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Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech - Investment - Nairaland

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Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Nitric(m): 11:51am On May 09, 2020
I would like to get some insight into the workings of fintech companies here in Nigeria.

- Specifically I am interested in companies that have deployed loan apps eg Branch, Paylater, Sokoloan, Zedvance, Fastcredit etc.

- I am also interested in companies that process electronic transactions (payment of DSTV/GOTv subscription, Ikeja/Eko/Abuja/Enugu Electricity Distribution payments and solutions eg Paga, Quickteller, etc

- Agent banking services eg First Bank's Firstmonie

If you have worked in any company that was involved with any of the above please provide a brief description of the internal processes, minimum capital required, licences and regulation etc.

I want only people who have first hand experience and have a firm grasp of the processes especially if you were in Operations, Finance or Marketing

I will contact you privately to get additional information if I'm convinced that you have the level of experience and knowledge I require
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Nitric(m): 5:45pm On May 12, 2020
I'm still expecting responses
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Mannyemmy(m): 7:34pm On May 19, 2020
I'm still expecting responses
Send me your contact to my mail
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Mannyemmy(m): 8:58pm On May 19, 2020
I would like to get some insight into the workings of fintech companies here in Nigeria.

- Specifically I am interested in companies that have deployed loan apps eg Branch, Paylater, Sokoloan, Zedvance, Fastcredit etc.

- I am also interested in companies that process electronic transactions (payment of DSTV/GOTv subscription, Ikeja/Eko/Abuja/Enugu Electricity Distribution payments and solutions eg Paga, Quickteller, etc

- Agent banking services eg First Bank's Firstmonie

If you have worked in any company that was involved with any of the above please provide a brief description of the internal processes, minimum capital required, licences and regulation etc.

I want only people who have first hand experience and have a firm grasp of the processes especially if you were in Operations, Finance or Marketing

I will contact you privately to get additional information if I'm convinced that you have the level of experience and knowledge I require
To answer your questions,
Fintech industry is rapidly growing in Nigeria and it's really not quite difficult to start if you're capital intensive. I'll give you a brief overview.
For many young Nigerians and business owners, fintechs have made payments easier, lending quicker and wealth management more relatable competing against traditional financial institutions.
Nigeria's fintech space is unique compared to that of South Africa or Kenya – the two other fintech hubs in Africa. Kenya had an early start, while Nigeria is yet to have a telco-led MMO (though this is expected soon). South Africa has a large and sophisticated financial and banking sector, and over the years the top-four largest banks in Africa have been South African banks while Nigeria is ranked in the third class of banking in Africa.
The major challenges of the fintech companies in Nigeria is lack of access to Nigerian capital market and the regulatory framework. In Nigeria, there is really no specific fintech licensing requirements.
As regards the regulations, it's quite complicated.
As regards the license cost, the actual licence cost between ₦50,000 and ₦2 million, it all depends... But if it's the likes of Branch, Paylater etc as you have earlier aforementioned, I believe it won't cost much and as a matter of fact you can even startup your fintech platform without obtaining the license if only you have good relationship with the bank you're going to affiliate with.
The capital needed for the establishment of a standard fintech platform that offers features such as send, receive and request money, pay bills such as electricity bills, sports betting, cable TV subscription, airtime topup, data purchases, agent banking services etc is about 5M to 15M depending on your outreach and definitely some other unique features to distinguish you from other financial services.
I hope this helps.

For further information, you can send me a mail to masterekundayo@gmail.com

Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Nitric(m): 9:30pm On May 19, 2020

To answer your questions,
Fintech industry is rapidly growing in Nigeria and it's really not quite difficult to start if you're capital intensive. I'll give you a brief overview.
For many young Nigerians and business owners, fintechs have made payments easier, lending quicker and wealth management more relatable competing against traditional financial institutions.
Nigeria's fintech space is unique compared to that of South Africa or Kenya – the two other fintech hubs in Africa. Kenya had an early start, while Nigeria is yet to have a telco-led MMO (though this is expected soon). South Africa has a large and sophisticated financial and banking sector, and over the years the top-four largest banks in Africa have been South African banks while Nigeria is ranked in the third class of banking in Africa.
The major challenges of the fintech companies in Nigeria is lack of access to Nigerian capital market and the regulatory framework. In Nigeria, there is really no specific fintech licensing requirements.
As regards the regulations, it's quite complicated.
As regards the license cost, the actual licence cost between ₦50,000 and ₦2 million, it all depends... But if it's the likes of Branch, Paylater etc as you have earlier aforementioned, I believe it won't cost much and as a matter of fact you can even startup your fintech platform without obtaining the license if only you have good relationship with the bank you're going to affiliate with.
The capital needed for the establishment of a standard fintech platform that offers features such as send, receive and request money, pay bills such as electricity bills, sports betting, cable TV subscription, airtime topup, data purchases, agent banking services etc is about 5M to 15M depending on your outreach and definitely some other unique features to distinguish you from other financial services.
I hope this helps.

For further information, you can send me a mail to masterekundayo@gmail.com


Your response is quite detailed and confirms some of information I have been able to get from other sources.

Thanks a lot
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Mannyemmy(m): 9:55pm On May 19, 2020

Your response is quite detailed and confirms some of information I have been able to get from other sources.

Thanks a lot
Just in case, I run a startup digital company and we can get the project done for you uniquely. I have got some good and perfect strategies as regards the fintech platform.
You can mail me if interested.
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Mannyemmy(m): 5:22pm On May 20, 2020

Your response is quite detailed and confirms some of information I have been able to get from other sources.

Thanks a lot
Nitric, Can you invest in a standard and unique startup fintech company and we have a signed deal? We don't mind registering the said business with your personal and corporate details.
My tech startup was actually developing a very professional and standard uniquely fintech platform but stopped some time ago due to some monetary limitations for the marketing strategies we planned. We can provide you some working demos for clarification.
We do have a good knowledge of how it's being run in Nigeria as most of us including myself has worked for some fintech companies in Nigeria.
For more info, please send me a mail.
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Nitric(m): 2:19pm On May 21, 2020

Nitric, Can you invest in a standard and unique startup fintech company and we have a signed deal? We don't mind registering the said business with your personal and corporate details.
My tech startup was actually developing a very professional and standard uniquely fintech platform but stopped some time ago due to some monetary limitations for the marketing strategies we planned. We can provide you some working demos for clarification.
We do have a good knowledge of how it's being run in Nigeria as most of us including myself has worked for some fintech companies in Nigeria.
For more info, please send me a mail.

What is your email address please?
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Mannyemmy(m): 2:34pm On May 21, 2020

What is your email address please?
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Mannyemmy(m): 9:55pm On May 21, 2020

Nitric Still awaiting your mail.
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Nitric(m): 12:50am On May 27, 2020

Nitric Still awaiting your mail.

So sorry, I have been very busy.

I will contact you today
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Mannyemmy(m): 10:48am On May 27, 2020

So sorry, I have been very busy.

I will contact you today
Okay, waiting.
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Nitric(m): 12:39pm On May 27, 2020

Okay, waiting.

I already sent you an email a while ago.

Please check your inbox
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Mannyemmy(m): 2:27pm On May 27, 2020

I already sent you an email a while ago.

Please check your inbox
Sent you a reply.
Awaiting your feedback.
Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by mcameo: 9:06pm On Nov 29, 2020

Hope you sorted out the fintech investment, I would be interested.

Email: mike.cameo@yahoo.com

Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Nitric(m): 11:17am On Dec 04, 2020

Hope you sorted out the fintech investment, I would be interested.

Email: mike.cameo@yahoo.com


Thank you for reaching out Mike but I have suspended the project for the time being

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