.com/2020/09/26/sometimes-the-ones-we-love-dont-have-sense/

Love is very blind
Re: Sometimes The Ones We Love Don’t Have Sense! by LordIsaac(m): 7:47am On Nov 15, 2020
There's a limit to what I can tolerate even in love. True love goes hand in hand with discipline. Israel was sent to captivity and only returned after 400 years in spite of God's love. True love is not a recipe for stupidity else it will end in regret.
Re: Sometimes The Ones We Love Don’t Have Sense! by Kiddogarcia(m): 7:59am On Nov 15, 2020
Love is sweet if you can find a perfect balance to it,not .dating immature children and be calling it love,but no forget na we be your best plug for everything sexual enhancement
Re: Sometimes The Ones We Love Don’t Have Sense! by Davash222(m): 7:59am On Nov 15, 2020
LOVE... a word used by two fools to deceive themselves.

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