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What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them - Islam for Muslims (4) - Nairaland

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Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by factwriter(m): 12:48pm On Dec 25, 2020
grin grin
I clicked mistakenly. I do not accept islam neither do I believe in their prophet. I believe in Onky JESUS AS MY LORD AND SAVIOUR. HE THAT DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD IS CONDEMED ALREADY. I am disappointed in the admin for putting declaration statement on a muslim post but not on a christian or circular post. It shows you are bias. For approving this kind of post, its shows you are sentimental and a bias bigot. Right your wrong.

I clicked mistakenly. I do not accept islam neither do I believe in their prophet. I believe in Onky JESUS AS MY LORD AND SAVIOUR. HE THAT DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD IS CONDEMED ALREADY. I am disappointed in the admin for putting declaration statement on a muslim post but not on a christian or circular post. It shows you are bias. For approving this kind of post, its shows you are sentimental and a bias bigot. Right your wrong.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by etrouble: 1:12pm On Dec 25, 2020
Lukgaf, We don't beg you to wish us MERRY CHRISTMAS or celebrate it with us.. For the fact that Quran your book testifies about My LORD JESUS CHRIST that IS ALIVE till today while your messenger in person of Late Muhammad was disapointed by his god allah, directly or indirectly you must celebrate Jesus Christ..

Please this your Lord Jesus that is alive, kindly post his address so that I can visit him and celebrate his birthday with him. Abi person no fit visit am?
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by etrouble: 1:13pm On Dec 25, 2020
Useless people

This is how generational madness starts
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by etrouble: 1:14pm On Dec 25, 2020
Islam mean terrorism

Christianity means Slavery and Homosexuality
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by etrouble: 1:18pm On Dec 25, 2020

Firstly, Pristine Islam doesn't approve celebrating the birthday of any prophet; not Muhammad son of Abdullaah and not Eesaa son of Maryam (Solat and Salam of Allaah be upon them). All those celebrating it are only following their whims because of the money they get from their gullible followers. Even they know for sure that it's manifest error.

Secondly, the so-called birthday of Jesus has no proof in the book you carry around. So where did you get it from.

Thirdly, Eesaa bn Maryam never celebrated this pagan festival and neither did his disciples. Even one of your posts on front page explain that it's a fairly recent festival.

Guy, why you dey do like this nah? You no dey enjoy the holiday and the free food and free pusssies for fuccckking? I beg, let the ignorance continue nah. Lies and deceptions that have been going on for over 2,000 years, why do you want to burst the bubble nah? Don’t you enjoy watching fools and idiots clowning around?
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by Skmoda360(m): 2:01pm On Dec 25, 2020
Islam is a terror to d world. There should be a separate planet where only Muslims will live, kill, bomb, behead and rape themselves. Religion generally is useless thing but I've never seen a useless religion more than Islam, they hv no place in dis modern world. Everything about them is off, stupid and smells of death. I don't blame them anyway, d mohammed they look up to was a rapist, terrorist, robber, killer, and a useless piece of shit who should be burnt alive inside hot oil. Mohammed is useless, foolish and an animal, so also all their followers. They don't like Christians but they will troop to Christian countries after destroying theirs with bomb. look at Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and many more, what more do u need to know dat Islam is a nonsense religion. MOHAMMED IS A COW, AN IDIOT
Gbas gbos from you brother.....take it easy on them.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by budaatum: 2:07pm On Dec 25, 2020

Firstly, Pristine Islam doesn't approve celebrating the birthday of any prophet; not Muhammad son of Abdullaah and not Eesaa son of Maryam (Solat and Salam of Allaah be upon them). All those celebrating it are only following their whims because of the money they get from their gullible followers. Even they know for sure that it's manifest error.

Secondly, the so-called birthday of Jesus has no proof in the book you carry around. So where did you get it from.

Thirdly, Eesaa bn Maryam never celebrated this pagan festival and neither did his disciples. Even one of your posts on front page explain that it's a fairly recent festival.
It's an opportunity to teach about them, Muhammad son of Abdullaah and Eesaa son of Maryam (Solat and Salam of Allaah be upon them), all part of ensuring we don't forget their lessons.

A good thing I'd think. Unless one wants to deprive the poor.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by Nobody: 2:33pm On Dec 25, 2020
I don't have time for silly takes this early morning.

Religion truly opium for the Poor grin

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Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by kingsvictor2: 2:51pm On Dec 25, 2020

Ode, for them to be killing Muslims ur cerebellum supposed to tell u that it has nothing to do with Islam, those who mastermind terrorism are not Muslim but using Islam to deceive guilible fools like you that can't reason deeply, if Terrorism is Islamic agenda BH won't even stay in North killing fellow Muslims..... Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam but using Islam as carmoflauge to tanish the image of Islam.
speak grammar all u like, u can't separate Islam and terrorism. Boko haram ain't Muslims, who are they? Christians or Judaic?

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Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by Newnas(m): 3:37pm On Dec 25, 2020

It's an opportunity to teach about them, Muhammad son of Abdullaah and Eesaa son of Maryam (Solat and Salam of Allaah be upon them), all part of ensuring we don't forget their lessons.

A good thing I'd think. Unless one wants to deprive the poor.

Rather every part of the year should be used without specifying or restricting to any particular time.

Specifying a time for an act of worship must be based on revelation.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by Kkola: 3:38pm On Dec 25, 2020
My Teacher's Jumu'ah Message

Salām alaykum

*Christmas Celebrations*

Today, 25th December is celebrated as the Xmas Day by many Christians world wide. In spite of that, there are many other Christians who are not celebrating this day as the birthday of Jesus. They are of the opinion that he was born in either June or October. This controversy is difficult to resolve because neither the bible nor historical documents state the exact date of his birth. The Christian bodies hold different views.

The God Kingdom Society (GKS), for example, says Jesus was not born in December but October and that it is a pagan festival dedicated to the god Saturn, which was "later adopted by early Christian leaders with the motive of converting pagans."

The Jehovah Witness does not celebrate Xmas on the same basis as GKS. Seventh Day Adventist church is also against it because it is a pagan ritual. Both Deeper Life and Mountain of Fire Ministries (MFM) do not celebrate it. They all call attention to the Bible, Luke 22:19, wherein Jesus said during the Last Supper " Do this in remembrance of me". Xmas was not mentioned as one of the things Christians should do to remember Jesus. We can then conclude safely that Xmas celebration is not biblical.

That notwithstanding, majority of Christians worldwide commemorate the birth of Jesus on the 25th December every year. Majority of Nigerian Christians do celebrate it.
As some Christians refrain from celebrating Xmas and call on people not to join them in the celebration, some Muslims have joined them by also calling on all Muslims to distance themselves from its celebration because it is _Kufr_ ; they call on Muslims not to interact with Christians, not to sell anything to them or patronise them in any way that could promote the celebration of Xmas. Some even call on proprietors of Muslim schools not to observe Xmas day as a public holiday.

The point needs to be made that Islam believes in multicultural, multifaith and pluralistic society where no group would claim absolute exclusiveness of others. Muslims and Christians live together in this country, Nigeria, sharing many things in common, including family, inter-marriage, work place, profession, business, political association and of course, neighborhood. Social interactions inevitably occur between Muslims and Christians. There is no segregation or ostracization as they do many things in common, including greetings and exchange of food and drinks during festive occasions.

Islam, as we all know, loves peaceful coexistence. It is an embodiment of peace. It promotes peace and spreads peace through greetings and demeanour. It allows Muslims to eat lawful ( _halāl_ ) food of Christians and Jews, while it makes the food of Muslims lawful for them, too (Q5:5). The food and drinks served during Christmas can not be an exception. The food is not dedicated to any god or idol, neither is any animal sacrificed to any god nor required to be so done by Christianity.
In point of fact, many Christians do not even slaughter any animal but chicken or turkey mainly to entertain their guests and for domestic consumption. Q5:3 which some Muslims invoke as justification for declaring Xmas food as _harām__ is irrelevant. Q5:5 declares Christian food lawful for Muslims to consume. It is _halāl_ as long as it does not contain any _harām_ item.

On greetings, Islam does not teach us not to respond to the greetings of non-Muslims, not even during their festivals. Instead, the Qur'an (Q4:86) says whenever we are greeted we should respond in a better way, or in the same manner. When a Christian says " Merry Xmas to you", you greet him back saying "Merry Xmas to you", or we simply say " Thank you". Islam does not teach us to keep mute when someone greets us. Those who say that we should not respond to Christian's greetings have no Qur'anic support. They rely on the opinion of some scholars (not all scholars), not the Qur'an, not even any sound _hadith_ . No human opinion is required once the Qur'an and the Prophet have ruled on any matter (Q33:36).

Peaceful interfaith coexistence is the norm in Islam, not exclusiveness, as long as other faiths do not show any sign of hatred, hostility, aggression or suppression to Muslims. Q 60:7-9 is quite explicit on this position. See also Q8:61.

Q9:6 encourages Muslims to accommodate or provide protection for _Mushrik_ ( a polytheist) and make his stay comfortable, perchance he could see the beauty of Islam through the nice manner he is treated by his Muslim host and accept Islam.

Good neighbourliness is stressed in Islam (Q4:36) irrespective of the neighbours' religions. They all have rights on us in order to sustain peaceful coexistence in the
society. Islam advocates and maintains peaceful coexistence where adherents of different religions practise their religions freely unhindered. We Muslims however have the duty of inculcating Islamic values and culture in our youth in particular and the family in general. Let them understand Islam, let them appreciate Islam. Let them imbibe Islamic values and prefer them over and above any other. Do not allow them to visit father Xmas or attend Children Xmas Party.
We Muslims should not think that Christians will embrace Islam simply because we boycott them and by not extending our hands of fellowship to them. Everyone will not and can not be Muslims. It is not the design of Allah that everyone should become a Muslim (Q10:99). What should be paramount to us is the protection of our religious rights and freedom. Other people, too, should be allowed to enjoy their religious freedom and rights (Q109). Islam maintains that there is no compulsion in religion and everyone should be allowed to practise his religion freely as truth is distinct from falsehood (Q2:256).

_In_shā'a_Allah_ , we shall discuss January 1 celebration next week.


Prof. Yasir Anjola Quadri, Ilorin.
10th Jumādal Awwal 1442 / 25th December 2020


Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by ANTIlSLAM(m): 4:10pm On Dec 25, 2020

Please this your Lord Jesus that is alive, kindly post his address so that I can visit him and celebrate his birthday with him. Abi person no fit visit am?

Why Not Look For A Needby Transformer And Do The Needful, Straightttt To Heaven The Abode Of Jesus Christ

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Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by ANTIlSLAM(m): 4:18pm On Dec 25, 2020
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46 and Luke 15:34

That was Jesus on the cross lamenting why he had been forsaken, yet, you people said he willingly died for your sin.

Why would God be questioning himself?
The Same Quran in Chapter 3 verse 55 says Jesus is alive, why NOT question your god allah that abandoned Muhammad ROTTED in grave or are you pained because your messenger died a shameful and disgraceful death?

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Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by ANTIlSLAM(m): 4:26pm On Dec 25, 2020

Where did Allah disappoint Muhammad and appoint Jesus in the Quran?

Simply because Muhammad disboyed his god allah on many occasions. allah commanded maximum of four wives for Muslim men, Muhammad had over ten wives not mentioning numbers of concubines

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Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by Sirjamo: 5:08pm On Dec 25, 2020

The Same Quran in Chapter 3 verse 55 says Jesus is alive, why NOT question your god allah that abandoned Muhammad ROTTED in grave or are you pained because your messenger died a shameful and disgraceful death?
And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes Judgment. Hebrew 9:27

Jesus will die in his second coming, you will not believe this but the Bible proves it that Jesus did not die on that cross 2000 years ago. He himself says man will only die once and followed by judgment.

Nothing shameful about the death of our beloved prophet, he lived for 65 years, longer than Christ who lived for 33
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by lebete3000: 5:29pm On Dec 25, 2020

Simply because Muhammad disboyed his god allah on many occasions. allah commanded maximum of four wives for Muslim men, Muhammad had over ten wives not mentioning numbers of concubines

I think you're deficient in simple comprehension. undecided
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by budaatum: 5:42pm On Dec 25, 2020

Rather every part of the year should be used without specifying or restricting to any particular time.
But as is written, just one word is sufficient for the salvation of some. It's not as if everyone is perfectly diligently thinking Jesus Mohammad all the time. I mean, bread got to get put on the table and all but I guess one can do God any and all the time.

Specifying a time for an act of worship must be based on revelation.
I agree with the previous more. All the time, and not, when revealed to me since I have the option to be blind to revelations.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by HAJJIMUKHTAR: 7:05pm On Dec 25, 2020
I'm a muslim but pls always let promote peace. That's what the world needs right now
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by Alennsar(f): 7:05pm On Dec 25, 2020

Left to you northerners you're the ones practicing the real Islam and the others are fake Muslims, you equate your hausa/fulani traditional beliefs and think that those who don't follow that part are unbelievers. Look at how you're pushing a stupid tribal narrative. You're sick in the head.

Don't kill yourself over my post because I am also from the south west.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by Nobody: 7:24pm On Dec 25, 2020

Don't kill yourself over my post because I am also from the south west.

Then your generalising post is very stupid of you. Very stupid and unislamic.

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Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by FIRDAUS3(m): 7:45pm On Dec 25, 2020
Jazaakumlahu khairan jaza.
Thanks for the write up.
May Allaah, in His Infinite mercy bestow you more knowledge.

Islam is the way of Life
Alhamdulilahi for being a conscious Muslim.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by Alennsar(f): 7:46pm On Dec 25, 2020
u hv more problems facing u more than Christmas. Speak up against ur fellow brothers boko haram, they should be d thorn on ur flesh not Christmas. what am I even saying when all of u guys are terrorists. Religion of piss

Tbh I don't have any problem but maybe you do have a problem, I don't know.
Thank you for calling us all terrorists but I believe no Muslim in your neighborhood has killed any Christian like boko boys are doing now right?

The truth about who really is boko haram will be revealed on the day of judgement and until then let the lord be our judge.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by TerrorSquad147: 8:07pm On Dec 25, 2020
lol, Islam that establishes it's religion on the pillar of the prophets sees a problem celebrating the birth of Jesus the acclaimed prophet but have no qualms celebrating the birth of Mohamed.

It would be great if Islamic almajiris would know this so that they keep off the street today instead of looking for Christmas leftovers and plates to lick
I didn't even bother answering any of those beggars today, after all it's a sin for them to collect gifts from Christians celebrating.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by TerrorSquad147: 8:10pm On Dec 25, 2020

Don't copy dia wedding's as well, white wedding originated from Christianity.Many Muslim do this not knowing that they are commiting Haram.Some young Muslim women are obsessed with White wedding.

Don't travel abroad,avoid anything and everything that will make u leave together with infidels.Don't send ur kids,wife and family to Asia, Europe and America.Send them to Saudi,Yemen or Oman instead.

hahahaha grin cheesy grin cheesy
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by TerrorSquad147: 8:24pm On Dec 25, 2020

Sometimes it is better not to waste your time explaining things to them because they know the truth, they are just trying to conceal it.

Alhamdulillah. Since seven years ago when I just came to my neighborhood in Abuja here, it was a great deal for my christian neighbors to accept the fact that I don't accept Christmas food or even wish anyone such but now they are the ones telling the others who are not aware that I don't take Christmas foods. I can't remember the last time any of them mistakenly wish me happy Christmas or new year. It's always the normal days greeting and we are doing well with each other. The problem with most Muslims is that they are too timid to stand up for what they believe in especially people from southwest. May Allah aid us.
you're a religious extremist, not different from terrorists and bandits. I'm sure you're even planning on how to execute every non-muslim where you stay due to religious differences. A time will come where nowhere will be safe for you and your kind, just watch out.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by whitedove(m): 8:55pm On Dec 25, 2020
To be honest, whatever we do ;there must be conscious effort to love our fellow humans,at the heart of what Christ came for is LOVE,this love was demonstrated by God by giving His Best to the entire mankind whether you are Muslim,gentile black or White.
My point is if your religion does not exude Love,your act of worship is nothing and unacceptable or how else do you claim to Know Allah that you can't see;If you can't show Love to your fellow humans.

I am not a Muslim,I love people.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by DeAlphaMale(m): 9:31pm On Dec 25, 2020
The only thing I know is that whichever religion practiced is a scam be it islam or Christianity... Because none of us reflect what's been taught in our big books... If at all there's a God out there I'm sure he'll be disappointed by the level of idiocy and hypocrisy enveloping the human kind... At last ur religion can't guarantee your salvation so why the unnecessary bickering?
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by DeAlphaMale(m): 9:39pm On Dec 25, 2020
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46 and Luke 15:34

That was Jesus on the cross lamenting why he had been forsaken, yet, you people said he willingly died for your sin.

Why would God be questioning himself?
I urge you to tell the full story... Jesus later rose up from the dead... I'm sure your muhammad didn't
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by DeAlphaMale(m): 9:43pm On Dec 25, 2020

Mumu, as if bokoharam no bomb people in mosque times without number, it's still on record that bokoharam kills more Muslims than Christians...
Cause there isn't much Christians to kill again
Their initial attacks were centered on Christians
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by kingsvictor2: 9:48pm On Dec 25, 2020

Tbh I don't have any problem but maybe you do have a problem, I don't know.
Thank you for calling us all terrorists but I believe no Muslim in your neighborhood has killed any Christian like boko boys are doing now right?

The truth about who really is boko haram will be revealed on the day of judgement and until then let the lord be our judge.
mentality of fools, waiting for judgement day while they die daily. D sound of allahu akbar and d blasting of a bomb go simultaneously.
Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by Alennsar(f): 7:14am On Dec 26, 2020
you're a religious extremist, not different from terrorists and bandits. I'm sure you're even planning on how to execute every non-muslim where you stay due to religious differences. A time will come where nowhere will be safe for you and your kind, just watch out.

you lots don't like the truth and it is always like poison to you. so now I am a terrorist because I refuse to compromise in my religion?
I know quite a number of Christian who don't believe or celebrate Christmas perhaps they are terrorist too. and do you know that those who bring their food to you have other people in their list whom they will like to share the food for but they gave me preference over them out of respect, will it not be better to reject it with honesty and let those who need it more than me get it?

a lot of Christian accept Muslim festive food then disposed it in the bin later, and a lot of Muslims are doing the same as well. what's the need for pretending when you have a better option?

l am not surprised anyways because the human nature hates anything about truthfulness and that is why we are always falling victims to our enemy.

I don't hate any Christian but I stand for what I believed in and I am obeying the laws of my religion. "open rebuke is far better than secret love aware"


Re: What Islam Says About Non-muslims Holiday And Celebrating Them by LO18(m): 7:29am On Dec 26, 2020
And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes Judgment. Hebrew 9:27

Jesus will die in his second coming, you will not believe this but the Bible proves it that Jesus did not die on that cross 2000 years ago. He himself says man will only die once and followed by judgment.

Nothing shameful about the death of our beloved prophet, he lived for 65 years, longer than Christ who lived for 33
don't be deceived Sir.Jesus is very much alive and can never ever die because HE is not mortal like us.HE was not conceived by flesh and blood like you and I and HE is my father and God.He is also your father and God and that of every religion and atheist.You & everyone doubting this should just ask God for an Encounter and you will find out that you have been manipulated by the devil to feel otherwise and have been fighting your one FATHER,THE REAL GOD.I pray you and everyone who are desperate to know the REAL GOD receive Divine Encounter to bring an end to every doubt and deceit.

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